2016 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE 2016), 20-22 October, Iasi, Romania H-Infinity Control of Automatic Vehicle Steering Razvan C. Rafaila Gheorghe Livint Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Applied Informatics "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University Iasi, Romania razvan.rafaila@gmail.com Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Applied Informatics "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University Iasi, Romania glivint@tuiasi.ro Abstract— The purpose of this paper is the development of II. H ∞ control strategy for the autonomous steering of ground Typically, vehicle dynamics refer to vehicle motion in longitudinal and lateral directions. Longitudinal dynamics concern the vehicle behavior while accelerating, braking and traction properties of the wheels on different road surfaces under different conditions. Lateral dynamics is governed by the vehicle stability analysis, cornering and road keeping. The single-track model or bicycle model is widely used in the study of vehicle motion and control [10], [11], and is also adopted in this paper. In Fig. 1, the vehicle model is represented. The dynamic model can be written using the following differential equations: vehicles. The focus is only on steering maneuvers, while the vehicle is driving at constant speed. The obtained simulation results show that the proposed H ∞ control approach could provide very good performances in practical use. Keywords—robust control; autonomous control; vehicle model; loop-shaping I. vehicles; VEHICLE DYNAMICS MODELLING lateral INTRODUCTION The automotive community is focusing more and more to bring complete autonomous vehicles to market. Intensive research is carried out in both academic and industry fields for new control concepts in order to tackle this task. The challenges of implementing a best suited control system for autonomous vehicles is the fact that the controller needs to provide best performances in driving both longitudinal and lateral vehicle dynamics, in the same time without decreasing the passengers comfort and especially safety. In this situation, the control system stability and robustness becomes crucial in the development of autonomous vehicles. mx = myψ + 2 Fxf + 2 Fxr , my = − mxψ + 2 Fyf + 2 Fyr , (1) Iψ = 2aFyf − 2bFrf , where Fxf is the longitudinal force of the front wheel tire, Fxr is the longitudinal force of the rear wheel tire, Fyf is the lateral force of the front wheel tire, and Fyr is the lateral force of the Research in automatic driving is ongoing for some years and functionalities of partial autonomy are already available in series production which are contributing to driver safety and comfort, and interested readers may refer to [1], [2]. rear wheel tire. The states of the vehicle are as follows: the longitudinal position x , the lateral position y and the yaw angle ψ . Finally m , I , a and b are the vehicle mass, vehicle inertia, distance from the front axle to the center of gravity and distance from the rear axle to the center of gravity. Multiple control system approaches are already studied in academy and industry for the control of automatic driving vehicles, and many of them rely on advanced control techniques such as nonlinear control [3], robust control [4], [5] and model predictive control [6], [7], [8], and [9]. It should be noted that the degrees of freedom of the nonlinear model described by (1), are considered in the vehicle coordinate system, which is centered in the vehicle's center of gravity. An inertial representation of the vehicle motion can be obtained by changing these coordinates to the inertial coordinate system. In this paper the loop shaping design method of an H ∞ controller is adopted, and the obtained closed loop performance is studied in vehicle trajectory following. The desired trajectory of the vehicle is considered already known., also it is assumed that all needed sensors for measuring the vehicle motion and actuators are available in the vehicle. Inclusion of all these aspects is subject to future contributions. The tire forces can be obtained by using the nonlinear Pacejka Tire Model [12], [13], using the longitudinal slip values - for calculating Fxf , Fxr , and the slip angles - for calculating Fyf , Fyr . The Pacejka Tire Model tire model also The rest of this paper is structured as follows: in Section II. a short description of vehicle nonlinear dynamics and modelling is presented; the H ∞ control design by loop-shaping method is presented Section III; simulation results are presented in section IV, and de conclusions are given in Section V. includes the influences that the normal forces acting on the front and rear axles, and describes the tire forces as: 978-1-5090-6128-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 European Union 031 Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KURUKSHETRA. Downloaded on February 10,2021 at 22:03:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Fxf = f xf (α f , κ f , Fzf ), Fxr = f xr (α r , κ r , Fzr ), Fyf = f yf (α f , κ f , Fzf ), Fyr = f yr (α r , κ r , Fzr ), Using the linear model described by (5) with (3) and (4), the state-space formulation of the model gives: (2) z ( t ) = Az ( t ) + Bu ( t ) where α f denotes the front tire slip angle, α r is the rear tire y ( t ) = Cz ( t ) slip angle, κ f is the longitudinal slip of the front tire, κ r is the longitudinal slip of the rear tire, and Fzf , Fzr are the normal , (6) with forces acting on the front and rear axels. The nonlinearities that have the highest impact in the vehicle dynamics, described by equations (2), arise from the tire models, as the tire forces are highly nonlinear for high slip quantities, which can occur when the vehicle drives over slippery roads. The presented nonlinear model will be further used to validate the controller performance. For brevity, the nonlinear model will not be presented here, and interested readers may refer to [7], [8], [12] and [13] for more information regarding the vehicle nonlinear modelling. 1 0 0 − 2C yf + 2C yr mVx A= 0 0 0 − 2aC yf − 2bC yr IVx 0 2C yf m B= ,C 0 2aC yf I 2aC yf − 2bC yr 0 −Vx − mVx , 0 1 2 2 2a C yf + 2b C yr 0 − IVx 0 1 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 and z = [ y , y ,ψ ,ψ ] is the state vector, u = δ and y are the input and the output vector of the model, where δ is the front wheel steering angle. For more details interested readers may refer to [10] and [11]. T III. Fig. 1. Vehicle single-track model DESIGN In control theory, robust control concerns the design of controllers, developed explicitly to account for the process uncertainties. For the proposed control design, a liniarization of the nonlinear vehicle model is done, considering constant vehicle speed. This linear model can be obtained by making linear approximations of the tire forces, of the form: Fyf = C yf α f , Fyr = C yr α r , where C yf and C yr The “standard” H ∞ optimal control problem is concerned with the feedback system shown in Fig. 2, where w represents the system inputs (setpoint and disturbance), y is the available measurement, u is the control signal, and e is an error signal that needs to be minimized. Considering the general case of the multivariable systems, the plant is described by the transfer matrix G , while H is the controller. In H ∞ context, G represents not only the conventional plant to be controlled but also any weighting functions included to specify the desired performance, which will be discussed later. Suppose that G is partitioned consistent with the inputs w , u and outputs e and y as: (3) represent the cornering stiffness coefficients characterizing the front and rear tires. Using small angle approximations, the tire slip angles can be calculated as: αf =δ − y + aψ y − bψ , αr = , x x (4) Finally, considering constant vehicle speed, the nonlinear model described by (1) can be linearized to the form: my = −mVxψ + 2Fyf + 2 Fyr , Iψ = 2aFyf − 2bFrf , LOOP SHAPING METHOD FOR H-INFINITY CONTROL G ( s) G12 (s) G(s) = 11 G21 ( s) G22 ( s) (5) (7) Then, the resulting transfer function of the closed loop is given by: where Vx = x represents the longitudinal vehicle speed. 032 Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KURUKSHETRA. Downloaded on February 10,2021 at 22:03:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Twe = G11 + G12 H ( I − G22 H )−1 G12 (8) S ( jω ) ≤ ε , ∀ω ≤ ω0 S ( jω ) ≤ M , ∀ω > ω0 (13) where S is given by (10). Although this is generally applicable, it is convenient to formulate the same performance criteria using a weight function w given as a transfer function, as follows: w( jω ) S ( jω ) ≤ 1, ∀ω Fig. 2. H ∞ feedback control system with It should be reminded that the singular values of a multivariable system, give a measure of the amplitude of the respective system, and enable frequency domain analysis. For SISO systems, the singular values are equivalent with the Bode plot of the system. The H ∞ norm of a given system G is defined as G ∞ sup σ ( G ( jω ) ) 1/ ε , ∀ω ≤ ω0 w( jω ) = 1/ M , ∀ω > ω0 Applying such weighting functions on all the transfer functions (10) to (12), the closed loop performance of the system can be specified and tuned. (9) ω∈ Considering such weighting functions, the original plant that needs to be controlled can be augmented for the H ∞ control design. The obtained closed loop structure, for the augmented plant can be seen in Fig. 3. where σ ( A ) represents the largest singular value of matrix A . Essentially, this means that the H ∞ norm gives a measure of the frequency gain of the system G . Thus the H ∞ control problem is to design the stabilizing controller H , that interacting with the plant, minimizes the H ∞ norm of the closed loop transfer function, i.e. Twe (14) ∞ . This can be achieved by setting a certain threshold γ ∈ [1,1.5] such that Twe ∞ ≤γ . One H ∞ control design approach is the "loop shaping" method, and interested readers may refer to [14], [15] and [16]. For simplicity, consider a SISO closed loop system. It is well known that in the closed loop control system can be characterized by the following transfer functions: S (s) = 1 1 + H ( s )G ( s ) H (s) R( s) = 1 + H ( s)G ( s ) G0 ( s ) = H ( s )G ( s ) 1 + H ( s )G ( s ) (10) Fig. 3. (11) Having the performance specifications of the closed loop system in time domain, the equivalent specifications from frequency domain can be derived. Based on these frequency specifications, the weighting functions can be designed as follows: (12) Equation (10) describes the "sensitivity function" of the control system, and (12) describes the overall closed loop transfer function or "complementary sensitivity function". The H ∞ design approach makes use of the functions described by (10) to (12), by imposing the desired frequency behavior of each of these functions. For example, the performance of a given closed loop system can be specified as requiring: H ∞ closed loop with augmented plant k s / k M s + ωb w1 ( s ) = s + ωb k ε1 s + ωbc / k M u w2 ( s ) = k ε 2 s + ωbc (14) k (15) 033 Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KURUKSHETRA. Downloaded on February 10,2021 at 22:03:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. s + ωb 0 / k M 0 w3 ( s ) = k ε 3 s + ωb 0 The calculation of the controller can then be made by using Riccati approach or the LMI approach, see [14],[15]. Under certain assumptions of controller existence and simplicity, which are skipped here for brevity, the following theorems can be formulated. k (16) where, ωb is the system bandwidth, M s is the peak sensitivity, ωbc is the controller bandwidth, M u is the peak gain of the controller, ωb 0 is the closed loop bandwidth, and M 0 is the peak gain of the closed loop system. ε1 , ε 2 and ε 3 Theorem 1: There exists a controller H such that Twe if and only if: A γ −2 B1 B1T − B2 B2T T − AT −C1 C1 eigenvalues on the imaginary axis; ∗ (1) the matrix need to be set to small values. Increasing the parameter k ∈ results in a steeper rolloff of the frequency response of each weighting function. (2) The function w1 is used to weight S , w2 is used to weight R and w3 is used to weight G0 , as follows: S ( jω ) ≤ 1 w1 ( jω ) (17) R( jω ) ≤ 1 w2 ( jω ) (18) 1 w3 ( jω ) (19) G0 ( jω ) ≤ there X ∞ A + A X ∞ + X ∞ (γ (4) the T w1S , w2 R, w3G0 ∞ + C1T C1 such C1T C1 that =0; Y∞ > 0 T − C2 C2 )Y∞ + B1 B1T exists −2 ≤γ , has no has no such that =0; (5) the spectral radius ρ ( X ∞Y∞ ) < γ 2 . Theorem 2: If the necessary and sufficient conditions of Theorem 1 the obtained controller has the following form: A∞ H = F ∞ − Z ∞ L∞ 0 (23) where (20) F∞ = − B2T X ∞ L∞ = −Y∞ C2T (24) Z ∞ = ( I − γ −2Y∞ X ∞ )−1 A∞ = A + B1 B1T X ∞γ −2 + B2 F∞ + Z ∞ L∞ C2 w1S = w2 R w3G0 control H∞ there AY∞ + Y∞ A + Y∞ (γ By applying (8) to (20) it is obtained thus, B1 B1T ) X ∞ AT γ −2C1T C1 − C2T C2 T −A − B1 B1 eigenvalues on the imaginary axis; Taking into account the weighting functions (14), (15) and (16), the plant described by (7) can be written in the following form: Twe −2 (3) the matrix T w1 − w1G 0 w2 G ( s) = 0 w3G I G X∞ > 0 exists T ∞ (21) problem IV. For implementing the proposed H ∞ controller of autonomous vehicle steering, the linear vehicle model was used, while the closed loop validation is done by using the actual nonlinear model of the vehicle. The vehicle model is liniarized at constant vehicle speed of Vx = 28 [ km / h] . The control signal of the autonomous steering system is the front wheels steering angle δ , and the output is the lateral position y as presented in the second section of the paper. The sensitivity function (10) and complementary sensitivity function (12) were considered, where ωb = 15 [ rad / sec] , becomes ≤γ . The solution of the H ∞ control problem is based on a state space representation of the generalized plant G , which includes also the weighting functions: x = Ax + B1w + B2 u e = C1 x + D1w + D2 u IMPLEMENTATION AND SIMULATION RESULTS ωb0 = 55 [ rad / sec] , (22) ε1 = 0.001 , ε 3 = 0.0001 and M s = M 0 = 1.9 . The Bode plot of inverse of the considered y = C2 x + D3 w + D4 u 034 Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KURUKSHETRA. Downloaded on February 10,2021 at 22:03:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. weighting functions, which are penalizing the sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions as seen in (17) and (19), can be seen in Fig. 4.Considering γ = 1.18 , the obtained closed loop transfer function gives the Bode plot shown in Fig. 5. As it can be seen, the closed loop transfer function Twe is complying with the specified requirement described Twe ∞ ≤ 1.18 . Also the sensitivity and complementary 10 S -10 Gain - db -20 sensitivity functions are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, where it can be seen that (17) and (19) are satisfied. -30 -40 10 -50 0 -60 -10 1/w 1 & 1/w 3 [db] 1/w1 0 -70 10-10 10 -5 -20 10 0 105 10 10 105 10 10 Frequency - Rad/Sec Fig. 6. Comparison of 1 / w1 and S -30 -40 20 -50 0 -60 -80 10-10 -20 1/w 1 1/w 3 10 -40 -5 10 0 10 5 10 10 Gain [db] -70 Frequency [Rad/Sec] Fig. 4. Bode plot of the inverse of the considered sensitivity functions Finally, a six order H ∞ is found, that stabilizes the vehicle lateral dynamics and fulfils the closed loop specifications. A simulation of a double lane change maneuver is presented in Fig. 8, in order to analyze the trajectory tracking of the closed loop control system for the automatic vehicle. -60 -80 -100 -120 1/w 3 -140 G0 -160 -180 10-10 As it can be seen from Fig. 8, the proposed H ∞ control system is performing very well in vehicle trajectory tracking applications, obtaining a very small tracking error. 10 -5 10 0 Frequency [Rad/Sec] Fig. 7. Comparison of 1 / w3 and G0 0.2 0 actual lateral position desired lateral position 0.1 y [m] -0.5 -1 0 -0.1 -1.5 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 10-10 0 5 10 15 20 25 20 25 Time [Sec] Tracking Error [m] T we [db] -0.2 -2 10 -5 10 0 105 10 10 10-3 5 0 -5 0 5 10 15 Time [Sec] Frequency [Rad/Sec] Fig. 8. Double lane change maneuver at Vx = 28 km / h Fig. 5. Bode plot of the closed loop transfer function 035 Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KURUKSHETRA. Downloaded on February 10,2021 at 22:03:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Simulations were carried out also at different vehicle speeds Vx = 36.65 [ km / h ] and Vx = 50 [ km / h ] such that the behavior of the control system can be studied in situations when the controlled system presents different dynamics than the liniarized model. In Fig. 9 and Fig. 11 can be seen that the automatic steering maneuvers are still performed with sufficiently high accuracy, showing that the H ∞ controller is robust. to follow the desired trajectory with very low tracking error. The closed loop behavior at different vehicle speeds, show that the proposed controller is sufficiently robust, when the vehicle is operating in a neighborhood of the liniarization point. 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