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level-4 Practice Work I

Please tell me your first name and family name
My name is ……. and my family name is ……..
Please tell me your nationality and country of residence.
I’m a citizen of the Republic of Turkey, and I live in Istanbul.
Please state if you are a student pilot or, if you are a qualified pilot, please tell me the type of licence that you hold.
I am a qualified pilot and have a FROZEN ATPL license.
Please tell me the total flight hours experience that you have.
My total flight hour is 5500 with different types of aircraft.
Please tell me why you decided to become a pilot.
This is a common childhood dream. Every kid wants to be a pilot, for a lot of reasons; for example, to wear a uniform, to
use big machines, or play big toys with high speed and power. To be eligible for your ability. I think these are the
background of our desire to be a pilot.
Kendinizi tanıtınız I graduated from …………..
Describe your first solo flight in as much detail as possible within the time scale of 2 minutes.
1. As far as I remember, it was a sunny day in September in 1993. We had started flights at the beginning of the
September and after 3 weeks we were ready for solo flight, but of course, with the approval of our instructors.
That morning, I was a little bit exited or maybe anxious about the solo flight. Minimum flight hour requirement was
12 hours and that day I was going to fly my 13 sortie. For me, I was ready for solo flight. So we had started our
flight and after first circling, my Instructor asked me if I were ready for solo flight or not. I said “ yes of course I’m
ready”. So he let me go to my solo flight. It was nice with the feeling of achievement, proud, self-confidence, etc.
etc. After than to walk with a smiling face to your friends.
2. Describe your first solo flight in as much detail as possible within the time scale of 2 minutes.
Twenty-two years ago, I flew solo. First off all, I performed exterior inspection and then I checked all the systems
in the cockpit. I started the engine. After permission I took off from runway. After ten minutes solo flight, I turned to the
runway for landing.. İt was so excited. I gained self-confidence and trust as a pilot who can take off, fly, and land a plane.
Taking the controls and managing the whole operation alone was a huge responsibility and experience.
Tell me about an incident you have had while flying an aircraft, or any other incident that you know about. You have 2
minutes to describe the incident.
1. 4 months ago, in the early morning during dawn, it was a rainy and foggy day. We were executing a domestic
flight from İstanbul Atatürk international airport. After pushback and start-up we finished the before taxi CL and
with the taxi clearance of the ATC, we started to taxi with the required lighting systems on but when I looked at
the right side of me, I saw a light vehicle was taxiing from right to left with very high speed. I called Captain “Stop
Captain and Look Out!” He reacted promptly and stopped the aircraft. We hardly save from and accident. We
reported to ATC, and flight safety department. Lesson learned from this occurrence is: Flying during poor weather
conditions and also early in the morning Watch out carefully and be vigilant for any unforeseen human errors due
to fatigue and low visibility.
2. We were landing at Antalya in heavy rain. This caused the aircraft to hydroplane on landing. We managed to slow
the aircraft within the runway, the left outboard tyre deflated as result of hydroplaning damage. The aircraft taxied
to the apron on its own power.
How could you prevent these incidents?
Be careful, watch out and be vigilant.
Use standard phraseology, if in doubt do not hesitate to request confirmation.
Good briefing about taxi procedures and airport layout.
Pay attention to all airfield markings, sings and lightings.
Comply with the sterile flight deck principles.
Listen out the appropriate frequency in use.
Please describe how you are preparing for a flight, within the time scale of 2 minutes.
Flight preparation starts with a good rest planning. So, first I make a good daily schedule according to my flight hours.
Then if it is my flight to that destination, I need to study that destination at home for any possible special procedures.
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Normally I leave my house approximately one 2 hours ago, with my IDs, passport, flight and medical licenses. After
arrival to dispatch room, I need to check aircrafts availability, parking position, flight plans, meteorological report,
NOTAMs. Then I’m ready to meet with other crewmembers and for briefing about the flight. After then we go to airplane.
Once we are onboard, firstly I check the documentation of the aircraft and liquid (oil, fuel and hyd) levels. Make a walk
around for exterior preflight check and then preparation of the Flight Management Systems for the flight.
Why do you think you are level 6?
1. The aviation professionals, particularly pilots and air traffic controllers must increase confidence in
communication. Especially they have to develop their language level about non-routine or/and emergency
situations. The miscommunixation is a factor in over 70% of operational errors. My main language is not English.
But I worked hard to increase my english level to 6.
Refer to unfamiliar work-related topics
a wide variety of international accents
to understand and rely the linguistic or situational complication or unexpected turn of events,
Allow candidate opportunity to demonstrate discourse management strategies
Give opportunity to display knowledge of idiomatic expressions, register & to speak at length
2. To answer this question, first we need to think about the requirements of Level 6.
Fist one is communicatıon with your partners in the cockpit or cabin for good CRM. Almost all the air carriers
have multinational and multicultural crew members. First you should communicate with your crew members.
Second one is ATC units, during normal phases of the flight and also during abnormal and especially during
unforeseen conditions.
Third one is about commination with the ground personnel; for example operation department, maintenance
department, cargo loaders, fuel supporters.
The last but not the least one is Civil Aviation Authorities. You may be asked or required to send a report or fill a
form for CAA.
So, the question is, “may I cover all operation related communication with these contributors”. My answer is “yes,
I can”. If so, I may say that I am Level 6.
How to prevent runway incursion?
Pilots should use standard radio terminology and read back all clearance.
During taxi both crew member use an airport diagram.
Pilots should never cross any runway without clearance.
Before landing pilots should brief the expected taxi route for parking.
Size rulede giderken ilgili kanaldan çağrı yaparak dedilerki; bir yolcunuz gate de kalmış ve uçağa binmeyecekmiş. Dolayısıyla sizin geri
dönüp gate’de bu yolcunun bagajını uçaktan indirmeniz gerekiyor. Şimdi bu durumu ve gecikmeyi yolcularınıza bir anonsla anlatın
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This is captain speaking. Due to a missing passenger we have to return to the gate
and offload the passenger’s baggage. I apoligize for the inconvinience, and thank you for your understanding.
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
FL 320 FL 345 FL 280 FL 230 FL 400 FL 190 FL 390
QNH 1012
QNH 1030 QNH 1029 QNH 1009 QNH 1003 QNH 1027
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
ICAO phonetic alphabet:
8 0 6.9 7000 9 4.3 124.195 190 400
5 0 9.1 8000 6 3.4 129.145 140 900
9 0 4.3 6000 8 5.4 104.195 190 700
4 8 9.6 5000 0 7.9 119.145 240 600
9 0 4.7 5000 8 2.9 118.195 340 600
4 9.2 5000 0 6.9 128.145 190 700
9 0 7.9 6000 4 5.3 129.145 170 800
2 9 4.3 5000 0 9.8 104.195 340 700
9 4 5.1 2000 0 7.6 109.145 340 800
4 7 9.2 6000
0 5.1 119.125 130 700
(one eight zero)
FL 140
(one four zero)
16 kt
(one six)
FL 230
(two three zero)
QNH 1014
(one zero one four)
Altitude 3500 (three thousand five hundred)
FL 100
(one hundred)
QNH 1012
(one zero one two)
FL 190
(one niner zero)
Altitude 1900 (one thousand nine hundred)
10 kt
(one zero)
FL 240
(two four zero)
(one six zero)
FL 200
(two hundred)
Altitude 2700 (two thousand seven hundred)
FL 190
(one niner zero)
QNH 1009
(one zero zero niner)
FL 300
(three hundred)
(zero eight zero)
14 kt
(one four)
FL 240
(two four zero)
FL 240
(two four zero)
Altitude 1700 (one thousand seven hundred)
QNH 1004
(one zero zero four)
FL 180
(one eight zero)
16 kt
(one six)
(zero niner zero)
FL 100
(one hundred)
10 kt
(one zero)
(one six zero)
FL 090
(zero nine zero)
QNH 1014
(one zero one four)
FL 200
(two hundred)
Altitude 2300
(two thousand three hundred)
FL 140
(one four zero)
(one niner zero)
FL 240
(two four zero)
Altitude 1900
(one thousand nine hundred)
FL 100
(one hundred)
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
14 kt
FL 080
QNH 1011
QNH 1007
FL 200
Altitude 2500
FL 180
18 kt
FL 240
FL 090
FL 200
12 kt
FL 140
Altitude 1600
QNH 1009
FL 200
10 kt
FL 090
Altitude 2100
QNH 1008
FL 230
(one four)
(zero eight zero)
(one zero one one)
(one zero zero seven)
(two hundred)
(two three zero)
(two thousand five hundred)
(one eight zero)
(one eight)
(two four zero)
(zero nine zero)
(zero seven zero)
(two hundred)
(one two)
(one four zero)
(one thousand six hundred)
(one zero zero niner)
(two hundred)
(one zero)
(two four zero)
(zero niner zero)
(two thousand one hundred)
(one zero zero eight)
(two three zero)
FL 190
(one niner zero)
(two hundred)
FL 100
(one hundred)
12 kt
(one two)
FL 240
(two four zero)
Altitude 2500
(two thousand five hundred)
QNH 1013
(one zero one three)
Pilot message:
MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Sun City Approach, GBTEN, we have a fire in the galley, we are leaving FL 210 for an
emergency descent to FL 30, 10 miles North of Tango 1, heading to Alpha Ville for emergency landing, please advise.
Question 1:
What is the emergency?
The emergency is fire in the galley.
Question 2:
What action is the commander of GBTEN taking?
The commander is leaving FL210 for an emergency descent to FL30, heading to Alphaville for emergency landing.
Pilot message:
Sun City Approach, CPA18, I, I say again GBTEN, fire in the galley, leaving FL 210 for an emergency descent to FL 30,
10 miles North of Tango1, heading to Alpha Ville for emergency landing.
Question 1:
Please explain in plain English the pilot's message.
CPA18 is relaying Mayday call from GBTEN. GBTEN has a fire in the galley and heading Alphaville for emergency
Question 2:
Please give a possible reason why CPA18 is relaying the distress message to Sun City Approach.
The Mayday call is not acknowledged by ATC. GBTEN is out of range of the ATC.
Pilot message:
MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Sun City Approach, UPCXA, PA38, one engine shut down and major fuel leak, request
emergency landing and fire services, 10 miles North-West of Sun City Airport, altitude 2000 feet, heading 140, PPL, 2
persons on board.
Question 1:
What is the emergency and what is the commander of PA38 requesting?
The emergency is major fuel leak and one engine shut down. The commander requests emergency landing and fire
Question 2:
What was the estimated position of the PA38 during the Mayday call?
Estimated position of the PA38 was 10 miles North-West of Sun City Airport, altitude 2000 feet, heading 140.
Pilot message:
Sun City Approach, CPA18, I have intercepted Mayday from UPCXA, I say again UPCXA, PA38, one engine shut down
and major fuel leak, requests emergency landing and fire services, 12 miles North-West of Sun City Airport, altitude 2000
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feet, heading 140, PPL, 2 persons on board.
Question 1:
Please explain in plain English the pilot's message.
CPA18 has intercepted mayday from UPCXA. UPCXA,PA38 has major fuel leak and one engine shut down. They
request emergency landing and fire services. Their last position is 12 miles North-West of Sun City Airport, altitude 2000
feet, heading 140,PPL, 2 persons on board.
Question 2:
Please give a possible reason why CPA18 is relaying the distress message to Sun City Approach.
The Mayday call is not acknowledged by ATC. UPCXA is out of range of the ATC.
Pilot message:
MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Alphaville Approach, TX459, we are very low on fuel due to fuel leak, one engine shut
down, FL 230, 10 miles North of Tango1, heading to Alphaville for emergency landing.
Question 1:
What is the emergency?
TX459 is very low on fuel due to fuel leak and one engine shut down.
Question 2:
What action is the commander of TX459 taking?
The commander request emergency landing to Alphaville.
Pilot message:
Aplhaville Approach, CPA 18, I have intercepted Mayday from TX459, I say again TX459, very low on fuel, one engine
shut down, FL 230, 10 miles North of Tango1, heading to Alphaville for emergency landing.
Question 1:
Please explain in plain English the pilot's message.
CPA18 has intercepted mayday from TX459. TX459 is very low on fuel and one engine shut down. Their last position is
10 miles north of Tango 1, FL230 and heading to Alphaville for emergency landing
Question 2:
Please give a possible reason why CPA18 is relaying the distress message to Sun City Approach.
The Mayday call is not acknowledged by ATC. TX459 is out of range of the ATC.
Pilot message:
PAN-PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Sun City Approach, UG209, 18nm East of Sun City passenger with suspected heart
attack, diverting to Sun City, FL 240 , heading 275 to Sun City, request paramedic and ambulance on arrival.
Question 1:
What is the emergency and what is the commander of UG209 requesting?
There is a passenger with suspected heart attack and the commander is diverting to Sun City while requesting paramedic
and ambulance on arrival...
Question 2:
What was the estimated position of UG209 during the urgency call?
UG209 was in 18 miles East of Sun City, FL 240, heading 275 to Sun City .
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
Go straight ahead at the intersection
Give way the aircraft on your left
Give way the aircraft passing left to right
Follow the aircraft in front of you
There is an aircraft overtaking you on your left
Take the first turning on the right
Clear cross runway 35R
Report vacating runway 35R
Hold short of runway 35R
Hold before W5 intersection
Hold your position before Y3 intersection
Passing behind left to right
Missed the correct taxiway
Pull in until gate 107
The A320 is coming from parallel taxiway
After B747 continue taxi on taxiway B
animation a/c movements
RF609 hold before Y3 intersection. Give way fire truck on your left. Fire truck is coming from A taxiway to runway 36-18
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
animation a/c movements
RY249 hold before Z1 intersection. Give way Pilatus on your right. After Pilatus continue taxi on taxiway B. take second
turning R
animation a/c movements
LX199 hold your position before Y3 intersection. Give way Pilatus on your right. After Pilatus continue taxi via Y taxiway.
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
animation a/c movements
PN624 hold before B1 holding point for runway 09-27. Give way Pilatus on your left. After Pilatus clear cross runway 09
via B taxiway. Report vacate runway 09-27
hold before B1 holding point for runway 09-27. Give way Pilatus on my left. After Pilatus clear cross runway 09 via B
taxiway and will Report vacate runway 09-27 PN624
animation a/c movements
PN624 clear cross runway 09 via B taxiway. Report vacating runway 09. After vacating runway 09 take S taxiway for
general aviation ramp.
clear cross runway 09 via B taxiway. Report vacating runway 09. After vacating runway 09 take S taxiway for general
aviation ramp. PN624
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
(Task for the following three questions)
Listen to the following transmissions from ATC and readback the required information.
Your callsign will be displayed on the screen.
ATC (live): 407 continue for W9, contact the Tower on 118.1
Answer: Continue for W9, contact Tower 118.1, 407.
ATC (live): Iberia 3244 descend FL 40
Answer: Descend FL 40, Iberia 3244
ATC (live): KLM 1627 after the Martinair 767 has passed behind push back approved.
Answer: Push back after the Martinair has passed behind, KLM 1627.
ATC (live): KLM 73N at the end of Q give way to Air Lingus from the right then take the second left W10.
Answer: Continue on Q, after Air Lingus have passed from the right, taxi to second left W10. KLM73N
ATC (live): Jordanian 850 descend to 2500 ft QNH 1013.
Answer: Descend to 2500 ft, QNH 1013, Jordanian 850.
ATC (live): 1953 descent to FL 40
Answer: Descend FL40, 1953.
ATC (live): 95X contact 134.37
Answer: Contact 134.37, 95X
ATC (live): KLM 1655 contact Amsterdam Radar 124.87
Answer: Contact 124.87, KLM 1655.
ATC (live): Scandinavian 1549 contact Arrival on 118.4
Answer: Contact 118.4, Scandinavian 1549
ATC (live): AV 1014 climb FL60
Answer: Climb FL60, AV1014.
ATC (live): KLM 1217 climb FL250
Answer: Climb FL250, KLM 1217.
ATC (live): KLM 1655 climb FL90
Answer: Climb FL90, KLM 1655.
ATC (live): Air France 2040 turn left heading 020
Answer: Turn left heading 020, Air France 2040.
ATC (live): AV1014 radar contact, maintain 60.
Answer: Maintaining FL60, AV1014.
Pilot - ATC (live): The pilot asks the ATC if there is a known problem with the ILS runway 06. The ATC replies that they
are working on the ILS but it should be CAT 1. The pilot reports that there are intermittent signals on the ILS and
sometimes it disappears completely, but the Ident is stable.
Please explain the problem.
Pilot asks the ATC If there is a known problem with the ILS runway 06.
ATC replays they are working on the ILS but it is working as CAT 1.
Pilot says sometimes ILS signals is interrupted but its identification is stable.
Pilot - ATC live: The pilot requests taxi from stand B14 without first requesting push back. The controller points out that
he should have requested push back to Ground control before requesting taxi. However, the controller gives clearance to
taxi via Q and W5 to runway 36 Left.
Please explain what happened and what taxi clearance was given to 503.
Pilot requests taxi from stand B14 without push back clearance.
Controller says the pilot should request push back from ground control.
But controller gives the taxi clearance to holding point 36L via Q then W5.
You are the pilot-in-command of an aircraft, callsign CA379.
After take-off, during the climb to FL 350, you experience a serious depressurisation problem at passing FL300.
Please give an example of your urgency call to ATC indicating your intentions.
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday CA 379 depressurisation problem
making emergency descent to lower level,
please confirm clearance to continue descent heading 240 degrees CA 379
You are the pilot-in-command of a twin-engined turbojet aircraft, callsign CA379.
Just after take-off, at approximately 300 feet AGL, you experience flying into a flock of birds, causing the starboard engine
to vibrate severely.
Please give an example of an emergency call that you would make to ATC indicating your intentions.
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday CA 379 bird strike right engine
request radar vectors for ILS emergency landing,
request emergency services CA 379
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN tower GZ491 The landing aircraft which is white has smoke coming from left main gear,
possible tyre burst
Question :
Please explain in plain English this picture.
Tower call sign… The aircraft landing white twin jet has smoke coming from left main undercarriage or (port main
undercarriage), possible tyre burst or overheated brakes or break fire, GZ491
MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY Tower TS204 the US Air Force transport aircraft has an engine fire on the right wing.
Question :
Please explain in plain English this picture.
Tower, TS204, the American transport or (US Air force) aircraft has a major fire on the inboard engine on the right wing or
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
(starboard wing) or number 3 engine, or
Tower, TS204, Mayday Mayday Mayday the US Air Force transport aircraft has engine fire.
PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN Tower, TAR 440 position A8
The landing aircraft which is white has dark smoke coming from left engine please advise them.
Question :
Please explain in plain English this picture.
Tower, TAR440 position Alpha 8, the landing white twin jet airliner has thick smoke coming from left engine or (port
engine) advise pilot to shut down left engine or port engine
MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY Tower, SR447, the landing white aircraft has fire on the nose gear
Question :
Please explain in plain English this picture.
Tower, SR447, the landing white aircraft has fire on the nose wheel
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Tower, SR447, the landing aircraft has fire to nose gear caused by the gear locked 90 degrees to landing direction
It has a CG problem.
The aircraft’s tail is heavier than the its nose so aircraft leaned to backward.
The center of the gravity is the average location of the weight of the aircraft.
The weight should be distributed all cargo section.
Cargo loader made a mistake while loadıng aircraft.
Please explain in plain English this picture.
The reporter might say the B747 has just crash landed with a collapse of the main gear or they might say the aircraft has
tipped or fallen back on its tail during the loading process and the centre of gravity was too much to the rear causing the
aircraft to fall back on its tail
The aircraft should have had a tail stand to prevent the aircraft falling back during loading
There are two possible explanations:
Aircraft number 1 has taxied into aircraft number 2 and its vertical stabiliser has struck the left wing tip of number 2 aircraft
The aircraft numbered 2 has taxied into the aircraft number 1
Its left wing sliced into the vertical stabiliser of number 1 aircraft
Question :
Please explain in plain English this picture.
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There are two possible explanations:
Either the aircraft numbered 2 has taxied into the aircraft number 1 and the main wing has cut or sliced into the fin or
(vertical stabiliser) of number 1 aircraft
Aircraft number 1 has taxied into aircraft number 2 and its fin or (vertical stabiliser) has struck or collided with the left wing
tip of number 2 aircraft
MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY Tower, TWS 27 the taking off aircraft which is blue has left engine fire .
Question :
Please explain in plain English this picture.
Tower, TWS 27, the blue aircraft just taking off has a major fire to left engine or (port engine) or
Tower, TWS 27, Mayday Mayday Mayday the blue aircraft just taking off has major fire to left engine or (port engine)
Task: You are about to receive verbal instructions concerning de-icing procedures at Zurich Airport. Listen carefully and
take notes, because you will be asked 5 separate questions regarding the procedures.
All aircraft departing from Zurich are planned for remote de-icing, except:
- Pre-de-icing of aircraft parked over night, or
- By decision of the De-icing Coordinator
The de-icing methods can be one of the following:
- De-icing on request, or
- General de-icing (as published or broadcast by ATIS)
For de-icing on request, crew shall call De-icing Coordination on 130.37 and request de-icing at least 15 minutes before
estimated time of departure. Crew will be informed about the de-icing procedures expected (either ON-STAND or
REMOTE de-icing).
For General De-icing (as published or broadcast by ATIS), no special request is required. Crew shall check with De-icing
Coordination on 130.37 which de-icing procedure is expected (either ON-STAND or REMOTE de-icing).
Question 1: Which aircraft are not normally planned for remote de-icing?
Answer 1: Pre-de-icing of aircraft parked over night, or by decision of the De-icing Coordinator
Question 2: Please state the two de-icing methods available at Zurich Airport
Answer 2: De-icing on request, or General de-icing (as published or broadcast by ATIS)
Question 3: What is the minimum notice time for de-icing on request?
Answer 3: 15 minutes
Question 4: What is the radio frequency for De-icing Coordination?
Answer 4: 130.37
Question 5: What are the two de-icing procedures available at Zurich Airport?
Answer 5: ON-STAND or REMOTE de-icing
Normally you will be advised when to change to a new Air Traffic Service Unit and given the frequency. Acknowledge this
by reading back the frequency followed by your callsign, and then make the transfer to the new frequency
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Initiate contact on the new frequency by using the Air Traffic Service Unit's name, followed by your callsign.
Having made contact on a particular frequency, you should listen out on that frequency for any messages directed at you.
When listening out, take note of any message to or from other nearby aircraft so that you can build up a picture of the
overall situation, known as situational awareness.
If there are no transmissions on your frequency for a considerable time, say 5 or 10 minutes, you can always request a
radio check to confirm that two-way communication are still working.
Question 1: How do you know when to change frequency?
ATC will advise us when to change frequency and will give the frequency.
Question 2: How should you acknowledge when ATC requests you to change frequency?
We should read back the frequency followed by our callsign...
Question 3: How should you initiate contact on a new frequency?
We initiate contact on a new frequency by using The ATC name followed by our call sign.
Question 4: What does "situational awareness" mean?
Situational awareness means building up a big picture of the overall situation
Question 5: You have been on a frequency which was quite busy for some time, and you find that for the last 7 minutes
there has been no radio traffic on that frequency. What would you normally do under these circumstances?
I do radio check with ATC or other aircraft on this frequency.
If no contact, I try to contact with ATC previous frequency.
If you hear an emergency call that is not acknowledged, perhaps because the transmitting aircraft is out of range of a
ground station, you should relay the emergency message.
Whenever you hear a Mayday call, you should note the details down, just in case you have to relay the message. Try
and note the details when you first hear them because the pilot in distress may not be able to transmit them a second
Having heard another pilot make a Mayday call, you should self-impose radio silence for an appropriate period, to allow
the communication between the aircraft in distress and the ATC without any interference.
If you see someone else in distress, for example a ditched aircraft or a boat on fire, you should transmit an urgency
message on their behalf. To avoid any misunderstanding you should make it clear that it is not your aircraft and you are
relaying the message for another aircraft or persons. Therefore their indentity should be repeated twice.
Question 1: When should you relay an emergency message?
You should relay an emergency message which isn’t acknowledged by any ATC.
Question 2: Why is it important to take notes when you first hear a Mayday call?
It is important to take notes because you may have to relay the message and the pilot in distress may not have a second
chance to transmit the message again.
Question 3: What should you do, if possible, during the period of another aircraft's Mayday emergency?
You should silence to allow communication between the aircraft in distress and the ATC without any interference.
Question 4: What should you do if you see someone else in distress, for example a boat on fire?
You should transmit an distress message. You should make it clear that you are relaying the message for another
aircraft person.
Please describe in as much detail as possible what you see in this diagram.
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
The airplane is approaching the runway for landing. The CB cloud is on the way of airplane.
The pilot should make a decision to continue or go around.
If the pilot decision is continue for landing the pilot should expect windshear.
If the pilot decision is go around the pilot make a good decision for safety.
In this picture you see a developing cumulonimbus cloud (CB). Please describe the potential hazards to an aircraft that
penetrates a developed cumulonimbus cloud.
If an aircraft penetrates a CB cloud Pilot should be ready for
- severe turbulence
- icing
- windshear
- loss of radio instruments
- lightning strike
- overstressing of aircraft
Please name the parts of the aircraft numbered 1 to 12.
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
1 - cockpit ;
2 - fuselage (body);
3 - slats;
4 - spoiler;
5 - aileron;
6 - flaps;
7 - elevator;
8 - rudder;
9 - vertical stabiliser;
10 - horizontal stabiliser;
11 - wing;
12 - engine;
Please name the parts of the aircraft numbered 1 to 13.
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
1 - engine;
2 - wing;
3 - aileron;
4 - flap;
5 - horizontal stabiliser;
6 - elevator;
7 - trim tab;
8 - fuselage (body);
9 – cabin(cockpit);
10 - vertical stabiliser;
11 - rudder;
12 - nose gear;
13 - main gear.
Instruction for occurrence report (next test item)
For the next part of the test you will receive information concerning an occurrence. Please listen carefully and take notes.
(Occurrence reporting)
When you were at a foreign airport and your aircraft was at the holding point Alpha for runway 25, ATC were
communicating with other aircraft in the local language which you could not understand.
You were instructed and given clearance to line-up and take off runway 25. An expeditious line-up, followed by rolling
take-off were executed.
ATC then instructed you to stop, which took some seconds to comply with due to the instruction not being very clear.
Take-off was rejected after reaching 65 kts, runway was vacated and brakes were cooled.
ATC had ordered the rejected take-off due to a B737 about to land on an intersecting runway ahead.
(Question:) Please give an example of your verbal report to your operations manager concerning this occurrence on
return to your home base.
We were waiting at the holding point Alpha for runway 25
ATC gave us line up and take off clearance.
Meanwhile ATC was communicating with other aircraft in the local language which I couldn’t understand.
During take-off roll, ATC instructed us to stop.
We rejected the take-off at 65 knots.
Then we vacated the runway.
ATC advised us that the take-off was rejected due to a boeing 737 about to land on an intersecting runway.
(Occurrence reporting)
After departing Runway 16 your aircraft was cleared to climb to FL280.
When passing FL117, ATC instructed you to maintain FL110 on reaching, but no reason was given for this action. You
called ATC to confirm instruction whilst your TCAS showed an aircraft above descending. You disconnected Autopilot and
descended to FL 106 at which point the other aircraft was indicating 800 ft above and still descending.
(Question:) Please give an example of your verbal report to your operations manager on return to your home base.
We were climbing to FL 280
ATC instructed us to maintain FL 110 while passing FL 117 without giving any reason.
We noticed a descending aircraft on TCAS.
Immediately we disconnected autopilot and descended FL 106
when we reach FL 106 other aircraft was still descending 800 feet above us.
Occurrence reporting)
During approach into a foreign airport, at altitude 3300 feet, you requested ATC to fly overhead the field, to visually
position left base for runway 21.
This was approved by ATC who told you, that you were No. 1 and cleared to land.
When you were over the airport at 1500 feet, a military jet fighter was observed in your 11 o'clock position.
A few seconds later a TCAS Resolution Advisory was received on board your aircraft.
You informed ATC, who after a moment told you, that you were No. 2 to land.
Instructions to the jet fighter were in the local language which you did not understand.
(Question:) Please give an example of your verbal report to your operations manager on return to your home base.
We were at an altitude 3300 feet when we requested to fly overhead visual pattern left base runway 21
ATC approved us by telling we were number 1 and cleared to land.
at an altitude 1500 feet we saw a military jet fighter in 11 o’clock position.
A few seconds later we received TCAS resolution advisory .
Then we informed ATC about the situation and ATC told us that we were number 2 to land.
ATC instructed the jet fighter in local language that we couldn’t understand.
(Occurrence reporting)
Your aircraft was established on ILS approach for runway 09. You were instructed to reduce speed to 150 kts and than at
8nm to minimum approach speed. Clearance to land was given quite early.
After landing ATC instructed you to expedite vacating runway at Exit 15 due to aircraft close behind.
You had just vacated the runway when the landing B737 passed close behind you during its landing roll.
You are sure the B737 landed whilst you were still on the runway 09. ATC were talking to the B737 in the local language
which you could not understand.
(Question:) Please give an example of your verbal report to your operations manager on return to your home base.
We established ILS approach for runway 09.
ATC instructed us first to reduce the speed to 150 Knots.
And then at 8 miles to minimum approach speed.
We received clearance quite early.
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After we land ATC instructed us to expedite vacating runway at exit 15 due to close aircraft.
When we had just vacated the runway, landing aircraft passed close behind us. I am sure landing aircraft received
clearance when we were still on the runway.
ATC was talking to landing aircraft in the local language.
(Occurrence reporting)
You were flying your aircraft on final approach, 5 nm behind a B747.
ATC instructed an A320 on the ground, to line up after the landing B747.
You saw the B747 in front land, and immediately after, the A320 taxi from the holding point, to line up on the threshold.
You questioned the ATC about the lining up Airbus, but the ATC instructed you to continue your approach.
Soon after, ATC then instructed you to go around from 400 feet before the A320 commenced take-off roll.
Please give an example of your verbal report to your operations manager on return to your home base.
As we were on a final approach 5 miles behind a Boeing 747,
We saw an Airbus 320 taxi from the holding point to line up on the threshold following the landing Boeing 747
We immediately instructed ATC about the lining up Airbus.
But ATC instructed us to continue our approach.
Soon after ATC instructed us to go around
As a result we went around from 400 feet before the Airbus 320 commenced take-off roll.
(Occurrence reporting)
You were flying into a foreign airport and you were cleared to make an ILS approach on RWY 12.
During the approach, you called the ATC at the "Outermarker" and again at 2 nm, but there was no acknowledgement
from ATC.
At approximately 450 ft a light aircraft was observed in your 2 o'clock position at the same level, passing right to left.
You estimated that the flight path of your aircraft was converging with the light aircraft.
Due to local language being used and no word from ATC you were unsure of the traffic situation and decided immediately
to initiate a go around.
Please give an example of your verbal report to your operations manager on return to your home base.
We were cleared to make an ILS approach runway 12.
During the approach, we didn’t get any acknowledgement from ATC at the outer marker and again at 2 miles.
At approximately 450 feet we observed a light aircraft in our 2 o’clock position at the same level in a collision course.
Due to no word from ATC and local language being used we decided immediately to initiate a go around in order to
prevent collision.
(Occurrence reporting)
You were at a foreign airport and given clearance to line up and wait RWY 32 Right. The instruction was read back and
you entered the RWY.
On lining up, an aircraft was seen turning onto a final approach at approximately 4 miles.
Your TCAS was showing an inbound aircraft at 2 nm and plus 500 ft.
You had not received your take off clearance.
Your pilot non flying transmitted to the ATC that your aircraft was lined up on 32 Right with landing traffic 300 ft behind.
There was then a transmission in the local language and approximately 20 seconds later the approaching aircraft, a
B737, flew directly overhead between 100 and 200 ft and landed about 600 metres ahead.
Please give an example of your verbal report to your operations manager on return to your home base.
We were cleared to line up and wait RWY 32R.On lining up we saw an aircraft turning onto a final approach.
TCAS showed an inbound aircraft at 2 nm and plus 500 ft.
We didn’t receive take off clearance and we transmitted to the ATC that we lined up on 32R with landing traffic 300 ft
There was then a transmission in the local language and approximately 20 seconds later the approaching aircraft, a
B737, flew directly overhead between 100 and 200 ft and landed about 600 metres ahead.
(Occurrence reporting)
You were on approach at a foreign airport and were handed over, from approach to tower, at 6 DME.
At 4.5 DME tower instructed you to continue approach.
At 1.2 DME and passing 300 feet you checked with tower and you were told again to continue.
At 200 feet AGL (your Decision Height) you were visual with the runway and observed a vehicle in the touch down area
rapidly vacating the runway.
At 150 feet the vehicle was clear of the runway and you were then 'cleared to land'.
Please give an example of your verbal report to your operations manager on return to your home base.
We were cleared to approach for landing and handed over approach to tower at 6 nm.
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Tower instructed us to continue approach at 4.5 nm
At 1.2 DME and passing 300ft we checked with tower and we were told to continue
At DH we were visual with the runway and observed a vehicle in touch down area rapidly vacating runway. At 150ft the
vehicle was clear of runway and we were then “cleared to land”
Conversation between the tower and vehicle was in the local language and the tower didn’t advise us at any time
concerning the presence of the vehicle on the runway.
(Occurrence reporting)
You were instructed to line up on RW 24 Right behind a landing King Air aircraft.
Shortly afterwards, another light jet aircraft reported on finals for RW 24 Right, and advised it would need the full length of
the runway.
The King Air was slow to vacate the runway, and by the time it had vacated, your aircraft was cleared for take off and
commenced the take off roll.
The light jet aircraft was instructed to land after your aircraft departed.
You were half way down the runway 24 during the take off roll, when the light jet aircraft passed you on your starboard
side. It appeared that the pilot of the light jet decided to do a go around at the last moment.
Please give an example of your verbal report to your operations manager on return to your home base.
We were instructed to line up on RW 24 Right behind a landing King Air.
Shortly afterwards, another aircraft reported on finals for RW 24 Right, and advised it would need the full length of the
The King Air was slow to vacate the runway, and by the time it had vacated, we were cleared for take off and commenced
the take off roll.
The aircraft was instructed to land after our departure.
We were half way down the runway 24 during the take off roll, when the aircraft passed us on right side. It appeared that
the pilot decided to do a go around at the last moment
(Occurrence reporting)
You were at the holding point RW 27 for departure. You advised the Tower that you would need more time to complete
checks. The tower immediately instructed you to line up. Tower also advised you that another aircraft was on approach
approximately 14 nm out.
When the checks were completed, you were given the take off clearance. You then commenced your take off roll, and
had only moved forward 15 metres when ATC told you to stop.
You acknowledged the instruction and informed ATC that you were aborting the take off.
Immediately afterwards the ATC informed the other traffic on approach to go around.
You believe the original traffic information given by the ATC concerning the position of the approaching aircraft was
incorrect - the other aircraft was in fact much closer!
Please give an example of your verbal report to your operations manager on return to your home base.
When we were at the holding point runway 27 for departure.
We advised tower that we need more time to complete the checks.
The ATC instructed us to line up and another aircraft on approach approximately 14 miles out.
As soon as we completed the checks we were given clearance to take-off
However ATC instructed us to stop after moving toward 15 metres.
We followed the instruction and aborted the take-off immediately.
ATC informed the other traffic on approach to go around.
We believe that the previous given position of the approaching aircraft was incorrect.
(Occurrence reporting)
Whilst flying in Japan, a European airliner was cleared to maintain 7000 ft on QNH 992.
Japan uses altimeter settings in inches of Mercury and not in hectopascals or milibars.
The commander, knowing this, asked ATC to confirm QNH 992 hectopascals, or did they mean 29.92 inches?
ATC replied "Climb 14000 ft on 29.92 inches".
If the commander of the European airliner had set 992 hectopascals on his altimeter, the difference in altitude between
992 hectopascals and 29,92 inches would have been approximately 600 ft. This clearly would have had serious fligh
safety consequences.
1. Please explain what happened and the flight safety implications.
The different use of altimeter setting in japan would have caused serious accident
The commander asks ATC to confirm QNH 992 hectopascals.
ATC replies the call in inches of mercury.
The commander takes precautions by confirming QNH 992.
The difference would have been 600 feet and this could have cause an accident.
2. In regard to the commander's request for confirmation of altimeter setting, do you consider the controller's reply was
correct or not? Please explain.
The controllers replay was not correct.
The controllers would have misled the commander towards an accident.
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The controller should have replied in hectopascals
Your observations during flight may be a valuable source of information for ATC and other pilots.
Please give three examples of information you may want to report to ATC or other pilots for safety related reasons.
Three examples of information that I may want to report ATC are;
- windshear
- turbulence
- bird hazardes
Answer: Examples:
- unusual or unforecast weather
- flooded runways
- debries on the runway or taxiway
- windshear
- turbulence
- bird hazardes
- oil polution (for instance large oil slicks at sea)
- airprox (near misses with other aircraft)
- any other aircraft or vessel that appears to be in trouble
- your position and level (in the form of position report)
Emergency procedures
If you are the commander of an aircraft and you find yourself in real difficulty, do not loose any time, it is important to
request assistance immediately.
Even during an emergency your first priority must be to fly the aircraft.
Your second priority is to navigate. This means to be heading in a suitable direction, at a safe altitude.
Your third priority is to communicate.
(Question) How would you prioritise your tasks in an emergency situation based on the information you have just
During an emergency first of all I should fly the aircraft and then continue to navigate and finally communicate with the
The Distress Message or Mayday Call
Mayday is the Anglicised spelling of the French phrase "m'aidez!" which means "Help me!"
The distress message is the absolute top priority call. It has priority over all others, and the word Mayday should force
everyone else into immediate radio silence.
(Question) Please give three examples of situations that would justify making a Mayday call.
Three examples of mayday calls are; engine fire , emergency descent and pilot incapacitation.
Answer: Examples:
- single-pilot incapacitation
- engine failure, fire, structural damage or failure
- a forced landing
- being lost, (very) uncertain of your position, or very low on fuel
- emergency descent, bomb on board.
- darkness, when you are not qualified to fly at night and/or the aircraft is not suitably equipped.
Medical MAYDAY deklere etmenizi gerektirecek 2 adet medical durumu ve bunların semptomlarını söyleyiniz.
Heart attack: chest pain,difficulty breathing
Severe allergic reaction: breathing problem ,turning red
Give minimum of two medical mayday situation example for both cabin and flight crew.
MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY Langen radar, CPT63 captain is incapacitated. He is probably having a heart attack.
Request vectors to nearest suitable airfield and request medical assistance.
MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY Munich radar CPT63 we have a sick cabin crew on board. She has fainted probably
because of high tension problem. Request vectors to Munich and request immediate medical assistance.
The Urgency Message or Pan-Pan Call
The urgency or Pan-Pan message is made when an emergency exists that does not require immediate assistance.
It is used to transmit a very urgent message concerning the safety of an aircraft - your own aircraft or another, or a
person on board or in sight.
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The urgency or Pan-Pan takes priority over all other calls except a Mayday call.
(Question) Please give three examples of situations that would justify making a Pan-Pan call.
Three examples of pan pan calls are;
- single generator failure
- hydraulic failure
- one engine failure
Answer: Examples:
- if you are experiencing navigational difficulties (i.e. uncertain of position), and require the urgent assistance of ATC
- if you have a passenger on board who has become seriously ill and will require urgent medical attention
- rough-running engine, electrical fault or other technical problems
- deteriorating weather or light with no appropriate instrument rating
- if you see another aircraft of ship whose safety is threatened and urgent action is perhaps needed
- hydraulic failure
Radio Failure or Human Error?
With modern equipment, actual radio failure is a rare event. However, loss of communications or failure to establish
communications still exists from time to time, usually due to some human errors.
Once the human error is rectified, what you thought was a radio failure turns out to have only been a temporary loss of
communications. Everything can then proceed normally.
For example, the ground station being called is off the air because the call is made outside the hours of service of that
station. The human error in this case is the pilot failure to consult the relevant AIP section.
(Question) Please give two other examples of situations which may lead to the loss of communication due to human
The examples of the loss of communication due to human errors are;
- volume to low
- squelch to low
- wrong frequency
- wrong frequency selected
- audio panel selected incorrectly (e.g. wrong VHF-COM set selected to speaker/headset)
- volume too low (no incoming calls heard)
- squelch too low (blocking out desired signals as well as unwanted noise)
- microphone or headset not firmly plugged in
- stuck mike (yours or someone else's)
- out of range of ground station being called
- ground station being called unserviceable (consult NOTAM)
Radio failure procedures
The Wright brothers never thought to install a radio in their first aeroplane, yet it still flew. Radio is simply a modern aid to
flying, that we make great use of, to improve the safety and efficiency of flight.
Whether the radio is working or not does not affect the flying characteristics of the aircraft. If the radio fails and you loose
communications, it does not mean that the aircraft stops flying. You should continue to fly the aircraft accurately, navigate
safely (that is head in a suitable direction at a safe altitude), and then try to restore communications. If that is not possible,
then follow reasonable radio failure procedures according to good airmanship and your best judgement.
(Question) How would you prioritise your tasks in a radio failure situation based on the information you have just
You should fly the aircraft and then continue to navigate the aircraft and finally communicate with ATC. If this isn’t
possible follow the radio failure procedures.
(Task) Please explain what "ROGER" means and what "WILCO"means. On the screen: ROGER and WILCO
ROGER = I have received all of your transmission.
WILCO = I understand your message and will comply with it
Please explain what "AFFIRM" means and what "CONFIRM" means.
On the screen: AFFIRM and CONFIRM
AFFIRM = Yes or "affirmative"
CONFIRM = Did you correctly receive this message?
INCIDENT = is describe by an occurrence
other than an accident, associated with the operation of the aircraft which affect the safety of operation
ACCIDENT = is describe by an occurrence
ıf a person is seriously injured as a result of being in the aircraft
direct contact with any part of the aircraft
direct exposure to jet blast the aircraft
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sustains damage or structural failure or the aircraft missing
We were vectored for a visual approach to runway 05. Our descent angle was more than 4 degrees and speed was 180
knots. We couldn’t stop the aircraft on the runway and then our aircraft crashed through the perimeter fence at a speed of
30 knots and the nose gear collapsed, nobody injured.
1. PATLAK LASTİK/BLOWN-PUNCTURED TIRE hakkında bildiklerinizi kısaca anlatınız?
Blown or punctured tire may endanger the safety of passengers, crew and airplane. The first problem may be directional
control. It is easy to control the aircraft with a blown tire at slower speeds. As speed increases it is harder control the
aircraft. So if tire is punctured/blown at slower speed it is beter to reject the takeoff. If it happens at higher speeds it is
beter to continue the take off, decrease fuel load and return back for landing. When a tire punctures some parts of the tire
might cause FOD problem to the engine. If it happens it may endanger the safety of passengers, crew and aircraft.
2. Desribe the fatigue?
The fatigue is a state of physical and/or mental weakness and this is important reason for flight safety. If somebody has a
fatigue position he has to cancel flight and he has to resting for a while. If somebody continue flight mission at this
situaition he may not concentrate to the flight and he may not monitor aircraft position also he may lost situation
awereness around him/her and he may not decide effectively.
There is a jet passenger airplane in this picture. Front door is open and passengers are boarding. Baggages are being
loaded from aft cargo door. There is a push back truck in front of the airplane and an external power unit near it. Weather
is nice with no significant clouds. Airport is a big and crowded one like Amsterdam or Frankfurt. Pilots are making last
preparations in the cockpit.
4. Fire extinguishers:Halon-BCF general usage (for electrical fire) anywhere on the aircraft
CO2 electrical fire not on flight deck
Dry Powder electrical and liquid fires not on the flight deck
Water for simple fires like paper, fabric etc.
5. Concorde uçağının size etkileyen 2 yönü nedir.
aircrafts speed and design.
6. Bildiğiniz bir meydanın yolcu ve ucuş hattı olmak üzere iki alandaki özelliklerini anlatınız.
Passenger side: Custom office, post office, travel agencies, food courts, bank offices, duty free shopping center
and a big parking area are available for passenger…
For flight: there are 3 runways with instrument approach facilities including CAT 3B and a….
7. Urgency call gerektiren iki hastalığı symptomlarıyla birlikte söyleyiniz.
Heart Attack: Sweating, chest, neck and shoulder pain, vomiting, shortness of breath,
High Blood Pressure: headache, dizziness, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting, chest pain, shortness of breath
8. Ve bununla ilgili urgency call’u yapın.
PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN, ATC, X123, passenger sickness with heart attack, request radar vectoring to
divert to XX airport and medical assistance upon arrival. Detailed information about passenger will be provided.
9. Tell me about your last flight:
We have flown to Baghdad Airport two days ago. The weather conditions were okay but…
10. Okynus üzerindesiniz ve kabin amiri gelip bir yolcunun rahatsızlandığını ama ne olduğunu anlayamadığını
soyledi ne yaparsınız.
Doktor anonsu,
Medical kitin kullanımı,
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Divert to nearest airport with medical and paramedical assistance …
11. Uçağın içinden çekilmiş olan kanat fotosu. Speed breaks up, flaps down at the touchdown position…
12. Kalkıştaki uçağa kuş çarpıyor. Bird strike’ın verebileceği zararlar nelerdir.
13. Hudson nehrine inen uçağın business ve ekonomi yolcularının arasında ne gibi avantaj ve dezavantajlar vardır.
Busines kısmında daha az insan olduğu için daha az katmaşa olmuştur,
Çıkış kapısına daha yakınlar ve orta kısımdaki gibi daha küçük kapılardan çıkmak zorunda kalmayacaklar,
Ana kapıda bot olan slide’lar var…
14. Harici kontroller esnasında neleri görürseniz no-go dur.
Excessive leakage(hyd, oil), Structural damage over limits, Excessive tire wear and a missing essential
En son 31 Mayıs 2012 sınavından sonra hazırlanmıştır. Aşağıda da daha once sınava giren iki kişinin yazdığı
izlenimler var. Kolay gelsin A.Aras
35 soru var,yaklaşık 25 dk. da sınav bitiyo, 4 kabin hazırlamışlar, herşey bilgisayarda, sesinizi kaydediyorlar. Sorulara
cevaplamak için verdikleri zaman değişken, en fazla 2 dk. veriyolar, en kısa sanırım 10 sn idi. Sorulara geri dönüş yok.Not
almak için kağıt kalemi onlar veriyorlar. Özellikle uzun sorularda detaylar için not almak gerekebilir. Pist, irtifa , pozisyon
vs bilgileri için. Konuşmaya başlamadan önce ekrandaki "speak" ikonunun yanıp söndüğünden ve zamanın geri saymaya
başladığından emin olun. Aşağıda örnekteki dediğim soruları, sivil havacılığın sitesinde linkini verdiği demoda
bulabilirsiniz.http://www.lplus.de/HP/demo1 adres bu. Bazı sorularda açıklamayı yapıp, bununla ilgili 2-3 soru sorabiliyor..
ilk soruyu klavyeden yazıyosun - neden level 6 olduğunu düşünüyosun? -incident nedir, sizin yaşadığınız yada bi
başkasından duyduğunuz bi incident ı yazın? -sitiautional avareness nedir? -örnekteki rakam ve bilgi okuma sorularının
aynıları var -örnekteki pan pan sorusunun aynısı var, pan pan kullanabileceğimiz 3 durum söyle diyo -resimde kalkışta sol
motoru yanan uçak var, sen o anda holding pointtesin diyo, herhangi bir konuşma duymuyosun, nasıl bildirirsin diyo başka bi resimde park yerinde duran uçağı gösteriyolar, önünde pushback var, yanında merdiven, ground power bağlı,
yolcular merdivenden çıkıyor, ne görüyosun anlat diyo? -runway incursion yaşamamak için neler yaparsın anlat diyo, -tam
piste giderken bir yolcunun eksik olduğunu anladınız, sonra yolcunun bagajını indirmek için gate'e geri dönmeye karar
verdiniz, bunu yolculara nasıl açıklarsın, nasıl bir anons yaparsın? -yabancı bi ülkede 3300ftte iken kuleden visual
yaklaşma istiyosun kule approve ediyo left base rwy 21 number one and clared to land veriyo, tam meydanın üzerinde
iken 1500te 11 istikametinde bi military jet fighter görüyosun, few seconds later TCAS RA alıyosun, sonra bunu kuleye
rapor ediyosun ve kule sana şimdi iniş için 2 numarasın diyo, jete de kendi dillerinde bişeyler söylüyop ve hiç bişi
anlamıyosun, sordukları soru da: kendi baseine döndüğünde bunu operasyon müdürüne verbal olarak nasıl anlatırsın? frekans değiştirme ile lgili bikaç soru var, ATC sana frekans değiştir dediğinde nasıl yaparsın yani (ilk önce frekansı
sölerim sonra call signı sölerim) yeni frekansa geçince ne dersin( önce ATC adını sölerim sonra, call signımı sölerim gibi)
-standart instructionlar var, descent fl.., climb fl.. gibi (callsign ekranda duruyo), behind ......behind pushback approved örnekteki lisans tipin nedir sorusu -uçağın birinin galeyinde yangın çııkmış, ö yüzden emergeny landig talep ediyo o
sırada tırmanışta ve FL210'ı geçiyor, pozisyon bilgisi veriyor, bunu da başka bir uçak ATC ünitesine rapor ediyor, sana da
durumu açıkla diyo(Uçakların callsignları ekranda var) -divert etmeni gerektirecek 2 tane hastalık söyle diyo - bir yolcunun
yada ekipten birinin durumu kötü,bunu semptomları ile birlikte ATCye anlat diyo -yaklaşmadaki bi uçak kesik kesik ils
sinyali alıyo, bunu atc ye soruyo, ils te çalışmamı var diye, neden böyle bi soru sorabileceklerini soruyo - toplam uçuş
saatini soruyo - örnekteki uçak resmi gösteriyo, parçaları numaralandırmış, sırasıyla isimlerini söyleyin diyo
. 35 soru var, sorular şöyle: -ilk soruyu klavyeden yazıyosun; neden level 6 olsuğunu düşünüyosun?
-incident nedir?
-incidenta 2 tane örnek -sitiautional avareness nedir?
-örnekteki (SHGM’nin sitesindeki) rakam ve bilgi okuma sorularının aynıları var -örnekteki pan pan sorusunun aynısı var Örnekteki uçak parçaları sorusunun aynısı var -standart instructionlar var, descent fl.., climb fl.. gibi (callsign ekranda
duruyor) -örnekteki lisans tipin nedir sorusu var -resimde sol motoru yanan uçak var, sen o anda holding pointtesin diyor,
kulenin haberi yok, nasıl bildirirsin? -başka bir resimde Eaqsyjet uçağı duruyo körükte, önünde pushback var, yanında
merdiven, arkada konveyör falan standart körükte duran uçak işte, ne görüyosun anlat diyor? -runway incursion
yaşamamak için neler yaparsın anlat?, -tam piste giderken bir yolcunun eksik olduğunu anladınız, sonra yolcunun
bagajını indirmek için gate'e geri dönmeye karar verdiniz, bunu yolculara nasıl açıklarsın, nasıl bir anons yaparsın? yabancı bi ülkede 3300ftte iken kuleden visual yaklaşma istiyosun kule approve ediyo left base rwy 21 number one and
clared to land veriyor, tam meydanın üzerinde iken 1500te 11 istikametinde bi military jet fighter görüyosun, birkaç saniye
sonra TCAS RA alıyosun, sonra bunu kuleye rapor ediyosun ve kule sana şimdi iniş için 2 numarasın diyo, jete de kendi
dillerinde bişeyler söylüyor ve sen onların konuşmasından hiç bişi anlamıyorsun, sordukları soru da: kendi baseine
döndüğünde bunu operasyon müdürüne verbal olarak nasıl anlatırsın? -frekans değiştirme ile lgili bikaç soru var, ATC
sana frekans değiştir dediğinde nasıl yaparsın yani (ilk önce frekansı sölerim sonra call signı sölerim) yeni frekansa
geçince ne dersin( önce ATC adını sölerim sonra, call signımı sölerim gibi) -uçağın birinin galeyinde yangın çıkmış, ö
yüzden emergeny landig talep ediyo o sırada tırmanışta ve FL210'ı geçiyor, T1 NDBsine göre de 10 mil kuzeyde falan
bunu da başka bir uçak ATC ünitesine rapor ediyor, sana da durumu açıkla diyo(Uçakların callsignları ekranda var) -divert
etmeni gerektirecek 2 tane yolcu hastalığı söyle diyor - bir yolcu ya da ekip üyesinin uçakta hastalanmasına ya da
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
hastalık geçirmeden önce görülebilecek semptonlara (anladığım kadarıyla, kusma, buılantı falan) örnek verin? -bir tane
ucak ile atc arasindaki konusmayi dinletiyor. Uçak yaklaşmada intermittent ILS indication alıyor bunu kuleye rapor ediyor
ve ILS ile ilgili sorun olup olmadığını soruyor kule de o pisttin ILS’inde sorun olmadığını ama diger pistte ILS calismasi
olduğunu söylüyor. -“ After passing KLM Airbus 330 (şirket ismi ve uçak tipini tam hatırlamıyorum aslında) behind push
back approved” diyor. Read beack yapmanı istiyor. Kolay gelsin
Sayın Hocalarım, abilerim bilinen şakiri gönderiyorum,
Kırmızı renkli olarak işaretlediğim sorular çıktı. Soruların değişmeyeceğine inanıyorum bu sebeple diğer sorularla vakit
kaybetmeyin ve kafanızı karıştırmayın derim ben. Sınav haftasında ilk gün ilk saatte siz girmiyorsanız girenlerle teyit edin
%99 aynısı olacaktır, öyleyse belirtiğim sorulara hazır olun.
Vereceğiniz cevaplar size ait olsun basit ve anlaşılır cümleler kurun. Hatırlamakta veya telaffuzunda zorlanacağınız
kelimeleri pek seçmeyin. Başınızdan geçen emercensiyi anlatırken aralara mutlaka 2 tane two word verb ilave edin. Bu
soruda süre önemli o sebeple tüm konuşmanızı 1.5 dakikaya göre hazırlayın. Sakin olun mümkünse hiç stres yapmayın.
Sivil havacılığın deneme sınavı olarak gönderdiği linkten mutlaka bir defa yapın çünkü sorularda aynı formatta hatta
bazıları aynı. Zamanın ne zaman başladığının, nasıl azaldığının (SOL ÜSTTE) farkında olun.
Ayrıca benim verdiğim cevapları gönderiyorum Saygılarımla...
1.Randevu saatinden erken gidin bitiren hemen çıkıyor sınava erken
alıyorlar ben 2 saat erken girdim. 4ncü katta ATPL sınavı için
beklediğimiz odada 3 tane kabin var orada sınav oluyoruz. Kimlik götürmek yeterli.
Kalem, kağıt veriliyor bilgisayara kodu girerek başlatıyorlar sınav 25-30 dak da bitiyor. Sorular aynı ama yine de siz
notunuzu alın.
2.Ad soyad ve şirket adı telaffuz etmemenizi, İngilizce dışında lisan
kulllanmamanızı ikaz ediyorlar ve başlatıyorlar. Benden önce girenlerin ikazı eğer soru 2nci kez gelirse
aynı ciddiyetle cevaplayın kaydetmemiş olabiliyor dediler bana böyle birşey olmadı.
3.Sınav yazma sorusuyla başlıyor Caps basılı olsun yoksa ekrana
yazmıyor ve problem çıkarıyor, mouse la ekrana tıklayın, noktalama
işaretleriyle uğraşmayın sadece cümle sonlarına nokta koyun. Space ile
boşluk bırakarak yazın zamana crosscheck yapabilrseniz iyi olur. Önce
ingilizcenin anlam ve önemini belirten bir konuşma başlıyor ve soru
geliyor 180 sn başlıyor''Why do you think you are level 6?''soru bittiğinde zaman 160 sn ye düşmüş oluyor.
1-2 cümle anca sığdırabildim konsantrasyonu bozmamaya, panik olmamaya çalışın. Sizden beklenen paragraf değil iyi
kurulmuş iki-üç cümle.
Ben level 6 olduğuma/olmayaçalıştığıma dair birşeyler yazabildim.
Bazıları Level 6 değilim anlaşsam yeter, ben Türkiye de yaşıyorum ana dilim Türkçe vari birşeyler yazmışlar.
4.Runway incursion sorusuna: Try to constitute SA, be precise and concise, particularly vigilant, listen out carefully,
speak clearly and read back correctly, ask when not sure şeklinde cevap verdim
5.Diğer sorular ''Hazırlık not 1-2'' diye verdiğim işaretli
soruların aynısı, 3 tanesi hariç bunlara aşağıdaki şekilde cevap verdim:
a. Flight crew ve pass/cabin crew da ortaya çıkan minimum 2 tane
Medical mayday olayını semptomlarıyla birlikte anlatarak örnek verin
diyor.Benim cevabım: 1 flight crew: ''Capt. incapacitated, due to heart attack he is clutching his chest and struggling to
breathe, his pulse is decreasing.''
2 pass/cabin crew:''CC collapsed due to unexpected turbulence she is unconcious, she has a cut in her head and
bleeding and has a fractured arm.''
diye cevap verdim
zaman yaklaşık 45sn
b. Yukarıda vermiş olduğunuz 2 örnekten birisini kullanarak bu medical
emercensiyi ATC/Radara deklere edin diyor.Cevap: Ben ''ATC (uygun bir
çağrı adı kullanın) 3xmay day CC collapsed she is unconcious with a bleeding on her head and a fractured arm, request
vector for the nearest suitable airport and medical assistance+call sign'' diye cevap verdim.
zaman 30sn ve
yetmiyor bunda biraz acele deklerasyon yapın.
c. Missing pax'ın cargo hold da kalan bagajını bırakmak için yapılan PA sorusu
''L&Gentelmen May I have yoru attention plaese One of our passenger is misssing with his baggage is still on board. We
have to return to gate and leave his baggage. For this reason our departure will be delayed about 10-20 mins. I
apologise for the inconvenience, I'll appreciate your understanding thank you.''
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
d. Fotograf sorusunda olmayan bir resmi "easy jet" soruların sonunda açıkladım. Resme büyük pencereden başlayın süre
içinde söyleyecek bir şey kalmayabilir. Ben büyük bir hava alanı olduğunu havanın güzel olduğundan başladım yavaş
yavaş ayrıntılara girdim. Boarding yapıldığını, bagajların yüklendiğini pushback aracının hazır olduğunu gibi..
Yukarıda bahsettiğim a ve b maddeleri (2 medical sorusu) bazıları
tarafından farklı anlaşılmış ve tam anlaşılmamış, farklı cevap ve
deklarasyonlar var ancak ben yukarıda bahsettiğim şekilde olduğundan
Başarılar diliyorum. Sorunuz olursa yardımcı olmaya hazırım.
Tel: 0 533 350 8171
1. Bu sorular benim girdiğim sınavdaki sorulardır, sizlere farklı sorular çıkabilir ezbere cevap vermeyin, soruyu iyice
dinleyip emin olduktan sonra cevap verin.
2. Ben anladığım kadarıyla buraya yazdım, yanlış anlamış olabilirim. Nitekim biz ilk gün girdiğimiz için sınavdan yarım
saat önce oraya gidebildik ve can havliyle sınavdan çıkan insanlara soruları sorduk, o insanların lisan seviyesi hakkında
bilgimiz olmadığından bütün hepsini doğru kabul ettik, ancak sınavda konu aynı olmasına rağmen sorulan soruların
bazılarının bize söylenenlerden çok farklı olduğunu gördük. Yani lisan seviyesini bilmediğiniz insanların sözlerine çok
3. Sınav çok zor değil. Dert etmeyin gönderilen mailin ekindeki demoları yapabiliyorsanız zaten bu sınavı geçersiniz
4. Sınava alıştırma olması açısından demoyu mutlaka yapın. Orada verilen talimatları iyice anlayın. Örneğin ben demoyu
ancak son dakikada bir kere yapma imkanı buldum ama talimatlardaki özellikle read back sorularında speak işareti
yandıktan sonra konuşun talimatına dikkat etmediğim için ilk üç soruyu kayıt başlamadan read back yapmışım sonradan
fark ettim. Siz de aynı hatayı yapmayın.
5. Soruların hepsinde değişik zamanlama kullanılmış. Bazı sorular için 2 dakika zaman verilmiş bazısı için 10 sn. Ekranın
sağ üstünde kırmızı azalan bir bar göreceksiniz. Tıpkı demodaki gibi.
6. Bazı sorularda mutlaka notlar almalısınız. Take notes ikazı geldiğinde bunu anlayacaksınız. Aslında kalem sürekli
elinizde olsa daha iyi.
7. Soruların sırası aynı olmayabilir. Ben hatırladıklarımı yazıyorum sadece.
1. İlk soru bu sınavdaki tek yazma gerektiren soruydu. Dolayısıyla bu sorunun cevabını klavyeyi kullanarak yazacaksınız.
Bize bunu söylememişlerdi, ancak yine de yazılacağını anladım ama kafayı klavyeye gömüp yazmaya başladıktan bir
müddet sonra kafayı kaldırdığımda hiçbir şeyin yazılmamış olduğunu fark ettim. Ya ne oluyor derken mouse’ın ekranın
ortasındaki beyaz alana getirilip tıklanması gerektiğini fark ettim. Zamanımın çoğu gitmişti. Aynı hataya düşmeyin. Hemen
ortaya tıklayıp yazmaya başlayın.
Sorunun konusu Level 6 ile ilgili. Bize soruda neden ATC ve Pilotların Level 6 olması gerektiğini anlatan bir paragraf
yazın demişlerdi, ancak bize sorulan soru “Neden kendinizin Level 6 olduğunu düşünüyorsunuz şeklindeydi. “Why do you
think you are level 6”
2. “Are you a student or a qualified pilot? If you are a qualified pilot what is your licence type?
3. “How many flight hours do you have?”
4. Demodaki fonetik alfabeye göre okuma sayfası MUTO, WVSP gibi verilmiş
5. Aynı şekilde rakam okuma 9, 4.5, 123.456 gibi
6. Aynı şekilde FL150, QNH 1013 gibi
7-11. 3 veya 4 tane read back yapmanı istiyor. Çok basit descend FL 40, climb altitude 6000 gibi. Aman dikkat speak
işareti çıkıp ses geldikten sonra konuşun arada biraz boşluk var.
12. PAN PAN ve Urgency den bahsediyor. Bunların diğer uçaklara göre öncelikli olduğunu ancak MAY DAY’in bunlardan
da öncelikli olduğunu anlatıyor. Sonra da PAN PAN deklere edeceğiniz 3 tane durumu belirtmeniz isteniyor. Ben engine
failure, flight controls mulfunction ve hydraulic failure dedim.
13. Bir paragraf okuyor ve bu paragrafta not almanız gerekiyor. Paragrafta frekans değişikliğini neden yaparız nasıl
yaparız, değiştirdikten sonra nasıl konuşuruz, situational awereness nedir gibi konuları anlatıyor.
13. Bu paragraftan sonra önce ne zaman frekans değiştiririz “When do we change frequency? Diye soruyor
cevabı: “we change frequency when the ATC advice us”
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
14. Frekans değişikliğini nasıl read back yaparız diye soruyor “first the frequency and then our call sign”
15. Frekansı değiştirdikten sonra geçtiğimiz ATC ünitesine nasıl çağrı yaparız “first the name of the ATC and then
our call sign”
16 Paragrafı iyi dinleyin bu soru için situational awereness ne demektir diye soruyor. Hatırladığım kadarıyla
paragrafta. When you change the frequency listen to it and try to build up a big Picture, try to understand what is
happening around you” diyordu, sanırım bunu yazarsanız yeterli olur.
17. Bir soru daha sormuşlardı bu paragrafla ilgili ama soruyu hatırlayamadım. Kolay bir soruydu sanırım.
18. İncident ile ilgili bir soru sordular. Bize incident ne demektir diye soruluyor demişlerdi ancak soru bize öyle çıkmadı ya
yanlış anlamışlar ya da bize farklı çıktı. Bize sorulan soru başınızdan geçen bir incident i anlatın ve bunu anlatırken
incidenti’n ne olduğunu açıklayın gibi bir şeydi. Buna uygun bir şeyi ezberleyin ve anlatın. Zaman uzundu sanırım 2
dakika. Benim anladığım incidentin tanımının da anlatılması gerektiği. Yanılıyor olabilirim.
19. Runway incursion olmaması için neler yapabilirsiniz gibi bir soruydu. Ben “listen the instructions carefully, if in doubt
request an acknowledgement, gibi bir cevap verdim.
20. Bu soruda bize birinin başından bir olay geçiyor sizden kuleye bunu aktarmanız isteniyor gibi bir şey söylemişlerdi,
ancak bize sorulan soru çok farklıydı. Sorunun başında bir kadın önce kendi çağrı adını söylüyor (üç harfli), sonra başka
bir çağrı adı söylüyor 5 harfli (bunları not edin). Daha sonra 5 harfli çağrı adı olan uçağın galley bölgesinde yangın
olduğunu, FL 210’dan emergency olarak (veya emergency iniş için) alçaldığını şu anda T (Tango) noktasının 10 nm
kuzeyinde olduğunu falan söylüyor. Sonra adam girip soruyu soruyor. Soru “Tell us what is happening in plain language”
diyor. Cevap :……(5 harfli çağrı adını söyleyip) is experiencing fire in the galley area, currently they are flying at FL 210,
executing an emergency descent (veya executing an emergency descent for immadiate landing) presently they are at 10
miles North of Tango point and this message was relayed by …….(3 harfli çağrı adını söyleyin. Sanırım bunu söylemek
yeterli olur.
21. Bir resim verilmiş ve bu resimde neler oluyor anlatın deniyor. Resimde bir uçak var uçağa sol ön kapıdan yolcular
merdiven kullanarak biniyor, uçağın önünde tow aracı var, sağ önünde ground cart var, sağ arka cargo kapısından
bagajlar yükleniyor. Benim görebildiğim detaylar bulardı. Bazılarına demodaki hatalı yükleme nedeniyle şaha kalkan
uçağı sormuşlar.
22. Demoda verilen resim var uçağın parçalarını soran sorunun aynısını sordular.
23. Yine bir resim var resimde kalkış rulesinde olan bir uçak var ve sol motorunda yangın var. Size “siz ruledeyken bu
uçağı bu şekilde gördünüz ve sizin bulunduğunuz frekansta bununla ilgili herhangi bir çağrı duymadınız. Bu durumu
kuleye nasıl bildirirsiniz? Diye soruluyor. Ben bunu o zaman düşünmemiştim ama mutlaka mayday deklere ederek
konuşmaya başlamamız gerekiyor. Çünkü eğer pan pan ile ilgili soruyu iyice dinlerseniz orada başka uçakların da acil
durumları için mayday veya pan pan kullanılabilir deniyor. Bir de sınav talimatında yazıyor ama ben aklıma gelmişken
tekrar hatırlatayım şirket ismi, kendi isminiz veya sizi işaret edecek herhangi bir sözcüğü sınav süresince kullanmamanız
gerekiyor. Değerlendirmecilere kopya olmaması açısından o yüzden buradaki çağrı adını X123 gibi söyleyin. Cevap: May
Day May Day May Day X 123 I see fire on the left engine of the departing aircraft” gibi bir cevap verilebilir.
24. Size rulede gidiyorsunuz ancak ilgili kanallardan size çağrı yaptılar ve dediler ki bir yolcunuz gate de kalmış ve uçağa
binmeyecekmiş. Dolayısıyla sizin geri dönüp gate’de bu yolcunun bagajının uçaktan indirmeniz gerekiyor. Şimdi bu
durumu ve gecikmeyi yolcularınıza bir anonsla anlatın. What would be your sample annaouncement? Good morning
ladies and gentlement. This is the captain speaking. Due to a missing passenger we have to go back to the gate and
offload that passenger’s baggage. I apoligize fort he inconvinience that we may cause and thank you for your
25. Medical mayday ile ilgili bir soru vardı. Biraz uzunca sormuşlardı hatırladığım kadarıyla ama sonuçta mayday deklere
etmenizi gerektirecek 2 adet medical durumu ve bunların semptomlarını söyleyiniz gibi bir soruydu. Ben “heart attack and
its symptoms are pain on the left side of the chest and knumb feeling on the left arm, the other one is severe bleeding”
dedim. Zaman zaten ancak yetti. Kısaydı yani.
26. What is your Nationality and your country of residence?
Cevap:I am a Turkish citizen and I live in Turkey.
27. Size bir durumu anlatıyor ve siz üsse döndüğünüze bunu sözlü olarak şirketinize neler olduğunu anlatın diyor. Olay
şu: Siz 3300 feet’te kuleden overhead gelip left base turn ile görerek iniş için izin istiyorsunuz kule size onay veriyor ve bir
numara olduğunuzu söylüyor. Siz 1500 feette iken saat 11 istikametinizde askeri bir uçağın da aynı anda inişe gittiğini ve
hemen sonrasında TCAS’ten RA ikazı aldığınızı, kuleye durumu bildirdiğinizde kulenin askeri uçakla kendi dillerinde
konuştuğunu ve daha sonra size dönerek sizin 2 numara olduğunuzu ve askeri uçağa öncelik verildiğini söylüyor. Şimdi
bu olayı sözlü olarak şirketinize bildirin diyor.
Cevap: We were at 3300 feet and asked for flying overhead and left base visual approach. İnitially the tower approved our
request. While we were at 1500 feet we recognized a military aircraft at our 11 o’clock and at the same time we received
RA from the TCAS. We reported this to the tower. The tower and the military aricraft talked to each other in their native
language which I didn’t understand and afterwards the tower told met hat we are number two for landing and gave the
priority to the military aircraft.
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)
BU DA Başka birisinin izlenimi….
Sınava yeni giren bir arkadaşımın facebooktan sınavda sorulan sorularla ilgili bana attığı mesajı copy paste ediyorum;
1- Incident nedir? Bir örnek veriniz.
2- Kalkışta olan bir uçağın sol motoru yanıyor bu fotoğrafı gösteriyor, sana sonra sen taxi yapıyorsun diyordu
senin bulunduğun frekans'a daha bu olayı söyleyen olmadı sen bu olayı frekans'a rapor et diyordu.
Örnek vermek gerekirse. Ground AB123 a/c has just airborned that aircraft left engine in fire attension gibi
3-Mediacal may day'e örnek ver 3 tane
4-situation awareness sordu
5-Runway incursion problemini nasıl en az'a indiririz
6-pilotların rapor etmesi gereken durumlar hem atclere hem de diğer pilotlara ( türbülans, volcanic ash, dust
7-uyruk ve ülken nedir diye soruyor
8-pan pan mesajı ver 3 tane
9-Bu soru haricindekilerin hepsi konuşma sadece bu soru yazma çeşitli söylemler var bu soruyla ilgili bana neden ICAO
level 6 ingilizcen var senin dedi
level 6 ingilizcenin neye göre olduğunu yazar mısın dedi (akıcı anlaşılır telaffuz olayları işte bunu sordu) Başkalarına da
level 6 ingilizcenin
herkeste olmasının ne gibi faydaları olur diye sormuş
10-Şirkete rapor etme sorusu var sen 3300ft de meydan üzerinden visual app istiyorsun kule de you are clear to land
number one diyor sonra soldan gelen
bir uçak görüyorsun savaş uçağı ve 1500 ft e gelirken TCAS RA veriyor ve o sırada kule ile savaş uçağı kendi dillerinde
konuşuyorlar ve kule sana
o konuşmalardan sonra you are number 2 diyor. Bunu şirkete rapor et diyor
11- 18 tane demo sorunun içinden ufak tefek read back soruları alfabe okuma sorusu onlarda geliyor
12-Uçak kapısını kapatıyor taxi de, bitane eksik yolcu var uçakta, ama o yolcunun bagajı uçakta bundan dolayı olacak
gecikmeyi diğer yolculara anons ediniz
13- resim anlatma resimde 3 tane easyjet uçağı var en yakın olanda ground power bağlı yolcular biniyor ground personel
bagaj yüklüyor gibi bunları söyledik "
Demo version (http://www.verydoc.com)