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PDE Introduction by Hoffman

Partial DifferentialEquations
III. 1.
III. 10.
General Features of Partial Differential Equations
Classification of Partial Differential Equations
Classification of Physical Problems
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
HyperbolicPartial Differential Equations
The Convection-Diffusion Equation
Initial Values and BoundaryConditions
Well-Posed Problems
Partial differential equations (PDEs)arise in all fields of engineering and science. Most
real physical processes are governed by partial differential equations. In manycases,
simplifying approximations are madeto reduce the governing PDEsto ordinary differential equations (ODEs)or even to algebraic equations. However,because of the ever
increasing requirement for more accurate modelingof physical processes, engineers and
scientists are moreand morerequired to solve the actual PDEsthat govern the physical
problembeing investigated. Part III is devoted to the solution of partial differential
equations by finite difference methods.
For simplicity of notation, the phrase partial differential equationfrequently will be
replaced by the acronymPDEin Part III. This replacement generally makesthe text flow
more smoothlyand more succinctly, without losing the meaningof the material.
Somegeneral features of partial differential equationsare discussed in this section.
The three classes of PDEs(i.e., elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolicPDEs)are introduced.
The two types of physical problems (i.e., equilibrium and propagation problems) are
Theobjectives of Part IlI are:
To present the general features of partial differential equations
To discuss the relationship betweenthe type of physical problembeing solved,
the classification of the correspondinggoverningpartial differential equation,
and the type of numerical methodrequired
Topresent examplesto illustrate these concepts.
A partial differential equation (PDE)is an equation stating a relationship between
function of two or moreindependentvariables and the partial derivatives of this function
with respect to these independentvariables. The dependentvariablef is used as a generic
dependentvariable throughout Part III. In most problemsin engineering and Science, the
independentvariables are either space (x, y, z) or space and time (x, y, z, t). The dependent
variable dependson the physical problembeing modeled.Examplesof three simple partial
differential equations having two independentvariables are presented below:
Equation (111.1) is the two-dimensionalLaplace equation, Eq. (III.2) is the one-dimensional diffusion equation, and Eq. (III.3) is the one-dimensional wave equation. For
simplicity of notation, Eqs. (1II.1) to (1II.3) usually will be written
f~ +fv = 0
f = efxx
fttt = C2£x
wherethe subscripts denote partial differentiation.
Thesolution of a partial differential equation is that particular function, f(x, y) or
f(x, t), whichsatisfies the PDEin the domainof interest, D(x, y) or D(x, t), respectively,
and satisfies the initial and/or boundaryconditions specified on the boundaries of the
domainof interest. In a very few special cases, the solution of a PDEcan be expressed in
closed form. In the majority of problemsin engineering and science, the solution must be
obtained by numerical methods. Such problemsare the subject of Part III.
Equations (III.4) to (III.6) are examplesof partial differential equations in
independentvariables, x and y, or x and t. Equation(1II.4), whichis the two-dimensional
Laplace equation, in three independentvariables is
V2f =f~ +fyy +f~z = 0
Partial Differential Equations
where V2 is the Laplacian operator, which in Cartesian coordinates is
V2= a2 ~+~
a~ a2
Equation (III.5),
variables is
which is the one-dimensionaldiffusion equation, in four independent
f = ~(f~ +f~y +f~z) ~ VZf
The parametera is the diffusion coefficient. Equation(III.6), whichis the one-dimensional
waveequation, in four independentvariables is
f,, = c2(Lx
=2 v2f
The parameter c is the wave propagation speed. Problems in two, three, and four
independentvariables occur throughout engineering and science.
Equations(III.4) to (III.10) are second-orderpartial diff erential equations. The
order of a PDEis determinedby the highest-order derivative appearing in the equation. A
large number of physical problems are governed by second-order PDEs. Somephysical
problems are governed by a first-order PDEof the form
af, + bfx = 0
(Ill. 1 l)
where a and b are constants. Other physical problemsare governedby fourth-order PDEs
such as
f~ +f=~y+fyyyy= 0
Equations(III.4) to (III. 12) are linear partial diff erential equations. A linear PDE
is one in which all of the partial derivatives appear in linear form and none of the
coefficients dependson the dependentvariable. The coefficients maybe functions of the
independentvariables, in which case the PDEis a linear, variable coefficient, PDE.For
af, +~,Xfx= 0
wherea and b are constants, is a variable coefficient linear PDE,whereasEqs. (III.4)
(IlL 12) are all linear PDEs.If the coefficients dependon the dependentvariable, or the
derivatives appear in a nonlinear form, then the PDEis nonlinear. For example,
ff~ + Z,g = 0
(In. 14)
are nonlinear PDEs.
Equations(III.4) to (III. 15) are homo
geneouspartial diff erential equations. An
example of a nonhomogeneousPDEis given by
v~U=f~x + f~ + f~, =F(x, y, z)
(III. 16)
Equation(III. 16) is the nonhomogeneous
Laplace equation, whichis knownas the Poisson
equation. The nonhomogeneous
term, F(x, y, z), is a forcing function, a source term, or a
dissipation function, depending on the application. The appearance of a nonhomogeneous
term in a partial differential equation does not changethe general features of the PDE,nor
does it usually change or complicate the numerical methodof solution.
Equations(III.4) to (IlL 16) are all examplesof a single partial differential equation
governing one dependent variable. Manyphysical problems are governed by a system of
PDEsinvolving several dependent variables. For example, the two PDEs
af ÷ bgx = 0
Agt + Bfx = 0
(III. 17b)
comprise a system of two coupled partial differential equations in two independent
variables (x and t) for determiningthe twodependentvariables,f (x, t) g(x,t). Systems
containing several PDEsoccur frequently, and systems containing higher-order PDEs
occur occasionally. Systemsof PDEsare generally moredifficult to solve numericallythan
a single PDE.
As illustrated in the preceding discussion, a wide variety of partial differential
equations exists. Eachproblemhas its ownspecial governingequation or equations and its
ownpeculiarities whichmust be considered individually. However,useful insights into the
general features of PDEscan be obtained by studying three special cases. The first special
case is the general quasilinear (i.e., linear in the highest-order derivative) second-order
nonhomogeneousPDEin two independent variables, which is
Af~ + Bf~v + Cfyy + Df~ + Efy + Ff = G ]
(III. 18)
wherethe coefficients A to C maydependon x, Y, fx, andfy, the coefficients D to F may
depend on x, y, and f, and the nonhomogeneousterm G may depend on x and y. The
second special case is the general quasilinear first-order nonhomogeneous
PDEin two
independentvariables, which is
af + bfx = c]
(III. 19)
where a, b, and c maydependon x, t, andf. The third special case is the system of two
general quasilinear first-order nonhomogeneous
PDEsin two independent variables, which
can be written as
af + bfx + cgt + dgx = e
+ + Cgt + Dgx= E
where the coefficients a to d and A to D and the nonhomogeneousterms e and E may
dependon x, t,f, and g. Thegeneral features of these three special cases are similar to the
general features of all the PDEsdiscussed in this book. Consequently,these three special
cases are studied thoroughlyin the following sections.
Physical problems are governed by manydifferent partial differential equations. A few
problems are governedby a single first-order PDE.Numerousproblems are governed by a
system of first-order PDEs.Someproblems are governed by a single second-order PDE,
and numerousproblems are governed by a system of second-order PDEs. A few problems
Partial Differential Equations
are governedby fourth-order PDEs.The classification of PDEsis most easily explained for
a single second-order PDE. Consequently, in the following discussion, the general
quasilinear (i.e., linear in the highest-order derivative) second-order nonhomogeneous
PDEin twoindependentvariables [i.e., Eq. (1II. 18)] is classified first. Theclassification
the general first-order nonhomogeneous
PDEin two independent variables [i.e., Eq.
(III. 19)] is studied next. Finally, the classification of the systemof two quasilinear firstorder nonhomogeneous
PDEs[i.e., Eq. (1II.20)] is studied. The classification of higherorder PDEs, larger systems of PDEs, and PDEshaving more than two independent
variables is considerably morecomplicated.
The general quasilinear second-order nonhomogeneous
partial differential equation
in twoindependentvariables is [see Eq. (III. 18)]
Afxx + Bf,:~ + Cfyy + DL + Efy + Ff = a
The classification of Eq. (1II.21) dependson the sign of the discriminant, B2 -4AC, as
Be - 4AC
The terminologyelliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic chosento classify PDEsreflects
the analogy betweenthe form of the discriminant, B~ - 4AC,for PDEsand the form of the
discriminant, Be - 4AC,whichclassifies conic sections. Conicsections are described by
the general second-order algebraic equation
Ax2 + Bay + Cy2 + Dx + Ey 4- F = 0
The type of curve represented by Eq. (III.22) dependson the sign of the discriminant,
B~ - 4AC, as follows:
B2 - 4AC
Typeof curve
Theanalogy to the classification of PDEsis obvious. There is no other significance to the
Whatis the significance of the above classification? Whatimpact, if any, does the
classification of a PDEhave on the allowable and/or required initial and boundary
conditions? Does the classification of a PDEhave any effect on the choice of numerical
methodemployedto solve the equation? Thesequestions are discussed in this section, and
the results are applied to physical problemsin the next section.
The classification of a PDEis intimately related to the characteristics of the PDE.
Characteristics are (n- 1)-dimensional hypersurfaces in n-dimensional hyperspace that
have somevery special features. The prefix hyper is used to denote spaces of more than
three dimensions,that is, xyzt spaces, and curves and surfaces within those spaces. In twodimensionalspace, whichis the case considered here, characteristics are paths (curved, in
general) in the solution domainalong which information propagates. In other words,
information propagates throughout the solution domainalong the characteristics paths.
Discontinuities in the derivatives of the dependentvariable (if they exist) also propagate
along the characteristics paths. If a PDEpossesses real characteristics, then information
propagatesalong these characteristics. If no real characteristics exist, then there are no
preferred paths of information propagation. Consequently, the presence or absence of
characteristics has a significant impact on the solution of a PDE(by both analytical and
numerical methods).
A simple physical examplecan be used to illustrate the physical significance of
characteristic paths. Convectionis the process in whicha physical property is propagated
(i.e., convected) through space by the motion of the mediumoccupying the space. Fluid
flow is a common
exampleof convection. The convection ofa propertyf of a fluid particle
in one dimension is govemedby the convection equation
f + Ufx = 0
whereu is the convection velocity. A movingfluid particle carries (convects) its mass,
and energy with it as it movesthrough space. The location x(t) of the fluid
particle is related to its velocity u(t) by the relationship
-- = u
Thepath of the fluid particle, calldd its pathline, is given by
x = xo ÷ u(t)
Thepathline is illustrated in FigureIII.la.
Alongthe pathline, the convectionequation [i.e., Eq. (III.23)] can be written
ft + uL=f,+--d__zx,.f~
at x =a-7df 0
which can be integrated to yield f = constant. Consequently, the fluid property f is
convected along the pathline, which is the characteristic path associated with the
convection equation. Equation (III.24), which is generally called the characteristic
equation, is the differential equation of the characteristic path. The physical significance
of the pathline (i.e., the characteristic path) as the path of propagationof the fluid property
(a) Pathline.
(b) Triangular
Figure III.1 Pathline as the characteristic for the convection equation.
Partial Differential Equations
f is quite apparent for fluid convection. Equation(III.26), whichis generally called the
compatibility equation, is the differential equation whichapplies along the characteristic
Toillustrate further the propertyof a charadteristic path as the path of propagationin
a convectionproblem, consider the triangular property distribution illustrated in Figure
III. lb. Asthe fluid particles moveto the right at the constant convectionvelocity u, each
particle carries with it its value of the property f. Consequently,the triangular property
distribution simplymoves(i.e., convects)to the right at the constant convectionvelocity
unchanged in magnitude and shape. The apex of the triangle, which is a point of
discontinuous slope in the property distribution, convects as a discontinuity in slope at
the convectionvelocity u. This simple convectionexampleillustrates the significance of
characteristic paths.
Let’s return to the classification of Eq. (Ili.21). Several procedures exist for
determining the characteristics, and hence the classification, of PDEs.Because.discontinuities in the derivatives of the solution, if they exist, must propagate along the
characteristics, one approachis to answerthe following question: Are there any paths in
the solution domainD(x, y) passing through a general point P along which the second
derivatives off(x, y), that is,f~x,f~y, andfyy, are multivaluedor discontinuous?Suchpaths,
if they exist, are the paths of informationpropagation,that is, the characteristics.
Onerelationship for determiningthe three secondderivatives off(x, y) is given
the partial differential equationitself, Eq. (Ili.21). Twomorerelationships are obtained
applyingthe chain rule to determinethe total derivatives offx andfy, whichare themselves
functions of x and y. Thus,
d(fx) = f~x dx + fxy
d(fy) = fyx dx + fyy
Equations(III.21) and (III.27) can be written in matrix form as follows:
dy 0
o az ay
Equation(III.28) can be solved by Cramer’srule to yield uniquefinite values offx~,f~, and
f~y, unless the determinant of the coefficient matrix vanishes. In that case, the second
derivatives of f(x, y) are either infinite, whichis physically meaningless, or they are
indetemlinate, and thus multivalued or discontinuous.
Setting the determinantof the coefficient matrix of Eq. (III.28) equal to zero yields
A(dy)2 - B(dx)(dy) + C(dx)2 = 0
Equation (III.29) is the characteristic equation correspondingto Eq. (III.21). Equation
(III.29) can be solved by the quadratic formula to yield
dy B q- ~/B 2 -4AC
-~x =
Equation(III.30) is the differential equation for two families of curves in the xy plane,
correspondingto the + signs. Alongthese two families of curves, the secondderivatives of
f(x, y) maybe multivaluedor discontinuous. Thesetwofamilies of curves, if they exist, are
the characteristic paths of the original PDE,Eq. (Ili.21).
The two families of characteristic curves maybe complex,real and repeated, or real
and distinct, according to whether the discriminant, Be- 4AC, is negative, zero, or
positive, respectively. Accordingly,Eq. (Ili.21) is classified as follows:
B2 - 4AC
Real and repeated
Realand distinct
Consequently, elliptic PDEshave no real characteristic paths, parabolic PDEshave one
real repeated characteristic path, and hyperbolicPDEshave tworeal distinct characteristic
The presence of characteristic paths in the solution domainleads to the concepts of
domainof dependenceand range of influence. Consider a point P in the solution domain,
D(x, y). The domainof dependenceof point P is defined as the region of the solution
domainupon whichthe solution at point P, f(Xp, yp), depends. In other words, f(Xp, yp)
depends on everything that has happened in the domain of dependence. The range of
influence of point P is defined as the region of the solution domainin whichthe solution
f(x, y) is influenced by the solution at point P. In other words, f(Xp, yp) influences the
solution at all points in the range of influence.
Recall that parabolic and hyperbolic PDEshave real characteristic paths. Consequently, they have specific domainsof dependenceand ranges of influence. Elliptic PDEs,
on the other hand, do not have real characteristic paths. Consequently, they have no
specific domainsof dependenceor ranges of influence. In effect, the entire solution
domainof an elliptic PDEis both the domainof dependenceand the range of influence of
every point in the solution domain. Figure III.2 illustrates the concepts of domainof
dependenceand range of influence for elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic PDEs.
Unlike the second-order PDEjust discussed, a single first-order PDEis always
hyperbolic. Considerthe classification of the single general quasilinear first-order nonhomogeneousPDE,Eq. (III.19):
af, + bZ= c
Figure 111.2 Domainof dependence (horizontal hatching) and range of influence
(vertical hatching) of PDEs:(a) eliptic PDE;(b) parabolic PDE;(c) hyperbolic
Partial Differential Equations
The characteristic paths, if they exist, are determinedby answeringthe followingquestion:
Are there any paths in the solution domainD(x, t) passing through a general point P along
whichthe first derivatives off(x, t) maybe discontinuous?Suchpaths, if they exist, are the
characteristics of Eq. (1II.31).
One relationship for determining f and f~ is given by Eq. (III.31). Another
relationship is given by the total derivative off(t, x):
df =~ dt + fx dx
Equations(Ili.31) and (III.32) can be written in matrix form
As before, the partial derivativesf andfx are uniquely determinedunless the determinant
of the coefficient matrixof Eq. (1II.33) is zero. Setting that determinantequal to zero gives
the characteristic equation, whichis
a dx - b dt = 0
Solving Eq. (Ill.34) for dx/dt gives
Equation(III.35) is the differential equation for a family of paths in the solution domain
along which f and fx maybe discontinuous, or multivalued. Since a and b are real
functions, the characteristic paths alwaysexist. Consequently,a single quasilinear firstorder PDEis always hyperbolic. The convection equation, Eq. (111.23), is an example
such a PDE.
As a third example,consider the classification of the systemof two general coupled
quasilinear first-order nonhomogeneous
partial differential equations, Eq. (Ill.20):
af -t- bfx + cgt +dgx = e
Af + Bfx + Cgt + Ogx = E
The characteristic paths, if they exist, are determinedby answeringthe followingquestion:
Are there any paths in the solution domainD(x, t) passing through a general point P along
whichthe first derivatives off(x, t) and g(x, t) are not uniquelydetermined?Suchpaths, if
they exist, are the characteristics of Eq. (1II.36).
Tworelationships for determiningthe four first derivatives off(x, t) and g(x, t) are
given by Eq. (III.36). Twomorerelationships are given by the total derivatives off and
df = ft dt + f~ dx
dg= g~ dt+ g~ dx
Equations(II1.36) and (III.37), whichcomprisea systemof four equations for determining
f,f~, gt, and gx, .can be written in matrix form as follows:
I dtdxO
0 0 dt dx gx
As before, the partial derivatives are uniquely determinedunless the determinant of the
coefficient matrix of Eq. (1II.38) is zero. Setting that determinantequal to zero yields the
characteristic equation, whichis
(aC - Ac)(dx)2 - (aO - Ad + bC - Bc)(dx)(dt) + (bO - 2 = 0
Equation(III.39), whichis a quadratic equation in dx/dt, maybe written as
~(dx)2 - [3(dx)(dt) ~(dt) 2 = 0
where .~ = (aC - Ac), [3 = (aD - Ad + bC - Bc), and ~ = (bD - Bd). Equation (1II.40)
can be solved by the quadratic formula to yield
Equation (III.41) is the differential equation for two families of curves in the xt
plane, corresponding to the + signs. Along these two families of curves, the first
derivatives of f(x, t) and g(x, t) maybe multivalued. These two families of curves, if
they exist, are the characteristic paths of the original systemof PDEs,Eq. (III.36). The
slopes of the twofamilies of characteristic paths maybe complex,real and repeated, or real
and distinct, according to whether the dlscnmlnant, B -4A C, 1s negative, zero, or
positive, respectively. Accordingly,Eq. (1II.36) is classified as follows:
/~2 _ 4.4 C
In summary,the physical interpretation of the classification of a partial differential
equation can be explained in terms of its characteristics. If real characteristics exist,
preferred paths of information propagationexist. The speed of propagation of information
through the solution domaindependson the slopes of the characteristics. Specific domains
of dependence and ranges of influence exist for every point in the solution domain.
Physical problems governed by PDEsthat have real characteristics are propagation
problems. Thus, parabolic and hyperbolic PDEsgovern propagation problems.
If the slopes of the characteristics are complex,then no real characteristics exist.
There are no preferred paths of information propagation. The domainof dependenceand
range of influence of every point is the entire solution domain.Thesolution at every point
dependson the solution at all the other points, and the solution at eacfi point influences the
Partial Differential Equations
solution at all the other points. Since there are no curves along whichthe derivatives may
be discontinuous, the solution throughout the entire solution domainmust be continuous.
Physical problems governed by PDEsthat have complexcharacteristics are equilibrium
problems. Thus, elliptic PDEsgovern equilibrium problems.These concepts are related to
the classification of physical problemsin the next section.
The significance of the classification of a PDEas it relates to the numerical
approximation of the PDEis as follows. For an elliptic PDEwhich contains only
second-orderspatial derivatives, there are no preferred physical information propagation
paths. Consequently,all points are dependenton all other points and all points influence all
other points. This physical behavior should be accounted for in the numericalapproximation of the PDE.
For a parabolic PDEwhich contains only second-order spatial derivatives, the
preferred physical information propagation paths are lines (or surfaces)of constant time
(or constant timelikevariable). In other words,at each time (or timelike variable) level,
points are dependenton all other points and all points influence all other points. This
physical behavior should be accounted for in the numerical approximation of the PDE.
For a hyperbolic PDEwhich contains only first-order spatial derivatives, distinct
physical information propagationpaths exist. Physical information propagates along these
distinct physical propagationpaths. This physical behavior should be accountedfor in the
numerical approximation of the PDE.
Elliptic and parabolic PDEsexist which contain first-order spatial derivatives in
addition to second-orderspatial derivatives. In such cases, the physical behaviorassociated
with the second-orderspatial derivatives is the sameas before, but the physical behavior
associatedwith the first-order spatial derivatives acts similarly to the behaviorof the firstorder spatial derivatives in a hyperbolic PDE.This physical behavior should be accounted
for in the numerical approximation of such PDEs.
Physical problemsfall into one of,the followingthree general classifications:
Equilibrium problems
Propagation problems
Each of these three types of physical problems has its ownspecial features, its own
particular type of governing partial differential equation, and it~ ownspecial numerical
solution method. A clear understa~ding of these concepts is essential if meaningful
numericalsolutions are to be obtained.
111.4.1 Equilibrium Problems
Equilibrium problems are steady-state problems in closed domainsD(x, y) in which the
solutionf(x, y) is governedby an elliptic PDEsubject to boundaryconditions specified
each point on the boundaryB of the domain. Equilibrium problems are jury problems in
which the entire solution is passed on by a jury requiring satisfaction of all internal
requirements (i.e., the PDE)and all the boundaryconditions simultaneously.
As illustrated in the previous section, elliptic PDEshave no real characteristics.
Thus, the solution at every point in the solution domainis influencedby the solution at all
the other points, and the solution at each point influences the solution at all the other
D(x, y)
(B) given
of influence
Solution domainfor an equilibrium problem.
points. Figure III.3 illustrates the clo~ed solution domainD(x,y) and its boundaryB.
Consequently, equilibrium problemsare solved numerically by relaxation methods.
A classical exampleof an equilibrium problemgovernedby an elliptic PDEis steady
heat diffusion (i.e., conduction)in a solid (see Section III.5). The governingPDEis
Laplace equation
V2 T = 0
whereT is the temperatureof the solid. In two dimensions,Eq. (111.42)
Txx+ Tyy= 0
Alongthe boundaryB, the temperature T(x, y) is subject to the boundarycondition
aT + bTn = c
at each point on the boundary, where Tn denotes the derivative normal to the boundary.
Equilibrium problemsarise in all fields of engineering and science. Equilibrium
problems in partial differential equations are analogous to boundary-valueproblems in
ordinary differential equations, whichare considered in Chapter 8.
111.4.2 Propagation Problems
Propagation problems are initial-value problems in open domains(open with respect to
one of the independentvariables) in whichthe solution f(x, t) in the domainof interest
D(x, t) is marched forward from the initial state, guided and modified by boundary
conditions. Propagation problems are governed by parabolic or hyperbolic PDEs.Propagation problems in PDEsare analogous to initial-value problems in ODEs,which are
considered in Chapter 7.
The majority of propagation problems are unsteady problems. The diffusion
equation, Eq. (Ili.5), is an exampleof an unsteady propagation problem in which the
initial propertydistribution at time to, f(x, to) =F(x), is marchedforwardin time:
ft = af~x
A few propagation problems are steady-state problems. An example of a steady-state
propagation problem is
f~ =flfxx
Partial Differential Equations
in whichthe initial property distribution at location yo,f(x, Y0)= F(x), is marchedforward
in space in the y direction. The general features of these two PDEs,Eqs. (III.45a) and
(111.45b), are identical, with the spacecoordinatey in Eq. (III.45b) taking on the character
of the time coordinate t in the diffusion equation. Consequently,the marchingdirection
in a steady-state space propagation problem is called the timelike direction, and the
correspondingcoordinate is called the timelike coordinate. The space direction in which
diffusion occurs[i.e., the x direction in Eqs. (III.45a) and (III.45b)] is called spacelike
direction, and the corresponding coordinate is called the spacelike coordinate. In the
present discussion, unsteady and steady propagation problems are considered simultaneouslyby consideringthe time coordinatet in the diffusion equation, Eq. (III.45a), to be
timelike coordinate, so that Eq. (III.45a) modelsboth unsteady and steady propagation
The solution of a propagationproblemis subject to initial conditions specified at a
particular value of the timelike coordinate and boundaryconditions specified at each point
on the spacelike boundary. The domainof interest D(x, t) is open in the direction of the
timelike coordinate. Figure 111.4 illustrates the open solution domainD(x, t) and its
boundary B which is composed of the initial time boundary and the two physical
boundaries. Propagation problems are initial-value problems, which are solved by
marching methods.
A classical example of a propagation problem governed by a parabolic PDEis
unsteady heat diffusion in a solid (see Section 111.6). The governingPDEis the diffusion
Tt = o~ V2T
where T is the temperature and e is the thermal diffusivity of the solid. In one space
dimension,Eq. (III.46)
Tt = ~T~
Since Eq. (III.47) is first order in time, values of T mustbe specified alongthe initial time
boundary.Since Eq. (1II.47) is secondorder in space, values of T must be specified along
both space boundaries.
Parabolic PDEshave real repeated characteristics. As shownin Section II1.6 for the
diffusion equation, parabolic PDEshave specific domainsof dependenceand ranges of
influence and infinite information propagationspeed. Thus, the solution at each point in
L ~-
Figure 111.4. Solution domainfor a propagation problem.
the solution domain depends on a specific domainof dependence and influences the
solution in a specific range of influence.
In two variables (e.g., space x and time t), parabolic PDEshave two real repeated
families of characteristics. Asillustrated in Figure III.5, both families of characteristics
have zero slope in the xt plane, which correspondsto an infinite information propagation
speed. Consequently, parabolic PDEsbehave like hyperbolic PDEsin the limit where the
information propagation speed is infinite. Thus, the solution at point P dependson the
entire solution domainupstreamof and including the horizontal line throughpoint P itself.
The solution at point P influences the entire solution domaindownstreamof and including
the horizontal line throughpoint P itself. However,the solution at point P does not depend
on the solution downstream
of the horizontal line throughpoint P, nor does the solution at
point P influence the solution upstream of the horizontal line through point P. Numerical
methods for solving propagation problems governed by parabolic PDEsmust take the
infinite information propagationspeed into account.
A classical example of a propagation problem governed by a hyperbolic PDEis
acoustic wavepropagation (see Section 111.7). The governing PDEis the waveequation
P~t = a2 V2P’
where P’ is the acoustic pressure (i.e., the pressure disturbance) and a is the speed
propagation of small disturbances (i.e., the speed of sound). In one space dimension,
Eq. (III.48)
P;, =aZPtxx
Since Eq. (III.49) is secondorder in time, initial values of both U and P~ mustbe specified
along the initial time boundary.Since Eq. (III.49) is secondorder in space, values of
must be specified along both space boundaries.
HyperbolicPDEshave real distinct characteristics. As shownin Section III.7 for the
wave equation, hyperbolic PDEshave finite domains of dependence and ranges of
influence and finite information propagation speed. Thus, the solution at each point in
the solution domaindependsonly on the solution in a finite domainof dependenceand
influences the solution only in a finite range of influence.
In two variables (e.g., space x and time t), hyperbolic PDEshave two real and
distinct families of characteristics. As illustrated in Figure III.6, both families of
t~’ March1’ Open
Solution domainfor a ’parabolic propagation problem..
Partial Differential Equations
characteristics have finite slope in the xt plane, whichcorrespondsto a finite information
speed. For acoustic fields, these tworeal families of characteristics are the right-running
(i.e., in the positive x direction) and left-running(i.e., in the negativex direction) acoustic
waves. Thesecharacteristics are illustrated in Figure III.6 at a particular point P. The
characteristics have finite information propagation speed, thus giving rise to a finite
domainof dependenceand a finite range of influence for each point in the solution
domain. The solution at point P depends only on the solution within the domain of
dependencedefined by the characteristics from the upstream portion of the solution
domain.The solution at point P influences only the solution within the range of influence
defined by the downstreampropagating characteristics. The portion of the solution domain
outside of the domain of dependence and the range of influence of point P neither
influences the solution at .point P nor depends on the solution at point P. Numerical
methods for solving propagation problems governed by hyperbolic PDEsmust take the
finite information propagation speed into account.
Fromthe above discussion, it is seen that propagation problems are govemedby
either a parabolic or a hyperbolic PDE.Thesetwo types of PDEsexhibit manysimilarities
(e.g., an open boundary,initial data, boundarydata, domainsof dependence,and ranges of
influence). Both types of problemsare solved numerically by marchingmethods. However,
there are significant differences in propagation problemsgovernedby parabolic PDEsand
hyperbolic PDEs, due to the infinite information propagation speed associated with
parabolic PDEsand the finite information propagation speed associated with hyperbolic
PDEs.These differences must be accounted for whenapplying marchingmethodsto these
twotypes of partial differential equations.
Propagation problems arise in all fields of engineering and science. Propagation
problems govemedby hyperbolic PDEsare somewhatanalogous to initial-value problems
in ODEs,while propagation problems governed by parabolic PDEsshare some of the
features of both initial-value and boundary-value problems in ODEs.Table III.1
summarizesthe general features of PDEsas presented in this section.
111.4.3 Eigenproblems
Eigenproblemsare special problemsin which the solution exists only for special values
(i.e., eigenvalues) of a parameterof the problem.The eigenvalues are to be determinedin
~’ Open
| boundary
ce ~
Solution domainfor a hyperbolic propagation problem.
GeneralFeaturesof Partial Differential Equations
Typeof physical problem
of the PDE
Range of
Type of
Real and repeated
Real anddistinct
Present and
entire past
solution domain
Present and
entire future
solution domain
Past solution
addition to the corresponding configuration of the system¯ Eigenproblemsfor PDEsare
analogous to eigenproblems for ODEs,which are considered in Section 8.9. Eigenproblemsfor PDEsare not considered in this book.
A classical exampleof an elliptic PDEis the Laplace equation:
V2f = 0
The Laplace equation applies to problems in ideal fluid flow, mass diffusion, heat
diffusion, electrostatics, etc. In the following discussion, the general features of the
Laplace equation are illustrated for the problemof steady two-dimensionalheat diffusion
in a solid.
Considerthe differential cubeof solid material illustrated in Figure III.7. Heat flow
in a solid is governedby Fourier’s law of conduction, whichstates that
0 = -kAd-~-T
where//is the energy transfer per unit time (J/s), T is the temperature(K), A is the
across whichthe energy flows (m2), dT/dn is the temperaturegradient normalto the area A
(K/m), and k is the thermal conductivity of the solid (J/m-s-K), which is a physical
propertyof the solid material. Thenet rate of flowof energyinto the solid in the x direction
qNet,~ = il(X) - il(X + dx) = O(x) - il(X) + 3x
O0(x) dx] O0(x)
Partial Differential Equations
Figure III.7. Physical modelof heat diffusion.
IntroducingEq. (III.51) into Eq. (I11.52) yields
where dV = A ~ is the volumeof ~e differential
cube of solid matefal. Simil~ly,
= ~ k dV
For stea@heat flow, there is no net ch~ge in ~e ~ount of energy stored in the soli< so
the s~ of the net rate of flow of ener~ in ~e t~ee directions is zero. Thus,
~ k Ox ] + ~ k
Oz k ~] =0
Equation (III.56) governs the steady di~sion of heat ~ a solid. ~en the the~al
conductiviWk is constant (i.e., neither a Nncfionof temperate or location), Eq. (III.56)
simplifies to
which is the Laplace equation.
For steady ~o-dimensional heat di~sion, Eq. (III.57) becomes
T= + T~ = 0
In te~s of ~e general second-order PDEde~ed by Eq. (III.21),
C = 1. ~e discfimin~t, B~ - 4AC, is
B~ - 4AC= 0~ - 4(1)(1) = -4
Consequently,Eq. (III.58) is an elliptic PDE.
A = I, B = 0,
The characteristics associated with Eq. (III.58) are determined by performing
characteristic analysis. In this case, Eq. (III.28) becomes
~ T~ 7 = d(Tx)
o dx ay Tyy
The characteristic equation corresponding to Eq. 0II.58) is determined by setting the
determinantof the coefficient matrix of Eq. (III.60) equal to zero and solving the resulting
equation for the slopes of the characteristic paths. Thus,
(1)(dy)2 -b (1)(ax)2 ~ 0
dy ±vc~--f
Equation (III.62) showsthat there are no real characteristics associated with the steady
two-dimensional heat conduction equation. Physically, this implies that there are no
preferred paths of information propagation, and that the domain of dependence and
range of influence of every point is the entire solution domain.The temperature at every
point dependson the temperatureat all the other points, including the boundariesof the
solution domain, and the temperature at each point influences the temperature at all the
other points. The temperature distribution is continuous throughout the solution domain
because there are no paths along which the derivative of temperature maybe discontinuous. The domainof dependenceand the range of influence of point P are illustrated
schematicallyin Figure III.3.
Anotherclassical exampleof an elliptic PDEis the Poisson equation, which is the
Laplace equation. Consider the problem of steady heat conduction in a
solid with internal energy generation ~ (J/s) given
~ = Q(x,y, z)
whereQ is the energy generation rate per unit volume(j/m3-s). For steady heat flow, the
sumofthe energy transferred to the solid by conductionand the internal energy generation
must equal zero. Thus, Eq. (III.56) becomes
~xx \ ~-XXfl + ~ \ @,1+ ~zz \ ~-zfl + Q = 0
Whenthe thermal conductivity k is constant (i.e.,
location), Eq. (III.64) becomes
neither a function of temperature nor
Equation (III.6.5) is the Poisson equation. The presence of the n0nhomogeneous
source) term Q/k does not affect the classification of the nonhomogeneousLaplace
equation. All the general features of the Laplace equation discussed above apply to the
Poisson equation.
Partial Differential Equations
In summary,steady heat conduction is an equilibrium problem and must be solved
by relaxation methods. The PDEgoverning steady heat conduction is a classical example
of an elliptic PDE.
A classical exampleof a parabolic PDEis the diffusion equation:
f = aV2f
The diffusion equation applies to problems in mass diffusion, momentum
diffusion, heat
diffusion, etc. Thegeneral features of the diffusion equationare illustrated for the problem
of unsteady one-dimensionalheat diffusion in a solid.
Considerthe heat diffusion analysis presented in Section III.5. Thenet flow of heat
in the x, y, and z directions is given by Eqs. (III.53) to (III.55), respectively. For steadystate heat flow, there is no net changein the amountof energy stored in the solid, so the
sumof the net heat flow componentsis zero. In an unsteady situation, however,there can
be a net change with time in the amountof energy stored in the solid. The energy E (J)
stored in the solid massdm(kg) is given
Estor~a = dm CT = (p dV)CT = (pCT)
wherep is the density of the solid material (kg/m3), dV is the differential volume (m3),
is the temperature(K), and C is the specific heat (J/kg-K), whichis a physical property
the solid material. The sumof the net heat flow componentsmust equal the time rate of
changeof the stored energy. Thus,
Equation (III.68) govemsthe unsteady diffusion of heat in a solid. Whenthe thermal
conductivity k, density p, and specific heat C are all constant (i.e., neither functions of
temperatureor position), Eq. (III.68) simplifies
Tt = O~(Txxq- Tyy +Tzz) = OcV2T
where c~ = k/pC is the thermal diffusivity (m2/s). Equation (III.69) is the diffusion
For unsteady one-dimensionalheat diffusion, Eq. (III.69) becomes
Te = ~Txx
In terms of the general second-order PDEdefined by Eq. (III.21),
C = 0. The discriminant, B2 - 4AC, is
B2 - 4de-= 02 - 4(a)(0)
Consequently,Eq. (III.70) is a parabolic PDE.
A = c~, B = 0, and
The characteristics associated with Eq. (III.70) are determined by performing
characteristic analysis. In this case, Eq. (III.28) becomes
dx dt ~ Txt = d(Tx)
The characteristic equation corresponding to Eq. (III.70) is determined by setting the
determinantof the coefficient matrix of Eq. (III.72) equal to zero and solving for the slopes
of the characteristic paths. In the present case, this yields
~ dt~ = 0
dt = 4-0
t = constant
Equation (III.74) shows that there are two real repeated roots associated with the
characteristic equation, and Eq. (III.75) showsthat the characteristics are lines of constant
time. The speed of propagation of information along these characteristic paths is
dt +0
Consequently, information propagates at an infinite speed along lines of constant time.
This situation is illustrated schematically in Figure III.5. The information at point P
propagatesat an infinite speedin both directions. Consequently,the temperatureat point P
dependson the temperatureat all other points in physical space at all times preceding and
including the current time, and the temperatureat point P influences the temperatureat all
other points in physical space at all times after and including the current time. In other
words, the domainof dependenceof point P is the finite region ahead of and including the
current time line. The range of influence of point P is the semi-infinite region after and
including the current time line. In this regard, the diffusion equation behavessomewhat
like an elliptic PDEat each time level.
In summary,unsteady heat diffusion is a propagation problemwhich must be solved
by marchingmethods. The PDEgoverning unsteady heat diffusion is a classical example
of a parabolic PDE.
A classical exampleof a hyperbolic PDEis the wave equation:
ft, = c2 V2f
The wave equation applies to problems in vibrations, electrostatics,
gas dynamics,
acoustics, etc. The general features of the waveequation are illustrated in this section
for the problem of unsteady one-dimensional acoustic wavepropagation.
Fluid flow is governedby the law of conservation of mass(the continuity equation),
Newton’ssecond law of motion (the momentum
equation), and the first law of thermodynamics(the energy equation). As shownin any text on fluid dynamics[e.g., Fox and
Partial Differential Equations
McDonald(1985) or Zucrowand Hoffman(1976)], those basic physical laws yield
following systemof quasi-linear first-order PDEs:
Pt + ~.(pv) =
pVt + p(V.V)V + VP ~--
P, +v.vP- a2(pt+V.Vp)=
wherep is the fluid density (kg/m3),V is the fluid velocity vector (m/s), P is the static
pressure (N/m2),and a is the speed of propagationof small disturbances (m/s) (i.e.,
speedof sound). Equations(1II.78) to (III.80) are restricted to the flow of a pure substance
with no body forces or transport phenomena(i.e., no mass, momentum,or energy
diffusion). For unsteady one-dimensionalflow, Eqs. 0II.78) to (111.80) yield:
pt + pux + upx = 0
put + puux + Px = 0
P, + uPx - a2(Pt + Upx) = 0
Equations (III.81) to (III.83) are moregeneral examplesof the simple one-dimensional convection equation
f + uf~ = 0
where the property f is being convected by the velocity u through the solution domain
D(x, t). Equation(Ili.84) in three independentvariables is
f + uf~ + Vfy + wfz =f + V.Vf = Of = 0
whereu, v, and ware the velocity components
in the x, y, and z directions, respectively, and
the vector operator D/Dtis called the substantial derivative:
D 0
O 0
D--~ = 05 U~x v~ + W~z = ~ + V.V
Equations(IIL81) and (III.83) are frequently combinedto eliminate the derivatives
of density. Thus,
Pt + uPx + pa2ux = 0
Equations (III.81) to (III.83), or Eqs. (IIL82) and (III.87), are classical examples
systemof nonlinear first-order PDEs.
Acoustics is the science devoted to the study of the motion of small amplitude
disturbances in a fluid medium.Consider the classical case of infinitesimally small
perturbations in velocity, presure, and density in a stagnant fluid. In that case,
u = u0 + u’ = u’
P = Po + P’
P = P0 + P’
a = a0 + a’
whereu0, P~, Po, and a0 are the undisturbedproperties of the fluid, and u’, P’, p’, and a’ are
infinitesimal perturbations. For a stagnant fluid, uo = 0. Substituting Eq. (1II.88) into Eqs.
(III.82) and (III.87) and neglecting all products of perturbation quantities yields
following system of linear PDEs:
PoU~+ P~’ = 0
PI+ Poaoux
2 , = 0
Equations(II1.89) and (III.90) can be combinedto solve explicitly for either the pressure
perturbationP’ or the velocity perturbationu’. Differentiating Eq. (1II.89) withrespect to
and Eq. (111.90)with respect to t and combiningthe results to eliminate u’~t yields the wave
equation for the pressure perturbation, P’:
2, 1
Differentiating Eq. (III.89) with respect to t and Eq. (111.90) with respect to x
combiningthe results to eliminate P’xt yields the waveequation for the velocity perturbation u’:
I bltt
’ ~ 2’
Equations(111.91)and (Ili.92) showthat the properties of a linearized acoustic field
are governedby the waveequation. In terms of the general second-order PDEdefined by
Eq. (III.21), A = 1, B = 0, and C = -a~. The discriminant, B2 - 4AC, is
B2 - 4AC= 0 - 4(1)(-a~) = 4a~
Consequently,Eqs. (Ili.91) and (III.92) are hyperbolic PDEs.
Since Eqs. (III.91) and (II1.92) both involve the samedifferential operators [i.e.,
( )tt = a20( )xx],
they havethe samecharacteristics. Consequently,it is necessaryto study
only one of them, so Eq. (111.91)is chosen. Thecharacteristics associated with Eq. (111.91)
are determinedby performinga characteristics analysis. In this case, Eq. (111.28) becomes
dt dx 0 i P’xt
0 dt dx [_P~
= d(P’x)
The characteristic equation corresponding to Eq. (III.91) is determined by setting the
determinantof the coefficient matrix of Eq. (III.94) to zero and solving for the slopes
the characteristic paths. This yields
(dx)2 - a~o(dt)2 = 0
Equation(I!I.95) is a quadratic equation for dx/dt. Solving for dx/dt gives
dt q-a°
x = xo -t- aot
(III. 96)
Equation (II1.96) shows that there are two real distinct roots associated with the
characteristic equation, and Eq. (II1.97) showsthat the characteristic paths are straight
lines having the slopes 4-1/a o in the xt plane. The speed of propagation of information
along these characteristic paths is
c -- dt - +a°
Cons~equently,information propagates at the acoustic speed ao along the characteristic
paths. This situation is illustrated schematically in Figure III.5. Informationat point P
propagates at a finite rate in physical space. Consequently,the perturbation pressure at
Partial Differential Equations
point P dependsonly uponthe solution within the finite domainof dependenceillustrated
in Figure II1.6. Likewise,the perturbation pressure at point P influences the solution only
within the finite range of influence illustrated in Figure III,6, .The finite speed of
propagation of information and the finite domainof dependenceand range of influence
must be accounted for when solving hyperbolic PDEs.
Equations (III.89) and (III.90) are examplesof a systemof two coupled first-order
convection equations of the general form:
f + agx = 0
gt + af~ -- 0
DifferentiatingEq. (III.99a) with respect to t, differentiating Eq. (IlI.99b) with respect
and multiplying by a, and subtracting yields the waveequation:
ft = a2 f~
(1II. 100)
Consequently, the second-order wave equation can be interpreted as a system of two
coupled first-order convectionequations.
In summary,unsteady wavemotion is a propagation problem which must be solved
by marchingmethods. The wave equation governing unsteady wavemotion is a classical
example of a hyperbolic PDE.
The Laplace equation and the Poisson equation govemsteady diffusion processes. The
diffusion equation governs unsteady diffusion processes. The convection equation and the
waveequation govern unsteady convection processes. Whenconvection and diffusion are
both present in a physical process, the process is governedby the convection-diffusion
equation. The unsteady convection-diffusion equation is given by
I + v.vf = v2f
and the steady convection-diffusion equation is given by
V.Vf = 0~ V2fl
Equations(III. I 01) and (IlL 102) are both second-orderPDEs.Considerthe unsteady
one-dimensionalconvection-diffusion equation:
2The discriminant of Eq. (III.103) is
4AC=0. Consequently, Eq. (III .103) is a
parabolic PDE.Performinga characteristic analysis of Eq. 0IL 103) yields the characteristic paths dt --- :kO, whichshowsthat physical informationpropagatesat an infinite rate.
However,as shownin Section III.3, the term uf~ modelsphysical convection, which
is a hyperbolicprocess with the distinct characteristic path
f + Ufx = ~fxx
(III. 104)
This characteristic path is not foundin a classical characteristic analysis of the unsteady
convection-diffusion equation.
Consider the steady two-dimensionalconvection-diffusion equation:
ufx+ = (fxx +fyy)
(III. 105)
The discriminant of Eq. (111.105) is B2- 4AC= -4. Consequently, Eq. (Ili.105) is
elliptic PDE,with no real characteristic paths. However,the terms Ufx and vfy model
physical convection, which has distinct information propagation paths. Theseinformation
propagation paths are not found in a classical characteristic analysis of the steady
convection-diffusion equation.
The significance of the above discussion is as follows. Whennumerically approximating PDEswhich contain both first-order and second-order spatial derivatives, the
different physical behaviorassociated with the different spatial derivatives should be taken
into account.
A differential equation governsa family of solutions. A particular memberof the family of
solutions is specified by the auxiliary conditions imposedon the differential equation.
For steady-state equilibrium problems,the auxiliary conditions consist of boundary
conditions on the entire boundaryof the closed solution domain. Three types of boundary
conditions can be imposed:
1. Dirichlet boundarycondition: The value of the function is specified.
f is specified on the boundary.
Neumannboundary condition:
boundaryis specified.
The value of the derivative normal to the
Of is specified on the boundary.
(III. 106)
Mixed boundary condition: A combination of the function and its normal
derivative is specified on the boundary.
af + b 00~ is specified on the boundary.
(III. 108)
One of the above types of boundary conditions must be specified at each point on the
boundaryof the closed solution domain. Different types of boundaryconditions can be
specified on different portions of the boundary.
For unsteady or steady propagationproblems, the auxiliary conditions consist of an
initial condition (or conditions) along the time (or timelike) boundaryand boundary
conditions on the physical boundariesof the solution domain.Noauxiliary conditions can
be applied on the open boundaryin the time (or timelike) direction. For a PDEcontaining
a first-order time (or timelike) derivative, one initial condition is required along the time
(or timelike) boundary:
f (x, y, z, O) = F(x, y, on thetimebound
(III. 109)
Partial Differential Equations
For a PDEcontaining a second-ordertime (or timelike) derivative, two initial conditions
are required along the time (or timelike) boundary:
f (x, y, z, O) = F(x, y, on thetimebound
ft(x, y, z, O) = G(x, y, on thetimebound
(III. 110a)
The required boundaryconditions on the physical boundaries of the solution domaincan
be of the Dirichlet type, Eq. (III. 106), the Neumann
type, Eq. (III. 107), or the mixedtype,
Eq. (III. 108). Different types of boundaryconditions can be specified on different portions
of the boundary.
Proper specifications of the type and numberof auxiliary conditions is a necessary
condition to obtain a well-posedproblem,as discussed in Section III. 10.
The general features of partial differential equations are discussed in the preceding
sections. Elliptic PDEsgovern equilibrium problems in closed domains. No real characteristics exist. Parabolic PDEsgovern propagation problems in open domains. Real
repeated characteristics exist. Hyperbolic PDEsgovern propagation problems in open
domains.Real distinct characteristics exist. In all three cases, auxiliary conditions (i.e.,
initial values and boundaryconditions) are required to specify a particular solution of
PDE.The interrelationship betweenthe type of PDE,the auxiliary data, and whetheror not
a solution exists and is unique gives rise to the concept of a well-posed problem.
(1923) states that a physical problemis well posedif its solution exists,
unique, and dependscontinuously on the boundaryand/or initial data.
For an elliptic PDE,the solution domainD(x, y) must be closed, and continuous
boundaryconditions must be specified along the entire physical boundaryB. The boundary
conditions may be of three types: (a) Dirichlet boundary conditions, (b) Neumann
boundaryconditions, or (c) mixedboundaryconditions.
For a parabolic PDE, the solution domain D(x, t) must be open in the time (or
timelike) direction, initial data mustbe specified along the time (or timelike) boundary,
continuous boundaryconditions must be specified along the physical boundaries of the
solution domain. The boundaryconditions can be of the Dirichlet type, the Neumann
or the mixedtype.
For a hyperbolic PDE,the solution domainD(x, t) must be open in the time (or
timelike) direction, initial data mustbe specified along the time (or timelike) boundary,
continuous boundaryconditions must be specified along the physical boundaries of the
solution domain.The boundaryconditions can be of the Dirichlet type, the Neumarm
or the mixedtype. For a hyperbolic PDE,the initial data cannot be specified along only
one characteristic curve (or surface). A pure initial-value problem(the Cauchyproblem)
can be defined for a hyperbolicPDEby specifying initial data along several characteristic
curves (or surfaces). Aninitial-boundary-value problemis defined by specifying initial
data along a noncharacteristic curve and boundaryconditions along the physical boundaries of the solution domain.
Care must be exercised to ensure that a problem is well posed. Only well-posed
problemsare considered in this book.
The general features of partial differential equations havebeen presented, and the concept
of characteristics has been introduced. Characteristics are the physical paths along which
informationpropagates.Partial differential equationsare classified as elliptic, parabolic, or
hyperbolic, accordingto whetherthere .are no real characteristics, real repeated characteristics, or real distinct characteristics, respectively. Examples
of several partial differential
equations that arise in engineering and science have been presented.
The Laplace equation is a classical example of an elliptic PDE, which must be
solved by relaxation methods:
V2f = 0
(III. 111)
Chapter 9 is devoted to the solution of the Laplace equation. The diffusion equation is a
classical example of a parabolic PDE,which must be solved by marching methods:
f = ~ V2f
Chapter 10 is devotedto the solution of the diffusion equation. The convectionequation is
a classical exampleof a hyperbolic PDE,which must be solved by marching methods:
ft ÷ V.Vf = 0
Chapter 11 is devoted to the solution of the convection equation. Whenconvection and
diffusion are both present, the process is governedby the convection-diffusion equation:
f + V.V/= a V2f
The convection-diffusion equation is a more complicated exampleof a parabolic PDE,
which must be solved by marchingmethods. Section 10.9 is devoted to the solution of the
convection-diffusion equation. Somephysical problems are governed by a system of
convection equations. In somecases, they can be recast as the waveequation:
ftt= c2 vZf
The wave equation is a more complicated example of a hyperbolic PDE, which must be
solved by marchingmethods. Section 11.8 is devoted to the solution of the waveequation.