Mini Lesson Template TEK: Mentor Text: Resource of Mini Lesson: I Do: Welcome Students Talk Slowly Introduce Topic Give definition Refer to Mentor Text Elaborate on how the book connects to lesson, give book summary, and show examples from the book. Example of how the author use the topic in his writing Put mentor text on anchor chart Remind students that good writers do this in their writing Ad examples from text to the anchor chart We Do: Do examples with class Do activity with class on anchor chart on how to mimic/be like the writer Turn and talk with neighbor for thinking/examples Ask students what they came up with, add to anchor chart Review entire anchor chart Explain that students need to put what they learned into their own writing Have students get out writing folder Say thank you for being so quiet and following directions EX. Have students revise their writing to add better words (action verbs). Tell them they can use examples from the board if they wish Add their examples of action verbs and their text to anchor chart Encouragement at the end of the mini lesson (good job etc.) Explain that during their writing today, you will facilitate and check if their adding what they learned from the mini lesson into their writing You Do: Tell students to go back to their seats and begin Students revise their papers and add powerful action verbs Teacher conferences with students (don’t see in video but mention to the camera) Anchor chart: