Uploaded by Dina Prestigiacomo-Nelson

Visual Aid Planning Guide for Presentations

Visual Aid Planning Guide
Directions: For the Passion Project, you will create a PowerPoint that will be projected as you give your speech (or, if you are doing a multimedia presentation,
will be the visual aspect over which you will record your voiceover).
Keeping in mind the principles we’ve learned about effective and ineffective visual aid strategies, plan what you will put on each slide. Ensure that the follow
requirements are met:
 Follow the guidelines from 7.01/7.02 regarding information load of slides, text sizes and placements, images, etc.
 Use a star ★ to indicate any elements (if any) that will be animated within or between slides.
 To indicate an image you plan to add to your slide, make a box to indicate the size and space that the image will occupy; within the box, write the name of
the object.
 Make sure that all of the required presentation topics are covered in your visual: Topic, History, Current Status, Past Attempts at Solution, Best Next Step,
and Dystopian (Possible) Future. You may condense multiple topics on a single slide (if you’re careful to avoid crowding information); you may also
spread one topic over multiple slides.
 Be sure to check your plan against the #PascoStudentsSpeak Visual Aid Rubric (in 7.03).
 Draw an X in any leftover planning slides that will not be used. Print addition copies of Page 2 if you need more slides.