Mild TBI in Children Read through the material in the link (Mason, 2013, Mild TBI in Children) below as you consider the following questions: What are the major causes of mild TBI in children? What are common symptoms of mild TBI? What sports report the most mild TBIs?,sso&db=ccm&AN=1 04130311&site=ehost-live&custid=s8365954 (Links to an external site.) Recovery Processes in TBI Read through the material linked below (Chapter 1 only) as you consider the following questions (Delgado, Traumatic Brain Injury etext, 2016): Why does it matter that adolescence is a time of risk-taking? Why is it important that the prefrontal cortex is so often involved in TBIs of adolescents? What is working memory and how is it affected by TBI? How long should practitioners wait before conducting neuropsychological tests after a TBI? Why? What are some of the tools/tests used to assess TBI? What types of problems will adolescents likely have in daily life skills? Emotional function disturbances? Working memory? ASHA Pamphlet Considering the following questions as you read through the material linked below. What are the two types of TBI? What are primary brain damage symptoms? What are secondary brain damage symptoms? What cognitive problems occur after brain damage? What does a speech pathologist do with a person with a TBI? (Links to an external site.) NIH Pamphlet on TBI Consider these two questions as you read the pamphlet linked below. What are primary treatment regimens? What is the prognosis for TBI?