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Want to Smile Brighter? Discover How Dental Implants Help You

How Dental Implants Help You
Smile Brighter?
A Way to Permanently Remove any Damages to Your Teeth
Basics or Know-How of Dental Implants:
 Titanium, combined with few other metals, is used to create
an anchor.
 This anchor is safe for human body and does no harms. It is
placed into a jaw by drilling and allowed to set for a period
ranging from 3 to 6 months.
 When the jaw has healed sufficiently, a precisely measured
crown is placed on top of the anchor.
 If the healing time is longer, a temporary crown can also be
 The anchor blends in with jaw bones over time making the
jaw stronger.
 This process is known as osseointegration.
By: Ashton Avenue Dental Practice | www.ashtonavenuedental.com.au
What is The Procedure Involved?
Once you have made an appointment with the dentist, the
regular procedure may be as follows:
 Scanning the actual position of the tooth to be replaced by
X-ray and CT scan.
 Removal of the infected or damaged part.
 Correction of sinus or bones.
 Measuring the crown size.
 Inserting the implants to support prosthesis.
By: Ashton Avenue Dental Practice | www.ashtonavenuedental.com.au
What are The Types of Dental Implants?
Depending upon the position where they are being placed,
there are two types:
 Endosteal Implants: these implants are directly placed
into a patient’s jawbone. They are the most common
types of implants. They are preferred when a patient has a
strong jawbone.
 Subperiosteal Implants: these implants are placed into
the gums but are not in direct contact with the bone. They
are preferred in cases where the patient’s natural
jawbone does not have enough density to hold the
By: Ashton Avenue Dental Practice | www.ashtonavenuedental.com.au
What are The Types of Dental Implants?
Depending upon the number of teeth to be operated, there
are three types of it:
 Single tooth: This is the most ordinary dental implant and
involves working on a single tooth.
 All-on-4: This involves operating multiple teeth together.
It can be done on 10-14 teeth. Typically, four anchors and
four crowns are added attached to each other.
 All-on-6: It is much like all-on-4 type except that there are
6 anchors.
By: Ashton Avenue Dental Practice | www.ashtonavenuedental.com.au
Is it Suitable for Me?
Under normal circumstances, it is suitable for almost
everyone. But, following conditions are the ones where it is
not advised:
 People with leukemia or diabetes are not the best-suited
candidates for this treatment as the healing is always an
 People with history of chemotherapy, or people having
issues with bone growth aren’t suggested the dental
 People who have damaged their teeth with smoking are
less likely to be advised to get this treatment done.
By: Ashton Avenue Dental Practice | www.ashtonavenuedental.com.au
How Long Does it Take to Get Installed?
It usually takes 1-2 hours to insert one dental implant
but, if there are multiple teeth to be operated then it
may rise to 3-4 hours.
By: Ashton Avenue Dental Practice | www.ashtonavenuedental.com.au
How Much do Dental Implants Last?
There is no fixed time period of how long do the implants
It varies from person to person and there are many factors
which decide the longevity of dental implants.
Lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking hinder the lasting
time of the implants. Also, health conditions, oral hygiene
routine and age of a person are crucial factors.
There are cases when the implants have lasted a lifetime.
And generally, they do last for somewhere between 7 to 13
By: Ashton Avenue Dental Practice | www.ashtonavenuedental.com.au
When opting for dental implants, oral hygiene plays a crucial
role. A healthy oral hygiene routine is to be followed before and
after the surgery and it will not work if not maintained properly.
The popularity of dental implants is spreading widely as it works
for all ages. From single tooth rectification to being an anchor
for dentures, it can be used effectively.
For more consultation regarding dental implants treatment,
book an appointment with our Claremont dentist at Ashton
Avenue Dental Practice.
Original Source: https://commentsensortir.org/how-dentalimplants-help-you-smile-brighter/
By: Ashton Avenue Dental Practice | www.ashtonavenuedental.com.au
Book an Appointment
Dr. Nishant Vaishnav
08 6183 3800
By: Ashton Avenue Dental Practice | www.ashtonavenuedental.com.au