Uploaded by Ilsa Juarez

immigration Ilsa Hernandez.docx Fee

I-130 Relative Petition
Finger Print
$ 85.00
Copies Translate Mail
Visa Fee
Other Visa Fee
Pardon entry without inspection
-------------------------------------------------------Total Immigration fee
Attorney Fee
1- How you came to USA Visa or without inspection?
2- Are you been arrest in United States by Police or Immigration?
3-Where you from?
4-How long you live in United States?
Date enter to USA?
What border or place you enter?
5 -Do you have Children?
6- Do you claim Tax together? If answer is No you have to do 1040X Tax
correction for the last past years.
7- Do you use food stamp?
Explain Visa Petition:
Two Step:
Summit the petition alien relative
Immigration sent letter or notice of action the documents already receive.
Six months later will be receive a letter to say you been approved.
Second Step:
USCIS or Immigration transfer the documents to NVC or visa center.
We star to summit the documents pay visa fee both process take two years.