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MSCP - Ashira Sankalpa Wijesinghe

Higher Nationals
Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)
Programme title
Internal Verifier
Unit 06: Managing a Successful Computer Project
Assignment title
Student’s name
Ashira Sankalpa Wijesinghe
List which assessment criteria
the Assessor has awarded.
Do the assessment criteria awarded match
those shown in the assignment brief?
Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded
justified by the assessor’s comments on the
student work?
Has the work been assessed
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:
• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment criteria?
• Identifying opportunities for
improved performance?
• Agreeing actions?
Does the assessment decision need
Assessor signature
Internal Verifier signature
Programme Leader signature (if required)
Confirm action completed
Remedial action taken
Give details:
Assessor signature
Internal Verifier
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Programme Leader
signature (if required)
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID
Unit Title
Unit 04:
Assignment Number
Database Design & Development
Submission Date
Date Received
1st submission
Re-submission Date
Date Received 2nd
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial problem
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO2 Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO3 Test the system against user and system requirements.
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO4 Produce technical and user documentation.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P4
Assessor Signature:
Resubmission Feedback:
Assessor Signature:
Internal Verifier’s Comments:
Signature & Date:
* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 06: Managing a Successful Computer
Assignment 01
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Student Declaration
I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to
present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand
what it means to copy another’s work.
1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.
2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of the
assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be
my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the
correct way.
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding
agreement between myself and Edexcel UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is
not attached to the assignment.
Student’s Signature:
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
This task is made up of different documents. Because of the complexity of the tasks, this task was
accomplished with great difficulty. I would therefore like to begin by thanking our lecturer, Ms Dilshani
Ranasinghe, for guiding us through the core principles and theories that enabled me to write this
assignment successfully.
In addition, I would like to declare my indulgence to the ESOFT lecture panel and other service staff about
their assistance in the prospective of my learning and to all existing and primitive interpersonal staff who
have helped me tangibly and intangibly through my course.
Thank you
Ashira Wijesinghe
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Task 1 ............................................................................................................................................ 11
1.1.............................................................................................................................................. 11
WELCOME TO BUILTAPPS ..................................................................................................... 11
OUR STORY ............................................................................................................................ 12
ABOUT THE PROCESS ............................................................................................................ 12
1.2.............................................................................................................................................. 14
Project Planning .................................................................................................................... 14
Project schedule .................................................................................................................... 14
Mile stone schedule .............................................................................................................. 15
Cost & time planning............................................................................................................. 17
Project resource planning ..................................................................................................... 17
Project scope ......................................................................................................................... 18
Communication plan ............................................................................................................. 19
Risk assessment planning...................................................................................................... 19
Quality planning .................................................................................................................... 20
1.3.............................................................................................................................................. 20
Gannt chart ........................................................................................................................... 20
Task 2 ............................................................................................................................................ 22
2.1.............................................................................................................................................. 22
Hypothesis ............................................................................................................................. 22
Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 22
Regarding ethics .................................................................................................................... 22
For quantitate research for employees ................................................................................ 22
For Qualitative Research (For Managers) ............................................................................. 23
The time frame during which the employee was affiliated with Outsmart hub .................. 23
Mobile technology and Cloud computing technology are essential for the expansion and
proper execution of the businesses functioning globally ..................................................... 24
The essentiality of the different technological improvisations for enhancing the efficiency
of the organizational activities.............................................................................................. 25
The prospect of artificial intelligence in improving the improvisation quotient and
expansion of Outsmart hub. ................................................................................................. 26
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
The contribution of social media in reaching out to the customers and communicating
effectively.............................................................................................................................. 27
How the ‘Internet of things’ helps the Road Stove company to achieve amalgamation of
services in different branches and within different departments ....................................... 28
Qualitative Research ............................................................................................................. 29
2.2.............................................................................................................................................. 31
Initiation ................................................................................................................................ 32
Planning ................................................................................................................................. 32
Execution ............................................................................................................................... 33
Monitor & Control................................................................................................................. 34
Close ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Choosing qualitative or quantitative research methodologies for the small-scale research34
Using quantitative and qualitative research methods together .......................................... 35
Qualitative research methods............................................................................................... 35
Quantitative research methods ............................................................................................ 37
Sources of Quantitative Data ................................................................................................ 37
Task 3 ............................................................................................................................................ 39
3.1.............................................................................................................................................. 39
Quantitative Analysis ............................................................................................................ 39
Qualitative analysis ............................................................................................................... 40
Hypothesis Testing ................................................................................................................ 41
Questionnaires for the employees ....................................................................................... 41
3.2.............................................................................................................................................. 45
Recommendations summery ................................................................................................ 46
3.3.............................................................................................................................................. 47
Advantages of Quantitative Research................................................................................... 47
Advantages of Qualitative Research ..................................................................................... 50
Hypothesis Testing ................................................................................................................ 52
Task 4 ............................................................................................................................................ 53
4.1.............................................................................................................................................. 53
Project Management ............................................................................................................ 53
4.2.............................................................................................................................................. 55
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Gannt Chart ............................................................................................................................... 58
References................................................................................................................................. 59
Figure 1.......................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2: Process ........................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 3: Milestone Schedule ........................................................................................................ 16
Figure 4: Project management plan .............................................................................................. 18
Figure 5: Gannt chart 1 ................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 6: Gannt chart 2 ................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 7: graph 1 ........................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 8: graph 2 ........................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 9: graph 3 ........................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 10: graph 4 ......................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 11: graph 5 ......................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 12: graph 6 ......................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 13: project life cycle ........................................................................................................... 31
Figure 14: company form intro ..................................................................................................... 42
Figure 15: form questions ............................................................................................................. 43
Figure 16: form questions ............................................................................................................. 44
Figure 17: form questions ............................................................................................................. 45
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Task 1
Builtapps Business Solutions is a Digital Marketing Company, which you can trust. Any business that is
looking for ideal digital marketing related services can get in touch with us. We provide a variety of digital
marketing services to the clients in need. We have been able to prove our expertise throughout the past as
well. The positive reputation that we have earned bear testimonials for the level of service that we offer.
Figure 1
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Outsmart Hub is located in New Zealand and its’ sri Lankan branch located in Kaduwela.
Builtapps and Outsmart Hub are business partners and Outsmart Hub getting projects from its’
New Zealand branch and some of them are completing by Builtapps and delivering them to the
Headquarters in New Zealand.
Builtapps Business Solutions was established back in 2012 by a group of enthusiast digital
We were able to contribute towards the development of the company by providing a quality
service to all the clients. The company has been raising its standard every single year. Therefore,
we have been able to establish our company as a reliable entity for getting digital marketing
We are getting projects from overseas companies through Outsmart Hub and delivering them to
those overseas companies.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Figure 2: Process
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Project Planning
The planning phase involves completing the following 10 key steps.
1. Create a project plan
2. Create a resource plan
3. Create a financial plan
4. Create a quality plan
5. Create a risk plan
6. Create an acceptance plan
7. Create a communications plan
8. Create a procurement plan
9. Contract the suppliers
10. Perform phase review
Project schedule
Identifying the issues in the outsmart hub and adopting
the strategies for improvement and avoid these issues
Assessing the company's main needs to embrace
mobile technologies and cloud infrastructure to update
all current operating systems
The importance of the implementation of the cloud
computing and Mobile technology within the
management and administration of outsmart hub
Bring around all the members who would be involved
with advocating the usage of this technology in
outsmart hub
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Assessing the needs of the company, which would
allow the implementation of integrated social media
solutions across the organization
Increasing the usage of ‘Internet of Things’ through
business structures
Assessment of the main organizational objectives
which would help sustain the company in the market.
Identifying the current operational goals to adopt
artificial intelligence for production and innovative
The management requires to train the employees
accordingly, as per the requirements of the
The management can implement efficient techniques
of production after proper scrutiny of the results of
adopting the artificial Intelligence systems
The plans and strategies should be developed based on
established goals of the company
The management needs to adopt strategies for
effective operational processes for unhindered
incorporation of the technological advancements
Formulation of proper rules to meet the executive and
regulatory goals of outsmart hub
Final variation of the developed project plan must be
Mile stone schedule
Project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk
and resources.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Figure 3: Milestone Schedule
Project Management Plan
Project name
- Reducing vulnerabilities and inefficiency of Outsmart hub using technological
Project Manager - Ashira WIjesinghe
Goal statement
- To improve the quality of service and enhance the efficiency of working process
by utilizing many technological advancements and by reducing vulnerabilities and eliminate encountered
problems within time period (05/02/2020 -15/04/2020)
Cost- reducing - cost of whole project activities
Scope – Identifying technical problems, reasons for technical inefficiency and introducing technical
improvements of Outsmart hub company that will change the work module and customer service to some
positive extend and give recommendations to improve the productivity of the company
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Communication ways - Telephone calls, Skype calls, Letters, face to face discussion, internet, emails,
telephone calls, meetings.
Risk Management – provide solution to reduce risk of the project.
Resources - Human resources, Hardware resources, Software resources
Team Members
Project manager - Ashira
Project coordinator - Chehara
Executive Sponsor - Viraj
Project Sponsor - kavinda
Committee members – Kaushalya, Tharushi, Ruwani,Amadhi
Cost & time planning
Collecting internal data from
Analysis of the collected data
Aware the company that
offers the solutions to the
technical deficiencies
Cost per hours
Total cost
Implementing the project &
the discussing costing of the
Prepare final report
Project resource planning
Resources are people, equipment, space, resources, or something else you need to do with all the activities
you've planned to do. Each task in your task list requires the resources allocated to it. You need to learn
their availability before you can devote resources to your project. Resource availability provides
information about what services you will use on your project, when they are available to you, and on the
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
terms of their availability. Don't forget that certain services, such as consultants or training rooms, need
to be booked in advance, and might not be accessible at certain times. You're going to need to learn this
before you can finish preparing your project
Project scope
The technological upgrade of the Outsmart hub would change the working module and the customer
service to some degree. This move offers an immense opportunity to increase the efficiency of the
organization. Since these goals have been met, the company will have a large space to take on new
workloads more than ever. Outsmart should have more chances to draw new customers and to maintain a
positive relationship with current customers. It will also help to track employee performance management
and skills development.
Figure 4: Project management plan
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Outsmart hub technological progress will improve the job module and customer service to some degree
that is optimistic.
• To connect more easily with the customers.
To increase the efficiency of the employees and their management team along with other
associated departments.
To provide better security of the confidential data and information of the company and
To prevent misconduct in internal and external environment of company.
Communication plan
In order to incorporate these emerging technologies efficiently and effectively into the work environment,
an outsmart hub would be more aware of the need to maintain departmental unity, which could be
accomplished by closely understanding communication within organizational premises.
This good communication will improve the accuracy of learning and prediction that helps avoid negative
outcomes. During this development process, the organization will maintain frequent contact with each
department and staff without any kind of misinterpretation.
Risk assessment planning
Date that
e Person
Probabilit Impact
Department Work out Medium
the (50%)
project plan
Ashira Wijesinghe
Employees Medium
not (50%)
enough to
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Effect on the
Reducing the
risks involved
It will not allow the
project to follow
predetermined path
and achieve the
organization.it will
a great trouble to
improvisation of the
If the employees are
inefficient, then the
project progression
The department
manager should
working module
that follows the
motivated, well
developed until
Assignment No: 01
ts of the
they can handle
Quality planning
Quality preparation refers directly to the activities of the project management team and/or the project
management team leader to take part in the process of developing and implementing a process for the
purpose of defining and deciding precisely the quality requirements are actually applicable to the project
as a whole, and also to make an appropriate decision as to how to achieve them. The definition of quality
refers primarily to the degree or quantity to which an inherent or an embedded number of features meets
a set of specified criteria that have been deemed appropriate.
Quality preparation focuses on taking all the knowledge available to you at the beginning of the project
and on working out how to assess quality and avoid defects. Your business should have a quality policy
that lays out how it evaluates quality across the organization. You will make sure that your project meets
client policy and any government guidelines or legislation about how to schedule output for your project.
Gannt chart
Gantt graphics is a visual representation of the functions that are shown against time. They represent the
required details, such as who is assigned, the length of the tasks and the conflicting activities of the project.
Overall, Gantt Maps is the best employee for project preparation, planning and management.
Gantt graphics are useful because they're simple to build, use, and monitor. The Gantt table in its simplest
form is a timeline that demonstrates how the project will advance through the project management
This timeline is very useful for the planning and execution of projects. It allows project managers and
project teams decide how much time a project will take to define resources, consider the connection
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
between tasks, and schedule the order in which each task is completed if the entire project is to be
completed on time.
Figure 5: Gannt chart 1
Figure 6: Gannt chart 2
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Task 2
H1; New Technology in a company can improve the business and resolve the issues at the organization
H0; New Technology in a company cannot improve the business and resolve the issues at the organization
The work is carried out using a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The analysis included
a total of 40 workers and 2 managers of the outsmart hub.
Regarding ethics
Total Work was therefore carried out taking into account universal ethical standards. Ethics are moral
rules or values that differentiate between right and wrong. We help to make a distinction between
reasonable and unacceptable behavior.
For quantitate research for employees
1. The time frame during which the employee was affiliated with Outsmart hub.
2. Cloud computing technology and Mobile technology are essential for the expansion and proper
execution of the businesses functioning globally.
3. The essentiality of the different technological improvisations for enhancing the efficiency of the
organizational activities.
4. The prospect of artificial intelligence in improving the improvisation quotient and expansion of
Outsmart hub.
5. The contribution of social media in reaching out to the customers and communicating effectively.
6. How the 'Internet of Things' lets the Outsmart hub merge services in different branches and
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
For Qualitative Research (For Managers)
1. What will be the benefits of implementing Artificial Intelligence in the operational processes of
Outsmart hub?
2. What are the probable benefits that the cloud computing technology will render to the executive
department of Outsmart hub?
3. What, according to you, can be the contributions of social media, to the Outsmart hub?
4. How would the ‘Internet of Things’ help in integrating the processes?
The time frame during which the employee was affiliated with Outsmart hub
Time Span
Number of employees
Total number of
Percentage of
Less than 1 year
1 to 3 years
3 to 5 years
5 to 7 years
Above 7 years
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Figure 7: graph 1
Mobile technology and Cloud computing technology are essential for the expansion and proper
execution of the businesses functioning globally
Number of employees
Percentage of the
Total no. of employees
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Figure 8: graph 2
The essentiality of the different technological improvisations for enhancing the efficiency of the
organizational activities
Number of employees
Total no. of employees
Percentage of
Artificial Intelligence
Cloud Computing
Social Media
Internet of Things
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Figure 9: graph 3
The prospect of artificial intelligence in improving the improvisation quotient and expansion of
Outsmart hub.
No. of employees
Total No. of employees
Percentage of
Saving the cost incurred
Reduction in the time
required for providing
the services
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Reduction in the error
Mechanization of the
Figure 10: graph 4
The contribution of social media in reaching out to the customers and communicating effectively
Number of employees
Total No. of employees
Percentage of
Advertising about the
services offered
Collecting feedback
from the customers
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Addressing the queries
of the customers
Reaching out to new
Figure 11: graph 5
How the ‘Internet of things’ helps the Road Stove company to achieve amalgamation of services
in different branches and within different departments
No. of employees
Total no. of employees
Percentage of
Increasing the efficiency
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Connecting the branches
and the departments
Computation of the
marketing processes
Reaching out to all
functional zones
Figure 12: graph 6
Qualitative Research
What will be the benefits of implementing Artificial Intelligence in the operational processes of
Outsmart hub?
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Manager 1: The scientifically improved procedure in Artificial intelligence would reduce the risks
of duplicity and other problematic processes, which affect both employees as well as the customers,
stated the 1st manager.
Manager 2: The 2nd manager said that that the artificial intelligence method will help the
organization in cutting down unnecessary utilization of workforce and helps in securing the funds
for future use.
What are the probable benefits that the Mobile technology and cloud computing technology will
render to the executive department of Outsmart hub?
Manager 1: 1st manager assured that the execution of the tasks would become more simplified
since the staffs would have access to similar kind of jobs.
Manager 2: He commented that often, the staffs tend to leave the jobs suddenly. In this case,
retrieving the files and the assignments s/he was working on becomes a hectic task due to the
presence of passwords in the systems and various other security concerns.
What, according to you, can be the contributions of social media, to the Outsmart hub?
Manager 1: The 1st manager replied that the social media would definitely help in spreading the
news of the services offered by the bank among maximum number of clients.
Manager 2: He said that the social media would help in collecting the valuable feedbacks of the
customers and would assist Outsmart hub in addressing their grievances immediately.
How would the ‘Internet of Things’ help in integrating the processes?
Manager 1: Interdepartmental connectivity inside the organization and the different branches of the
company would help in increasing the efficiency of the workers and the organization.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Manager 2: The second manager was of the view that the T technologies would help in
mechanization of the marketing processes involved in the Organization and reaching out of all the
functional zones.
In project management there are five phases: initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing.
Throughout these phases of the project, there is a need to continuously track and report on where the
resources for project management come in. Without project management software, you will be struggling
to collect actionable data, track progress and meet deadlines.
The five stages of the project are project life cycle management, which coincidentally is the title of a book
by ProjectManager.com CEO Jason Westland. His in-depth book goes into great detail, which we don't
have time to cover, but we can send you a brief overview so that you can understand how to make the
phases of the project work for you and your team.
Figure 13: project life cycle
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
This is where all the projects are off. The worth of the project as well as its viability shall be
calculated. Before the project is accepted or denied, these two documents shall be drawn up in
order to market the research to stakeholders or sponsors:
Business Case: Here is where you justify the need of the project, which includes analyzing
return on investment.
Feasibility Study: You need to evaluate what the project’s goals are, the timeline to
completion and how much the whole endeavor will cost. You also note what resources will
be required to fulfill the project, and if it makes financial and business sense.
If the project is approved, the next step is to set up a project team and start preparing how to
execute the project so that it can meet its objectives within the budget and on schedule. The
project plan should determine what personnel, funding and supplies are required. The program
also provides guidance to the team and the following:
Scope: There will be a written scope statement that reiterates the need for the project, and what its
deliverables and objectives are.
Definition: Here you break down the larger deliverables into smaller ones, which will help with
managing them.
Tasks: Identify what tasks are necessary to produce the deliverables, figure out if any tasks are
dependent on other tasks.
Schedule: Determine the duration of the tasks and set dates for their completion.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Cost: Estimate the costs involved across the project and formulate a budget.
Quality: Make sure the quality objectives are met throughout the project.
Organization: Note how the project will be organized, including reporting on progress.
Staff: Determine roles and responsibilities of the project team.
Communications: Decide how information will be disseminated, to whom and with what
Risk: Determine what risks are likely, how they’ll impact the project and then plan how to resolve
them. Try our free risk register template if you need help getting started with risk management.
Procurement: Decide what work or materials will be contracted. Define those contracts and who
they’ll go to.
Gantt Charts for Planning & Scheduling
The Gantt chart is the most reliable tool for project planning. The Gantt chart is a visual
representation of all activities and timelines of your project, in a timeline format.
However, you can do more than just make timelines. Our online Gantt charts allow you to drag
and drop due dates, build task dependencies and set milestones. Plus, you can delegate tasks to
team members and manage their workload on the same computer. Our Gantt function lets you
schedule, plan and execute your project with a simple tool.
Now that you've already done your preparation, it's time to start the project. This is where the
rubber hits the road, but it doesn't mean you're just cruising. This phase consists of the following
comprehensive processes:
Executing the Plan: Follow the plan you created, assign the tasks to team members and manage
and monitor their progress with project management tools, like a project dashboard.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Administrate: Manage the contracts secured in the project.
Monitor & Control
In order to ensure that the project plan is revised, all aspects of the project must be controlled and
changed as appropriate. Employ these procedures to do this:
Reporting: Have a metric to measure project progress and an instrument to deliver this information.
Scope: Monitor scope and control changes.
Quality: Measure the quality of deliverables and make sure that the planned quality is being met. If
not, evaluate how to improve the quality.
Schedule: Keep track of delays or blocks that impact the timeline of the project and adjust to stay
on track.
Cost: Monitor expenses and control cost changes.
Risk: Note changes in risk throughout the project and respond accordingly.
The project is not finished until the goals and aims of the project have been achieved. The final
phase of the project is to close it. This includes a particular set of processes:
Scope: Make sure the project deliverables have been completed as planned.
Administration: Close out all outstanding contracts and administrative matters, archive the
paperwork and disseminate to proper parties.
Choosing qualitative or quantitative research methodologies for the small-scale research
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Your analysis should define the types of research methodologies that you use to help your work and data
collection methods. If you want to collect reliable results, you might be analyzing variables and checking
or questioning existing theories or hypotheses. Data is often used to construct new hypotheses based on
data derived from various variables.
However, statistical collections and numeral crunching are often not the answer to understanding the
beliefs, views and information better understood by qualitative data. It should be remembered that
quantitative data are often collected in combination with other research instruments and the underlying
research questions.
Using quantitative and qualitative research methods together
Using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative data, the assessment can be enhanced by ensuring that the
shortcomings of one type of data are balanced by the strengths of another. This will ensure that
understanding is strengthened through the incorporation of various ways of learning. Many assessments
will collect both quantitative (number) and qualitative (text, images) data, but it is important to prepare
ahead of time how these data will be mixed.
Purpose of combining data:
Enriching: using qualitative work to identify issues or obtain information on variables not obtained
by quantitative surveys.
Examining: generating hypotheses from qualitative work to be tested through the quantitative
Explaining: using qualitative data to understand unanticipated results from quantitative data.
Triangulation (Confirming/reinforcing; Rejecting): verifying or rejecting results from quantitative
data using qualitative data
Qualitative research methods
Qualitative research methods are structured in such a way as to help expose the actions and interpretation
of the target audience in relation to a particular topic. Various types of qualitative research techniques, such
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
as in-depth interviews, focus groups, ethnographic research, content analysis, case study research, are
widely used.
The findings of qualitative methods are more concise and the inferences can easily be derived from the data
Qualitative research methods have emerged in the social and behavioral sciences. Today, our world is more
complex, so it's hard to grasp what people think and see. Qualitative research approaches make it easier to
understand this because it is more communicative and concise.
The following are the qualitative analysis methods that are widely used:
1. One-on-one interview: performing in-depth interviews is one of the most popular forms of qualitative
study. This is a informal interview with one respondent at a time. This is a strictly conversational tool, and
it encourages the respondent to have the opportunity to get in-depth information.
One of the benefits of this method is a perfect opportunity to collect reliable information about what people
believe and what their motives are. If the researcher is well trained in asking the right questions, he / she
can be assisted to collect useful data. If more information is needed, researchers should ask these followup questions to help them gather more information.
2. Focus groups: A focus group is perhaps one of the most widely used qualitative analysis techniques
used in data collection. A focus group typically involves a small number of respondents (6-10) from your
target market.
The key goal of the focus group is to find answers to why and how to ask questions. One benefit of focus
groups is that you don't actually need to communicate with the audience in person. Focus groups are an
expensive approach relative to other qualitative research methods. They are generally used to describe
complex processes.
3. Case study research: The case study approach has developed over the last few years and has become a
valuable qualitative research tool. As the name indicates, it is used to describe an organization or entity.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
This type of research method is used in a variety of fields, such as education, social sciences and the like.
This approach may seem difficult to operate; however, it is one of the easiest ways of conducting research,
as it requires a deep and detailed understanding of data collection techniques and inferring data.
4. Record keeping: This method uses already existing accurate records and related sources of information
as the data base. These data can be used for new research purposes. It's close to going to a library. One that
go over books and other reference material to collect the relevant data that may be used in the study.
5. Observation Process: Qualitative Observation is a research process that uses subjective methodologies
to collect quantitative information or data. The emphasis on qualitative observation is, therefore, the process
of study using subjective methodologies to gather knowledge or data. Qualitative measurement is mainly
used to account for variations in efficiency.
Quantitative research methods
Quantitative research is perhaps the easiest to describe and classify.
The data generated are often numerical and are analyzed using mathematical and statistical methods. If
there are no statistics involved, this is not quantitative analysis.
Some phenomena obviously lend themselves to quantitative research because they are already visible as
numbers. Examples include improvements in achievement at various levels of education or an rise in the
number of senior managers with management degrees. However, even phenomena which are obviously
not numerical in nature can be investigated using quantitative methods.
Sources of Quantitative Data
The most common sources of quantitative data include:
Surveys: whether conducted online, by phone or in person. These rely on the same questions being
asked in the same way to a large number of people.
Observations: which may either involve counting the number of times that a particular
phenomenon occurs, such as how often a particular word is used in interviews, or coding
observational data to translate it into numbers.
Secondary data: such as company accounts.
Questionnaires: often seem a logical and easy option as a way of collecting information from
people. They are actually rather difficult to design and because of the frequency of their use in
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
all contexts in the modern world, the response rate is nearly always going to be a problem (low)
unless you have ways of making people complete them and hand them in on the spot (and this
of course limits your sample, how long the questionnaire can be and the kinds of questions
asked). As with interviews, you can decide to use closed or open questions, and can also offer
respondents multiple choice questions from which to choose the statement which most nearly
describes their response to a statement or item. Their layout is an art form in itself because in
poorly laid out questionnaire’s respondents tend, for example, to repeat their ticking of boxes
in the same pattern.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Task 3
Quantitative Analysis
According to the research carried out 25% of employees were associated with the Outsmart Hub
for a time span of less than 1 year. 95% employees were associated for 3 to 5 years. 75% were
associated for 5-7 years and 37.5% were associated for more than 7years.
According to the research carried out 62.5% of the employees strongly agreed out of which 82.5%
agreed for incorporating mobile technology and cloud computing technology for expansion and
execution of the business to function globally. 37.5% employees disagreed from idea of
incorporating the cloud computing system and 37.5% strongly disagree to the ideas.
The prospect of artificial intelligence in raising the quotient and growth of Outsmart hub has been
endorsed by 25% employees, as it helps to save cost. About 37.5% employee supported the decision
as it helped in reduction in the time required for providing the services. 12.5% employees were in
favor of the decision as it helped in reduction in the error percentage and 25% employee supported
the decision as it helped in mechanization of the process.
According to the research carried out 20% employee was in favor of incorporating Artificial
Intelligence. About 37.5 wanted to incorporate cloud computing. The idea of incorporating social
media was supported by 15% employees and internet of things was supported by 22.5% employees.
The possibility of artificial intelligence in raising the quotient and growth of Outsmart
hub has been endorsed by 25% employees, as it helps to save costs.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Way of using social media in order to communicate with the customers were supported by 12.5%
employee as it helped in advertising about the services offered. 37.5% employees supported the
ideas as it helped in collecting feedback from the customers. 25% employee agreed to the idea as
it helps in addressing the quarries of the customers and 25% employee supported the idea as it helps
in reaching out to new customers.
The idea of achieving amalgamation of services in different branches and within different
department was supported by 25% employee as it increased the efficiency of the company. 37.5%
employees supported the idea as it helps in connecting the various branches and department. 12.5%
agreed as it helps in computation of the marketing processes. 25% agreed as it helps in reaching
out to all functional zones.
Qualitative analysis
Managers are in favor of the introduction of an artificial intelligence program, which would help minimize
the risk of duplication and minimize the various troublesome circumstances of employees. But the 2nd
manager was of the view that it would help to cut expenses and save money for the future.
Manager 1 of Outsmart chose to use the Cloud Management Framework and Mobile Application approach
to simplify the execution of tasks for workers and to make it easier for customers. But Manager 2 was
worried that if the employee leaves the job, it will be difficult to access files due to the protection of the
cloud storage system's password.
Both managers of Outsmart have agreed on the use of social media as it will help to speed up the message
of the various services offered and will help the organization to get feedback that could be useful for
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
The managers of the Outsmart center have been interested in the internet because it will help to connect
all the organization's divisions and help mechanize the marketing process involved in the organization.
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is an act of statistics by which an analyst checks a population parameter statement. The
approach used by the researcher depends on the quality of the data used and the reasoning for the analysis.
Hypothesis testing is used to determine the plausibility of a hypothesis using sample data. These data may
derive from a larger population or from a data-generating method. In each of these instances, the term
"population" will be used in the following definitions.
Hypothesis testing is used to assess the plausibility of a hypothesis by using sample data.
The test provides evidence concerning the plausibility of the hypothesis, given the data.
Statistical analysts test a hypothesis by measuring and examining a random sample of the
population being analyzed.
Questionnaires for the employees
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Figure 14: company form intro
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Figure 15: form questions
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Figure 16: form questions
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Figure 17: form questions
The research promoted an interpretation of the ideas of the Outsmart Center workers. The employees of
the Outsmart hub were in favor of introducing modern technical innovations in the service of the Outsmart
hub in order to improve the business of the organization. In order to secure the network, the company
would need to maintain very strict cyber security. Employees must be qualified to be able to use emerging
technology without any difficulties.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Employees wanted to adopt the cloud computing program because they thought it would help to enhance
the services provided to their customers. This system also helps to keep the information of their customers
confidential. Both managers and workers recognized that technical innovation would enhance the
functioning of the company and allow them to reach out more efficiently to their customers. Managers
and employees are concerned about the technology gaps as the cloud computing system could be affected
by viruses.
Social media is giving a voice to who their company name is. When buying from an unknown business,
people check the company's social media accounts to see if consumers are pleased with it. Social
networking can be a website or a small secured network where the Outsmart hub can communicate with
employees and customers if appropriate. It also enables workers to engage in decision-making and in the
growth of the working management structure. The management of any business should have a simpler
and more effective way of launching some new goods and interacting with customers.
Mobile apps have proven to be fast and successful in attracting consumer interest and communicating
product releases, new programs, promotional deals, updated features and discounted Outsmart hub prices.
Such direct communications also provide useful information, such as demographics, geographic locations
and consumer habits for your goods and services, allowing Outsmart hub to understand customer demand
and develop your sales and marketing strategy.
Recommendations summery
It is recommended that Outsmart hub,
Should introduce digital technologies like cloud computing, Mobile Application and Artificial
It would help the organization in managing the staff efficiently and effectively
Updated Web page and Social Media Network can help is attracting a number of customers and
help the management is managing customer base. It would also give a great advantage of e
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Choosing the right testing approach helps you to effectively answer a research question or check a
hypothesis. Missteps at the beginning of the research process could lead to the derailment of an otherwise
promising project. Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of quantitative and qualitative approaches
will allow you to make an informed decision. Both approaches are very useful depending on the type of
analysis. Some dissertations and research studies adopt a mixed method approach that incorporates
qualitative and quantitative methods in different phases in order to obtain a broader perspective.
You may be well acquainted with quantitative analysis in your science classes where you have studied
and practiced using the scientific method. The problem or question is investigated by deductively creating
a theory-based hypothesis. Controlled, unbiased research and analysis generally supports or denies the
conclusions. Each step is standardized to reduce bias in the collection and analysis of data. A major benefit
of this method is that the findings are true, accurate and generalizable to the wider population. Quantitative
analysis is useful for studies involving numbers, such as calculating achievement differences between
different classes.
Advantages of Quantitative Research
The quantitative approach allows you to reach a higher sample size.
From this method ability to study a larger sample size for any hypothesis, it is easier to reach a valid
generalized conclusion. The additional data that you obtain from this work gives the result greater
legitimacy as the statistical analysis is more in-depth. A larger sample makes it less likely that outliers in
the study community will adversely affect the outcomes that you want to achieve impartially.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
It can collect information quickly when using quantitative research.
Researchers collect information for the quantitative testing phase in real-time environments so that
statistical analysis can take place almost instantly. Experiments, surveys and interviews offer immediate
answers that are valuable from a data-centric approach. Fewer gaps in the acquisition of these tools make
it easier to identify connections that eventually lead to a useful conclusion.
Quantitative work does not require the isolation of processes or the identification of variables to obtain
Quantitative research uses randomized samples.
When research participants suspect that a study wants to achieve a specific result, their personal bias may
be reflected in the data spectrum. The answers given on the included materials are partial truths or outright
lies as a way to manipulate the job. That's why the quantitative method is so effective when attempting to
test a particular theory within a broad demographic population.
This approach uses a randomized method to gather information. This excludes bias from being present in
most situations. It also offers an benefit in that the data can then be generalized systematically to the rest
of the population being studied. There is always a chance of error to remember, but it is this approach that
generally provides the most accurate results.
Results duplication is possible when using quantitative research.
When opinions are a valid substitute for facts, anything becomes possible. Quantitative analysis avoids
this issue because it focuses only on real data. The work validates itself, since the results still point to the
same data, even if random conditions exist. Minor variations may be found over time, but the general
conclusions that researchers draw when using this process remain accurate.
This is why this knowledge is valuable when looking at the need for concrete potential outcomes. The
facts include figures that are necessary to remember when tough decisions have to be made.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Quantitative research can focus on facts or a series of information.
Researchers may use the quantitative method to concentrate on a particular reality they want to study in
the general population. This approach is also useful when a number of data points are highly desirable
within a particular demographic. It is a mechanism that helps us to consider the reasons behind our
choices, attitudes or acts from a social point of view.
When we can understand the context behind the choices that people make, it is easier to uncover the
pressure points or particular desires that need resolution. The data analysis can then be applied to the rest
of the population so that everybody can benefit from this research.
The research performed with the quantitative approach is anonymous.
As long as researchers are able to verify that individuals fit into the demographic profile of their sample
group, there is no need to include personal information. The anonymous nature of quantitative research
makes it useful for data collection because people are more likely to share an honest perspective when
there are assurances that their feedback will not come back to haunt them. Except when interviews or
surveys are part of this work, personal information is a screening tool rather than a brand recognition tool.
Quantitative research doesn’t require direct observation to be useful.
Researchers must follow unique guidelines while using the quantitative approach, but there is no
obligation to observe each participant directly. This ensures that a study can submit surveys to individuals
without the need to get others in the room while they provide answers. This benefit produces a higher
response rate as people have more time and less motivation to complete their work.
While the complexity of answering questions or the duration of a survey or interview can be obstacles to
participation, the amount of data obtained by researchers from the quantitative method is often useful.
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Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Advantages of Qualitative Research
Subject materials can be evaluated with greater detail.
There are also time constraints on the methods of study. The aim of time restriction is to produce a tangible
outcome so that the metrics can be in place. Qualitative research focuses less on the metrics of the data
being collected and more on the subtleties of what can be found in that information. It helps the data to
provide an increased level of information, and can offer more opportunities to gain knowledge from it
during the analysis.
Research frameworks can be fluid and based on incoming or available data.
Many research opportunities must follow a particular pattern of interrogation, data collection and reporting.
Qualitative work gives a common approach. It can be tailored to the nature of the information that is being
collected. If the available data do not appear to yield any results, the research may immediately change gear
and try to gather data in a new direction. This provides more opportunities to gather valuable clues about
any topic, rather than being restricted to a narrow and sometimes self-fulfilling perspective.
Qualitative research data is based on human experiences and observations.
Humans have two very different systems of operation. One is the subconscious method of action,
which is the simple and instinctive perception that happens when data is present. The other
operating system is slower and more methodological, wanting to evaluate all data sources before
making a decision.
Many types of research rely on the second operating system while ignoring the instinctive
existence of the human mind. Qualitative work should not neglect the feeling of the heart. It
supports it, and the data that can be obtained is also best suited to it.
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Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Gathered data has a predictive quality to it.
One of the main mistakes made in qualitative research is the belief that a personal viewpoint can be
extrapolated into a group viewpoint. This is only possible when individuals grow up in similar
circumstances, have similar perspectives on the world, and operate with similar goals. Nevertheless, as
these groups can be identified, the individualistic data obtained may have a predictive quality for those in
a specific category. At the very least, the data has a predictive quality for the individual from whom it was
Qualitative research operates within structures that are fluid.
Because the data collected through this type of research is based on observations and experience, an
experienced researcher may follow up interesting answers with additional questions. Unlike other types of
analysis that involve a particular zero-deviation structure, researchers may track any data tangent that is
made public and improve the overall collection of information that is being collected.
Data complexities can be incorporated into generated conclusions.
Even though our industrial society appears to favor statistics and verifiable data, we can not completely
exclude human experience from the equation. Different people would have strikingly different
interpretations of any statistic, fact, or event. This is because our individual experiences give us a clear
viewpoint on the data we see. Such nuances, when assembled into a single database, will draw conclusions
with greater depth and precision, which is of benefit to everyone.
Qualitative research is an open-ended process.
When a researcher is adequately trained, the open-ended mechanisms of qualitative research make it
possible to collect information from an individual's emotional response under shallow reactions and logical
thoughts. This is important to this type of researcher as it is an emotional reaction that often drives a person's
decisions or affects their actions.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Creativity becomes a desirable quality within qualitative research.
It can be difficult to evaluate data collected from individual sources, since often people react
subconsciously in a way that they think someone wants. This ability to "please" another decreases data
quality and suppresses individual creativity. By adopting the qualitative research approach, it is possible
to promote the imagination of the respondent, enabling people to express themselves authentically. In
return, the data collected becomes more accurate and can lead to predictable results.
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is a statistical procedure that uses survey data to compare two mutually incompatible
population properties hypotheses. Statistics call these hypotheses the null hypothesis and the alternative
hypothesis. The hypothesis test tests the statistical data of the sample and the variables in the calculation of
the error of the sample to decide the conclusion is confirmed by the data.
In all the experiments, the researchers are measuring an effect of some kind. The effect may be the efficacy
of the new vaccine, the reliability of the new drug, the proportion of the defect in the manufacturing process,
and so on. There is some benefit or difference that the researchers are hoping to identify.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Task 4
Project Management
Project management tackles cost, schedule and output goals while delivering a client-satisfied result. The
level of quality associated with the completed project is a indicator of the importance of the project to the
client. It follows that important management decisions relate to the degree of quality obtained for each of
the tasks of the project, since the quality of the tasks determines the quality of the project.
The focus in project planning and scheduling has been on managing the relationship between time and
expense, implicitly assuming a defined standard of quality that is rarely specifically examined. However,
in certain cases, there are alternate approaches to completing each mission, each with its own time, cost and
quality considerations.
Differences in quality can occur as a result of bids provided by competing subcontractors to perform similar
tasks. Also, different bids by the same subcontractor may mean different rates of quality. For example,
subcontractors may have some time and cost flexibility that will result in different quality rates for the same
job. This can also refer to alternative job arrangements offered in-house. For example, when the foundation
for a building is completed, there are choices related to the depth of the excavation and the compressive
strength of the concrete used. That of the potential alternatives would achieve a different amount of time,
expense and efficiency associated with this function.
Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learning and
What was the Project supposed to accomplish?
The main purpose of the research in this project was to examine the value of digital technology and
how it enhances the efficiency of the organization. This project helps to explain the changes that
are taking place within the company on the introduction of emerging technology into the Outsmart
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Did the project succeed in its aims/ how do you know?
In particular, please discuss any reviews and tests performed. Yes, the project was successful as
workers and managers committed to the introduction of digital technology.
What things do you think worked well and why?
Consider all facets of the project (e.g. start-up, project tasks and project outcomes) from a range of
viewpoints. Initial start-up ware gathering information on technical advancement; in this phase, I
have introduced potential implementation techniques; most of the objectives have been achieved.
What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled?
During the project process, was there a timely recognition and resolution of issues? The issue I
faced during this project was the lack of funds and the challenge of getting an appointment with
the company's managers. Yeah, the issues have been found on time.
What did you learn from undertaking the project?
The project undertaken helps to recognize the value of digital technologies in the growth of the
Outsmart hub.
How would you rate your performance as a management consultant leading the project?
I am very pleased with my results. My actions helped to connect with the organization's authorities
to complete this project.
What strengths and weakness of your performance did you identify?
During the project, my communication skills helped me. My decision-making skills helped me to
complete this project.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
How will this inform and support your continuous professional development?
This information will help me gain awareness about the latest technology that could help me gain
a successful career in this area.
Project Management
Project management is essential for the achievement of the final results of the project, for the management
of its contributors and outcomes, as well as for the development and evaluation of alternatives in order to
meet the different organizational needs.
It points out that project management is a method that aims to help companies solve complex problems.
It draws our attention to the importance of project management in the development of proper preparation,
coordination and control of organizational resources for the achievement of short-term goals, the
achievement of particular goals or even broader objectives.
The benefits of effective project execution may be derived either from the development of new goods and
services, or from the elimination of other operating costs, or also from improvements to traditional
working procedures, the improvement of processes and the upgrading of personal and technical skills.
The research method adopted for this project can best be represented as a single case study approach. This
research collected data in the form of semi-structured questionnaires and a record analysis so that the
results could be triangulated.
It is a large-scale company, leader in the field of software & web development side. The main difficulty
found by managers was the absence of digital information, much of it still in the paper form. This
unorganized knowledge prevented the timely decision-making process based on an adequate technical
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
The biggest benefit of project management is that it lets you handle your tasks efficiently, allowing you
to solve issues more quickly. It takes time and money to plan a project, however good practice will help:
1. Service delivery efficiency: A project management plan serves as a map or a guide that a team can
easily follow. At the end of the map lies successful project completion. The fact that project
management allows for the identification of any risks or bottlenecks makes the work done smarter
and to an increase in success, essential for satisfied clients.
2. Increased customer satisfaction: The benefits of project management process steps lead to happier
customers. Project management allows for effective time management and budget control, two
aspects that increase the probability of completing a project on-time and within budget. These
specific parameters are some of the most important for clients. A satisfied client is one that you will
see again, which is a benefit for all involved.
3. Service delivery effectiveness: The benefits of good project management allow for consistency. The
ability to complete one project successfully will increase your chances of completing the next
projects you undertake successfully also.
4. Team growth and development: Working in a supportive and collaborative environment stimulates
team member motivation and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of work produced.
5. Competitive advantage: Project management benefits realization lies deeply in the fact that not only
does project management advantage how you manage your project, but also how your skill in project
management is perceived and can secure you a dignified position in the project management
6. Opportunities for expansion: The fact that project management allows for the completion of more
successful projects means that more opportunities for further success are created.
7. Improved flexibility: Thanks to the fact that project management is centered around planning, all
those involved receive a clear understanding of what will be before they begin any work. This allows
for flexibility in decision-making and time management.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
8. Optimized risk assessment: The benefits of risk management in projects cannot be overlooked.
With the help of planning and organization, any risks or bottlenecks that have a potential to arise
throughout the project are identified in advance. This allows for time to deal with these risks
effectively and to prepare, which cuts any negative impact they may have significantly or eliminates
them completely.
9. Increase in quality outcomes: Due to the effectives that the benefits of project management
methodology bring about, the quality of outcomes will be improved and evident.
10. Increased quantity: Due to the increased efficiency that the benefits of project management process
create, the quantity of projects completed is increased as a result of the improved efficiency.
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
Gannt Chart
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
(Anon., 2018)
(Malsam, 2016)
(anagement-homework, 2018)
(www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk, 2015)
(/www.uxmatters.com, 2018)
(www.macmillanihe.com, 2018)
(Anon., 2016)
Ashira Wijesinghe
Unit No: 06 MSCP
Assignment No: 01
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