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Math Perceptions: Student Assignment

Group Name: Three Dimensions
Members: Cristina Ramos, Aaron Petilla, Collin Catoy
Date: March 19, 2021
Section: N
Assignment 1 – Activity 2
Math Perceptions
Filipinas Petilla
“Arithmetic is a big factor in my
job since science and maths goes
“I like math because I use it
every day.”
Kim Hue Dehayco
“Math helps me with many
calculations in the games I like
to play.”
Jaq Gabriel Tonido
“It’s nice, but it becomes a
hardship to do and work with
Noel Petilla
“Mathematics determines
whether a person is disciplined
or not in his line of work.”
“Math will be useful for my
students in their future careers. I
can bet on that.”
The respondent believes
that math plays a strong
role when it comes to the
daily activities on her job
in the lab.
(Positive stand)
For a college student like
him, he believes that math
plays a few roles in his
(Positive stand)
Kim is the average video
game enjoyer, with deep
insight in the mechanics he
plays. Math helps him
calculate things like
angles, run speed, and
damage output in the
games he plays.
(Positive stand)
He believes that math is
very important, and does
play a role in his daily life
such as basic tasks and
education. However, he
believes that once it
becomes a little bit more
complex than basic
calculations, it becomes
tedious and undesirable.
(Neutral stand – leaning
more to positive)
For a high school teacher
like him, mathematics is
the measure of hard work
and discipline which
shows what kind of
student or person he is
working with.
(Neutral stand)
She believes that
mathematics will help her
current students further
their knowledge and
John Marlon Dispo
Peter Andrei Petilla
Mathew Jerome
Kyle Lapid
education, in order for
them to grow holistically.
(Positive stand)
One of the main things that
turned psychology into a
science was the
requirement of empirical
evidence by the
behaviorists way back in
the old times. That
scientific approach then
“Math is what turns philosophy
eventually led to the
into science.”
inclusion of psych stats in
psych methodologies.
With the backing of
statistics, findings in psych
studies were given more
attention than the armchair theories of the past.
(Positive stand)
He further states that
objective reality is filtered
through our five senses,
making them subjective to
each entity. Math is like
“Math is the best link we have to
the language that lets us
see reality in an objective
manner, in which all
entities can relate to.
(Positive stand)
Just like the earlier
“Math is a human invention
respondent, he perceives
designed to quantify the known
math as a way to observe
objective reality.
(Positive stand)
He basically thinks that
math is adequate enough
“Math is ok.”
to use and understand.
(Neutral stand)
He states that math helps
him learn more about the
economic atmosphere he
“Math is the reason why I’m
dwells in, and that
going rich.”
understanding such will
help him increase his
(Positive stand)
He thinks that math is
alright when needed, but
“Mathematics is fine, but I’d
he won’t dive into it when
prefer not to do it when not
it is not necessary.
(Neutral stand – leaning
more to negative)
Aiman Pampanga
Luis Gabriel
Raul Soliva
Marita Castro
Just like some other
respondents earlier, he
believes that the only way
to fully understand
“Understanding mathematics is
reasoning and the entirety
necessary if you want to
of one’s surroundings is to
understand the world.”
understand the math, be it
basic or complex, behind
such observable
(Positive stand)
She thinks that math is
necessary, but she
wouldn’t consider herself
“Math is a need for most subject
so inclined to math as
matters, but I don’t really care
others would be, since she
for it as much as other things.”
has other strength in play.
(Neutral stand – leaning
more to negative)
He believes that math is
very helpful when it comes
“I like math because it deepens to his major, and that math
my understanding in my major,
plays an important role to
as well as the happenings around the things around him; like
how engines start or why a
computer malfunctions.
(Positive stand)
The message that he put
forward is that basically,
“It is more focus to analyzation.
life will throw several
We analyze situation to be able
problems or ordeals
to estimate the level of capacity.
towards an individual.
Capacity in terms of readiness to
With the help of
solve problems. Problems are
the result of discomfort related
understanding and solving
to physical, mental and social
said problems would be
life. Mathematics provide
much easier. He also states
comfort, peace of mind and
that being afraid, disliking,
good health. Misconception
or avoiding math can cause
about mathematics can bring
more problems than there
you to disaster.”
already is.
(Positive stand)
“Mathematics not just teaches us
She goes on about the
hard-to-grasp concepts and
benefits that one can gain
complicated formulas, but it also
when they learn and
teaches us how to have
understand math by heart.
perseverance in every problem
Stating that math helps
that we are facing. In solving
condition the mind and
Mathematics we don’t easily
body for several ordeals,
derive the correct answer, we
coming up with solutions
often use multiple solutions
systematically and
before arriving at the desired
solution. Just like in our daily
(Positive stand)
life problem encounters, we
don’t simply surrender, instead
we consider our increased
capacities to solve a certain
problem-- and that’s one vital
thing Mathematics teaches us.”
Group Reflection
For thousands of years, mankind had always had several problems regarding quantities and
whatnot, and math had always been part of it. Before mathematics was formally “invented” and
further normalized in Western Europe during the 17th century, math had always been present ever
since humans had the power to piece together logic. Ancient humans would use sundials to tell the
time, which by no coincidence, had specific angles. During medieval times, apothecaries would
prescribe a number of several herbs in dosages that correspond to the patient’s age or level of
maturity. Evidence of written mathematics even dates back all the way 2000 B.C. during the age of
Mesopotamia, where mathematics was denoted and practiced by their people in the form of clay
tablets. It is without say that humans back then relied and appreciated math, and ever more so the
humans of today. Our respondents showed an excellent case of this so called appreciation, and
furthermore, an understanding for mathematics. Among our respondents, there are some that take
upon a stance of neutrality when it comes to the subject, but they did not deny the usefulness and
purpose of mathematics, be it simple or complex. There are some of those neutral who lean more to
the negative, but still, as said, they do seem to affirm that mathematics is a need if one wants to
understand basic things.
The majority of our respondents actually took a positive stand towards mathematics; both as a
subject and a way of life. We can generalize some of their thoughts, and maybe expound in them a bit
Some respondents who took a positive stance to mathematics state that it is very helpful when
it comes to daily activities, events, and whatnot. These activities can be as simple as scheduling a day,
a week or even a month. Other activities can be things like work, education, or even exercise. Adding
a numerical value to an observable quantity (like adding tasks to a date, planning the flow of a 2 hour
event, or counting repetitions in an exercise routine) is the average idea of people who say that
mathematics is helpful for day to day activities.
Other respondents who took a positive stance stated that mathematics is a necessary if you
want to excel in an activity, excel in a job, or solve a problem. Our basic understanding of these
claims is that the discipline to learn and understand mathematics as a way of doing things equates to
one’s ability to adapt and overcome ordeals. With that being said, we can say that a person who learns
the from the hardships of mathematics can more or less actively overcome other hardships in life
more than that of a person who neglects the need to understand mathematics.
The last part of respondents who took a positive stance rather had an interesting take on
mathematics. The basic idea of their claim is that mathematics is what makes up human
understanding, as taken from the quote of Canillas, “Mathematics is the best link we have to
reality.”— When taken into understanding, their statements do make sense. Why do birds fly? How
can we perceive if a bird is flying? How is the bird flying in the first place? These are all questions
that can be answered by math. Specifically, they can be answered by physics. However, physics is
only theory if there is no math involved; such as to psychology, biology, and other fields of study. As
stated earlier, objective reality is filtered through the five senses. Think of it as a digital camera taking
a picture. Before taking the picture, the observer can see the subject of the picture on the screen or
through the lens of the digital camera. The information that is being presented to the screen is
basically filtered by the camera and presented by the camera. In the “dimension” where the camera is
in, the subject of the picture basically exists. But what happens when the camera is turned off? The
screen is blank, or in other words, in the “dimension” where the camera is in, the subject of the picture
basically does not exist. Math helps us filter and understand the objective reality. Mathematics, be it
simple or not, exists to feed information to an entity when it observes objective reality. Mathematics
basically quantifies the known world, as said earlier by Mr. Dispo. When objective reality is
quantified, it becomes easier to understand.
With all the unique ideologies and stances on math, we can say that the people of today know
how to appreciate math, and know that mathematics will always play a very important role in every
individual’s life on the day to day basis.