Starter – online 9x9 starter Chapter 32 Statistical measures 32.8 Grouped data Learning objectives: • to distinguish between grouped discrete and • to find the estimate of the mean for grouped Success criteria: • I can calculate the estimate of the mean for grouped discrete and continuous data • I can identify the modal class from a grouped frequency distribution 1) What is the modal class? 2) How many people scored more than 50? 3) What is the estimate of the mean? e.g. 40 students were asked how long it takes them to get home after school 1) What is the modal class? 2) What is the estimate of the mean? Time taken to get home after school Classwork: Strategies if you get stuck: EX 31H: 1 – c, d 2, 4, 7 *Challenge: EX 31H: 8, 9, 10 • research (notebook, textbook, internet) • ask your classmates or the teacher Mark your answers according to the mark scheme if possible, compare your answers with your classmates