Uploaded by Mason Dixon Mitchell

National Park Service (NPS): History, Purpose, and Funding

The National Park Service (NPS)
By: Mason Mitchell
President Woodrow Wilson created the NPS as an agency within the United States Department of the Interior on
August 25, 1916 through the National Park Service Organic Act. He also promoted the creation of a highway system
that would make national parks more accessible by automobile.
The NPS is dedicated to conserving unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park
System. It is conserved for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.
The NPS supports the conservation of national parks for the enjoyment of people and safety of wildlife for future
generations to see. National pasrks are ran bby the government through the NPS to preserve the lands of nature that
cannot be replaced.
Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Trails Network- This program provides technical and financial assistance to
state, community, and nonprofit organizations in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The NPS collaborates with state, local, and
nonprofit partners to: Provide better public access to the Chesapeake Bay and tributary rivers, Conserve important
landscapes and resources, Engage youth in meaningful work and placed-based education, Improve recreational
opportunities, Promote stewardship, and Interpret the natural and cultural resources of the Chesapeake Bay region.
National Natural Landmarks Program- The National Natural Landmarks Program encourages and supports the
voluntary conservation of sites that illustrate the geological and biological history of the United States, and strengthens the
public’s appreciation of America’s natural heritage.
Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program- The Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance
Program assists community-led natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation initiatives that lead to protected
waterways, conserved open space, and the development of trails and greenways. This mission seeks to produce a network
of national, state, and local parks, rivers, trails, greenways, and open spaces that links all Americans to the natural world and
promotes quality of life.
Why The NPS Should Not Be Cut Off By 20%
The National Park Service should not be cut off by 20% because it supports
natural landmarks and wildlife. The funding all goes to the National Parks and
conserving/maintaining them. The NPS requires all the funding it can get to
support the wildlife, programs, future projects and enjoyment of people who
come to visit. Since the NPS was established to conserve national parks they
have dedicated all their time and effort to keep it the same as it was before.
Through the droughts, wildfires and almost extinction of wildlife they have put in
their all to reserve it's natural state for everyones enjoyment and safety of the