Section 1 - Point of Virtual Fixity Ref.: [1]-Michael Tomlinson and John Woodward-Pile Design and Construction Practice-6 th edition 1. Soil properties Reference Layer Soil type 1 2 3 4 Silty CLAY, soft to very soft Sandy CLAY, very stiff Silty SAND, medium dense to Sandy SILT, hard 5 Granite rock Strength parameter SPT [blows] Unit weight [kN/m3] -[deg.] cu-[kN/m3] 0-4 16.5 16.5 18.5 18.0 28.5 30 30 - 53 20.5 - 250 4-20 20-50 >50 - 2. Pile properties ● Pile type Steel pile - Outside diameter - Wall thickness - Section of steel pile - Moment of inertia of pile - Elastic modulus of pile Bored pile - Diameter - Section of bored pile - Moment of inertia of pile - Elastic modulus of pile Composited Pile D = t = As = Is = Es = B Ab Ib Eb 1000 20 0.0616 0.0074 2.1E+08 960 mm mm m2 m4 kN/m2 = = = = 0.0417 3.8E+07 kN/m2 EA = EI = 4.0E+07 3.1E+06 kN kN.m2 0.724 mm m2 m4 Composited Pile A - section area of pile I - moment of inertia of pile 3. Virtual fixity point estimation method ● The equivalent fix - end column of pile: Lu = Le = e + zf Where: e - free length of pile, m zf - depth of fixity point, m ● For normally consolidated clays, granular soils silt and peat: zf = 1.8 T 1/5 T = (EI/nh)