Total Quality Management Dr. Abdelmutalab Ibrahim CV ابرز املشروعات اإلدارة العامة للجمارك :ايزو 9001:2008 ادراة فوائد مابعد الخدمة :ايزو 9001:2008 بنك فيصل اإلسالمي السوداني :ايزو 9001:2008و ايزو 14001و ايزو 18001 تأهيل بنك فيصل اإلسالمي السوداني لنيل شهادة ملتزمون بالتميز C2Eمن EFQM مصنع ميمو للحوم :ايزو 22000:2005 مجموعة كمون (شركة خدمة المطارات) شركة بالتينيوم للتطوير و اإلستثمار المحدودة. صندوق إعانة المرضي الكويتي :ايزو 9001:2008 شركة الصناعات الوطنية ايزو9001:2008 : اكاديمية السودان لعلوم و تكنلوجيا الطيران :ايزو 9001:2015 مستشار بنك السودان لتطبيق بطاقة اإلداء المتوازن تنفيذ مشوع كايزن :معمل وزارة الثروة الحيوانية. إجراء تقييم ذاتي على خلفية النموذج االوربي الدارة الجودة EFQMلعدد من المصارف السودانية علي سبيل المثال البنك العربي السوداني ,البنك السوداني المصري ,بنك الشمال االسالمي ,بنك فيصل االسالمي السوداني ,مصرف السالم. ابرز املشروعات •تأهيل مصارف للمشاركة في جائزة السودان لالداء المصرفي المتميز وهي: مصرف المزارع التجاري مصرف السالم مصرف اإلدخار والتنمية اإلجتماعية بنك فيصل االسالمي بنك تنمية الصادرات بنك ام درمان الوطني بنك النيلين بنك النيل االزرق المشرق البنك العربي السوداني البنك السوداني المصري بنك الشمال االسالمي بنك المال المتحد بنك الخرطوم بنك الجزيرة السوداني االردني بنك الثروة الحيوانية بنك التنمية التعاوني بنك البركة البنك الفرنسي السوداني البنك العقاري البنك السوداني الفرنسي بنك التضامن االسالمي البنك االسالمي السوداني املؤهالت و العضويات املهنية: كبير مراجعين معتمد ل ISO 9001:2015و ايزو 22000و 18001و ايزو 14001 دبلوم محكم معتمد لنموذج التميز المؤسسي – المنظمة االوربية إلدارة الجودة . EFQM دبلوم مقيم معتمد انموذج التميز المؤسسي – المنظمة االوربية إلدارة الجودة . EFQM التطبيقات العملية لنموذج التميز المؤسسي -معهد التميز المؤسسي -أبو ظبي عضو مؤسس الجمعية الوطنية للجودة والتميز. عضو المعهد الملكي البريطاني للجودة MCQI-CQP إستشاري إدارة جودة معتمد لدي المعهد الملكي الملكي البريطاني MCR عضو الجمعية االمريكية للجودة (ASQ) Senior Member عضو معهد خدمة العمالء ) – (ICSبريطانيا عضو مركز ازالة الهدر المؤسسي مقييم معتمد لنموزج التميز لدي EFQM & BQF Welcome Welcome to Total Quality Management (Mgt 54 1). Introducing – the lecturer Introducing – the students Who are you? What are you studying? Why are you doing Quality Management? What experience do you have with quality? 6 Today’s Topics Course Welcome and Introduction Module Introduction Concepts What is quality What is TQM What is a customer What is a product / service 7 Why Quality? Evolution of Quality Conclusion & Next Week The Course Purpose: This course aims at enhancing the student's understanding of total quality concept and techniques for managing, controlling, and improving quality. Approach: Practical application of quality theories and principles examining global perspectives on competition, quality as a strategic mechanism, ethics and corporate responsibility, strategic alliances, organisational culture, profound customer satisfaction, ISO9000 certification, and quality tools and techniques. 8 Pre-reading Juran .J.M et al. (1988) Quality Control Handbook, New York: McGraw- Hill. Deming, WE 2000, Out of the crisis. 9 Topics 1. Understanding Quality 2. The Evolution of the Concept of Total Quality 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Management The Quality Gurus Quality and the Customer The Basic Quality Tools Quality Through ISO9000 Quality Models and Programmes Implementing Total Quality Management Quality Problem Solving and Decision Making Task 1 Write down now what ‘quality’ means to you and keep your answers for later. 4/5/2019 11 Quality perspectives Everyone defines Quality based on their own perspective of it. Typical responses about the definition of quality would include: 1. Perfection 2. Consistency 3. Eliminating waste 4. Speed of delivery 5. Compliance with policies and procedures 6. Doing it right the first time 7. Delighting or pleasing customers 8. Total customer satisfaction and service 12 Evolution of Quality Total Quality management Quality Control Process Control Quality Assurance Inspection 4/5/2019 13 Concepts What is Quality? FEIGENBAUM (1983) DEFINED QUALITY AS FOLLOWS Quality is total composite product (goods and services) characteristics, through which the product in use will meet the needs and expectations of the customers. Concept of quality must start with identification of customer quality requirements and must end only when the finished product is placed into the hands of the customer who remains satisfied through various stages of relationship with the seller 4/5/2019 14 Definitions of Quality Quality means different things to different people: 1. User -Based: Fitness for use, meeting customer expectations. 2. Manufacturing-Based: Conforming to design, specifications, or requirements. Having no defects. 3. Product-Based: The product has something that other similar products do not that adds value. 4. Value-Based: The product is the best combination of price and features. 5. Transcendent: It is not clear what it is, but it is something good... Approaches to define Quality User Based Approach Defined as “Fitness for use” (Joseph Juran) Viewed from user’s perspective and is dependent on how well does the product meet needs of the consumer. Also known as Customer Oriented Approach Quality is “conformance to requirements” (Philip B. Crosby) Manufacturing Based Approach An outcome of engineering or operational excellence and is measured in terms of quality of conformance The producer has specifications and produces the product as per the specifications 4/5/2019 16 Approaches to define Quality Product Based Approach Attributes of a particular product in a specific category These attributes are accepted as bench of quality by the industry Others in the same industry try to produce close to this quality Transcendent Approach Quality is absolute and universally recognisable. It is common notion There is no subjective judgement and is estimated by looking at the product 4/5/2019 17 Approaches to define Quality Value Based Approach Quality is viewed in context of price Quality is satisfactory, if it provides desired performance at an acceptable price Customer looks at the total value proposition and not the price alone Benefits Value Pr ice 4/5/2019 18 Attributes of Quality Products (Manufacturing) Services 1. Performance 1. Performance 2. Features 2. Time 3. Reliability 3. Timeliness 4. Cost 4. Reliability 5. Technical Requirements 5. Completeness 6. Durability 6. Courtesy 7. Serviceability 7. Consistency 8. Aesthetics 8. Access and Convenience 9. Perceived Quality 9. Accuracy 10.Responsiveness 11.Cost 4/5/2019 19 Concepts What is TQM? A comprehensive, organization-wide effort to improve the quality of products and services, applicable to all organizations. 20 Concepts What is a customer? Anyone who is impacted by the product or process delivered by an organization. External customer: The end user as well as intermediate processors. Other external customers may not be purchasers but may have some connection with the product. Internal customer: Other divisions of the company that receive the processed product. What is a product? The output of the process carried out by the organization. It may be goods (e.g. automobiles, missile), software (e.g. a computer code, a report) or service (e.g. banking, insurance) 21 Concepts How is customer satisfaction achieved? Two dimensions: Product features and Freedom from deficiencies. Product features – Refers to quality of design. Examples in manufacturing industry: Performance, Reliability, Durability, Ease of use, Esthetics etc. Examples in service industry: Accuracy, Timeliness, Friendliness and courtesy, Knowledge of server etc. Freedom from deficiencies – Refers to quality of conformance. Higher conformance means fewer complaints and increased customer satisfaction. (This is related to free from defects.) 22 Why Quality? Reasons for quality becoming a cardinal priority for most organizations: Competition – Today’s market demand high quality products at low cost. Having `high quality’ reputation is not enough! Internal cost of maintaining the reputation should be less. Changing customer – The new customer is not only commanding priority based on volume but is more demanding about the “quality system.” Changing product mix – The shift from low volume, high price to high volume, low price have resulted in a need to reduce the internal cost of poor quality. 23 Why Quality? Product complexity – As systems have become more complex, the reliability requirements for suppliers of components have become more stringent. Higher levels of customer satisfaction – Higher customers expectations are getting spawned by increasing competition. Relatively simpler approaches to quality viz. product inspection for quality control and incorporation of internal cost of poor quality into the selling price, might not work for today’s complex market environment. 24 Quality perspectives Everyone defines Quality based on their own perspective of it. Typical responses about the definition of quality would include: 1. Perfection 2. Consistency 3. Eliminating waste 4. Speed of delivery 5. Compliance with policies and procedures 6. Doing it right the first time 7. Delighting or pleasing customers 8. Total customer satisfaction and service 25 TQM Definitions Total quality management is continuously satisfying customer requirements, at lowest cost, by harnessing the commitment of everyone in the organisation.’ Dr David Cook PA Consultants, 1986, Total Quality Management, 1 (1). ‘TQM is a corporate business management philosophy which recognises that customer needs and business goals are inseparable. British Quality Association, 1989. 4/5/2019 Sudan University of Science& Technology 26 Total Quality & Excellence Centre TQM Definitions ‘Total quality management is an approach to improving the effectiveness and flexibility of business as a whole. It is essentially a way of organising, involving the whole company, business or organisation, every department, every activity, every single person at every level.’ Professor J S Oakland, University of Bradford, 1988, Proceedings of the International Conference on TQM, London 4/5/2019 Sudan University of Science& Technology 27 Total Quality & Excellence Centre TQM Definitions In general total quality management is defined as follows: Quality – is to satisfy customers’ requirements continually. Total quality – is to achieve quality at low cost. Total quality management – is to obtain total quality by involving everyone’s daily commitment.’ Professor Gopal K Kanji, Sheffield City Polytechnic, 1990, Total Quality Management, 1 (1). 4/5/2019 Sudan University of Science& Technology 28 Total Quality & Excellence Centre TQM Definitions ‘All things that we must do to achieve quality leadership.’ Joseph M Juran, USA, 1994, Proceedings of Fifth World Congress on Total Quality, 1995. 4/5/2019 Sudan University of Science& Technology 29 Total Quality & Excellence Centre Seven Elements of TQM Approach – management led Scope – company-wide Scale – everyone responsible Philosophy – prevention not detection Standard – right the first time Control – cost of quality Theme – continuous improvement 4/5/2019 Sudan University of Science& Technology 30 Total Quality & Excellence Centre Core Principles of TQM (1) Leadership commitment; (2) Customers focus; (3) Employee involvement; (4) Training and development; (5) Suppliers management; (6) Process management; (7) Product Design; (8) Quality data management; and, (9) Continuous improvement 4/5/2019 Sudan University of Science& Technology 31 Total Quality & Excellence Centre Benefits of TQM Reduced Costs Quality Matched To The End Customer’s Requirements An Empowered Workforce Shared Responsibility For Success A Marketing Advantage A Customer-driven Organisation Meeting The Competition 4/5/2019 Sudan University of Science& Technology 32 Total Quality & Excellence Centre Barriers to TQM Inflexible Culture Management Behaviour ‘Business As Usual, No Need For Change’ Poor Communication Difficult To Measure Results Making Time Programmes Too Long Attitude To Customer Not Clear Poor Interdepartmental Chief Executive Officer Not Knowledge 4/5/2019 Committed Sudan University of Science& Technology 33 Total Quality & Excellence Centre Questions ? Sudan University of Science& Technology Total Quality & Excellence Centre Thank you ! Sudan University of Science& Technology