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Group 1, Narrative Report

Clarisse Kae Castillo
Mary Grace De Claro
Michael Mendoza
Chapter 1 and 2
The Nature and Importance of Entrepreneurs
Learning Objectives
❖ Explain the definition of entrepreneurship
❖ Explain the process of entrepreneur
❖ Entrepreneurship in 17th to late 20th Century
❖ Explain Entrepreneur as an innovator
❖ Decisions for a potential Entrepreneur
❖ To understand the types of start-up
❖ Role of entrepreneurship in Economic Development
❖ To know the essentials of the three mechanism: The government
Intrapreneurship or Entrepreneurship
❖ The Overall objectives for a Course in Entrepreneurship
❖ To know the Qualities and Attitudes of an Enrepreneur
❖ Who are The Future of Entrepreneurship
Materials Needed
❖ cellphone/tablet/laptop
❖ notebook
❖ Paper
Topic 1
The reporter discussed the chapter 1 of the course subject which is The
Nature and Importance of Entrepreneur. The reporter discussed the definition of
entrepreneur which is the individual who takes risk and create something new,
aside that, the process of creating something new and assuming the risk and
reward which is requires the creation process, the devotion of the necessity
effort and time, it involves also the necessary risks, and reward for being an
entrepreneur. The reporter also discussed the process of entrepreneur. The first
process are the entrepreneur must have an idea that can be used for financial
gain that is usually centered on a product and services. Second, entrepreneurs
must identify the opportunity, they look for needs and wants of the consumer,
third is matching idea to the opportunity. The entrepreneur must select the most
feasible ideas among all the choices that gain profit. And lastly, Exploiting the
opportunity, In order to gain profit the entrepreneur must take advantage it. The
reporter also discussed the development of entrepreneur theory and terms. In
this topic the reporter knew of what and who is the entrepreneur during early
and middle ages. The presenter also discussed the philosopher of entrepreneur
which is include Richard Cantillon, Jean-baptiste say, Francis walker, Joseph
Schumpeter, David McClellend, Peter Drucker, Albert Shapero, Karl vesper,
Gifford Pinchot, and Robert Hisrich.
Topic 2
Entrepreneur in 17 th 18 th 19 th and 20 th Century
So we all know that entrepreneur have many definitions. So once again
entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses,
taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.
17 th Century
The connection of the risk with entrepreneurship developed in the 17th
century. An entrepreneur was a person who entered into a contract with the
government to perform a service or to supply stipulated products. –The
CONTRACT PRICE was fixed. Resulting profit or losses were of the
entrepreneur’s. John law, a Frenchman was one of the entrepreneur in that
period in 17th century. John Law, a Frenchman established a ROYAL BANK (later
on developed as franchise) 9And last, Richard Cantillon: RISK-TAKER (a noted
economist of 1700’s & founder of the term
18 th Century
In the 18th century, the person with capital was differentiated from the one
who needed capital. The entrepreneur was distinguished from the capital
provider. One reason for this differentiation
was the industrialization occurring throughout the world. Many inventions
developed during this time. Like, Eli Whitney was an American inventor best
known for inventing the cotton gin. Inventor Tomas Edison: was unable to
finance invention himself.
19 th and 20 th Century
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, entrepreneurs were frequently not
distinguished from managers and were viewed mostly from an economic
perspective. The entrepreneur organizes and manages an enterprise for
personal gain.
Middle of 20th Century
–Entrepreneur as an INNOVATOR
- Andrew Carnegie is one of the best examples of this definition. Because,
Carnegie, who descended from a poor Scottish family, made the American Steel
Industry one of the wonders of the industrial world. And, He made the American
steel industry one of the wonders of the industrial world, preliminary through
his unremitting competitiveness rather than hisinventiveness or creativity.
Entrepreneur as an innovator
The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas,
goods, services, and business/or procedures. As an entrepreneur why they need
to innovate? Because the purpose of them is to continuously grow and renew an
enterprise with new or better products, more efficient processes, or enhanced
business. And as you can see Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy,
using the skills and initiative necessary to anticipate needs and bring good new
to market.
Types of start-up
1. Lifestyle firm
2. Foundation Company
3. High Potential Venture image.
To succeed, a startup must pay close attention to and focus on those aspects of
the business that are within its control, aspects that can be revised, tweaked and
improved as circumstances change and as the business develops and grows over
Next, 1.Lifestyle Firm:
Privately held
Modest growth
Limited money devoted to R&D
Grow after several years to 30 or 40 employees
Annual revenues of about $2 million
Exists primarily to support owners
Little opportunity for significant growth and expansion
2.Foundation Company:
Created for R&D
Grows in 5 to 10 years from 40 to 400 employees
$10 million to $20 million in yearly revenues
Rarely goes public
Draws the interest of private investors only
3.High Potential Venture:
Receives the greatest investment, interest and publicity.
Rapid growth.
After 5 to 10 years could employ about 500 employees
Revenues are $20 million to $30 million.
Also called Gazelles.
Role of entrepreneurship in Economic Development
It involves initiating and constituting change in the structure if business and
society (i-e innovation). Entrepreneurship is the primary factor in the growth of
economies. Each new business launched has an impact on an economy and affect
people around it. An entrepreneur is first of all someone who has new ideas, who
creates and innovates to solve a problem. An entrepreneur embraces change and
tries to maximize profits while innovating. And supporting entrepreneurship in a
motivating, innovating and stimulating environment will result in economic
development. It should be the primary concern of decision-makers, which also
have the responsibility to lead and channel entrepreneurship projects through
sectors that are part of the development strategy.
Product – Evaluation process:
The process through which innovation develops and commercializes through
entrepreneurial activity, which in turn stimulates economic growth.
Iterative (Repeating)synthesis:
The critical point in the product-evaluation process is the intersection of
knowledge and recognized social need, which begins the product development
phase. This point is called iterative synthesis.
Ordinary innovations:
New products have little uniqueness and technology.
Topic 3
The reporter discussed the essence of three mechanisms in the level of
technology. First is The government as innovator the one who is conduit for
commercializing the results of the synthesis of social need and technology. This
is frequently called technology transfer. Though the govt. has the financial
resources to transfer technology but it faces the following problems: It lacks
business skills, Bureaucracy and red tape Second is Intrapreneurship or
Entrepreneurship which bridges the gap between science and the marketplace
because they can use science to the business. the reporter also tackle the Overall
objectives for a Course in Entrepreneurship where it Act as a positive force in
economic growth, understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of different
types of enterprises, it will help entrepreneurs to fulfill their personal needs,
assess the student’s own entrepreneurial skills, bridge the gap between
innovation and the marketplace, know alternative methods for identifying and
evaluating business opportunities and the factors that support and inhibit
creativity, increase national income by creating new jobs, know the general
correlates of success and failure in innovation and new venture creation,
understand the aspects of creating and presenting a new venture business plan
and the last know how to identify, evaluate and obtain resources. The reporter
also discussed the qualities and attitudes an entrepreneur must possess. and
lastly The Future of Entrepreneurship, how will it continue in the future.
The nature and importance of entrepreneur are also key to effective and
efficient, thus, and by having all the topics that have been discussed, from the
definition of entrepreneur to role of entrepreneurs in economic development,
the reporters can say that those learning’s will imply knowledge to them that
they can use as a tool when they were already at the actual battlefield of doing or
being part of the business. But they can not only wait for their time to be there
just to practice what they have acquired in this course.
So, to wrap it up, this course, particularly this chapter, has been more than
successful in achieving its objectives. As the lesson ended, the listeners were able
to identify the role of entrepreneur in business that they were only seeing
before, and up until now. As future entrepreneurs they know what will do and
their functions in business. This course is showing effectiveness in imparting its
agenda to the target audiences, which are the listeners and the reporters
themselves as well.