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Fundamentals of Human
Resource Management
Eighth Edition
DeCenzo and Robbins
Chapter 7
Foundations of Selection
Why Careful Selection is
• The importance of selecting the right
– Organizational performance always depends in
part on subordinates having the right skills and
– Recruiting and hiring employees is costly.
– The legal implications of incompetent hiring
• EEO laws and court decisions related to
nondiscriminatory selection procedures
• The liability of negligent hiring of workers with
questionable backgrounds
The Selection Process
The selection process typically consists
of eight steps:
initial screening interview
completion of the application form
employment tests
comprehensive interview
background investigation
conditional job offer
medical/physical exam
permanent job offer
The Selection Process
The Selection Process
• Initial Screening
– Involves screening of inquiries and
screening interviews.
– Job description information is shared along
with a salary range.
The Selection Process
Completing the Application Form: Key
– Gives a job-performance-related synopsis
of what applicants have been doing, their
skills and accomplishments.
The Selection Process
Completing the Application Form: Key
• Legal considerations
– Omit items which are not job-related; e.g.,
gender, religion, age, national origin, race,
color, and disability.
– Includes statement giving employer the right
to dismiss an employee for falsifying
– Asks for permission to check work
– Typically includes “employment-at-will”
The Selection Process
• Weighted application forms
– Individual items of information are
validated against performance and
turnover measures and given
appropriate weights.
– Data must be collected for each job
to determine how well a particular
item (e.g., years of schooling,
tenure on last job) predicts success
on target job.
The Selection Process
Completing the Application Form: Key
• Successful applications
– Information collected on application forms
can be highly predictive of successful job
– Forms must be validated and continuously
reviewed and updated.
– Data should be verified through
background investigations.
The Selection Process
Employment Tests
• Estimates say 60% of all organizations
use some type of employment tests.
– Performance simulation tests: requires the
applicant to engage in specific job
behaviors necessary for doing the job
– Work sampling: Job analysis is used to
develop a miniature replica of the job on
which an applicant demonstrates his/her
The Selection Process
Employment Tests
– Assessment centers: A series of tests and
exercises, including individual and group
simulation tests, is used to assess
managerial potential or other complex sets
of skills.
– Testing in a global arena: Selection
practices must be adapted to cultures and
regulations of host country.
Sample Test
Source: Courtesy of NYT Permissions.
Figure 6–4
Measuring Personality and
• Personality tests
– Tests that use projective techniques and trait
inventories to measure basic aspects of an applicant’s
personality, such as introversion, stability, and
– Disadvantage
• Personality tests—particularly the projective type—
are the most difficult tests to evaluate and use.
– Advantage
• Tests have been used successfully to predict
dysfunctional job behaviors and identify successful
candidates for overseas assignments.
The “Big Five”
• Extraversion
– The tendency to be sociable, assertive, active, and to experience
positive effects, such as energy and zeal.
• Emotional stability/neuroticism
– The tendency to exhibit poor emotional adjustment and experience
negative effects, such as anxiety, insecurity, and hostility.
• Openness to experience
– The disposition to be imaginative, nonconforming,
unconventional, and autonomous.
• Agreeableness
– The tendency to be trusting, compliant, caring, and gentle.
• Conscientiousness
– Is comprised of two related facets: achievement and dependability.
Other Tests
• Interest inventories
– Personal development and selection devices
that compare the person’s current interests with
those of others now in various occupations so
as to determine the preferred occupation for the
• Achievement tests
– Test that measure what a person has already
learned—“job knowledge” in areas like
accounting, marketing, or personnel.
Other Tests (cont’d)
• Web-Based (Online) testing
– Eliminates costly and inefficient paper-andpencil testing processes.
– Allows for role-playing by applicants.
– Use of computer-based scoring eliminates rater
– Provides immediate scoring and feedback of
results to applicants.
– Can be readily customized for specific jobs.
Work Samples
• Work samples
– Actual job tasks are used in testing applicants’
• Work sampling technique
– A testing method based on measuring an
applicant’s performance on actual basic job
The Selection Process
• Interviews involve a
face-to-face meeting
with the candidate to
probe areas not
addressed by the
application form or tests.
• They are a universal
selection tool.
Basic Features of Interviews
• An interview
– A procedure designed to obtain information from a
person through oral responses to oral inquiries
• Types of interviews
– Selection interview
– Appraisal interview
– Exit interview
• Interviews formats
– Structured
– Unstructured
Types of Interviews
• Selection interview
– A selection procedure designed to predict future job
performance on the basis of applicants’ oral responses
to oral inquiries.
• Appraisal interview
– A discussion, following a performance appraisal, in
which supervisor and employee discuss the employee’s
rating and possible remedial actions.
• Exit interview
– An interview to elicit information about the job or
related matters to the employer some insight into
what’s right or wrong about the firm.
The Selection Process
Comprehensive Interviews:
• Interview Effectiveness
– Interviews are the most widely used
selection tool.
– Often are expensive, inefficient, and not
– Possible biases with decisions based on
interviews include prior knowledge about
the applicant, stereotypes, interviewee
The Selection Process
Comprehensive Interviews:
• Interview Effectiveness
– Impression management, or the applicant’s
desire to project the “right” image, may
skew the interview results.
– Interviewers have short and inaccurate
memories: note-taking and videotaping
may help.
The Selection Process
Comprehensive Interviews:
• Interview Effectiveness
– Structured interviews use fixed questions
designed to assess specific job-related
– More reliable and valid than unstructured
– Best for determining organizational fit,
motivation and interpersonal skills.
– Especially useful for high-turnover jobs and
less routine ones.
The Selection Process
Comprehensive Interviews:
• Behavioral Interviews
– Candidates are observed not only for what
they say, but how they behave.
– Role playing is often used.
Interview Content: Types of
• Situational interview
– A series of job-related questions that focus on
how the candidate would behave in a given
• Behavioral interview
– A series of job-related questions that focus on
how they reacted to actual situations in the past.
• Job-related interview
– A series of job-related questions that focus on
relevant past job-related behaviors.
Interview Content: Types of
• Stress interview
– An interview in which the interviewer seeks to
make the applicant uncomfortable with
occasionally rude questions that supposedly to
spot sensitive applicants and those with low or
high stress tolerance.
• Puzzle questions
– Recruiters for technical, finance, and other
types of jobs use questions to pose problems
requiring unique (“out-of-the-box”) solutions to
see how candidates think under pressure.
Factors Affecting Interviews
• First impressions
– The tendency for interviewers to jump to
conclusions—make snap judgments—about
candidates during the first few minutes of the
– Negative bias: unfavorable information about
an applicant influences interviewers more than
does positive information.
Factors Affecting Interviews
• Misunderstanding the job
– Not knowing precisely what the job entails and
what sort of candidate is best suited causes
interviewers to make decisions based on
incorrect stereotypes of what a good applicant
• Candidate-order error
– An error of judgment on the part of the
interviewer due to interviewing one or more
very good or very bad candidates just before
the interview in question.
Factors Affecting Interviews
• Nonverbal behavior and impression
– Interviewers’ inferences of the interviewee’s
personality from the way he or she acts in the
interview have a large impact on the
interviewer’s rating of the interviewee.
– Clever interviewees attempt to manage the
impression they present to persuade
interviewers to view them more favorably.
Factors Affecting Interviews
• Effect of personal characteristics:
attractiveness, gender, race
– Interviewers tend have a less favorable view of
candidates who are:
• Physically unattractive
• Female
• Of a different racial background
• Disabled
Factors Affecting Interviews
• Interviewer behaviors affecting interview
– Inadvertently telegraphing expected answers.
– Talking so much that applicants have no time to
answer questions.
– Letting the applicant dominate the interview.
– Acting more positively toward a favored (or
similar to the interviewer) applicant.
Examples of Questions That Provide
Situational Questions:
1. Suppose a co-worker was not following standard work procedures. The co-worker was
more experienced than you and claimed the new procedure was better. Would you use the
new procedure?
2. Suppose you were giving a sales presentation and a difficult technical question arose that
you could not answer. What would you do?
Past Behavior Questions:
3. Based on your past work experience, what is the most significant action you have ever
taken to help out a co-worker?
4. Can you provide an example of a specific instance where you developed a sales
presentation that was highly effective?
Background Questions:
5. What work experiences, training, or other qualifications do you have for working in a
teamwork environment?
6. What experience have you had with direct point-of-purchase sales?
Job Knowledge Questions:
7. What steps would you follow to conduct a brainstorming session with a group of employees
on safety?
8. What factors should you consider when developing a television advertising campaign?
The Selection Process
Comprehensive Interviews:
• Realistic Job Preview
– RJP’s present unfavorable as well as
favorable information about the job to
– May include brochures, films, tours, work
sampling, or verbal statements that
realistically portray the job.
– RJP’s reduce turnover without lowering
acceptance rates.
The Selection Process
Background Investigation:
• Verify information from the application
• Typical information verified includes:
– former employers
– previous job performance
– education
– legal status to work
– credit references
– criminal records
Background Investigations and
Reference Checks
• Extent of investigations and checks
– Reference checks (87%)
– Background employment checks (69%)
– Criminal records (61%)
– Driving records (56%)
– Credit checks (35%)
• Reasons for investigations and checks
– To verify factual information provided by applicants.
– To uncover damaging information.
The Selection Process
Background Investigation
• Qualified privilege
– employers may discuss employees with
prospective employers without fear of
reprisal as long as the discussion is about
job-related documented facts.
• One-third of all applicants exaggerate
their backgrounds or experiences.
• A good predictor of future behavior is an
individual’s past behavior.
The Selection Process
Background Investigation Methods:
• Internal investigation: checks former
employers, personal references and
possibly credit sources.
• External investigation: Uses a
reference-checking firm which may
obtain more information, while
complying with privacy rights.
The Selection Process
• Background Investigation
• Documentation, including whom called,
questions asked, information
obtained/not obtained, is important in
case an employers’ hiring decision is
later challenged.
The Selection Process
Conditional Job Offers:
• Offers of employment made
contingent upon successful
completion of background check,
physical/medical exam, drug test,
• May only use job-related
information to make a hiring
The Selection Process
Medical/Physical Examination
• Should be used only to determine if the
individual can comply with the essential
functions of the job.
• Americans with Disabilities Act requires
that exams be given only after
conditional job offer is made.
The Selection Process
Job Offers
• Actual hiring decision generally made
by the department manager.
• Candidates not hired deserve the
courtesy of prompt notification.
The Selection Process
The Comprehensive Approach
• Comprehensive selection approach
puts applicants through all the steps in
the selection process before making a
• Assesses both strengths and
weaknesses and is considered more
The Selection Process
Now It’s Up to the Candidate
• The candidate now has to decide
whether this is the job for him or her.
• Applicants who are not hired this time
will still form an impression about the
• Management should assure the
selection process leaves them with a
favorable impression of the company.
Selection for Self-Managed
• If teams are given management
responsibilities, it makes sense
for them to select their own
• Team members bring to the
selection process varied
experiences and backgrounds.
• Team members need training in
selection and interviewing
Key Elements for Successful
• Reliability, validity, and cut scores can
all help predict which applicants will be
successful on the job.
• Reliability: The ability of the selection
tool to measure an attribute
Key Elements for Successful
• Validity: The relationship between
scores on a selection tool and a
relevant criterion, such as job
• Indicates how well a selection tool
predicts job performance.
– Content
– Construct
– Criterion-related
Key Elements for Successful
• Content validity: The degree to which
the content of the test, as a sample,
represents situations on the job.
• Construct validity: The degree to
which a particular trait is related to
successful performance on the job.
Key Elements for Successful
• Criterion-related validity: The degree
to which a particular selection device
accurately predicts the important
elements of work behavior.
– Predictive validity uses selection test
scores of applicants to compare with their
future job performance.
– Concurrent validity correlates the test
scores of current employees with
measures of their job performance.
Key Elements for Successful
Key Elements for Successful
• Validity Analysis: Correlation
coefficients (validity coefficients)
ranging from +1 to –1 summarize the
statistical relationship between an
individual’s test score and his/her job
Key Elements for Successful
Cut Scores and Their Impact on Hiring:
• Cut scores on a selection device can be
determined by validity studies.
• Applicants scoring below the cut score
are predicted to be unsuccessful on the
job and are rejected.
Key Elements for Successful
• Validity Generalization: This is a
situation where a test may be valid for
screening applicants for a variety of
jobs and performance factors across
many occupations.
Selection From a Global
• Selection criteria for international
assignments includes
– interest in working overseas
– ability to relate to different cultures and
– supportiveness of the candidate’s family
• Women executives have done well
abroad in Asia and Latin America,
despite past reluctance to assign them
to these countries.
Final Thoughts: Excelling at
the Interview
• Suggestions for making your interviews as an
applicant successful are:
Do some homework on the company.
Get a good night’s rest the night before.
Dress appropriately.
Arrive for the interview a few minutes early.
Use a firm handshake.
Maintain good eye contact.
Take the opportunity to have practice interviews.
Thank the interviewer at the end of the interview
and follow up with a thank you note.