Chapter 12: Empires in East Asia Crossword Puzzle Across 1. First foreigner to rule all of China (2 wrds) 4. Japan's earliest religion 5. "Divine wind" 8. Great Khmer city-and-temple complex (2 wrds) 9. Japanese military commander 14. Southeast Asian waterway (3 wrds) 15. Early Southeast Asian power (2 wrds) Down 2. Capital of Kublai Khan's empire 3. Only woman to assume title of emperor of China (2 wrds) 4. Reunited China and ruled from 960-1279 (2 wrds) 6. Ruled Korea from 935 to 1392 (2 wrds) 7. Ly Dynasty capital 10. Division of Mongol Empire 11. Nomadic kinship group 12. Japanese warrior 13. Vast Eurasian grassland World History: Patterns of Interaction © McDougal Littell Inc.