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Distributed Systems Synchronization: Clocks & Algorithms

Chapter 5
• Synchronization in distributed systems is harder than
in centralized systems because of the need for
distributed algorithms.
• Distributed algorithms have the following properties:
– No machine has complete information about the system
– Machines make decisions based only on local information.
– Failure of one machine does not ruin the algorithm.
– There is no implicit assumption that a global clock exists.
• Clocks are needed to synchronize in a distributed
Clock Synchronization
• Time is unambiguous in centralized systems.
– System clock keeps time, all entities use this for time.
• In distributed systems each node has own system
– Each crystal-based clock runs at slightly different rates. This
difference is called clock skew.
– Problem: An event that occurred after another may be
assigned an earlier time.
Physical Clocks: A Primer
• Accurate clocks are atomic oscillators
• Most clocks are less accurate (e.g., mechanical watches)
– Computers use crystal-based blocks
– Results in clock drift
• How do you tell time?
– Use astronomical metrics (solar day)
• Coordinated universal time (UTC) – international
standard based on atomic time same as Greenwich
Mean Time
– Add leap seconds to be consistent with astronomical time
– UTC broadcast on radio (satellite and earth)
– Receivers accurate to 0.1 – 10 ms
• The goal is to synchronize machines with a master
Physical Clocks
Computation of the mean solar day (transit of the sun – noon)
Physical Clocks
• TAI (Temps Atomique International) seconds are of constant
length, unlike solar seconds. Leap seconds are introduced
when necessary to keep in phase with the sun.
Clock Synchronization Algorithms
The relation between clock time and UTC when clocks tick at different rates.
Clock Synchronization
• Each clock has a maximum drift rate r
– 1-r <= dC/dt <= 1+r
– Two clocks may drift by 2r Dt in time Dt
– To limit drift to d => resynchronize every d/2r
seconds (2r Dt <= d, Dt = d/2r)
Cristian's Algorithm
• Synchronize machines to a time server that has a
UTC receiver.
• Machine P requests time from server every d/2r
– Receives time t (Cutc) from server, P sets clock to
t+treply where treply is the time to send reply to P
– Use (treq+treply)/2 as an estimate of treply
– Improve accuracy by making a series of
Cristian's Algorithm
Getting the current time from a time server.
Berkeley Algorithm
• Used in systems without UTC receiver
– Keep clocks synchronized with one another
– One computer is master, other are slaves
– Master periodically polls slaves for their times
• Average times and return differences to slaves
• Communication delays compensated as in Cristian’s
– Failure of master ➔ election of a new master
The Berkeley Algorithm
The time daemon asks all the other machines for their clock values
The machines answer
The time daemon tells everyone how to adjust their clock
Distributed Approaches
• Both approaches studied thus far are centralized.
• Decentralized algorithms: use resynchronization
Broadcast time at the start of the interval
Collect all other broadcast that arrive in a period S
Use average value of all reported times
Can throw away few highest and lowest values
• Approaches in use today
– rdate: synchronizes a machine with a specified machine
– Network Time Protocol (NTP): Uses advanced clock
synchronization to achieve accuracy in 1-50 ms
Logical Clocks
• For many problems, only internal consistency of
clocks matters.
– Absolute (real) time is less important
– Use logical clocks
• Key idea:
– Clock synchronization needs not be absolute.
– If two machines do not interact, no need to
synchronize them.
– More importantly, processes need to agree on the
order in which events occur rather than the time at
which they occurred.
Event Ordering
• Problem: define a total ordering of all events that occur
in a system.
• Events in a single processor machine are totally ordered.
• In a distributed system:
– No global clock, local clocks may be unsynchronized.
– Can not order events on different machines using local times.
• Key idea [Lamport]
– Processes exchange messages
– Message must be sent before received
– Send/receive used to order events (and synchronize clocks).
Happenes-Before Relation
• The expression A → B is read ‘A happens before B’.
• If A and B are events in the same process and A executed
before B, then A → B
• If A represents sending of a message and B is the receipt
of this message, then A → B
• Relation is transitive:
– A → B and B → C ➔ A → C
• Relation is undefined across processes that do not
exchange messages
– Partial ordering on events
Event Ordering Using HB
• Goal: define the notion of time of an event such that
– If A→ B then C(A) < C(B)
– If A and B are concurrent, then C(A) <, =, or > C(B)
• Solution:
Each processor maintains a logical clock LCi
Whenever an event occurs locally at I, LCi = LCi+1
When i sends message to j, piggyback LCi
When j receives message from i
• If LCj < LCi then LCj = LCi +1 else do nothing
– This algorithm meets the above goals
Lamport Timestamps
Three processes, each with its own clock. The clocks run at
different rates.
Lamport's algorithm corrects the clocks.
Example: Totally-Ordered Multicasting
Updating a replicated database and leaving it in an inconsistent state
without a totally-ordered logic clock.
• Lamport’s logical clocks
– If A → B then C(A) < C(B)
– Reverse is not true!!
• Nothing can be said about events by comparing time-stamps!
• If C(A) < C(B), then ??
• Need to maintain causality
– Causal delivery:If send(m) → send(n) ➔ deliver(m) →
– Capture causal relationships between groups of processes
– Need a time-stamping mechanism such that:
• If T(A) < T(B) then A should have causally preceded B
Vector Clocks
• Causality can be captured by means of vector
• Each process i maintains a vector Vi
– Vi[i] : number of events that have occurred at i
– Vi[j] : number of events I knows have occurred at process j
• Update vector clocks as follows
– Local event: increment Vi[I]
– Send a message :piggyback entire vector V
– Receipt of a message: Vj[k] = max( Vj[k],Vi[k] )
• Receiver is told about how many events the sender knows occurred at
another process k
• Also Vj[i] = Vj[i]+1
Global State
• The global state of a distributed system consists of
– Local state of each process
– Messages sent but not received (state of the queues)
• Many applications need to know the state of the system
– Failure recovery, distributed deadlock detection
• Problem: how can you figure out the state of a
distributed system?
– Each process is independent
– No global clock or synchronization
• A distributed snapshot reflects a consistent global
Global State
a) A consistent cut – receipts corresponds a send event
b) An inconsistent cut – sender cannot be identified
Distributed Snapshot Algorithm
• Assume each process communicates with another
process using unidirectional point-to-point channels (e.g,
TCP connections)
• Any process can initiate the algorithm
– Checkpoint local state
– Send marker on every outgoing channel
• On receiving a marker
– Checkpoint state if first marker and send marker on outgoing
channels, save messages on all other channels until:
– Subsequent marker on a channel: stop saving state for that
Distributed Snapshot
• A process finishes when
– It receives a marker on each incoming channel and
processes them all
– State: local state plus state of all channels
– Send state to initiator
• Any process can initiate snapshot
– Multiple snapshots may be in progress
• Each is separate, and each is distinguished by tagging the
marker with the initiator ID (and sequence number)
Global State (Snapshot Algorithm)
Organization of a process and channels for a distributed
Global State (Snapshot Algorithm)
Process Q receives a marker for the first time and records its local
Q records all incoming message
Q receives a marker for its incoming channel and finishes recording
the state of the incoming channel
Termination Detection
• Detecting the end of a distributed computation
• Notation: let sender be predecessor, receiver be
• Two types of markers: Done and Continue
• After finishing its part of the snapshot, process Q sends
a Done or a Continue to its predecessor
• Send a Done only when
– All of Q’s successors send a Done
– Q has not received any message since it check-pointed its
local state and received a marker on all incoming channels
– Else send a Continue
• Computation has terminated if the initiator receives
Done messages from everyone
Election Algorithms
• Many distributed algorithms need one process to act as
– Doesn’t matter which process does the job, just need to pick
• Election algorithms: technique to pick a unique
coordinator (aka leader election)
• Examples: take over the role of a failed process, pick a
master in Berkeley clock synchronization algorithm
• Types of election algorithms: Bully and Ring algorithms
Bully Algorithm
• Each process has a unique numerical ID
• Processes know the Ids and address of every other
• Communication is assumed reliable
• Key Idea: select process with highest ID
• Process initiates election if it just recovered from failure
or if coordinator failed
• 3 message types: election, OK, I won
• Several processes can initiate an election simultaneously
– Need consistent result
• O(n2) messages required with n processes
Bully Algorithm Details
• Any process P can initiate an election
• P sends Election messages to all process with higher Ids
and awaits OK messages
• If no OK messages, P becomes coordinator and sends I
won messages to all process with lower Ids
• If it receives an OK, it drops out and waits for an I won
• If a process receives an Election msg, it returns an OK
and starts an election
• If a process receives a I won, it treats sender an
The Bully Algorithm
The bully election algorithm
Process 4 holds an election
Process 5 and 6 respond, telling 4 to stop
Now 5 and 6 each hold an election
Bully Algorithm
Process 6 tells 5 to stop
Process 6 wins and tells everyone
Ring-based Election
• Processes have unique Ids and arranged in a logical ring
• Each process knows its neighbors
– Select process with highest ID
• Begin election if just recovered or coordinator has failed
• Send Election to closest downstream node that is alive
– Sequentially poll each successor until a live node is found
• Each process tags its ID on the message
• Initiator picks node with highest ID and sends a
coordinator message
• Multiple elections can be in progress
– Wastes network bandwidth but does no harm
A Ring Algorithm
Election algorithm using a ring.
• Assume n processes and one election in progress
• Bully algorithm
– Worst case: initiator is node with lowest ID
• Triggers n-2 elections at higher ranked nodes: O(n2) msgs
– Best case: immediate election: n-2 messages
• Ring
– 2 (n-1) messages always
Distributed Synchronization
• Distributed system with multiple processes may need to
share data or access shared data structures
– Use critical sections with mutual exclusion
• Single process with multiple threads
– Semaphores, locks, monitors
• How do you do this for multiple processes in a
distributed system?
– Processes may be running on different machines
• Solution: lock mechanism for a distributed environment
– Can be centralized or distributed
Centralized Mutual Exclusion
• Assume processes are numbered
• One process is elected coordinator (highest ID process)
• Every process needs to check with coordinator before
entering the critical section
• To obtain exclusive access: send request, await reply
• To release: send release message
• Coordinator:
– Receive request: if available and queue empty, send grant; if
not, queue request
– Receive release: remove next request from queue and send
Mutual Exclusion:
A Centralized Algorithm
Process 1 asks the coordinator for permission to enter a critical region.
Permission is granted
Process 2 then asks permission to enter the same critical region. The
coordinator does not reply.
When process 1 exits the critical region, it tells the coordinator, when
then replies to 2
• Simulates centralized lock using blocking calls
• Fair: requests are granted the lock in the order they were
• Simple: three messages per use of a critical section
(request, grant, release)
• Shortcomings:
– Single point of failure
– How do you detect a dead coordinator?
• A process can not distinguish between “lock in use” from a dead
– No response from coordinator in either case
– Performance bottleneck in large distributed systems
Distributed Algorithm
• [Ricart and Agrawala]: needs 2(n-1) messages
• Based on event ordering and time stamps
• Process k enters critical section as follows
Generate new time stamp TSk = TSk+1
Send request(k,TSk) all other n-1 processes
Wait until reply(j) received from all other processes
Enter critical section
• Upon receiving a request message, process j
– Sends reply if no contention
– If already in critical section, does not reply, queue request
– If wants to enter, compare TSj with TSk and send reply if
TSk<TSj, else queue
A Distributed Algorithm
Two processes want to enter the same critical region at the same
Process 0 has the lowest timestamp, so it wins.
When process 0 is done, it sends an OK also, so 2 can now enter
the critical region.
• Fully decentralized
• N points of failure!
• All processes are involved in all decisions
– Any overloaded process can become a bottleneck
• A Token Ring Algorithm
Use a token to arbitrate access to critical section
Must wait for token before entering CS
Pass the token to neighbor once done or if not interested
Detecting token loss in not-trivial
A Toke Ring Algorithm
a) An unordered group of processes on a network.
b) A logical ring constructed in software.
Messages per
Delay before entry
(in message times)
Coordinator crash
Crash of any
Token ring
1 to 
0 to n – 1
Lost token,
process crash
A comparison of three mutual exclusion algorithms.
• Transactions provide higher
level mechanism for atomicity
of processing in distributed
– Have their origins in databases
• Banking example: Three
accounts A:$100, B:$200,
– Client 1: transfer $4 from A to B
– Client 2: transfer $3 from C to B
• Result can be inconsistent
unless certain properties are
imposed on the accesses
Client 1
Client 2
Read A: $100
Write A: $96
Read C: $300
Write C:$297
Read B: $200
Read B: $200
Write B:$203
Write B:$204
ACID Properties
• Atomic: all or nothing
• Consistent: transaction
takes system from one
consistent state to another
(hold certain invariants)
• Isolated: Immediate
effects are not visible to
other (serializable)
• Durable: Changes are
permanent once
transaction completes
Client 1
Client 2
Read A: $100
Write A: $96
Read B: $200
Write B:$204
Read C: $300
Write C:$297
Read B: $204
Write B:$207
The Transaction Model
Updating a master tape is fault tolerant.
The Transaction Model
Make the start of a transaction
Terminate the transaction and try to commit
Kill the transaction and restore the old values
Read data from a file, a table, or otherwise
Write data to a file, a table, or otherwise
Examples of primitives for transactions.
The Transaction Model
reserve WP -> JFK;
reserve JFK -> Nairobi;
reserve Nairobi -> Malindi;
reserve WP -> JFK;
reserve JFK -> Nairobi;
reserve Nairobi -> Malindi full =>
a) Transaction to reserve three flights commits (White
Plains → New York → Nairobi → Malindi)
b) Transaction aborts when third flight is unavailable
Classification of Transactions.
• A flat transaction is a series of operations that
satisfy the ACID properties.
– It does not allow partial results to be committed or
– Example: flight reservation, Web link update.
• A nest transaction is constructed from a
number of subtransactions.
• A distributed transaction is logically a flat,
indivisible transaction that operates on
distributed data.
Distributed Transactions
A nested transaction (transaction is decomposed into
A distributed transaction (subtransaction on different data)
Implementation of transactions
• Two methods can be used to implement transactions:
– Private workspace: Until the transaction either commits or
aborts, all of its reads and writes go to the private workspace.
– Writeahead log: Use a log to record the change. Only after
the log has been written successfully is the change made to
the file.
• Private workspace
– Each transaction get copies of all files, objects
– It can optimize for reads by not making copies
– It can optimize for writes by copying only what is required
(An appended block and a copy of modified block are created.
These new blocks are called shadow blocks.)
– Commit requires making local workspace global
Private Workspace
The file index and disk blocks for a three-block file
The situation after a transaction has modified block 0 and
appended block 3
After committing
Implementation: Write-ahead Logs
• In-place updates: transaction makes changes directly to
all files/objects and keeps these changes in a log.
• Write-ahead log: prior to making change, transaction
writes to log on stable storage
– Transaction ID, block number, original value, new value
Force logs on commit
If abort, read log records and undo changes [rollback]
Log can be used to rerun transaction after failure
Both workspaces and logs work for distributed
• Commit needs to be atomic [will return to this issue in
Ch. 7]
Writeahead Log
x = 0;
y = 0;
x = x + 1;
x = y * y;
[x = 0 / 1]
[x = 0 / 1]
[y = 0/2]
[x = 0 / 1]
[y = 0/2]
[x = 1/4]
a) A transaction
b) – d) The log before each statement is executed
Concurrency Control
• Goal: Allow several transactions to be executing
simultaneously such that
– Collection of manipulated data item is left in a
consistent state
• Achieve consistency by ensuring data items are
accessed in an specific order
– Final result should be same as if each transaction ran
Concurrency Control
• Concurrency control can implemented in a
layered fashion:
– Bottom layer - A data manager performs the actual
read and write operations on data.
– Middle layer - A scheduler carries the main
responsibility for properly controlling concurrency.
Scheduling can be based on the use of locks or
– Highest layer – The transaction manager is
responsible for guaranteeing atomicity of
Concurrency Control
General organization of managers for handling transactions.
Concurrency Control
General organization of
managers for handling
distributed transactions.
• Key idea: properly schedule conflicting operations
• Conflict is possible if at least one operation is write
– Read-write conflict
– Write-write conflict
x = 0;
x = x + 1;
x = 0;
x = x + 2;
x = 0;
x = x + 3;
Schedule 1
x = 0; x = x + 1; x = 0; x = x + 2; x = 0; x = x + 3
Schedule 2
x = 0; x = 0; x = x + 1; x = x + 2; x = 0; x = x + 3;
Schedule 3
x = 0; x = 0; x = x + 1; x = 0; x = x + 2; x = x + 3;
a) – c) Three transactions T 1, T2, and T3
d) Possible schedules (Schedule 2 is legal because it results in a
valid x value.)
• Two approaches are used in concurrency control:
– Pessimistic approaches: operations are synchronized
before they are carried out.
– Optimistic approaches: operations are carried out
and synchronization takes place at the end of
transaction. At the conflict point, one or more
transactions are aborted.
Two-phase Locking (2PL)
• Widely used concurrency control technique
• Scheduler acquires all necessary locks in
growing phase, releases locks in shrinking
– Check if operation on data item x conflicts with
existing locks
• If so, delay transaction. If not, grant a lock on x
– Never release a lock until data manager finishes
operation on x
– Once a lock is released, no further locks can be
Two-Phase Locking
Two-phase locking.
Two-phase Locking (2PL)
• In strict two-phase locking, the shrinking
phase does not take place until the transaction
has finished running.
• Advantages:
– A transaction always reads a value written by a
committed transaction.
– All lock acquisitions and releases can be handled by
the system without the transaction being aware of
• Problem: deadlock possible
– Example: acquiring two locks in different order
Two-Phase Locking
Strict two-phase locking.
Two-phase Locking (2PL)
• In centralized 2PL, a single site is responsible
for granting and releasing locks.
• In primary 2PL, each data item is assigned a
primary copy. The lock manager on that copy’s
machine is responsible for granting and
releasing locks.
• In distributed 2PL, the schedulers on each
machine not only take care that locks are
granted and released, but also that the operation
is forwarded to the (local) data manager.
Timestamp-based Concurrency Control
• Each transaction Ti is given timestamp ts(Ti)
• If Ti wants to do an operation that conflicts with
– Abort Ti if ts(Ti) < ts(Tj)
• When a transaction aborts, it must restart with a
new (larger) time stamp
• Two values for each data item x
– Max-rts(x): max time stamp of a transaction that read
– Max-wts(x): max time stamp of a transaction that
wrote x
Reads and Writes using Timestamps
• Readi (x)
– If ts(Ti) < max-wts(x) then Abort Ti
– Else
• Perform Ri(x)
• Max-rts(x) = max(max-rts(x), ts(Ti))
• Writei (x)
– If ts(Ti)<max-rts(x) or ts(Ti)<max-wts(x) then Abort
– Else
• Perform Wi(x)
• Max-wts(x) = ts(Ti)
Pessimistic Timestamp Ordering
Concurrency control using timestamps.
Optimistic Concurrency Control
• Transaction does what it wants and validates changes
prior to commit
– Check if files/objects have been changed by committed
transactions since they were opened
– Insight: conflicts are rare, so works well most of the time
• Works well with private workspaces
• Advantage:
– Deadlock free
– Maximum parallelism
• Disadvantage:
– Rerun transaction if aborts
– Probability of conflict rises substantially at high loads
• Not used widely