INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Consolidated Post Adjustment Circular ICSC/CIRC/PAC/508 Approved by: Kingston P. Rhodes, Chairman Date: 13 April 2017 Copyright © United Nations 2017 CONTENTS I. II. Introduction Description of data appearing in PAC circulars III. Nature des données figurant dans les circulaires PAC IV. Personal Transitional Allowance (PTA) V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Completion of Gap Closure Measure Cost-of-living surveys W40 Measure Consolidated post adjustment circular List of countries in French and English I. INTRODUCTION A consolidated schedule of post adjustment classifications and threshold figures used for calculating rental subsidies (or deductions) is attached. Names of countries and areas, which appear in English alphabetical order, are indexed in French in the list attached to the schedule. In cases where only one post adjustment classification is shown for a country, normally for the capital city, that classification will be applicable for all duty stations within the country. This schedule is effective 1 April 2017, unless otherwise indicated, and supersedes any schedule previously published. It is available on the ICSC home page On trouvera ci-joint un barème mis à jour du classement des lieux d'affectation aux fins d'ajustements des indemnités de poste et des seuils aux fins du calcul des allocations (ou déductions) de logement. Les noms des pays et localités figurent par ordre alphabétique anglais. On trouvera à l'index annexé au barème les noms en français. Dans les cas où une seule classe est indiquée pour le pays, en général pour la ville capitale, cette classe s'applique à tous les lieux d'affectation dans le pays. Sauf indication contraire, le barème ci-joint entre en vigueur le 1er avril 2017 et remplace tous les barèmes déjà parus. Il est disponible sur le site internet de la CFPI: II. DESCRIPTION OF DATA APPEARING IN PAC CIRCULARS 1. Country or area - Name of country or area appears under this column. 2. Exchange rate - Latest exchange rate. 3. Post adjustment Index - The post adjustment index (PAI) used to determine the latest post adjustment multiplier. Mult. - Post adjustment multiplier. Chg. ind. - Change indicator. When revised post adjustment classification (PAC) is reported in the circular for the first time, a ‘Y’ will appear under this column. Eff. date - Effective date of PAC (multiplier). Reason for change - 4. When the revised PAC is reported in the circular for the first time the reason for change is shown under this column. Thresholds With allowances - Threshold percentage figure applicable for staff in receipt of the Spouse or Single parent allowance. Without allowances - Threshold percentage figure applicable for staff not in receipt of the Spouse or Single parent allowance. Calc. ind. - Calculation indicator. When a 'Y' appears in a column, all housing subsidies at the duty station must be recalculated effective the date shown in the next column. Eff. date - Effective date of threshold percentages shown in the circular. III. NATURE DES DONNEES FIGURANT DANS LES CIRCULAIRES PAC 1. Pays ou localité - Le nom du pays ou de la localité figure dans cette colonne. 2. Taux de change - Taux de change le plus récent. 3. Indemnités de poste Indice - L'indice de l'indemnité de poste sert à déterminer le plus récent multiplicateur. Mult. - Multiplicateur aux fins du calcul de l'indemnité de poste. Changement - Lorsque la circulaire signale pour la première fois un changement dans le classement du lieu d'affectation, la lettre 'Y' figurera dans cette colonne. Date eff - Date d'entrée en vigueur du classement du lieu d'affectation (avec indication du multiplicateur). Raison du changement - Lorsque c'est la première fois qu'une modification du classement d'un lieu d'affectation apparaît dans la circulaire la raison de cette modification est indiquée dans cette colonne. Avec allocation - Seuil en pourcentage applicable au fonctionnaire qui bénéficie de l’allocation pour conjoint ou parent célibataire. Sans allocation - Seuil en pourcentage applicable au fonctionnaire qui ne bénéficie pas de l’allocation pour conjoint ou parent célibataire. Ind. Calc. - Indicateur de calcul. Lorsque la lettre 'Y'figure dans cette colonne, toutes les allocations logement payables au lieu d'affectation devront être recalculées à compter de la date indiquée dans la colonne prochaine. Date eff. - Date d'entrée en vigueur des seuils indiqués dans la circulaire. 4. Seuils IV. Duty Stations with Personal Transitional Allowance (PTA) 1. The PTA is adjusted every three months until it is phased out. During an adjustment month, the new PTA is calculated by reducing the pay index for existing staff by 5 per cent and then subtracting the prevailing pay index. Table 1 is a summary of all PTAs in effect as of 1 April 2017. Also shown is the corresponding date of the next revision of the PTA. Table 1: Summary of personal transitional allowances (PTAs), as of 1 April 2017 Duty Station Applicable multiplier points Date of next revision Armenia 5.2 May 2017 Bhutan 2.2 June 2017 Central African Republic 2.3 June 2017 Congo, Democratic Republic of 4.8 May 2017 Cuba 2.2 June 2017 Egypt 4.7 June 2017 Gambia 5.0 June 2017 India 1.5 June 2017 Montenegro 5.4 July 2017 Nigeria 10.9 May 2017 Sri Lanka 10.4 May 2017 V. 2. Completion of Gap Closure Measure The PTA is eliminated as of 1 April 2017 for Azerbaijan; refer to ICSC/CIRC/PAC/499 of 15 July 2016. This completes the implementation of the gap closure measure following the results of the most recent place-to-place survey conducted in the duty station. VI. Cost-of-living surveys 3. The results of cost-of-living surveys for duty stations listed in table 2 are included in the attached Consolidated Post Adjustment Circular. Table 2: List of surveys by duty station for April 2017 Duty station Type of survey Date of survey Survey materials received Guatemala Place-to-Place November 2016 December 2016 Guinea Housing October 2016 December 2016 Lesotho Housing November 2016 December 2016 Mauritania Housing August 2016 December 2016 Mozambique Place-to-Place November 2016 December 2016 Oman Housing November 2016 December 2016 Republic of Korea Housing September 2016 December 2016 South Africa Housing October 2016 December 2016 Thailand Housing November 2016 December 2016 Turkey, Ankara Place-to-Place October 2016 December 2016 VII. W40 Measure 4. The waiver of the 40 per cent of rent limit on rental subsidies is no longer applicable for the Republic of Korea, effective 1 April 2016. VIII. CONSOLIDATED POST ADJUSTMENT CIRCULAR Effective 1 April 2017 (updated 12 April 2017) Post Adjustment (New York, January 1997 = 100) Country or area Afghanistan Exchange rate Index Multiplier Change Effective Reason for date change Thresholds Rate With Without Change allowances allowances Effective date 66.70 136.0 51.4 Nov-11 9 10 Jul-06 125.66 114.9 20.0 Mar-17 16 17 Feb-09 109.7250 132.9 32.7 Mar-17 26 28 Mar-17 165.090 201.9 100.2 Mar-17 33 35 May-16 2.7 147.3 49.9 Mar-17 Argentina /W40 15.373 139.0 36.8 Mar-17 20 21 Dec-15 Armenia /W40 483.5 120.8 24.3 Mar-17 15 16 Sep-11 1.79 143.0 45.7 Nov-14 Australia 1.336 133.5 32.9 Y Apr-17 ER 21 22 Aug-03 Austria 0.942 135.3 34.8 Y Apr-17 ER 18 19 May-14 1.7225 115.6 16.2 Mar-17 20 21 Jan-14 Bahamas 1.00 169.0 71.8 Nov-14 32 34 Apr-13 Bahrain 0.377 137.2 41.0 Nov-15 22 23 Aug-08 80.250 129.9 33.3 Mar-17 15 16 Sep-11 2.0 152.0 56.4 Nov-14 19 20 Sep-05 Belarus 1.8707 127.5 28.3 Mar-17 19 20 Jul-15 Belgium 0.942 135.6 34.9 17 18 Feb-15 Belize /W40 2.00 126.2 27.0 Dec-15 13 14 Sep-13 Benin /W40 618.128 118.7 35.2 Mar-17 14 15 Oct-16 Bhutan /W40 64.92 124.8 27.8 Mar-17 10 11 Oct-09 Bolivia /W40 6.9284 126.5 29.9 Nov-16 15 16 Oct-16 1.00 147.3 49.9 Mar-17 1.843 114.4 18.6 Mar-17 16 17 Dec-11 10.3093 115.8 17.3 Mar-17 15 16 Jan-09 Brazil 3.120 141.5 50.5 Mar-17 22 23 Jun-11 Bulgaria 1.843 112.9 13.2 16 17 Feb-15 Burkina Faso /W40 618.128 124.9 31.0 Mar-17 12 13 Mar-09 Burundi /W40 1692.75 136.8 41.1 Mar-17 13 14 Oct-13 Cambodia /W40 3990.0 121.9 26.0 Dec-13 20 21 Dec-12 Cameroon /W40 618.128 124.9 29.2 Mar-17 15 16 Jul-15 Canada, Montreal 1.334 134.4 34.1 Y Apr-17 ER 18 19 Apr-11 Canada, Ottawa 1.334 136.5 36.2 Y Apr-17 L 21 22 Jul-01 Canada, Toronto 1.334 145.9 45.6 Y Apr-17 L 27 29 Apr-11 Albania Algeria /W40 Angola Antigua and Barbuda 14/ Aruba 12/ Azerbaijan Bangladesh /W40 Barbados /W40 Bonaire 14/ Bosnia and Herzegovina /W40 Botswana Y Y Apr-17 Apr-17 ER ER VIII. CONSOLIDATED POST ADJUSTMENT CIRCULAR Effective 1 April 2017 (updated 12 April 2017) Post Adjustment (New York, January 1997 = 100) Country or area Exchange rate Index Multiplier Change Effective Reason for date change Thresholds Rate With Without Change allowances allowances Effective date Cape Verde 103.906 122.5 36.8 Mar-17 16 17 Jul-11 Central African Rep. /W40 618.128 150.8 49.8 Mar-17 14 15 Jan-07 Chad /W40 618.128 131.4 36.8 Mar-17 13 14 Jul-15 Chile /W40 662.0 129.0 30.5 Mar-17 14 15 Mar-08 China, Beijing /W40 6.890 148.5 60.5 Mar-17 22 23 Feb-13 China, Hong Kong (SAR) 7.771 207.7 107.1 19 20 Jun-12 China, Macao (SAR) 8.004 141.1 45.3 Jun-16 12 13 Sep-11 Colombia 2873.0 127.5 30.2 Nov-16 19 20 Jan-12 Comoros 463.596 131.2 35.6 Mar-17 13 14 Jun-13 Congo /W40 618.128 145.0 46.9 Mar-17 6 6 Nov-04 1349.0000 137.4 45.3 Mar-17 20 21 May-12 561.20 131.8 31.8 Mar-17 19 20 Aug-12 618.128 135.0 38.4 Mar-17 15 16 Dec-12 Croatia, Republic of /W40 6.935 131.7 45.1 Mar-17 20 21 Feb-07 Cuba * /W40 0.990 133.8 40.6 Mar-17 23 24 Aug-11 Cyprus 0.942 107.5 10.9 Y Apr-17 ER 19 20 Mar-12 Czech Republic 25.23 122.0 21.8 Y Apr-17 ER 21 22 Sep-06 Denmark 7.007 145.0 44.4 Y Apr-17 ER 22 23 Feb-15 Djibouti 177.0 145.5 45.3 Mar-17 16 17 Jan-15 Dominican Republic 47.05 131.6 35.7 Mar-17 21 22 Sep-13 1.00 128.2 28.6 Mar-13 16 17 Jul-11 18.174 117.6 23.8 Mar-17 18 19 Feb-10 1.00 124.7 29.4 Nov-13 21 22 Nov-15 618.128 127.8 32.4 Nov-16 16 17 Mar-17 Eritrea 15.00 153.9 53.9 Mar-17 9 10 Nov-14 Estonia 0.942 122.6 23.8 Mar-17 18 19 Feb-01 22.7649 130.2 36.4 Mar-17 16 17 Jun-05 2.03 133.5 33.5 Mar-17 20 21 Sep-11 Finland 0.942 133.1 32.8 Y Apr-17 ER 20 21 Feb-15 France, Lyon and Elsewhere 0.942 135.9 35.2 Y Apr-17 L 17 18 Jul-01 France, Paris 0.942 139.1 38.4 Y Apr-17 ER 21 22 Jan-04 French Guiana 0.942 130.1 30.5 Y Apr-17 ER 618.128 140.4 43.8 16 17 Nov-12 Congo, Dem. Rep. /W40 Costa Rica /W40 Cote d Ivoire /W40 Ecuador Egypt /W40 El Salvador Equatorial Guinea /W40 Ethiopia /W40 Fiji /W40 Gabon Y Apr-17 Mar-17 ER VIII. CONSOLIDATED POST ADJUSTMENT CIRCULAR Effective 1 April 2017 (updated 12 April 2017) Post Adjustment (New York, January 1997 = 100) Country or area Gambia /W40 Exchange rate Index Multiplier Change Effective Reason for date change Thresholds Rate With Without Change allowances allowances Effective date 46.51 121.0 27.8 Mar-17 12 13 Mar-11 2.4510 123.0 25.7 Mar-17 17 18 May-14 Germany, Berlin 0.942 126.3 25.7 Y Apr-17 L 25 27 Aug-06 Germany, Bonn 0.942 122.7 22.1 Y Apr-17 ER 19 20 Feb-15 Germany, Dresden 0.942 122.7 22.1 Y Apr-17 A 18 19 Aug-06 Germany, Hamburg 0.942 124.5 23.9 Y Apr-17 L 20 21 Feb-15 Germany, Munich 0.942 129.9 29.3 Y Apr-17 L Ghana 4.360 146.5 45.5 32 34 May-16 Gibraltar 1/ 0.803 157.0 56.0 Y Apr-17 A Greece 0.942 112.6 16.1 Y Apr-17 ER 15 16 Apr-07 Guatemala 7.3298 132.8 40.3 Mar-17 16 17 Jan-09 Guinea 9260.0 126.8 30.1 Mar-17 19 20 Dec-13 618.128 133.0 37.3 Mar-17 13 14 Nov-15 207.2 130.9 35.9 Jul-15 17 18 Feb-14 Haiti /W40 68.7330 134.1 39.6 Mar-17 18 19 Nov-11 Honduras /W40 23.5102 124.6 26.6 Mar-17 17 18 Jul-09 Hungary 288.03 115.4 15.4 Y Apr-17 ER 20 21 Feb-15 Iceland 112.49 141.4 51.4 Y Apr-17 ER 64.92 126.1 28.3 Mar-17 20 21 Dec-16 Indonesia /W40 13316.0 134.3 34.3 Mar-17 24 25 Sep-11 Iran 36075.0 148.1 46.7 Mar-17 24 25 May-16 Iraq 1170.0 127.2 41.9 Nov-11 14 15 May-02 Ireland 0.942 130.1 29.5 24 25 May-98 Israel /W40 3.626 153.9 53.6 21 22 Sep-13 Italy, Brindisi 0.942 125.5 26.4 Y Apr-17 L 10 11 Nov-99 Italy, Rome 0.942 131.5 32.4 Y Apr-17 ER 20 21 Jul-01 Jamaica /W40 128.11 132.4 35.4 19 20 Jul-13 Japan, Hiroshima 110.24 154.8 55.5 Y Apr-17 L Japan, Tokyo 110.24 178.5 79.4 Y Apr-17 ER 26 28 Nov-06 Jordan /W40 0.710 133.3 36.4 Aug-16 15 16 Aug-08 Kazakhstan /W40 314.71 131.7 33.8 Mar-17 19 20 Dec-07 Kenya /W40 102.95 128.2 29.5 Mar-17 18 19 Oct-05 1.336 135.6 40.6 Mar-17 8 8 Dec-96 Georgia, Republic of /W40 Guinea Bissau Guyana India /W40 Kiribati Mar-17 Y Apr-17 ER Mar-17 Mar-17 VIII. CONSOLIDATED POST ADJUSTMENT CIRCULAR Effective 1 April 2017 (updated 12 April 2017) Post Adjustment (New York, January 1997 = 100) Country or area Korea, Dem. Peo. Of * Exchange rate Index Multiplier Change Effective Reason for date change Thresholds Rate With Without Change allowances allowances Effective date 109.23 137.2 42.3 Oct-16 10 11 Sep-15 1117.40 150.7 70.8 Mar-17 18 19 Mar-09 0.305 133.9 35.0 Mar-17 18 19 Oct-16 Kyrgyzstan 68.950 116.0 20.7 Nov-16 13 14 Dec-09 Lao Peo. Dem. Rep. /W40 8207.5 129.3 38.6 Mar-17 13 14 Oct-03 0.942 127.5 38.2 Mar-17 19 20 Dec-03 Lebanon /W40 1512.0 144.8 50.5 Nov-13 22 23 Sep-11 Lesotho 13.820 117.7 20.7 Mar-17 14 15 Jan-11 Liberia 104.0 142.9 43.9 Jul-16 19 20 Jun-10 Libya 1.4190 118.7 27.6 Nov-16 12 13 Nov-05 Lithuania 0.942 123.6 31.1 Mar-17 17 18 Dec-03 Luxembourg 0.942 136.2 35.8 3249.04 124.9 26.4 Mar-17 16 17 Jul-08 730.5000 132.0 32.1 Mar-17 18 19 Mar-11 Malaysia /W40 4.421 129.0 28.7 Mar-17 19 20 Jan-09 Maldives /W40 15.0 142.1 45.6 Nov-14 21 22 Nov-14 618.128 125.8 31.9 Mar-17 12 13 Jul-15 0.942 127.0 26.0 14 15 Oct-06 Mauritania /W40 357.26 120.4 21.4 Mar-17 11 12 Dec-14 Mauritius /W40 35.28 125.1 28.3 Mar-17 11 12 Sep-13 Mexico /W40 18.68 128.5 31.3 Nov-16 21 23 Mar-17 1.00 149.9 56.5 Nov-16 23 24 Feb-07 Moldova 19.48 114.0 31.5 Nov-16 15 16 Apr-16 Monaco 3/ 0.942 139.1 38.4 21 22 Jan-04 2451.5 123.8 27.7 Mar-17 16 17 Jan-14 0.942 111.7 15.4 Mar-17 17 18 Feb-11 10.006 120.5 25.1 Mar-17 18 19 Oct-12 67.30 139.2 39.2 30 32 Myanmar /W40 1355.0 138.2 41.4 Mar-17 23 24 Aug-13 Namibia /W40 13.82 118.9 21.4 Mar-17 23 24 Mar-17 Nepal /W40 103.8800 124.6 25.1 Nov-16 12 13 Jan-14 Netherlands 0.942 127.9 27.7 23 24 Nov-96 112.450 136.0 43.4 Mar-17 16 17 Sep-05 1.442 115.4 15.0 Nov-16 22 23 Oct-80 Korea, Republic of Kuwait /W40 Latvia Madagascar /W40 Malawi /W40 Mali /W40 Malta Micronesia, Fed States of 2/ Mongolia Montenegro Morocco /W40 Mozambique /W40 New Caledonia New Zealand Y Y Y Y Y Apr-17 Apr-17 Apr-17 Apr-17 Apr-17 ER ER A PP ER Y Apr-17 VIII. CONSOLIDATED POST ADJUSTMENT CIRCULAR Effective 1 April 2017 (updated 12 April 2017) Post Adjustment (New York, January 1997 = 100) Country or area Exchange rate Index Multiplier Change Effective Reason for date change Thresholds Rate With Without Change allowances allowances Effective date Nicaragua 29.6756 122.2 25.8 Mar-17 18 19 Feb-15 Niger /W40 618.128 119.8 35.3 Mar-17 10 11 Mar-09 308.05 125.9 28.0 Mar-17 19 20 Nov-16 Norway 8.604 138.9 37.9 24 25 Feb-15 Oman 0.385 137.0 42.1 Feb-15 19 20 Feb-15 104.80 124.8 32.6 Mar-16 19 20 Jun-08 Palau, Republic of 4/ 1.00 151.3 58.8 Mar-17 Panama /W40 1.00 133.4 35.4 Nov-11 21 22 Jul-13 Papua New Guinea /W40 3.18 184.8 85.0 Mar-17 29 31 Oct-13 5636.0 126.1 31.9 Mar-17 13 14 Jan-09 Peru 3.249 134.9 38.3 Mar-17 20 21 Jul-14 Philippines /W40 50.16 136.6 39.1 Mar-17 21 22 Jul-07 Poland 3.928 111.0 12.7 Y Apr-17 ER 16 17 Apr-15 Portugal, Lisbon 0.942 122.1 21.4 Y Apr-17 ER 20 21 Jan-05 Portugal, Guimaraes 0.942 100.2 0.0 Y Apr-17 L 1.00 131.6 35.7 Mar-17 Qatar 3.641 174.2 72.5 Mar-17 33 35 Jun-15 Romania 4.243 99.8 0.0 Mar-17 20 21 Feb-12 56.130 154.8 62.4 Mar-17 20 21 Mar-16 825.0000 128.2 41.5 Nov-16 16 17 Apr-13 0.803 131.7 56.0 Mar-17 2.7 128.7 37.4 Nov-14 16 17 Feb-12 2.4890 135.4 41.1 Mar-17 14 15 Aug-15 22671.2900 127.6 29.8 Mar-17 14 15 Feb-11 3.750 133.3 45.2 Nov-12 17 18 Apr-11 Senegal /W40 618.128 130.6 34.4 Mar-17 17 18 Jul-15 Serbia /W40 115.439 117.8 22.9 Mar-17 18 19 Jul-12 Seychelles /W40 13.4815 142.7 45.8 Mar-17 15 16 Jan-14 7075.0 138.7 39.7 Nov-16 17 18 Feb-11 Singapore 1.404 154.8 75.4 Jul-16 22 23 Jun-08 Slovak Republic 0.942 115.7 16.3 Y Apr-17 ER 16 17 Feb-12 Slovenia, Republic of 0.942 113.2 13.0 Y Apr-17 ER 21 22 Nov-03 7.8186 145.9 48.5 18 19 Dec-07 Nigeria /W40 Pakistan Paraguay /W40 Puerto Rico 13/ Russian Federation /W40 Rwanda /W40 Saint Helena 5/ St. Lucia Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia /W40 Sierra Leone /W40 Solomon Islands /W40 Y Apr-17 Nov-16 ER VIII. CONSOLIDATED POST ADJUSTMENT CIRCULAR Effective 1 April 2017 (updated 12 April 2017) Post Adjustment (New York, January 1997 = 100) Country or area Somalia 6/ Exchange rate Index Multiplier Change Effective Reason for date change 24300.0 129.2 39.5 13.82 119.9 19.9 109.635 131.4 33.5 0.942 126.0 25.4 152.04 116.7 19.9 Mar-17 2.7 147.3 49.9 Mar-17 9.4720 138.7 38.7 Suriname 7.47 124.2 Swaziland 13.820 Sweden Switzerland With Without Change allowances allowances Effective date 15 16 19 20 10 11 Jul-16 19 20 Nov-08 20 21 Nov-14 Mar-17 17 18 Mar-16 26.8 Mar-17 16 17 Oct-12 113.1 22.8 Mar-17 11 12 Sep-03 9.051 133.7 31.9 22 23 Feb-15 1.007 171.5 79.3 Mar-17 21 22 Apr-06 514.850 111.3 36.5 Mar-15 20 21 Jun-12 Tajikistan /W40 8.1931 116.6 19.7 Mar-17 13 14 Aug-10 Tanzania, United Rep. of 2233.0 137.9 40.6 Mar-17 29 31 Jun-11 Thailand /W40 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 34.420 132.5 35.4 Mar-17 19 20 Sep-06 57.3150 111.1 21.6 Mar-17 14 15 Oct-16 1.00 146.8 57.2 Mar-13 15 16 Jul-11 618.128 122.1 34.1 Mar-17 13 14 Nov-11 2.1825 125.8 36.7 Nov-16 9 10 Jan-09 Trinidad and Tobago 6.736 142.6 42.6 Mar-17 26 28 Oct-08 Tunisia 2.292 124.1 24.0 Mar-17 14 15 Apr-16 Turkey, Ankara /W40 3.635 117.8 20.3 Mar-17 17 18 Apr-15 Turkey, Istanbul /W40 15/ 3.635 127.0 25.6 Mar-17 22 23 Mar-14 3.50 131.0 33.0 Oct-15 10 11 Nov-04 1.336 141.1 52.5 Mar-17 Uganda /W40 3614.2 126.7 26.8 Mar-17 24 25 May-14 Ukraine /W40 27.12 116.4 24.9 Nov-16 23 24 Mar-17 United Arab Emirates 3.673 161.9 66.7 Nov-14 32 34 Aug-11 United Kingdom 0.803 157.0 56.0 27 29 Feb-14 USA, Miami 7/ 1.00 143.0 45.7 Apr-13 USA, New York 1.00 166.5 66.1 Feb-17 28 30 Apr-11 USA, San Francisco 8/ 1.00 155.5 55.1 Feb-17 USA, Washington D.C. 1.00 143.0 45.7 Apr-13 27 29 Apr-11 South Africa /W40 South Sudan, Republic of /W40 Spain Sri Lanka St. Kitts and Nevis 14/ Sudan /W40 Syrian Arab Republic 10/ Timor-Leste /W40 Togo /W40 Tonga Turkmenistan /W40 Tuvalu 11/ Mar-17 Thresholds Rate Y Apr-17 H Mar-17 Y Y Y Apr-17 Apr-17 Apr-17 ER ER ER Sep-99 Y Apr-17 VIII. CONSOLIDATED POST ADJUSTMENT CIRCULAR Effective 1 April 2017 (updated 12 April 2017) Post Adjustment (New York, January 1997 = 100) Country or area Uruguay Exchange rate Index Multiplier Change Effective Reason for date change Thresholds Rate With Without Change allowances allowances Effective date 28.70 139.1 39.4 Mar-17 20 21 Nov-12 Uzbekistan 3595.0 125.1 33.0 Nov-16 20 21 Aug-12 Vanuatu 105.94 154.9 58.5 Mar-17 15 16 Aug-12 Venezuela /W40 704.013 82.8 103.9 Mar-17 27 29 Aug-12 Vietnam West Bank & the Gaza Strip,The /W40 9/ 22758.0 117.6 27.0 Mar-17 22 23 Dec-07 3.626 153.9 53.6 Mar-17 21 22 Sep-13 250.25 130.4 30.1 Mar-17 12 13 Nov-10 9.600 132.4 36.7 Mar-17 21 22 Apr-06 150000.00 135.1 47.8 Nov-13 13 14 Nov-12 Yemen, Republic of Zambia /W40 Zimbabwe /W40 NOTES: W40 = 40 per cent of rent maximum subsidy limit has been waived * = Post adjustment classification based on government housing ER = Change in exchange rate PP = Place-to-place survey H = Housing survey FMR = Four month review FPR = Five percent rule TMR = Twelve month rule TPR = Ten point rule OMR = One month rule GCM = Gap closure measure IM = Interim Multiplier L = Linked through intercity coefficient A = Assimilated to another duty station 1/ Same post adjustment classification as for London, United Kingdom. 2/ Average PAI of Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Solomon Islands until results of a new P/P survey are implemented. 3/ Same post adjustment classification/rental threshold as for Paris, France. 4/ Average PAI of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu until results of a new P/P survey are implemented. 5/ London PAI x 0.8389 until results of a new P/P survey are implemented. 6/ Average PAI of Ethiopia and Kenya until results of a new P/P survey are implemented. 7/ Same post adjustment classification as for United States, Washington D.C. until an inter-city differential is implemented. 8/ New York PAI x 0.9339. 9/ Same post adjustment classification/rental threshold as for Israel. 10/ Multiplier maintained until a survey can be conducted. 11/ Average PAI of Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu until results of a new P/P survey are implemented. 12/ Same post adjustment classification as for United States, Washington D.C. 13/ Same post adjustment classification as for Dominican Republic. 14/ Average PAI of Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago until results of a new P/P survey are implemented. 15/ Turkey, Ankara PAI x 1.078. IX. Afghanistan Afrique du Sud Albanie Algérie Allemagne Angola Arabie Saoudite Argentine Arménie Australie Autriche Azerbaïdjan Bahamas Bahreïn Bangladesh Barbade Bélarus Belgique Belize Bénin Bhoutan Bolivie Bosnie-Herzégovine Botswana Brésil Bulgarie Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodge Cameroun Canada Cap-Vert, Iles du Chili Chine Chypre Colombie Comores Congo République démocratique de Timor-Leste République démocratique de Congo Corée, République populaire démocratique Corée, Rèpublique de Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatie Cuba Cyprus Danemark Djibouti Egypte El Salvador Emirats arabes unis Equateur Erythrée LIST OF COUNTRIES IN FRENCH AND ENGLISH LISTE DES PAYS EN FRANÇAIS ET EN ANGLAIS Afghanistan South Africa Albania Algeria Germany Angola Saudi Arabia Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Butan Bolivia Bosnia-Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Chile China Cyprus Colombia Comoros Congo Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Democratic Republic of Congo Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of Korea, Republic of Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Denmark Djibouti Egypt El Salvador United Arab Emirates Ecuador Eritrea Estonie Espagne Etats-Unis d'Amérique Ethiopie Féderation de Russie Fidji Finlande France Français-Guyane Gabon Gambie Gaza Géorgie L'Allemagne Ghana Gréce Guatemala Guinée Guinée-Bissau Guinée équatoriale Guyana Haïti Honduras Hong Kong Hongrie Iles Salomon Inde Indonésie Iran Iraq Irlande Islande Israël Italie Jamahiriya Arabe Libyenne Jamaïque Japon Jordanie Kazakhstan Kenya Kirghizistan Kiribati Kowaït Lesotho Latvia L'ex-République Yougoslav de Macédoine Liban Liberia Lituanie Luxembourg Macau Madagascar Malaisie Malawi Maldives Madagascar Estonia Spain United States of America Ethiopia The Russian Federation Fiji Finland France French-Guiana Gabon Gambia Gaza Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Guinea Guinea Bissau Equatorial Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Solomon Islands India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Iceland Israel Italy Libyan ArabJamahiriya Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Kiribati Kuwait Lesotho Latvia The former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia Lebanon Liberia Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Madagascar Malaysia Malawi Maldives Madagascar Malaisie Malawi Maldives Mali Malte Maroc Maurice Mauritanie Mexique Monaco Mongolie Monténégro Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Népal Nicaragua Niger Nigéria Norvège Nouvelle-Calédonie Nouvelle-Zélande Oman Ouganda Ouzbékistan Pakistan Panama Papouasie-NouvelleGuinée Paraguay Pays-Bas Pérou Philippines Pologne Portugal Qatar République arabe syrienne République centrafricaine République dém. populaire lao République de Moldova République du Soudan du Sud République-Unie de Tanzanie Roumanie Rouyaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord Rwanda Samoa Sao Tomé-et-Principe Serbie Sénégal Seychelles Sierra Leone Slovaquie Slovénie Singapour Somalie Swaziland Suède Malaysia Malawi Maldives Mali Malta Morocco Mauritius Mauritania Mexico Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway New Caledonia New Zealand Oman Uganda Uzbekistan Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Netherlands Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Syrian Arab Republic Central African Republic Lao, People's Dem. Republic Republic of Moldova Republic of South Sudan Tanzania, United Republic of Romania United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome & Principe Serbia Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Slovakia Republic Slovenia Singapore Somalia Swaziland Sweden Soudan Sri Lanka Suisse Suriname Tadjikistan Tchad Tchèque République Thaïlande Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinité-et-Tobago Tunisie Turkménistan Turquie Ukraine Uruguay Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yémen Zambie Zimbabwe Sudan Sri Lanka Switzerland Suriname Tajikistan Chad Czech Republic Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkmenistan Turkey Ukraine Uruguay Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe