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Social Justice & Health Disparities: A Global Perspective

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Social Justice and Health
Social justice can be defined as the perspective that equal rights and opportunities should
be given to everyone including the right to good health. Despite this fact, people are generally
affected by inequities that could be avoided and are unjust. Such inequities are caused by
practices and policies that cause money, power, and resources to be distributed unequally based
on social class, race, and gender.
Health disparities are defined as the differences that occur in healthcare and health
between communities linked with a close economic, social, and environmental disadvantage.
Some of the solutions that have been able to tackle issues concerning health disparities have
come from the coverage providers under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Through the ACA the
burden of health disparities that affect ethnic, racial, and socio-economic groups has been eased
by increasing insurance covers for the underprivileged population.
Another solution has been the construction of centers that study the environmental impact
on the local communities, families, and healthcare systems on personal health. This has not been
enough to solve the issues in the healthcare systems as researchers and some providers are
realizing that deeper changes should be made in the healthcare system
Achieving the Goal of Health
The government plays a crucial role in observing the setup of the key components and
that the general wellbeing's main goal gets tended to. Accomplishing worldwide wellbeing is a
common duty between governments, non-governmental associations, social associations, and the
private division. While governments are entrusted with giving medicinal services to its citizens, a
few communities are not able to get the services that they require. Non-legislative associations,
hence, come in to give benefits in such communities. For instance, while the legislature may give
an office to treat fistula, NGOs may center around instructing ladies on the same. Administrative
offices guarantee that administrations are offered correctly.
Health disparities are a cause of major concern in the global healthcare system. More
initiatives should be taken to ease the burden of health disparities that affect ethnic, racial, and
socio-economic groups globally.