S VII_AP_E-TECHNO_MICRO SCHEDULES_FROM 18-03-2021 TO 31-03-2021 DATE 18-03-2021 THURSDAY 19-03-2021 FRIDAY 20-03-2021 SATURDAY 21-03-2021 SUNDAY PERIOD 1 PERIOD 2 JEE PHYSICS: SUB: JEE - PHYSICS TOPIC: CIRCULAR MOTION SUB: JEE - MATHS Synopsis- 1 TOPIC: LINEAR Radius vector, angular EQUATIONS(VOL-2) position angular displacement 2) Cross multiplication Discuss WS- 1: CUQ- 6, 8 method, Reciprocal equations JEE main & adv 9 DISCUSS WS-2: MAIN & ADVCDF Drill: 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Discuss with PPT: 5min Discuss with YouTube links: 5min PERIOD 3 PERIOD 4 PERIOD 5 SUB: CHEMISTRY TOPIC: CHEMICAL BONDING SYNOPSIS-2: Ionic bond,Explanation,Example,Co nditions for the formation of ionic bond,Example for SUB: NEET - BIOLOGY Conditions for the formation SUB: JEE - MATHS TOPIC: BLOOD VESSELS of TOPIC: LINEAR ionic bond, Formation of EQUATIONS(VOL-2) SYNOPSIS- Inrroduction to PointSodium chloride, Formation of Solving procedure 12 CDF Drill-Related Points Sodium Chloride can be DISCUSS WS-3: CUQ-1, 2, 3, 4, Discuss with PPT: 5 min represened. DISCUSS WS-2: 5 Discuss with Youtube link: 5 min CUQS:1 TO 4,7. JEE MAINS:1 TO 4 CDF POINTS: 9 ,10,11,12,13 Discuss with PPT:5 min Discuss with Youtubelink:5 min SUB: CHEMISTRY TOPIC: CHEMICAL BONDING SYNOPSIS-3:Covalent Bond,Conditions for the formation of covalent bond,Examples. DISCUSS WS-3: CUQS:1,2,3,6 JEE MAINS:1,2,3,7,8,10 CDF POINTS:19 TO 23 Discuss with PPT:5 min Discuss with Youtubelink:5 min JEE PHYSICS: TOPIC: CIRCULAR MOTION Synopsis- 1 frequency Discuss WS- 1: CUQ- 3 JEE main & adv 3, 21 CDF Drill: 13, 14 Discuss with PPT: 5min Discuss with YouTube links: 5min SUB: JEE - MATHS TOPIC: LINEAR EQUATIONS(VOL-2) Solving problems based on 2 digit numbers DISCUSS WS-3: MAIN & ADV-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 CDF POINTS: 19 to 27 JEE PHYSICS: SUB: JEE - PHYSICS TOPIC: CIRCULAR MOTION Synopsis- 2 Angular acceleration Angular kinetic equations Discuss WS- 2: CUQ- 1, 2 JEE main & adv 2 CDF Drill: 20, 21 Discuss with PPT: 5min Discuss with YouTube links: 5min SUB: CHEMISTRY TOPIC: CHEMICAL BONDING SYNOPSIS-3:Classification of Covalent bond,Non polar TOPIC: LINEAR covalent SUB: NEET - BIOLOGY EQUATIONS(VOL-2) bond,Formation of TOPIC: LINEAR Ordered pair, Co-ordinate TOPIC: BLOOD VESSELS Methane,Characteristic EQUATIONS(VOL-2) system, co-ordinates of a point properties of covalent convertion of signs, quadrants SYNOPSIS- Artery CDF Drillin a plane compounds,Covalency. DISCUSS WS-4: MAIN & ADV-1, Related Points DISCUSS WS-4: CUQ-1, 2, 3, 4, DISCUSS WS-3: CUQS:4,8,9,10 2, 3, 4, 5 Discuss with PPT: 5 min 5, 6, 7 JEE CDF POINTS: 34, 35, 36 Discuss with Youtube link: 5 min CDF POINTS: 30 to 33 MAINS:4,5,6,12,14,15 CDF POINTS: 24,26 TO 28 Discuss with PPT:5 min Discuss with Youtubelink:5 min SUB: HINDI 9 SUNDAY SUB: JEE - MATHS TOPIC: LINEAR EQUATIONS(VOL-2) Important concept and formulae DISCUSS WS-3: MAIN & ADV7, 8, 9, 10 CDF POINTS: 28, 29 PERIOD 6 PERIOD 7 SUB: TELUGU SUB: SOCIAL Map Practice AP Districts Map JEE PHYSICS: SUB: JEE - PHYSICS TOPIC: CIRCULAR MOTION Synopsis- 1 Centripetal acceleration Discuss WS- 1: CUQ- 7 JEE main & adv 22 CDF Drill: 18, 19 Discuss with PPT: 5min Discuss with YouTube links: 5min "SUB: COMPUTERS TOPIC: CH.7.WORKING WITH LAYERS Introduction, Selecting a Layer, Renaming a Layer, Adding New Layers & Changing Order of Layers ASSIGNMENT-9; Activity Session: Activity A (Page No 88)" SUB: HINDI 10 SUB: SOCIAL Map Practice India Political Map DATE PERIOD 1 PERIOD 2 PERIOD 3 PERIOD 4 PERIOD 5 PERIOD 6 SUB: CHEMISTRY TOPIC: CHEMICAL BONDING SYNOPSIS-4: Co-Ordinate Covalent Bond,Definition,Combination of Ammonia and Boron trifluoride,Formation of Ammonium ion,Characteristics of Co-Ordinate Compounds. DISCUSS WS-4: CUQS:1 TO 4 JEE MAINS:3,7 CDF POINTS: 29 TO 34 Discuss with PPT:5 min Discuss with Youtubelink:5 min SUB: JEE - MATHS TOPIC: LINEAR EQUATIONS(VOL-2) Non-homogeneous system of linear equations, Graphical representation of consistent and inconsistent system of LE DISCUSS WS-4: CUQ- 12, 13, 14, 15 MAIN & ADV-7, 8 CDF POINTS:39 to 42 10 22-03-2021 MONDAY JEE PHYSICS: SUB: JEE - PHYSICS TOPIC: CIRCULAR MOTION Synopsis- 2 Centripetal acceleration, linear and angular variables Discuss WS- 2: CUQ- 7 JEE main & adv 12, 22 CDF Drill: 25, 28 Discuss with PPT: 5min Discuss with YouTube links: 5min SUB: JEE - MATHS TOPIC: LINEAR EQUATIONS(VOL-2) Graphs of LE in 2 variables, procedure to draw the graph of ax+by+c=0 DISCUSS WS-4: CUQ- 8, 9, 10, 11 CDF POINTS: 37, 38 23-03-2021 TUESDAY JEE PHYSICS: SUB: JEE - PHYSICS TOPIC: CIRCULAR MOTION Synopsis- 3 Centripetal acceleration Discuss WS- 3: CUQ- 4, 10 JEE main & adv 5, 6 CDF Drill: 28 Discuss with PPT: 5min Discuss with YouTube links: 5min SUB: CHEMISTRY TOPIC: CHEMICAL BONDING SYNOPSIS-4:Molecules SUB: JEE - MATHS SUB: NEET - BIOLOGY Containing SUB: JEE - MATHS TOPIC: LINEAR TOPIC: BLOOD VESSELS Dative Bonds,Ions containing TOPIC: LINEAR EQUATIONS(VOL-2) dative bond,Some more SYNOPSIS- VEIN to Differences EQUATIONS(VOL-2) Linear inequations, Domain or examples of Co-ordinate between Artery & Vein CDF DrillHomogeneous system of LE replacement set covalent bond. DISCUSS WSRelated Points DISCUSS WS-4: MAIN & ADV-9, DISCUSS WS-5: CUQ-1, 2, 3, 4, 4: CUQS:5,6,8 JEE MAINS:5 Discuss with PPT: 5 min 10, 11 5 Discuss with Youtube link: 5 min CDF POINTS:34 TO 37 Discuss CDF POINTS: 43, 44 with PPT:5 min Discuss with Youtubelink:5 min 24-03-2021 WEDNESDAY JEE PHYSICS: SUB: JEE - PHYSICS TOPIC: CIRCULAR MOTION Synopsis- 4 Circular turning and banking Discuss WS- 4: CUQ- 2, 5 JEE main & adv 1, 4 CDF Drill: 34 Discuss with PPT: 5min Discuss with YouTube links: 5min 25-03-2021 THURSDAY MPC CDF SUB: JEE - MATHS TOPIC: LINEAR EQUATIONS(VOL-2) Solution set of linear inequations, Properties of inequations DISCUSS WS-5: CUQ- 6, 7, MAIN & ADV-1, 2, 3, 4 SUB: SOCIAL Map Practice India South West Monsoon Map SUB: SOCIAL Map Practice India South West Monsoon Map SUB: NEET - BIOLOGY SUB: JEE - MATHS TOPIC: STRUCTURE OF HEART TOPIC: GEOMETRY(VOL-3) Basic concepts, points, line, AND PULSE line segment, ray , plane, open SYNOPSIS- Introduction to figures, closed figures Structure of Heart CDF DrillDISCUSS WS-1: CUQ- 1, 2, 3, Related Points 4, 8, 10 MAIN & ADV-8, 9, 10 Discuss with PPT: 5 min CDF POINTS: 1 TO 5 Discuss with Youtube link: 5 min SUB: HINDI SUB: HINDI 10 SUB: CHEMISTRY SUB: CHEMISTRY TOPIC: CHEMICAL BONDING TOPIC: CHEMICAL BONDING SYNOPSIS-5:d - orbitals,TYPES SYNOPSIS-5:Valence bond SUB: JEE - MATHS OF COVALENT BOND BASED theory,Shape of Orbitals,s TOPIC: LINEAR ON OVERLAPPING, SIGMA Orbital,p - orbitals. DISCUSS EQUATIONS(VOL-2) BOND, PI BOND.DISCUSS WSWS-5: CUQS:1,2,3 JEE Properties of inequations 5: CUQS:4,7,9 JEE MAINS:1,3,5 DISCUSS WS-5: MAIN & ADV-5, MAINS:9,10 CDF POINTS: 38 TO 43 6, ,7 ,8, 9 CDF POINTS: 44 TO 46 Discuss with PPT:5 min Discuss with PPT:5 min Discuss with Youtubelink:5 Discuss with Youtubelink:5 min min SUB: CHEMISTRY TOPIC: CHEMICAL BONDING SYNOPSIS-5:TYPES OF OVERLAPPING,s - s overlapping,FORMATION OF HYDROGEN MOLECULE,s - p SUB: JEE - MATHS overlapping,Formation of HCl TOPIC: GEOMETRY(VOL-3) molecule,p - p Angles, types of angles overlapping,Axial p-p DISCUSS WS-1: CUQ- 5, 6, 7, 9 overlapping,Formation of CDF POINTS: 6 TO 12 Fluorine molecule,Lateral p-p overlapping,d-d overlapping. DISCUSS WS-5: CUQS: 5,6,10 JEE MAINS:4,12,17,18 CDF POINTS: 47,48 Discuss with PPT:5 min Discuss with Youtubelink:5 min PERIOD 7 SUB: SOCIAL Map Practice India Political Map SUB: SOCIAL Map Practice India South West Monsoon Map SUB: SOCIAL Map Practice World Map Continents and Oceans SUB: HINDI 10 SOFT SKILLS DATE 26-03-2021 FRIDAY 27-03-2021 SATURDAY PERIOD 1 PERIOD 2 JEE PHYSICS: SUB: JEE - PHYSICS TOPIC: HEAT SUB: JEE - MATHS Synopsis-1 TOPIC: GEOMETRY(VOL-3) Hot and Cold Pairs of angles Concept of Heat DISCUSS WS-1: CUQ- 5, 6, 7, 9 General effects of heat energy CDF POINTS: 13 TO 15 Unit of Heat Thermal equilibrium Zeroth law of thermodynamics PERIOD 3 JEE PHYSICS: SUB: JEE - PHYSICS TOPIC: CIRCULAR MOTION Synopsis- 4 Centrifugal force Discuss WS- 4: CUQ- 3, 4 JEE main & adv 13 CDF Drill:35 Discuss with PPT: 5min Discuss with YouTube links: 5min JEE PHYSICS: SUB: JEE - PHYSICS TOPIC: HEAT SUB: NEET - BIOLOGY SUB: JEE - MATHS Synopsis-1 TOPIC: GEOMETRY(VOL-3) TOPIC: STRUCTURE OF HEART Types of thermometers Classification of angles formed AND PULSE Liquid thermometer by transversal SYNOPSIS- Structure of Heart to Gas thermometer DISCUSS WS-2: CUQ- 5 to 10 Valves CDF Drill-Related Points Resistance thermometer MAIN & ADV-2, 3 Discuss with PPT: 5 min Thermo electric thermometer CDF POINTS: 20 Discuss with Youtube link: 5 min Radiation thermometer Clinical thermometer Solve WS-1 28-03-2021 SUNDAY 29-03-2021 MONDAY 30-03-2021 TUESDAY PERIOD 4 PERIOD 5 SUB: CHEMISTRY TOPIC: CHEMICAL BONDING SYNOPSIS-6: Hybridisation,Salient features of hybridisation,Important conditions for SUB: JEE - MATHS hybridisation,Type of TOPIC: GEOMETRY(VOL-3) hybridisation,sp Types of lines and transversal hybridisation,Structure of DISCUSS WS-2: CUQ- 1, 2, 3, 4 berillium chloride. DISCUSS MAIN & ADV-1 WS-6: CUQS: 1 TO 9 JEE CDF POINTS: 16 TO 19 MAINS:1 TO 8 CDF POINTS: 49 TO 59 Discuss with PPT:5 min Discuss with Youtubelink:5 min SUB: CHEMISTRY TOPIC: CHEMICAL BONDING SYNOPSIS-7: sp2 hybridisation,Structure of Boron tri chloride SUB: JEE - MATHS molecule,sp3 TOPIC: GEOMETRY(VOL-3) hybridisation,Structure of Classification of angles formed methane molecule. DISCUSS by transversal WS-7: CUQS:1 to 6 JEE DISCUSS WS-2: MAIN & ADV-4 MAINS:1,2,8,9,10,13 to 10 CDF POINTS: 60 to 69 Discuss with PPT:5 min Discuss with Youtubelink:5 min PERIOD 6 PERIOD 7 SUB: ENGLISH UNIT 3 REVISION (T.B_P.G_NO_40 TO 57) SUB: LAB MANUAL PHYSICS Experiment : 2 – Images formed by curved reflecting surfaces "SUB: COMPUTERS TOPIC: CH.7.WORKING WITH LAYERS Hide/Show Layers, Lock a Layer, Masking in Flash, Rotation with Masking SUB: LAB MANUAL: BIOLOGY Effects & Using Onion Experiment : 11 – To prove the presence of Skin Tool. ASSIGNMENTprotein in the food sample 10; Activity Session: Activity B (Page No. 88) & Make a Project on Solar System in Falsh (Page No 89)" SUNDAY HOLI JEE PHYSICS: TOPIC: HEAT Solve WS-1 SUB: JEE - MATHS TOPIC: GEOMETRY(VOL-3) Polygon, Diagonal of polygons, Types of polygons DISCUSS WS-3: CUQ-1, MAIN & ADV-1 to 6 CDF POINTS: 21 TO 24 SUB: ENGLISH UNIT - 6 REVISION (T.B_P.G_NO_88 TO 102) SUB: CHEMISTRY TOPIC: CHEMICAL BONDING SYNOPSIS-8:VSEPR SUB: LAB MANUAL theory,The basic assumptions CHEMISTRY of the VSEPR Theory,VSEPR Experiment : 6 – To study the SUB: JEE - MATHS Theory in special case of sp3d effect of an TOPIC: GEOMETRY(VOL-3) Hybridisation,Five sigma acid on natural and synthetic Angles of polygon bonds and zero lone pair indicators like DISCUSS WS-3: CUQ-2, 3, 4, 5, electron. DISCUSS WS-8: blue litmus paper, 7 CUQS: 5,6,7,10 JEE phenolphthalein, turmeric CDF POINTS: 25, 26 MAINS:1,3,4,7,10 powder solution, china rose CDF POINTS: 70 to 76 petal solution and Discuss with PPT:5 min methyl orange Discuss with Youtubelink:5 min SUB: TELUGU DATE 31-03-2021 WEDNESDAY PERIOD 1 JEE PHYSICS: TOPIC: HEAT Synopsis -2 Types of temperature scales: Different scales of temperature: i) Celsius scale or Centigrade scale: ii) Fahrenheit scale: Discuss with PPT: 5min Discuss with YouTube links: 5min PERIOD 2 PERIOD 3 PERIOD 4 SUB: CHEMISTRY TOPIC: CHEMICAL BONDING SYNOPSIS-8:Four sigma bonds and one lone pair of electron,Three sigma bonds & SUB: NEET - BIOLOGY SUB: JEE - MATHS two lone pair of electrons,Two TOPIC: STRUCTURE OF HEART TOPIC: GEOMETRY(VOL-3) sigma bonds & three lone pair AND PULSE Regular and irregular polygons of electrons,THE EFFECT OF SYNOPSIS- Pulse to Pulse rate DISCUSS WS-3: CUQ-6, MAIN MULTIPLE BONDS ON BOND CDF Drill-Related Points & ADV-7 to 10 ANGLES. DISCUSS WS-8: Discuss with PPT: 5 min CDF POINTS: 27, 28 CUQS:1 to 4,8 JEE Discuss with Youtube link: 5 min MAINS:2,3,5,6 CDF POINTS:77(i),77(ii) Discuss with PPT:5 min Discuss with Youtubelink:5 min PERIOD 5 PERIOD 6 SUB: JEE - MATHS TOPIC: GEOMETRY(VOL-3) Triangles, Perimeter of triangles, angles of triangles DISCUSS WS-4: CUQ-1, 4, 9 MAIN & ADV- 3, 4, 5, 6 CDF POINTS: 1 SUB: LAB MANUAL:MATHS Experiment : 15 – Area of Parallelogram PERIOD 7 SUB: TELUGU