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UK vs US English Vocabulary Differences

Ex 4 p 110
Administration – (UK) the arrangements and tasks needed to control the operation
of a plan or organization; (US) An administration in the US is the period when a
President is in office
An apartment – (plural mostly UK) The apartments of an important person such as
a king, queen, or president are a set of large rooms which are used by them. (US) is
a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a large building.
Billion – (UK) one thousand million (US) a thousand millions
Corn – (UK) (the seeds of) plants, such as wheat, maize, oats, and barley, that can
be used to produce flour: a sheaf of corn, grains of corn (US) a tall plant grown in
many parts of the world for its yellow seeds, which are eaten as food, made into
flour, or fed to animals: corn-fed chickens.
To cover - ??
Dresser – (UK) a tall piece of furniture with cupboards below and shelves on the
top half: a kitchen dresser (US) a piece of bedroom furniture with drawers,
sometimes with a mirror on top, used especially for keeping clothes in
Dumb – (UK) temporarily unable to speak, for example because you are very
surprised or shocked; (US) informal - stupid
Faculty – (UK) a group of departments in a college that specialize in a particular
subject or group of subjects; (US) the people who teach in a college or university,
or in a department of a college or university
To fire – (UK) to shoot bullets or other explosives from a weapon. (US) to order
someone to give up their job
To guess – (UK) to give an answer to a particular question when you do not have
all the facts and so cannot be certain if you are correct, (US) To guess also means
to think or believe "Is he going to call you back?" "I guess so."
Homely – (UK) plain or ordinary, but pleasant, (US) unattractive in appearance
Lumber – (UK) wood that has been prepared for building (US) clutter
Lunch - a meal eaten around midday (UK, US)
Mad – (UK) mentally ill, or unable to behave in a reasonable way (US) angry or
Minerals – (UK) fizzy soft drinks. (US) a solid, naturally occurring inorganic
Pavement –(UK) a raised paved or asphalted path for pedestrians at the side of a
road. (US) the hard surface of a road or street.
Sick – (UK) affected by physical or mental illness. (US) feeling nauseous and
wanting to vomit.
Ex 7
7. Він виявив, що вважає за краще сидіти в салоні, ступивши ноги біля
невеликого обігрівача (Е. Л. Доктороу). PARLOR US /ˈpɑːr.lɚ/ UK /ˈpɑː.lər/
8. "Чию квартиру ви назвали, сер?" - запитав ліфтер, коли він суворо закрив
двері, і ліфт почав рухатися вгору (Х. Роббінс). Apartment – us word, uk
usually flat. Elevator – US, uk usually lift.
9. Уайлдер /.../ читав Джона ле Карре. Сидячи серед жіночої половини
родини, як сиуський індіанець у своєму шалаші (С. Беллоу).
10. "Яуль чекай. Попкорн почне готуватися через хвилину" (У. Фолкнер). In a
minute – UK idiom
11. З бару він вийшов і зустрів Сильвестра Веста, наркомана, який постійно
перечіпався через свої в важкі галоші, які називаються арктисом (Ш.
Андерсон). Saloon – US western bar
12. Аль сів у вантажівку. "Потрібно дістати газ", - сказав він (Дж.
Штейнбек). Gas – gasoline US, UK mostly petrol.