LO: DNA Profiling 5 Describe how DNA profiling is used for identification and determining genetic relationships between organisms (plants and animals). 1 2 3 DNA profiling is a technique that allows an individual’s genes to be visualised. This allows someone's genetic makeup to be compared to known genes to see if they too have them. This technique can be used to identify genetic disorders in individuals or match DNA samples to individuals. We usually sample regions of DNA called introns, once called Junk DNA, since it varies between individuals (but not twins). As opposed to exons (genes in the normal sense). These repetitive regions of ‘Junk DNA’ are now called STRs: Short Tandem Repeats. Alex Jeffreys’ first use of DNA Profiling: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz6p8EgJZ3w Sources of DNA for Genetic Profiling How do we get the STRs from the DNA sample? You’ll need to macerate the sample and add enzymes to break down the cellular membranes. We’ll need to cut out the sequences of DNA we wish to compare, the STRs. Enzymes are perfect for this, specifically restriction enzymes (restriction endonucleases) which cut at designated DNA sequences. Samples must be compared against possible sources Suspects Profile Blood sample from crime scene Victims profile Is this man the father of the child? Mother Child Man Famous Cases • Colin Pitchfork was arrested (1987) for the rape and murder of two girls in 1986. He was only caught, and then sentenced, in 1988 after DNA evidence came to light. Famous Cases • In 1994 O.J Simpson was cleared of murder charges which relied heavily on DNA evidence. • The new technology, and the jury’s lack of confidence with it, formed a major part of the case. • This was later parodied in SouthPark as the Chewbacca Defence – it has become a technical term. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clKi92j6eLE Old and modern forms of gene profile presentation.