U N I VE R SI D AD D E E L SA L VAD O R FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS Y HUMANIDADES DEPARTAMENTO DE IDIOMAS EXTRANJEROS LICENCIATURA EN ENSEÑANZA DEL INGLÉS Modalidad de Educación a Distancia Orientaciones académicas Asignatura: Conversación Inglesa II Código de la asignatura: CIN214ED Coordinador de cátedra: Licda. Diana Esmeralda Quintanilla Realizado por: Licda. Diana Esmeralda Quintanilla Revisado por: M. Ed. Ricardo Garay Salinas Ci clo I - 2 0 21 ORIENTACIONES ACADÉMICAS Conversación Inglesa II Sexta edición Diciembre 2020. Este documento se ha realizado en base a documentos de orientación académica de años anteriores, para la asignatura de Conversación Inglesa II. Realizado por: Licda. Diana Quintanilla En colaboración de: Licda. Arucha, Lic. Núñez y Licda. Chávez. Revisado por: M. Ed. Ricardo Garay. Para estudiantes de ciclo III de la Licenciatura en Enseñanza del Inglés de la Universidad de El Salvador. Año 2021 ORIENTACIONES ACADÉMICAS Conversación Inglesa II CONTENT Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1 course description ............................................................................................................................. 1 objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 3 methodology ....................................................................................................................................... 3 suggestions to study ........................................................................................................................ 6 materials to study .............................................................................................................................. 6 content to discuss on workshops ................................................................................................. 7 evaluation system .............................................................................................................................. 7 evaluation guidelines ........................................................................................................................ 8 academic dishonesty ...................................................................................................................... 10 missed evaluations process ......................................................................................................... 10 procesos académicos o administrativos ................................................................................... 11 schedule of activities ...................................................................................................................... 12 Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II Page |1 INTRODUCTION Welcome to Conversación Inglesa II course. Here is some key information about this course. It is important that you read this entire document so that you are aware of all the planning, activities, dates, evaluations of the course, among other. In this course, we will provide you with some tools so that you can practice your oral expression to the maximum, but it is your responsibility to acquire the skills you want. If you want to excel in it and improve your oral skills, participate in all the activities we have planned for you. Only with your effort can you achieve it. Go for it! Name of the course: Conversación Inglesa II Code: CIN214ED Correlative number: 9 Academic credits: 4 Duration of semester: 18 weeks Prerequisite: Conversación Inglesa I Next course: Conversación Inglesa III Tutors: Group 1: Licda. Yajaira Chávez (lizeth.chavez@ues.edu.sv) Group 2: Licda. Lilian Arucha (ana.arucha@ues.edu.sv) Group 3: Lic. Rafael Núñez (rafael.nunez@ues.edu.sv) Course coordinator: Licda. Diana Quintanilla (diana.quintanilla@ues.edu.sv) Major coordinator: M. Ed. Ricardo Garay (coordinacarrera.inglesdistancia@ues.edu.sv) Academic Assistant: Licda. Patricia García (patricia.garcia@ues.edu.sv) COURSE DESCRIPTION This is a conversation course designed to develop Mid-intermediate conversation skills. Conversation is viewed as a skill that involves knowledge of vocabulary, functional language, pronunciation as well as grammar. Moreover, conversation is developed together with listening skills, since both go hand in hand in daily communication. Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II Page |2 You are provided with extensive practice in listening and oral communication along with materials that present new vocabulary in context and review important aspects of grammar. The aim is to encourage you to gain confidence to speak and listen to English in academic contexts. The course on Campus is divided in the next sections: Section 1: You always will be able to see this section in our course. I will publish important information and reminders on the Dashboard. Furthermore, you will see two forums: Avisos is the place where you will find the evaluation forms for tutors and urgent information. Question Forum is a forum for asking questions about the activities or content of this course. This unique Question Forum will be opened for you through the whole semester. Section 2 The content of the section 2: Reglamento UES, Contactos and FAQ is in Spanish. This to help you better understand the administrative processes within the course. Section 3 Section 3 has all the information about the Conversación Inglesa II course. Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II Page |3 Section 4 Each Sunday, you will find a new week available for studying the information and do the activities proposed in them. We highly recommend you to explore all the sections carefully in order to be related with all the information that we provide you. OBJECTIVES Comprehend English conversations at a high-intermediate level. Express yourself orally in English at a high-intermediate level, by exploring and discussing up-to-date issues. Speak and use intonation patterns at a high-intermediate level to better understand and transmit different moods and opinions. Use appropriate vocabulary to discuss the topics dealt with in the course. Identify the linguistic conventions of academic spoken language at a highintermediate level. METHODOLOGY Distance education modality implies that you have to study and practice every day in order to achieve your goals and objectives from this course. You must study by yourself all the information posted each week and do all the activities suggested in our course on Campus. Furthermore, you must be engaged on the activities developed on Workshops. Therefore, you need to organize your time in order to: Study every day. This modality implies that you study by yourself. You will study the units corresponding to each workshop. Before coming to the workshop, you have to Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II Page |4 complete all the listening and speaking tasks, do all the vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation exercises. We suggest writing down questions about aspects, points of grammar, vocabulary or task instructions that were unclear to you. You can ask your tutor questions through the Question Forum or in the workshops. Be involved in activities on Campus Take advantage of the Campus Platform to participate in all the activities of the Conversación Inglesa II course. Use the forums to communicate not only with your tutor, but also with your peers. Use the platform to practice together and converse in English, help each other and learn actively together. Through forums, you must participate orally to be able to practice your oral expression in English as much as possible. It should be clarified that a percentage of your assessment corresponds to your deeply interaction through the forums on Campus. Forums participations must be through videos. It means that you must look for a silent, illuminate place, and record yourself. It is not necessary to edit your video but it is necessary that your peers and tutor watch your face and listen your voice clearly. Be involved in Workshop through videoconference. This is a conversation course, therefore, during the workshops; you could share your doubts about a specific topic or task, and practice the material you studied on Campus. We will have 5 workshops in the whole semester through M. Teams. The workshops will be student-centered. You are expected to interact with your peers and tutor as much as possible in order to take advantage of the sessions. Activities in each workshop include, but are not limited to, vocabulary exercises, presentations, conversations, pair and group work, individual and general feedback on language use, among others. Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II Page |5 The tutor will be a facilitator and will provide feedback on your performance during each workshop. He or she will highlight those areas you need to focus on in order to improve your command of English and to help you communicate more successfully. It should be clarified that a percentage of your assessment corresponds to your participation during the workshop and will only be given if you stay throughout the workshop and actively participate in the activities developed in each workshop. Please note that attendance and active participation in all sessions are mandatory. Here is a summary about the differences between workshops in virtual modality and the classes in a regular face-to-face system. What a workshop is not a workshop is not like a regular class in a face-to-face system, in which a professor is going to present all the subject matter in the units you have to study. A workshop is not the place where you go to hear about the contents of the book for the first time. If students have not studied the contents, tutors cannot start explaining them from scratch. What a workshop IS a workshop is the place where you can clarify the concepts you already studied on your own. A workshop is the place where you practice and receive feedback on the contents you already studied on your own. What you are required to do in a workshop, you must have studied all the contents (not read superficially, but studied, analyzed, and practiced). You must have completed all the required exercises and activities. You must be active to take advantage of the time as much as possible. You will have your workshop on Microsoft Teams and this is a powerful tool. Use this application to practice with your colleagues through videoconference and work collaboratively using the One Drive components. Page |6 Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II We know that studying the content and doing all the exercises by yourself could generate some doubts. Even if you need extra material to better understand the topics and vocabulary, you could ask for help to your tutor and why not, to your peers too through the Question Forum on Campus. SUGGESTIONS TO STUDY 1. Dedicate at least four hours per week to study by yourself. 2. Study thoroughly the materials that are published on Campus. 3. Do the exercises from the book. 4. Join to work with other students to review the exercises and practice through together through Teams, Meet or others that you prefer. 5. Imagine situations and record yourself what you would say being in that situation. 6. Read news or topics of your interest and practice with someone or in the mirror. 7. Do research in other books or internet and find complementary materials that can provide you with extra practice. 8. Write about aspects would you like to ask to your peers or tutor, and do so through Question Forum or in the workshops. 9. Practice proactively in Campus and workshops. MATERIALS TO STUDY Ferre, T., Sanabria, K., (2015). NorthStar 4: Listening and Speaking. 4th Ed. Pearson Longman: New York, NY. Page |7 Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II CONTENT TO DISCUSS ON WORKSHOPS WORKSHOP CONTENT DATE 1 Unit 1 Saturday, March 13th, 2021 From 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 2 Saturday, March 27th, 2021 Units 2 and 3 From 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 3 Saturday, April 10th, 2021 Unit 4 From 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 4 Saturday, May 15th, 2021 Unit 5 and 6 From 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 5 Saturday, May 29th, 2021 Units 7 and 8 From 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. EVALUATION SYSTEM The following chart outlines the breakdown of the evaluation activities that will be carried out throughout this course. For further details about each of task, go over each description below: NO. ACTIVITY PERCENTAGE 1 2 Online quiz 10% 2 Workshops 10% 3 Campus interaction 10% 4 2 Discussion Forum 20% 5 2 Impromptu speech 20% 6 2 Academic conversations 30% Total 100% It is important to mention the rounding criteria established in Capítulo IV. Evaluación del Reglamento de la Administración Académica de la Universidad de El Salvador. Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II Page |8 Art. 15. - La escala de calificación en todo lo concerniente a las evaluaciones será de cero punto cero (0.0) a diez punto cero (10.0). Art. 16. - La nota mínima de aprobación por unidad de aprendizaje será de seis punto cero (6.0). Art. 17. - La calificación de cada actividad evaluada se deberá considerar hasta la centésima y la nota final deberá aproximarse a la décima inmediata superior cuando la décima sea igual o mayor a cinco (5). Art. 17 – A. - Los alumnos de todas las Facultades de la Universidad que al finalizar el Ciclo Académico, obtuvieren una nota final entre 5.00 y 5.94 en una o más asignaturas, cursos, módulos, áreas integradas o cualquier otro tipo de unidad de aprendizaje, tendrán derecho a un Examen de Suficiencia de cada una, en el cual se examinarán todos los contenidos desarrollados en las mismas; y podrá incluir pruebas escritas y/o prácticas clínicas o de Laboratorio y otras; según las particularidades de la especialidad. EVALUATION GUIDELINES 2 Online Quizzes (5% each) Individual online quizzes have been scheduled every four units (two in total) to evaluate your understanding on the topics being studied. Online quizzes will be available on our course on Campus only the day and time specifically assigned to them. Make sure you complete this task during the allotted period. No quizzes will be reopened after the time is over. Workshops (10%) Distance Education involves that you study before each workshop. The percentage of this assessment will only be given if you stay throughout the workshops and actively participate in the activities developed in each workshop. Campus interaction (10%) The total percentage of this activity will only be given if you participate in all the forums and activities each week. Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II Page |9 2 Discussion forums (10% each) You must discuss through the forum on a specific topic. To do so, you must participate once and interact 2 more times with your peers. Take the time to study the units in depth and do a quick internet search to argue your ideas. You will have only one week to participate. The first forum is a discussion with the whole class. In the second forum, the group will be divided into two groups to enrich the interaction. 2 Impromptu speech (10% each) During this activity, you will be required to give a speech without much previous planning or preparation of the topic to be presented. Its objective is to test your language proficiency and knowledge of the topics, as well as your ability to provide a well-organized and thorough presentation in a short amount of time. 2 Academic conversations (15% each) This activity is in groups. For the first academic conversation, in the first workshop, the tutor will randomly choose the groups. Then, you must work with your team group and decide which topic from the book is more interesting for you. For the second academic conversation, you will choose your classmates and you will decide one topic, problem, situation that we live actually in El Salvador. To do so, you must do a research about it. Once you have decided the topic for the conversations, you must send the outline according to the guidelines. The conversations should be between 12 to 15 minutes long. Its purpose is for students to analyze critically the topics, problems, situations we live and to apply the new vocabulary. You will be required to submit a reflection and link of the conversation in the assigned dates. Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II P a g e | 10 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY UES and the Foreign Language Department are committed to the highest ideals of academic integrity. Any instance of academic dishonesty, attempted or actual, will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: Submitting work or portions of work created by other people as one’s own Failing to acknowledge, through proper citation, the source of ideas not essentially one’s own. Failing to document paraphrases, ideas, or verbatim expressions not one’s own. Collaborating on an assignment or examination without specific permission from the instructor. Submitting work created for one course without the explicit permission of both instructors. Submitting work, which has been prepared by or purchased from another as one’s own. Using somebody else’s ideas or words in your assignments. If you want to include somebody else’s ideas, make sure you acknowledge the source. If you plagiarize, intentionally or unintentionally, the work in question will be automatically given a zero. Besides, you will be reported to the corresponding authority, and you will risk failing the course, being expelled for a specific number of terms, or being permanently suspended from the institution. MISSED EVALUATIONS PROCESS Missed evaluations will not be made up unless you hand in a medical certificate that includes your medical disability during the due date of the evaluation. In such cases, it is necessary to have the Course Coordinator approval. He or she will analyze the case and issue a written permission to administer the corresponding evaluation. Contact the Course Coordinator via e-mail no later than three business days after the assessment due date, if your request is accepted or not the student and tutor will be notified through e-mail. P a g e | 11 Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II PROCESOS ACADÉMICOS O ADMINISTRATIVOS Para todo asunto académico o administrativo, desde tu correo institucional (tu carné@ues.edu.sv), escribe detallando: 1. Nombre completo según tu expediente en línea 2. Número de carné 3. Nombre de la carrera a la que perteneces 4. Asignatura (de ser necesario) 5. Explicar tu caso (si es posible con capturas de pantalla o atestados que sustente tu explicación). 6. Ser explícito y claro en lo que solicitas. Cualquier solicitud es de carácter personal y debe realizarlo solamente el interesado. Para procesos académicos ROLE NAME E-MAIL Tutor group 01 Yajaira Chávez lizeth.chavez@ues.edu.sv Tutor group 02 Lilian Arucha ana.arucha@ues.edu.sv Tutor group 03 Rafael Núñez rafael.nunez@ues.edu.sv Course coordinator Diana Quintanilla diana.quintanilla@ues.edu.sv Major coordinator Ricardo Garay coordinacarrera.inglesdistancia@ues.edu.sv En primer lugar, debes consultarle a tu tutor sobre cualquier pregunta que tengas con respecto al contenido del curso, actividades, procesos y/o evaluaciones. Tu tutor tiene un plazo de 24 horas para responder a tus inquietudes. En caso de no obtener respuesta en ese tiempo, deberá acudir en segundo orden con la coordinadora del curso Licda. Quintanilla. Si en tres días no hubo respuesta de su coordinador de curso, debe comunicarse con el coordinador de la carrera Mtro. Garay. Le pedimos amablemente que respete esta cadena de consultas para una mejor coordinación con el personal académico. P a g e | 12 Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II Para procesos administrativos ROLE NAME E-MAIL Administración Administración Académica academica.humanidades@ues.edu.sv Académica de la Facultad de Humanidades de CCHH Referente de la Admin. Claudia Cristina Salina claudia.salinas@ues.edu.sv Edwin García soporte.humanidades@ues.edu.sv Acad. de la Fac. de CCHH en modalidad de educación a distancia Soporte técnico Utiliza los primeros 2 contactos para realizar trámites de carácter administrativo como: retiro de asignaturas, reserva de matrícula, certificaciones de notas, equivalencias, cambio de carrera, entre otros. En caso de que tengas problemas para ingresar o has perdido acceso a cualquiera de tus cuentas de correo institucionales, Plataforma Campus virtual y/o expediente en línea, comunícate con el Lic. Edwin García de soporte técnico. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES WEEK PERIOD OF TIME 1 March 11-14 2 March 15-21 3 March 22-27 4 March 22-27 5 March 28- April 4 ACTIVITIES Open Forum interaction Analyzing Academic Guidelines Unit 1 self-study Workshop 1 (unit 1) Unit 2 self-study Forum discussion 1 Unit 3 self-study Forum discussion 1 Workshop 2 (units 2 & 3) Unit 4 self-study First Impromptu speech (units 1-3) Self-study (units 1-4 review) Academic conversation (outline) Workshop 3 (unit 4) First online quiz (units 1-4) 6 April 5-11 7 April 12-18 Easter Academic Guidelines_Conversación Ingles II 8 April 19-25 Academic conversation 1 9 April 26-May 2 10 May 3-9 11 May 11-16 12 May 17-23 13 May 24-30 Unit 5 self-study Unit 6 self-study Discussion forum 2 (group 1 and 2) Unit 5-6 self-study Workshop 4 (units 5 & 6) Second Impromptu speech (units 5-7) Units 7-8 self-study Academic conversation 2 (outline) Workshop 5 (units 7 & 8) 14 May 31-June 6 Second online quiz (units 5-8) 15 June 7-13 Academic conversation 2 16 17 18 June 14-20 June 21-27 June 28 Open forum final interaction Deferred evaluations RESIT EXAM (units 1-8) P a g e | 13