Uploaded by Angela Bùi

Working Overtime: Exploitation or Opportunity?

Working overtime: exploitation or
Working Overtime
Definition of Working Overtime
Working Overtime is to spend time working in addition to the normal
working hours.
People usually do it because they have to, not because they choose to
– typically as a result of projects swelling out of proportion, or because
someone got their estimates wrong
Working Overtime_EMPLOYERS’ view
Opportunities when Working Overtime
24/7 coverage.
Staff variations: Short-term personnel shortages can occur as a result of
employee turnover or absences such as vacation, illness, jury duty, military
leave, bereavement or disability. It allows employers to quickly respond to
short-term variations in workload or staffing while only having to pay for
the time needed.
Labor market considerations: It can improve the organization's
competitive position in the local labor market because many employees
like the extra income overtime provides.
Cost savings: It may be less costly than hiring and training a new
Workload fluctuations: demand for products or services is not constant
throughout the year; seasonal or periodic variations may occur to adapt to
these seasonal busy periods.
Working Overtime_EMPLOYERS’ view
Problems with Excessive Overtime
An overtime-dependent workforce. become dependent on that additional income as a
source of their regular pay.
Safety and quality issues: there is no question that long hours of work result in less
sleep and poor quality sleep. When employees work lots of overtime, they do not get
sufficient time off to recover or catch up on their sleep. This, in turn, can lead to fatigue
and reduced alertness.
Absenteeism. long work hours to be associated with variety of health problems,
particularly among older workers. Long work hours also appear to be linked to changes
in lifestyle behaviors such as smoking, coffee and alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet,
and lack of exercise. Ultimately, these unhealthy choices will be reflected in the
organization's absence rates.
Lower productivity. when high levels of overtime begin, marginal productivity slows. In
other words, the total output increases, but the hourly productivity is lower than it was
during the first 40 hours.
Working Overtime_EMPLOYEES’ view
Opportunities when Working Overtime
Additional compensation: Extra hours can often mean getting paid
time and a half, or sometimes even double pay. If you’re looking to
make some extra cash quickly, overtime can be the easiest and most
obvious solution.
Greater schedule flexibility: For those who offer employees
time in lieu for overtime, it can be useful for fitting work around
personal commitments – working slightly later on a Monday so
you can leave earlier on a Wednesday, or come in slightly later
on a Thursday.
Take advantage of individual productive flow: We all work in
different ways; some of us do our best work in the mornings,
but if you’re a night owl, you may not get into your flow until
late afternoon.
Working Overtime_EMPLOYEES’ view
Physical Health Problems
Overtime work stress can lead to
ulcers and other issues in your
Heart problems
Higher blood pressure
Decreased productivity
Mental illness
Working overtime may double your
chances of developing depression
Cuts into your personal time
The more hours you stay, the more
you discrupt your work life balance
Lead to Job dissatisfaction
More questions about Working Overtime?