Rev : 0/2021 BOILER WALKDOWN CHECK LIST, NTPC Unchahar UNIT: Shift: M / E / N, GR-A/B/C/D Date: I. Drum/Separator Area: S.L 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Location Leakages & Valves passing Any Leakage/ passing in Drum/Separator / SH / HRH Safety Valves/ERV/ Soot blowing SV and impulse lines All local instruments like hydra step and gauges are ok and no leakages are observed. Lighting ok Debris, Scrap, dust on Buck Stays or nearby area All SH/RH drains are not passing. (hot or not hot) Any unsafe Area/ penthouse area abnormality Remarks YES / NO YES / NO If yes, then details YES / NO YES YES YES YES / / / / NO NO NO NO II. SH Spray Station: S.L 1. 2. 3. 4. Location SH Spray Station- Valve Leakages, passing. Lighting ok Debris, Scrap, dust on Buck Stays or nearby area Any unsafe Area Remarks YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO If yes, then details III. RH Spray Station: S.L 1. 2. 3. 4. Location RH Spray Station-valve leakages, passing. Deaerator, Aux Steam Header No leakages and No safety valve passing. Lighting ok Debris, Scrap, dust on Buck Stays or nearby area IV. Burner Firing Floor: S.L Location 1. Burner area , PF pipe, Feeder and mill input coal pipe coal Dust, Oil , steam, air leakages . 2. Any Oil, Steam, Air leakage in fuel oil station. 3. Any Coal dust/Oil accumulations on ducts, pipes, buck stays 4. HOTV,HOCV,HO-48 5. Feeders, ECO Hoppers, Valves in Burner Floor, primary sample coolers/SWAS sample coolers-ok 6. Lighting ok 7. Debris / Scrap accumulation 8. Any unsafe area 9. All Corner burner tilt shear pin/angle indicators ok. 10 All gauges and limit switches are not physically damaged. 11. Economiser flushing apparatus ash flow-OK Remarks YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO Remarks YES / NO If yes, then details YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES YES YES YES YES / / / / / NO NO NO NO NO YES/NO V. APH & Bottom Ash Area: S.L 1. Location APH, Oil Pumps, Drives Remarks YES / NO If yes, then details Rev : 0/2021 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. VI. Goose neck Panel area for tube leakage checking APH inspection lights ok APH Air motor and main drive ok, APH air motor lubricator oil level is ok (no abnormal sound, vib. etc.) All APH area for leakages and adjacent area ash accumulation. APH firefighting charged with both valve closed YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO Mills, PA Fans, Bottom ash system-Expansion Readings at ring header Lighting Debris / Scrap accumulation Any unsafe area Burner firing floor Emulsifier DV status(charged) Eco/APH hopper Ash evacuation S panel peephole clear Bottom ash hopper peephole water visible. (if no Bottom ash deashing i/p) YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES / / / / / / / NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Complete Boiler should be thoroughly walked down to identify any tube leakages. Remarks……………………………………………………… VII. All wall blower, LRSB home position. VIII. Any passing, leakage in Soot blower Station. IX. All manhole peephole properly closed and sealed. X. Any Significant Ash leakage. XI All Boiler insulation OK. XII Any leakage in Sample cooler. YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO Note: Care must be taken that any water/Steam leakage should not cause any secondary damage to any instrument or System. Note: All Critical valves which are vulnerable for Rains should be covered with appropriate material. XIII. Elephant door cooling water charged, Pressure gauge ok XIV. Boiler PA system healthy XV. All Boiler expansion indicators healthy XVI. Air leakage from ASLD XVII. Any Other Communication: S.L Location / NO YES / NO YES / NO Remarks Boiler Desk Engineer Name/Signature: YES UCE