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1st Pillar Shahadah

1st Pillar - Shahadah/ The Declaration of Faith
1. Muslims’ belief about the Declaration of Faith
2. Significance of Shahadah
3. Its connection with other forms of worships
Q (a)
Describe the Muslim beliefs summarized by the declaration of faith (Shahadah).
P1: Introduction
P2: 1st part (Tawhid); Oneness of Allah.
P3: 2nd Part (Risalah); Apostleship of Mohammad (PBUH)
- Islam has set five basic/obligatory duties for believers which are called the pillars of Islam.
- They are highlighted in the following hadith of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
- “Islam is based on five things; to believe that there is no God except Allah and Mohammad is the
messenger of Allah, the establishment of Salah, the payment of Zakat, the Hajj, and Saum in
- According to this Shahadah is the first pillar of Islam.
- It is also called Kalima Tayyaba.
- It consists of two parts
a) Tawhid (unity of Allah)
b) Risalah (Prophethood of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH)
- It has four letters; La, ilaha, illa and Allah.
- This means there is no god except Allah.
- It is also known as Tawhid.
- Tawhid is to believe in the unity of Allah in His existence and His attributes.
- It is the foundation of faith and has been taught by all prophets.
- In this one declares his belief in the unity of Allah in His existence and all of His attributes.
- It includes one's belief in the following aspects of the unity of Allah.
Unity in Existence (112:1 & 2:163)
Unity in Perfection (2:255)
Unity in Singularity (112:3 & 6:101)
Unity in Comparison (112:4)
Unity in Lordship (113:1 & 114:1)
Unity in Worshipping (1:5)
Unity in Attributes
- The opposite of tawhid is Shirk.
- It is to associate partners with Allah in His existence or any of His attributes.
- The doer of Shirk is Mushrik.
- According to Quran and hadith, mushrik will never enter paradise.
- (4:48) Al-Nisa
- This means Shirk is an unpardonable sin.
- The second part consists of three letters.
- Muhammadur, Rasul and Allah.
- This means Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah.
- It is connected with the first part.
- Disbelieving this is to deny Allah and believing this is to obey Allah. (4:80)
- In this one declares belief in the following aspects of Risalah (prophethood)
a) Mohammad is the messenger of Allah (Write outlines of his early life till prophethood)
His birth among humans, learning the language of his nation, his dependency on energies to
survive, working to earn a livelihood, he being sinless and morally perfect, his experience of
receiving revelation and being chosen by Allah as prophet
b) He was the servant of Allah (Discuss his duty of preaching)
He was given a duty of preaching to serve Allah, his duty was to deliver God’s message to his
nation, as he served Allah’s duty he was the servant of Allah.
c) He brought a message from Allah called the Quran.
d) His message is unique because of the following features:
(i) Universality of the message
(ii) preservation of the message (15:9)
(iii) complete message (5:3)
(iv) Message for all times
e) We must obey him (64:12)
This means whatever he has permitted is lawful and whatever he has made forbidden is
unlawful for us.
f) He is the seal of prophets (33:40)
Q (b) Explain the significance of Shahadah.
- It helps one to join in the circle of Islam.
- Recitation of this for the first time perishes past sins.
- It helps us to recognize the true Lord and His existence.
- It convinces us to submit to Allah alone and to turn to Him alone in all circumstances.
- It ensures us the God we believe and follow is the only true God.
- It develops love and fear of Allah alone.
- It plays a vital role to become courageous and brave.
- It connects us with Allah in all circumstances.
- This helps us practicing patience in adversity and gratefulness in prosperity.
- It helps us to avoid shirk and develops spiritual uplift, piety, and righteousness.
Risalat/Prophethood of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH)
- It connects with Sunnah that develops moral values in our character. Write few moral values.
- It strengthens our belief in the seal of prophets that Mohammad (PBUH) is the last apostle of Allah.
Q (a)
What do Muslims believe by there is no god except Allah and Mohammad (PBUH) is the
messenger of Allah.
P1: Introduction
P2: 1st part of Shahadah (Tawhid); Oneness of Allah.
P3: 2nd part of Shahadah (Risalah); Apostleship of Mohammad (PBUH)
Q (b) Explain how the declaration of faith (Shahadah) is acted upon through the remaining four pillars
of Islam.
- The pillars of Islam outline the basics of Muslims worship, Ibadah.
- Shahadah is the first pillar of Islam and a declaration of faith.
- The other four pillars Salah, Saum, Zakat, and Hajj are the means how Shahadah is put into action.
- By prayer, one exhibits his complete submission and trust to Allah.
- By Saum, one restrains from indecent acts and speeches for Allah.
- By Zakat, one spends money to please Allah.
- By Hajj, one shows humility to Allah.
“Say: He is Allah, the one and only.” (112:1) Al-Ikhlas
“And your God is one God.” (2:163) Al-Baqarah
“There is no god but He, the living, the self-subsisting, eternal.” (2:255) Al-Baqarah
“He does not beget, nor is He begotten.” (112:3) Al-Ikhlas
“How can He have a son when He has no consort?” (6:101) Al-Anam
“And there is none like Him.” (112:4) Al-Ikhlas
“Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of Dawn.” (113:1) Al-Falaq
“Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind.” (114:1) Al-Nas
“You do we worship, and Your aid we seek.” (1:5) Al-Fatiha
“Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him, but He forgives anything else to whom He
pleases; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed.” (4:48) Al-Nisa
“He who obeys the Messenger obeys Allah” (4:80) Al-Nisa.
“We have without doubt sent down the Message, and We will surely guard it (from corruption).”
(15:9) Al-Hijr
“This day I have perfected this religion for you completed my favor upon you and have chosen
you Islam as your religion.” (5:3) Al-Maida
“And obey Allah and obey the Messenger.” (64:12) Al-Taghabun.
“Mohammad … is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of Prophets…” (33:40) Al-Ahzab