Discussion Board Post & Replies Rubric Criteria Quantity and Timeliness Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of content Generates learning within community Grammar and sentence structure Use of textual reference Ratings Points Submits one thoughtful post by given due date and one response to other learners by given due date. Submits either one thoughtful post/ response by the given due date or submits passed the given due date. Does not submit at least one thoughtful post and/or submit one response to other learned by the given due date. 20 points 10 points 0 points Post and response shows clear evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content, reading comprehension, and ability to apply literature themes to the given question. Post and response shows some evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content, reading comprehension, and ability to apply literature themes to the given question. Post and response shows no evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content, reading comprehension, and ability to apply literature themes to the given question. 20 points 10 points 0 points Post elicits responses and reflections from other learners and response builds upon and integrates multiple views from other learners to take the discussion deeper. Post attempts to elicit responses and reflections from other learners and response attempts builds upon and integrates multiple views from other learners to take the discussion deeper. Post does not elicit responses and reflections from other learners and response does not build upon and integrates multiple views from other learners to take the discussion deeper. 20 points 10 points 0 points Correct grammar is used throughout the post and response with varied sentence structure. Correct grammar is attempted throughout the post and response with attempted variety of sentence structure. Correct grammar is not used throughout the post and response with little variety of sentence structure. 20 points 10 points 0 points Textual reference is used in the original post and cited in correct MLA formatting within the post and at the end as a reference. Textual reference is alluded in the post and cited either in correct MLA formatting within the post and at the end as a reference. Textual reference is not included in the post and is not cited in the text or afterwards. 20 points 10 points 0 points Total Points 100