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C# Programming Classroom Setup Guide

20483C: Programming in C#
Classroom Setup Guide
Introduction – No VM Courseware
Digital Courseware
Setup Overview
Classroom Requirements
Classroom Configuration
Instructor and Student Computer Checklist
Instructor and Student Computer Setup
1. Install Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition
2. Install Odata Extension and Assets
3. Install SQL Server 2017 Express Edition
4. Get Allfiles and the associated instructions from GitHub
5. Get the PowerPoint slide deck – instructor machine only
20483C: Programming in C#
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Template v2.0
Product Number: 20483C
Version 1.2
20483C: Programming in C#
Introduction – No VM Courseware
This course's lab experience was designed to run on the student's own PCs. The
course is not shipped with a dedicated virtual machine. Students should install
the required software specified below on their PCs. Training centers interested in
providing the development environment for their enrolled students should follow
the below installation steps for each classroom PC.
Digital Courseware
If you are using digital courseware via the Skillpipe reader from Arvato, if the
course contains a “boot to vhd” or “native boot” scenario in some or all of the
labs, students will not be able to view the online courseware content and lab
steps in the Skillpipe reader while their host machine is offline. In this particular
scenario, there are available options:
1. Have two network interface cards (NICs) in the host machines.
2. Print out Lab steps for the particular module.
3. Ask student who have their own devices to bring them to the class.
4. Configure two virtual machines prior to the class to allow access to the
content offline.
Depending on your particular situation, consider implementing one of the above
options. Further details and considerations for these workarounds and options
are available on the Born To Learn website at https://borntolearn.mslearn.net/,
and have also been sent out via partner and MCT newsletters.
Important: Additional virtual machine configuration may be required.
Therefore, you should allow enough time to assess your situation and make
appropriate decisions.
Setup Overview
The host computers must be set up with Windows 10 Professional or Windows 10
Enterprise and must be running on 64-bit hardware.
Classroom Requirements
This learning product requires a classroom with a minimum of one computer for
the instructor and one for each student. Before class begins, use the following
information and instructions to install and configure all computers.
20483C: Programming in C#
The classroom computers require the following hardware and software
Hardware Level 6
Processor: Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel VT) or AMD Virtualization
Hard Disk: Dual 120 GB hard disks 7200 RM SATA or better (Striped)
RAM: 4 GB expandable to 8GB or higher
DVD/CD: DVD drive
Network adapter
Video Adapter/Monitor: 17-inch Super VGA (SVGA)
Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
Sound card with amplified speakers
In addition, the instructor computer must be connected to a projection
display device that supports SVGA 1024 x 768 pixels, 16 bit colors.
In addition, the instructor computer must:
Be connected to a projection display device that supports SVGA 1024
x 768 pixels, 16 bit colors.
Have a sound card with amplified speakers
*Note: To determine what features your processor supports, download
Coreinfo from http://aka.ms/coreinfo
Please note that, unless otherwise indicated, this software is not included in the
Trainer Materials disc. This learning product was developed and tested on
supported Microsoft software, which is required for the classroom computers.
Also required, but not included in the Training Materials: Microsoft Office
PowerPoint® 2007 (instructor computer only).
Important: Windows 10 is required for running this course. Before starting the
installations, make sure that your copy of Windows is up to date.
20483C: Programming in C#
Classroom Configuration
Estimated Time to Set up the Classroom: 60 Minutes
20483C: Programming in C#
Instructor and Student Computer Checklist
 1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition
 2. Install Odata Extension and Assets
 2. Install Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express Edition
 3. Get Allfiles and the associated lab and demos documentation and
instructions from GitHub
 4. Get the Microsoft PowerPoint slide deck
20483C: Programming in C#
Instructor and Student Computer Setup
Use the instructions in the following section to set up the classroom manually.
Before starting the installation of the instructor computer, a supported operating
system and Microsoft Office Power Point® 2007 must be installed on the
1. Install Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition
In this task, you will install the Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition software on
the machine.
1. Go to https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/ and then click Free download
under Visual Studio Community 2017.
2. Make sure that the downloaded VS Community version is 15.6.6 or Higher.
3. Double-click on the downloaded .exe file and then Click Yes on the User
Account Control dialogue box.
4. On the Visual Studio dialogue box, Click Continue.
5. On the Workloads page, Under Windows (3) select Universal Windows
Platform development and on the summary pane, make sure whether below
check boxes are checked in
a. Windows 10 SDK (10.0.15063.0) for UWP: C#,VB,JS
b. Windows 10 SDK (10.0.14393.0)
c. Windows 10 SDK (10.0.10586.0)
d. Windows 10 SDK (10.0.10240.0)
6. On the Workloads page, Under Web & Cloud (7) select ASP.NET and web
development and on the summary pane, make sure whether below checkboxes
are checked in.
a. .NET Framework 4 – 4.6 development tools
b. Cloud Tools for web development
d. .NET Framework 4.6.2 development tools
e. Entity Framework 6 tools
f. Windows Communication Foundation
7. Under Individual components, make sure the below checkboxes are checked:
a. .NET Framework 4.7 SDK
b. .NET Framework 4.7 targeting pack
c. .NET Framework 4.7.1 SDK
d. .NET Framework 4.7.1 targeting pack
8. On the Workloads page, Under Windows (3) select .NET Desktop development.
9. Click Install.
10. If a Reboot required dialog box appears, Click Restart.
11. After System Restart completed, Open Visual Studio 2017.
12. On the Visual Studio Welcome Page, Click Not now, maybe later.
20483C: Programming in C#
13. On the Start with a familiar environment page, select theme of your choice
and then click Start Visual Studio.
14. Click Start and if necessary click All Apps scroll down and right-click on Visual
Studio 2017 tile and then select Pin to Start.
2. Install Odata Extension and Assets
In this task you will install OData VS extension and required WCF assets
1. Ensure that you have cloned the 20483C directory from GitHub. It contains the code
segments for this course's labs and demos.
2. Navigate to Allfiles/Assets and then double-click
Microsoft.OData.ConnectedService.vsix and follow the installation instructions.
3. Double-click WcfDataServices.exe and follow the installation instructions
4. Double-click WCF.reg, in the User Account Control dialog, click Yes.
5. In the Registry Editor dialog, click Yes.
6. In the Registry Editor dialog, click OK.
3. Install SQL Server 2017 Express Edition
In this task you will install SQL Server 2017 Express Edition.
Get and Download the SQL Server 2017 Express from SQL Server 2017 Express
Once the download gets complete click Run.
Click Yes, If it asks for any permission prompt
On the Select an installation type, Select Basic.
On the Microsoft SQL Server Licence Terms page, Click Accept.
On the Specify SQL Server install location page, Click Install.
On the Installation has completed successfully! Page, Click Install SSMS.
If How do you want to open this? Page appears, select Microsoft Edge and then click
When it re-directed to the Web Page, click Download SQL Server Management Studio
NOTE: verify whether you have a previous 17.x version installed. If you have previous
Versions Installed, download the patch (click Download SQL Server Management Studio
17.6 Upgrade Package (upgrades 17.x to 17.6)).
Once the download gets completed, click Run.
On the user account control dialog box, click Yes.
If you get a Prompt to restart the System, Click Restart.
After System restart completed, double click on the SQLServer2017-SSEI-Expr.exe
(downloaded in Step 1) file and continue from Step 3.
On the Welcome. Click “Install” to begin page, Click Install.
On the Setup Completed page, Click Close.
If the Restart required in order to complete setup page, Click Restart.
On the SQL Server 2017 Express Edition page, Click Close.
20483C: Programming in C#
18. On the SQL Server Installer, Click Yes.
19. Click Start and if necessary click All Apps scroll down and expand Microsoft SQL Server
Tools 17and right-click on Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2017 tile and then
select Pin to Start.
4. Get Allfiles and the associated instructions from
The source files (Allfiles directory) for this course are hosted and maintained in
1. In your browser, type https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/20483-Programmingin-C-Sharp in the address bar.
2. Expand Clone or Download, and then click Download ZIP.
3. After the download is complete, navigate to your Downloads folder, right
click the downloaded archive, and then click Extract All….
4. In the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders window, delete the default
path from the textbox, type c:\, and then click Extract.
5. The downloaded folder includes all the relevant documentation:
a. Lab Manual. A set of tasks for each module.
b. LAK. A set of step-by-step instructions for performing the labs.
c. DEMO. A set of instructions for executing the included demos.
d. Allfiles. A directory which contains all the needed source code.
6. Once the extraction is complete, navigate to C:\ 20483-Programming-in-CSharp-master, highlight the Allfiles and Instructions folders, right click any
of them and then click Copy.
7. Navigate to C:\ and paste the two folders directly under C:\
8. After completing the above steps, you should have the Allfiles and
Instructions folders under C:\. The rest of the files that were downloaded as
a part of the repository from GitHub are not needed.
5. Get the PowerPoint slide deck – instructor machine
In this task, you will download the PowerPoint slide deck for this course.
1. Go to the MCT Download Center at:
2. Sign in with your MCT credentials.
3. In the search box, type 20483, and then press Enter.
4. In the search results, expand 20483C: Part 1 - Trainer Files – Programming
in C#.
20483C: Programming in C#
5. Locate the PowerPoint resource in the list, select the checkbox next to it, and
then click Add to Download Queue.
6. To download the PowerPoint files, follow the instructions on the webpage.
7. Save the files to the C:\ 20483-Programming-in-C-Sharp-master folder,
which was created when the GitHub repository was extracted in the previous
20483C: Programming in C#