Uploaded by Kenneth John Tomas


Romantic Comedy
Sample Storyline
It centers on college school (girl) that grew up feeling insecure and inferior about
her appearance. She rises to fame when she masters the art of makeup and transforms
into a 'pretty girl.' With her newfound popularity at school, she refuses to show her bare
face to anyone. In contrast, (boy1) is a handsome yet cold-hearted boy with a
troublesome past.
It started off with the introduction of (girl) normal life, being bossed around by her
classmates into picking up their lunch meals. When her first love confession goes down
to a drain, she suffered extreme humiliation. Deciding to end her life while standing on a
building rooftop ledge, she notices a billboard bearing words of love for a celebrity who
passed away.
Walking up from her crazy suicide idea, she halts her plan just as a man who
thought she will be jumping rushes to stop her. With her broken eyeglass, the man gave
her a piggyback ride.
This made her become more aware that people with extremely good looks tends
to have better experiences when it comes to love. Thus she started a post online which
had comments mentioning how appearance are important and must not be overlooked,
and a suggestion that wearing make-up could completely change your look and help
you become more confident with yourself. This then marked her journey and sacrificing
all the money that she had in order to experiment with the perfect natural look that she
Her new school year started and she ended up enrolling in a farther school
where none of her old school mates would recognize her. This was almost
her rebirth moment where she becomes the well-known beauty in her school. This is
where her challenge starts as well, hiding her own true normal state while she’s at home
and at school she tries to remain the typical pretty girl status where she had to maintain
herself and what she does publicly. And of course in the end, she ends up getting
caught by a guy who ended up discovering her normal state and pretty state and stick
along making her his own slave as he was the cult master.
Moving to a new school with make-up fortified face, (girl) transforms to a goddess
and easily wins the hearts of her new classmates. Not only that, she gets the attention
of two handsome boys: (boy 1) and (boy 2).
She also learns that (boy 1) was the same guy who stopped her that one
moment of weakness on a building rooftop. Having the same penchant for reading the
comic books, they hit it off quite easily. He also knows her appearance without make-up
and does not care about it a bit.
With her bright attitude, former bestfriends (boy 1) and (boy 2) find themselves
drawn to (girl). The two had a friendship fallout when their common best friend, (dead
boy) committed suicide. Boy 2 blames boy 1 for not being there for their friend.
With their past issue about (dead boy) not yet resolved, the two unfortunately
falls for the same girl. However, (dead boy) is at a disadvantage because (girl) shares
the same mutual attachment with (boy 1). A secret (girl) revealed, unaware that he also
likes her.
Girl is probably the girl every young woman and young-woman-at-heart wish to
be rightnow. For (boy 1), what started as sympathy and resemblance to his best friend’s
situation, turned now to a full-blown adoration. Initially hesitant because of boy 2
taunting. He made a decision to keep her- right where she belongs.
Boy 1 genuine feelings manifest to the truth that he knows what girl looks like
with and without make-up. More than that, he understands her inner pain and is willing
to protect her and be by her side.
It’s quite a simple problem, but the shared pain of the two former friends, who
can’t reconcile their indifference, might cause heartbreak to girl. A girl who has been
saddled by insecurity owing to the harsh treatment she received by people who don’t
even know her personally. A girl who is like the best friend who caused an irreparable
void and guilt in their hearts.
Still steady and working on accepting her self-esteem, girl is staying true to her
spirited character. At times, she still doubts herself, and that’s utterly normal. That’s
what makes her character shine. She is pictured to not winning nor losing to her selfesteem battle, and she’s okay with it.
The boy1 is having a difficult times expressing her true feelings to the girl but he
had an opportunity during a campus camping. He reveals his feeling to the girl in a
secret place and kissed her wonderfully. This marks the beginning of their love for each
other. However this won last because girl2 is also desperately inlove with boy1 since
they’ve been together during elementary days. Girl 2 decided to humiliate girl1 by
posting the real girl1 without make up. This caused for girl1 so depressed and leaves
the feelings behind her. Boy 1 comforts his girlfriend and promise to take care of her
and advice her to show what she truly is.
One day girl 1 went to the school wearing no make-up and the whole class was
very surprised but they tend to understand the emotions and feelings of girl1 going
through those toughest times. She show courage and confident to everyone who are
backstabbing her. But then her boyfriend was there like a knight in shining armor and
confesses that they are in a relationship.
Life was so hard for girl1 hiding behind a mask but having friends and being in a
true relationship was so extraordinary.