8 a (A ∨ B)(A ∨ C) b (A ∨ B)(A ∨ C)(A ∨ C)(B ∨ C )(B ∨ C ) c A∨B∨C A∨B∨C A∨B ∨C A∨B∨C A∨B∨D A∨B∨D A∨B ∨D A∨B∨D A∨C ∨D A∨C ∨D A∨C ∨D A∨C ∨D B∨C∨D B∨C ∨D B∨C ∨D B∨C ∨D 9 a To prove the sa sfiability of the given formula, at least one combina on of T/F assignment of variables needs to be found, such that the formula becomes True. Time complexity of the boolean sa sfiability problem (SAT) is determined by the the number of variables and the number of connec ves in the formula. If the number of variables is m and number of connec ves is then the me complexity should be 2m n, ⋅ poly(n). Since the number of variables is not being considered in this scenario, assuming it is fixed, then the me needed to prove the sa sfiability of the formula should be poly(n). b To prove the unsa sfiability of the given formula, the formula should yield False for all combina ons of T/F assignment of variables. Like 8(a), the me complexity should be 2m ⋅ poly(n) where m is the number of variables and n number of connec ves. Again, since m is not being considered in this scenario, assuming it is fixed, then the me needed to prove the sa sfiability of the formula should also be poly(n). 9 a I can arrange the boolean circuit in a way so that it represents the formula. Then, for each combina ons of T/F assignment of the variables, check the output of the circuit. If the circuit outputs True for at least one combina ons of assignment, the formula is sa sfiable. b Like in 8(a) and (b), the number of connec ves contribute to polynomial me of boolean sa sfiability problem. Assuming the number of variable is fixed, the me complexity of a formula with n connec veness is Θ(n). c Same as 9(b), like in 8(a) and (b), the number of connec ves contribute to polynomial me of boolean sa sfiability problem. Assuming the number of variable is fixed, the me complexity of a formula with n connec veness is Θ(nr ).