JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGTCAL UNTVFRSTT/ ANANTAPUR, /NANUAPURAA4U Acodemic Colendor B.Tech IV Year If First Unit of fnstructions: 15.03.2021 to 01.05. 202 1 (07 Weeks) f Mid-term Exominotions: (l't Objective + f i descriptive) 03.05.2021 t o 04.O5.2021 (02 Days) Project work 05.05.2021 to 08.06 2021 (05 Weeks) 09.06.2021 t o 07.07.2021 (04 Weeks) O8.O7.2O2t to 09.07.20?1 (02 Doys) o 14.07.2O?l (03 Doys) 15.07 .2OZI t o 24.07 .AO?t (09 Doys) If Unit of Instructions: II Mid-term Exominotions: (Znd Obiecfive + Tnd descriptive) End Exominotions: Projact Vivo Voce Exominotions: Note: (i) SerTrgster (2O20-2.O21) 12.07 .7OZt't The Mid-term Exominotions should be conducted ond completed os per Ihe schedule given. (ii) All the midterm exominotions sholl be of both subjective ond objectivetypeos per the ocodemic regulotions. Dote: 15.03.2021 DIR 9 OF EVALUATION