Uploaded by JoAnna Nehring

Entomophagy Project: Insects as Food Source

Entomophagy project
Warm up:
1. Jigsaw: Group activity: Students will be put into groups of 2. One student will do
Assignment 1,3 and the other partner will do assignment 2,4. After you have time to do your
assignment, take notes and share out what you learned so that your partner can summarize the
activity below
If you did not attend live, summarize each activity below.
Assignment 1: “I Hate to Break it To You, But You Already Eat Bugs”
Assignment 2: Eat the beetles? Rural people losing their taste for a crucial food source
Assignment 4: “Would you eat Insects to Lose Weight?”
Performance task: Entomophagy
Real world situation: Would you believe that the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization is
working on a policy to promote use of insects as food worldwide? As the global population
grows, several organizations are looking at the possibility of farming insects for human
consumption as a method of providing nutritious food. Insects can be farmed more cheaply
and on much less land than animals or crops. At least a thousand species of insects are
already part of the human diet. (National Geographic magazine, September 2010).
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 795 million
people of the 7.3 billion people in the world, or one in nine, were suffering from chronic
undernourishment in 2014-2016. Almost all the hungry people live in developing countries.
Scenario: A grant has been written by your Biology teacher. She was given money to support
a teen movement to get Douglas County Students involved with world hunger issues and help
solve problems of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM). -It is basically a lack of calories and
protein. Ms. Nehring’s bright ideas included students investigating insects as a food source.
Many students refused to experiment by actually tasting the insects (to find the most
palatable)- but were more than happy to do research to find the most nutritious ones.
Your role- Become an active Douglas county teen to encourage the use of insects as a food
source for malnourished areas. You will pick an area that has the highest death rates from
malnourishment. Research the best insect to use (this may be a local or imported insectremember that transportation costs should be kept to a minimum though). You will have to
do background research about why they population is malnourished….. Would farming
insects help? If not.. Move on...
Product: Create a campaign encouraging the country you researched.. To “buy into”
harvesting the insect you choose.
Opposition: Put yourself in their shoes… having a privileged teen tell them to eat bugs may
not go over well.. So you had better have a lot of research-based stats to help promote your
Part 1: research: To get an A.. you need to share unique, individual insights into the issues
that cause that country's malnourishment and how the insect you choose will impact their
economy. Compare to us.... someday, will the US need to do this too?Part 2: A. product- creating a campaign could include a multitude of things.. You could
Create a website asking for donations.. BUT how do you get people to donate money?
video/ commercial encouraging the use of insects as a food source
Recipe book
Magazine article
Newspaper article
You decide
B. submit a reflective piece with your product... see rubric - to get the most points:
Show quality of work is all accurate and explanation of quality of work shows in-depth
understanding -for example- you can talk about how it could be improved, or the next steps in
seeing a real vision of this happening real world, real time. What are the stumbling blocks?
What are the positives and negative aspects of your project? That is innovative thinking!
Submitting your final project- make sure you:
1. show an understanding of why the place you choose needs insects introduced to their diet. (what is the
underlying cause for their poverty etc.)
2. Use 5 or more varied sources in MLA format
3. Unique project that is creative and useful - not taken from the internet
4. Explains in-depth how to prevent or stop malnourishment- talk about the macromolecules!
5. self-reflection (can be a separate doc)-Reflects with accuracy on the quality of work
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