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Greek Architecture & Art History Presentation

The architecture of Greece
General conditions
The emergence of the Greek civilisation
The emergence of the Greek
The geographic environment
The geographic environment
The geographic environment
The fine arts – vase painting
Protogeometric painted vases 11th-10th c BC
The fine arts – vase painting
Geometric painted vases 9th-7th c. BC
The fine arts – vase painting
Orientalizing vases 8th-7th c BC
The fine arts – vase painting
Black figure vases 7th-5th c. BC
The fine arts – vase painting
Red figure vases 6th-4th c BC
The fine arts - sculpture
Prehistoric art in Greece before 1000 BC
The fine arts - sculpture
Greek archaic male (kouros) and female (kore) statues 11th – 5th c BC
The fine arts - sculpture
Greek classical period 6th – 5th c BC
The fine arts - sculpture
Greek hellenistic art 4th – 2nd c BC
The fine arts - sculpture
Greco-Roman times 1st c BC -
The fine arts - reliefs
The Greek themenos
The themenos of Aphaia at Aigina
The Greek themenos - Olympia
The Greek themenos - Olympia
The Greek themenos - Olympia
The Philippeion c. 339-300 BC
The Greek temple
The modell from Argos c. 800 BC
Ancient temple types
The Greek doric oreder
The Greek doric oreder
A görög dór oszloprend
A görög dór oszloprend
Sztrotér gerenda
A dór oszloprend korai formája
Thermosz Apollon Kr.e. 7. sz
A görög dór oszloprend
Az oroszlánfej mint vízköpő a szímán
A görög dór oszloprend
The Greek doric oreder
The Greek doric oreder
The aeol capital
Remains of a capital from Naukratis
The aeol capital
The Greek ionic order
The Greek ionic order
The Attic and the Asia-Minor type of the ionic order
The Greek ionic order
The Greek ionic order
The ionic order of Asia-Minor
The Greek corinthian order
Capital from the Tower
of the Winds
The Greek corinthian order
Order from the
Lysicrates memorial