MOI UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL, PRODUCTTION AND ENERGY ENGINEERING PRD 811 RENEWABLE ENERGY RESORUCES PROF. AUGUSTINE MAKOKHA Energy efficiency as a pathway to sustainable energy access in sub-Saharan Africa Literature review- Environmental implications NAME VITUMBIKO NUNDWE BERNADETTE DUSHENGERE REGISTRATION NUMBER MS/MES/5510/21 MS/MES/5548/21 Energy efficiency as a pathway to sustainable energy access in sub-Saharan Africa Literature review- Environmental implications Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has the lowest energy access rates in the world where people rely on traditional biomass fuels and unimproved cook stoves. Thirteen countries in this part of the world have less than 25% access, compared to only one in developing Asia (World Bank, 2018.). Clean energy provides a golden thread to deliver on the promise of Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement (Corfee-Morlot, Parks, Ogunleye, & Ayeni, 2019). Energy efficiency is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services, it is also way of managing and restraining the growth in energy consumption. Energy efficiency stands out as an important issue in maintaining the balance between environment and sustainability as well as making important gains in all these issues on the other. Environmental benefits can also be achieved by the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and local air pollution (Ozturk, 2013). Africa produces the least amount of greenhouse gases but is almost universally seen as most at risk of its deleterious impact, not only because of possible changes in its climate, but because it has the least ability to cope and because large sections of its population are still heavily dependent on the changing vagrancies of nature such as rain-fed agriculture (Niyibizi, 2015) Sustainable energy can be defined as a form of energy that can be utilized repetitively without putting a source in danger of getting depleted. In addition to that, (Junejo, Saeed, & Hameed, 2018) retaliate about the reasons the use of clean sustainable energy is widely encouraged as it does not harm our environment and is available all around us free of cost. All renewable sources like ocean, wind, and solar are sustainable energy sources due to the fact that they are stable and available worldwide. In terms of Environmental benefits, renewable energy is clean and results in little to no green house and net carbon emissions. It will not deplete natural resources and has minimal negative impacts on the environment. The environmental benefits of renewable energy are to scale back on the amount of toxic air polluting and greenhouse gases released in to the atmosphere by other methods. (Niyibizi, 2015). But despite the numerous positive impacts over usage of fossil fuels, renewable energy sources are associated with negative impacts on the environment. Discussing the environmental impacts of hydroelectric power should move beyond the electric power sector and investigate the many roles that hydropower has been called upon to play in human society. Major dams have often built with the promise of not just generating electricity but also of providing flood control, navigation, water for irrigation and drinking, and a number of other benefits. Some of the impacts include; Changes in downstream water quality: effects on river temperature, nutrient load, turbidity, dissolved bases, concentration of heavy metals and minerals; Reduction of biodiversity due to the blocking of movement of organisms (Kleinman & McCully, 2008). For instance, reservoir planners in Kenya have in the past failed to recognize the linkages between the environment and economic development leading to a number of negative socio-economic impacts. Similarly, the government has always assumed that economic, technological and social benefits derived from reservoir establishments are important for the development of the overall country and that spillover effects will eventually improve the livelihoods of the entire population, including those directly affected by the river damming (Okuku, et al., 2015). However it is important to note that apart from big hydropower systems, small hydropower systems have also environmental implications due its extensive utilization. Small scale hydro schemes tend to have a relatively modest and localized impact on the environment and these arise mainly from construction activities and from changes in water quality and flow on ecosystems (aquatic ecosystems and fisheries) and on water use. These impacts encompass the environment upstream small hydropower systems, at the site of the installation, and downstream of the small hydropower system. The aquatic as well as the terrestrial environments are under risk of disruption in terms of physical, chemical, and biological factors. Most of the impacts from construction are typical of any civil engineering scheme and include temporary disruption from transport of materials, noise, visual intrusion, dust, etc. There are additional impacts in the aquatic environment, including increases in suspended matter and turbidity (Abbasi & Abbasi, 2011). By compiling the implications of renewable energy technologies in term of the environmental aspects they affect, it is seen that in terms of Land use; Photovoltaics and wind power have similar land use characteristics, with impacts from materials for unit manufacturing and disposal or recycling although neither requires any further mining footprint (Evans, Strezov, & Evans, 2009). Other potential burdens of solar energy to the environment include; habitat disruption during the construction, installation and the demolition phases, noise and visual intrusion, greenhouse gas emissions, water and soil pollution, energy consumption, labor accidents and impact on sensitive ecosystems (Topić, Vezmar, Spajić, Šljivac, & Jozsa, 2014) Biomass comprising traditional fuels constitutes about 50% of energy consumption in developing countries, in some countries it is estimated to be as high as 90%. Heavy use of biomass energy leads to deforestation which then leads to soil erosion, risks of floods, desertification on account of clearing of forests and woodlands for agriculture and livestock (RavindranathK & Rao, 2008). Heavy dependence on traditional biomass fuels has in turn led to overexploitation of forests and woodland resources, thus accelerating the deforestation and forest degradation in the sub-Saharan region (Ndegwa, Nehren, Grüninger, Iiyama, & Anhuf, 2016). But In general, environmental impacts of bioenergy are considered smaller than those of conventional (fossil and nuclear) energy systems, as renewable biomass is CO2-neutral when burnt, the resource base can be maintained if harvested biomass is re-grown, and residues easily decompose or can be recycled (FAO, 2010). Wind power is increasingly being used worldwide as an important contribution to renewable energy. The development of wind power may lead to unexpected environmental impacts which may include the following; Land surface impacts: When wind turbines operate, they generate turbulence in their wakes. The turbulence is small-scale, chaotic almost-random air movement and will modify the vertical mixing of lower and upper level air. This raises the surface temperature at night, but may have no significant impact on surface temperature during the day; Greenhouse gases: some greenhouse gases are also emitted, most of which arise from the production of concrete and steel for wind turbine foundations, for instance the Life cycle analysis of wind turbines shows that the greenhouse emissions from wind power range from 2 to 86 g CO2e/kW h ; bird fatality: the development of wind power has been associated with the death of birds colliding with turbines and other wind plants structures (Wang & Wang, 2015). Geo-thermal power plants have relatively small surface footprints, with major elements located underground. Due to the risk of land subsidence above the field, the whole geothermal field is used in the footprint calculation (Bertani, 2005). However as there is growing interest in geothermal energy , it is important to be familiar with the potential impact of geothermal power plants on the environment and the latest technology solutions that reduce these impacts. The use of geothermal energy in the past 40 years has shown that there are adverse impacts on the environment which include the following: Due to well testing and drilling the impacts include; Land disturbance, Solid and liquid waste disposal, and gases discharge, increased noise level, increased traffic, disturbance in natural features, vegetation, habitat and wildlife. Other impacts arise due to solid and liquid wastes production, waste gas emissions including carbon dioxide emissions, Hydrogen sulphide and other gases (BOŠNJAKOVIĆ, STOJKOV, & JURJ, 2019). References Abbasi, T., & Abbasi, S. (2011). Small hydro and the environmental implications of its extensive utilization. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2134-2143. Bertani, R. (2005). World geothermal power generation in the period 2001–2005. Geothermics, 651-690. BOŠNJAKOVIĆ, M., STOJKOV, M., & JURJ, M. (2019). Environmental Impact of Geothermal Power Plants. Evans, A., Strezov, V., & Evans, T. J. (2009). Assessment of sustainability indicators for renewable energy technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 1082-1088. FAO, F. a. (2010). Bioenergy Environmental Impact Analysis (BIAS): Analytical Framework . Rome, Italy : Food and Agriculture Organisation. Junejo, F., Saeed, A., & Hameed, S. (2018). Energy Management in Ocean Energy Systems. In Comprehensive Energy Systems (pp. 778-807). Kleinman, J., & McCully, P. (2008). ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF HYDROPOWER PLANTS INCLUDING THOSE USING THERMAL, TIDAL AND WAVE POWER . In Interactions: Energy/Environment. Oxford: Goldemberg Eolss Publishers Co. Ltd. Ndegwa, G., Nehren, U., Grüninger, F., Iiyama, M., & Anhuf, D. (2016). Charcoal production through selective logging leads to degradation of dry woodlands: a case study from Mutomo District, Kenya. Journal of Arid Land . Niyibizi, A. (2015). SWOT Analysis for Renewable Energy in Africa. Renewable Energy L. & Pol'y Rev., 276. Okuku, E. O., Bouillon, S., Ochiewo, J. O., Munyi, F., Kiteresi, L. I., & Tole, M. (2015). The impacts of hydropower development on rural livelihood sustenance. International Journal of Water Resources Development. Ozturk, I. (2013). Energy Dependency and Energy Security: The Role of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources. The Pakistan Development Review. RavindranathK, N. H., & Rao, U. (2008). ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF ENERGY FROM BIOMASS AND MUNICIPAL WASTES. In INTERACTIONS: ENERGY/ENVIRONMENT. Oxford: Goldemberg Eolss Publishers Co. Ltd. Topić, D., Vezmar, S., Spajić, A., Šljivac, D., & Jozsa, L. (2014). Positive and Negative Impacts of Renewable Energy Sources. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems. Wang, S., & Wang, S. (2015). Impacts of wind energy on environment: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 437-443.