Uploaded by Prakash Sapkota

INFO 461 Project Management Syllabus

INFO 461 – Strategy, Planning, and Project Management (Spring 2020)
Class Meeting: Thursdays, 7:00 – 9:40 p.m.
Classroom: Online (formerly Snead Hall, 301 W. Main St., Room B 2173
Professor: Dr. Donna Zampi
Phone: 804.396.9732
Email: zampid@vcu.edu
Office Hours: By phone or text (no calls/text before 9:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m.), or in meet in person
prior/after class at Snead Hall, or via Zoom
Course Description: Semester course, 3 lecture hours, 3 credits. This course is a concentrated study of
planning methods and techniques required for defining, planning, integrating and implementing
information technology projects consistent with the organizational strategic plan and mission.
I am fascinated with Project Management, and I hope you will be, too! What you bring to this class is
yourself and your desire to participate; what you achieve here depends on that. Our work will benefit
you personally and intellectually.
This course provides a basic framework for understanding IS strategic planning and IT project
management, building on the skills needed to manage IS projects of various sizes. Topics include IS
strategic planning from the CIO and organizational setting, plus the project life cycle, project selection,
project team development, project organization, project planning, negotiation and conflict resolution,
and resource management. The responsibility, authority, and accountability of a project manager and
the integration of program functions in a complex organization structure will be addressed. Through a
combination of reading assignments, team assignments, formal presentations and experiential learning,
the following concepts will be addressed: IS strategic planning, risk management, quality assurance,
project initiation and organization, project management software tools and techniques, budget
development, allocation of resources, critical path analysis and management, managing resources,
project-crashing strategies, consideration of ROI and earned value, controlling scope creep, metrics
development and assessment, and post-implementation review.
Required Textbooks:
 Information Systems Planning & Project Management, INFO 461 by Jack T. Marchewka, John
Wiley & Sons, 2015, ISBN: 978-1118911013, 5th edition
 Any literature that provides information on APA (American Psychology Institute) writing
 Any literature on the use of MS Project software
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You are required to complete StrengthsFinder, an anonymous web-based assessment of normal
personality from the perspective of Positive Psychology. It is FREE and you’ll find it here:
Required Hardware/Software:
 Laptop/tablet/computer (with camera if possible)
 Zoom Basic Account - Please go to https://zoom.us/pricing to sign up for the Basic (free) Zoom
account. You will need this to work collaboratively, albeit remotely, with your team to complete
our weekly project deliverables. A basic account allows up to 40 minutes/100 people in each
session. In addition, that basic Zoom account allows 2 people to be on a video conference with
no time limit (can go over the 40 minutes).
Go to https://altlab.vcu.edu/rapid-response/students/ to view tutorials on Zoom. This will help
you get comfortable with navigating Zoom prior to our online sessions on Thursdays.
Microsoft Project: Students will be required to use Microsoft Project for creating project work
break down structures (WBS), Gantt charts with timelines, Program Evaluation and Review
Techniques (PERT) diagrams, and establishing resource tables for assigning resources to tasks. A
tutorial is available through Help on the Menu bar in MS Project. Students are allowed to
download a free copy of MS Project. There are 2 methods for downloading this software:
Method 1 – (PC users) Go to go.vcu.edu/bussoft. This will take you to the Microsoft Azure for
Education site where you can log in and search for the Microsoft Project software.
Method 2 (Mac users)
1. If you are off-site, you will need to install the Cisco VPN client before logging in.
2. In a browser, go to http://sob-gatekeeper-01.rams.adp.vcu.edu/citrix/labsweb.
3. Login with your VCU credentials.
4. You will need the Citrix Receiver client. After login, the system will look for it on your
computer; if it is not detected it will prompt you to install it.
5. From the following page, choose Desktops, then select LBDesktop.
6. After the VM session opens, go to File Explorer/This PC.
7. On the pop-up window, choose Read and Write.
8. To save a file: when in the application, choose Save, then select Documents, which will
automatically save to your documents folder on your machine.
9. After you are done, please sign out and disconnect.
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course you will understand how to lead, manage
and administer information technology projects.
1. Understand and remember key concepts, terms, processes, and tools in the project management
2. Know how to apply the course’s content to project management.
3. Be able to relate project management to other subjects you are studying.
4. Understand individual contributions in a project team environment, and appreciate diversity in
thought and strengths.
5. Care about project management, and learning more about it.
6. Know how to keep on learning about project management after the course is over.
Learning Goals (my promise to you): To build knowledge and skills that will enable you to lead, manage
and administer information technology projects.
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1. Recognize the importance and role of IS strategic planning relative to:
An organization’s vision and mission
An organization’s set of goals and objectives
A CIO’s and stakeholders’ perspective(s)
2. Understand the importance and role of Information Technology project management, methodology,
and principles:
To provide measurable organization value (MOV)
To develop an understanding of the 10 knowledge areas of project management as described in
the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)
That could lead you to certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP)
3. Develop and present professional project deliverables such as a Charter, Business Case, Scope, Work
Breakdown Structure, Schedule, Budget, Risk Management Plan, Communication Plan, Change
Management Plan, and formally present Lessons Learned.
4. Use Microsoft Project as a tool to:
Create a Gantt chart, Work Breakdown Structure, and Network Diagram (PERT)
Identify the critical path and create management reports
Estimate project tasks, activities, and project timeline (durations and effort)
Track project progression
5. Understand the behavioral aspects of project management such as team building, role of the project
manager and team members, peer review, leveraging strengths, and ethical behavior.
Remember, our goal is to learn. Discipline and time management are really important! Carve out time
to read, study, and reflect, and collaboratively work on your team deliverables. I have included Success
Guidelines in the Course Documents folder that has a variety of strategies that may be helpful for study,
tests, et al. I am not trying to force you into some kind of mold; on the contrary, I am trying to help you
You are now advanced students and you have learned how to learn. That means you have moved from
surface strategies to deep strategies….from meeting minimal requirements to an intrinsic interest in
learning, relating new information to what you already know and understand, and connecting ideas
across your courses. It means reading materials that go beyond the required texts included in our
syllabus, understanding nuanced industry changes, and effecting critical thinking to solve complex
problems. You know that learning builds upon previous learning (scaffolding), repetition, and focused
attention. You realize learning requires effort but that it becomes easier with practice and dedication,
and that learning has its personal and professional rewards.
One of the hallmarks of spiritual maturity is the willingness to be a lifelong learner – we keep our minds
open and free of preconceived ideas to expand our minds. Are you up for the challenge to master a
subject, getting inside a subject and trying to understand it in all its complexity? You will find in the
Course Documents folder a Learning Goals document that may help you continue professional learning
as you move into the business world.
Class Attendance and Participation is both mandatory and necessary. I assume you want to learn; we
are partners in learning, and we need each other’s input and feedback to learn and grow. Class starts
promptly with at 7:00 p.m. Attendance is taken at the end of class. You have an academic responsibility
to be seated and ready for the weekly quiz at the start of each class, and you are expected to remain for
the duration of the class. Should you leave class following the administration of a quiz, I will enter zero
points for your attendance score.
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1. Coming to class late or leaving early is disruptive to the class and disrespectful to your
2. Some of the material/concepts required to complete assignments and perform well on the
quizzes and exams may not be in the text book.
3. Your attendance, participation, and input are enthusiastically solicited and will help ensure
mastery of course concepts.
If you miss a class, you are responsible for collecting class notes and ancillary materials from a
Grade Distribution:
Team Assignments – 30% (180 pts = 18 pts/assignment x 10 assignments)
Quizzes – 10% (60 pts = 6 pts/quiz x 10 quizzes)
Attendance – 10% (60 pts = 4 pts/class x 15 classes)
Midterm Exam – 20% (120 pts)
Final Exam – 30% (180 pts)
Total = 100% (600 pts)
General characteristics of letter grades are:
A (90% or better) - Takes an active interest in the course, consistently submits work of high quality
(equal to or greater than 540 points)
B (80% or better) - Participates actively in many course activities, consistently submits work of
above average quality (equal to or greater than 480 points)
C (70% or better) - Limited involvement in course activities, usually submits work of average quality
(equal to or greater than 420 points)
D (60% or better) - Definite lack of participation in many course activities, usually submits work
below average quality (equal to or greater than 360 points)
F (59% or below) - Little or no participation in course activities, usually submits work of
unacceptable quality (less than 360 points)
There are no extra credit opportunities; I do not grade on a curve.
Exams/Quizzes: Short quizzes (6 questions) are administered at 7:00 p.m. sharp. Exams and quizzes will
be in-class multiple choice questions. Quizzes are based on the previous week’s content; there are a
total of 10 quizzes throughout the semester. Quizzes will be used to assess content understanding.
Should you be late/tardy for class and miss the quiz, no make-up quiz will be allowed and a zero will be
assigned for the quiz score.
The midterm exam will be administered half way through the semester and cover the first 6 chapters of
our textbook. The final exam is administered during the last class of the semester, and is
comprehensive, covering the entire semester’s material. To help you prepare, I will provide you chapter
reviews on Blackboard prior to the midterm and final exams.
No cell phones or other electronic devices will be allowed active during exams/quizzes. Failure to
comply will result in a violation of the honor code and you will receive a zero for the exam/quiz. The
incident will be referred to the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Students Office for administrative
compliance with the VCU Honor Code.
Quizzes and exams are reviewed in class immediately after completion. There are no makeup quizzes or
exams; you will not receive points for missed quizzes or exams.
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I will let you take a make-up quiz/exam for an authorized exception. Exceptions include a serious illness
(e.g., hospitalization), family emergency, or a scheduled job requirement forcing you to be beyond 150
miles from VCU at the time of the exam/quiz. To take a make-up quiz/exam, you must provide me a
note or some sort of documented evidence that authorizes your absence.
Please note that you may need a calculator for some of the quiz or exam questions.
Team Assignments: You will receive team assignments each week throughout the semester.
 You will be assigned to a team during our first class
 Team assignments are listed on Blackboard, in this syllabus, and each class agenda
 Team assignments are based on the Husky Air case study
 The requirements for the weekly Husky Air team assignment are located at the end of each
chapter in the course’s textbook
 I will provide an example of each assignment in advance of your due date (Fridays, in the Class
Materials folder on Blackboard); do not plagiarize the example
 Each team will submit one hard copy (or email a copy in word format – not pdf) of their
assignment to me by 6:00 p.m. on the day of class; I will return the paper with written feedback
to your team the following day
 Please use this file naming convention: HA#X Team Name. For example: HA#4 Technolectuals
 Each weekly team assignment is worth 18 points; late assignments (e.g., an assignment turned
in 6:01 p.m. or later) will have grades reduced by 6 points for each day (or part thereof)
following the due date and time
 No assignments will be accepted after 3 days from the due date (e.g., 6:01 p.m. Sunday or later),
and a grade of zero will be allotted to the team for that assignment
 We will peer-review each team’s assignment in class via AV or Zoom; to effect that, each team
will jointly present their assignment during class
 We will have breakout sessions during class where each team will begin to prepare for the
upcoming team assignment; this is the time to roll up your sleeves, jointly agree to the case
study task, and determine logistics and timeline for successfully completing the assignment
 When the class reconvenes from a breakout session, we will conduct a brief Stand Up; this is an
opportunity to share with the entire class what your role will be in the upcoming case study
task, and any identified obstacles
 Additional details about the team assignments are located in a document called Overview Husky Air Assignments located in the Course Documents section of Blackboard
 I recommend you take weekly notes on what your team did well, and what your team could
have done differently; these notes will be valuable input to your Lessons Learned presentation
at the end of the course
Please consider incorporating feedback and perfecting these assignments as you can use them as
sample work products when you interview for work. Ideas you generate could be implemented in a real
project; and, most important, with your pioneering exploration of collaboration and the consideration of
multiple perspectives, you can reshape the profession!
Writing Style: Written work will comply with APA (American Psychology Association) format. Free
information on this writing style is available in books and on internet sites.
Team Assignment Rubric:
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4 Points
3 Points
2 Points
1 Point
Includes each
identified in the
text book
Includes most of
the assignment
identified in the
text book
Includes some of
the assignment
identified in the
text book
Includes few of the
identified in the
text book
feedback from
Incorporates most
feedback from
Incorporates some
feedback from
Incorporates little
feedback from
Writing Quality
Adheres to APA
writing guidelines
Mostly adheres to
APA writing
Partially adheres to Seldom adheres to
APA writing
APA writing
Reflects creativity,
innovation, and
incorporation of
new material
Often reflects
innovation, and
incorporation of
new material
Reflects some
innovation, and
incorporation of
new material
Reflects little
innovation, and
incorporation of
new material
Class Review
Articulates key
points of
assignment and
seeks class
Able to describe
most elements of
Able to describe
some elements of
Unable to
cohesively share
the assignment in
Blackboard Navigation: You will find information in several locations.
I periodically place Announcements on Blackboard; please check Announcements weekly.
I use three folders:
 Class Materials – I upload a folder each Friday morning that will provide you with detailed
information for the next class. For instance, you will find the agenda, and an example of the
team homework assignment.
 Course Documents – This folder contains general information about our Husky Air assignments,
Success Guidelines, Learning Goals, and Midterm and Final Study Guides.
 Syllabus – The syllabus provides the framework for our course; please review the syllabus
monthly as I continuously update it.
Record Keeping:
 Quizzes and exams will not be returned to you; however, they are reviewed in class immediately
after the quiz/exam
 I will return annotated team assignments to you for your files and incorporation of feedback
 I will post ad hoc Announcements on Blackboard; it is your responsibility to check information
posted on Blackboard regularly for any changes or notifications
 Ensure that the email address listed for you on Blackboard is valid, as I use this to communicate
with you
Class Schedule:
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Read Chapter
Prior to Class
16 Jan
Class Intro and the Nature of IT
23 Jan
Project Methodologies and Processes
HA #1
Team Charter
30 Jan
Measurable Organizational Value and
the Business Case
HA #2
Action Plan
6 Feb
Project Planning: The Project
HA #3
Business Case
13 Feb
Project Planning: Scope and the Work
Breakdown Structure
HA #4
20 Feb
Project Planning: The Schedule and
HA #5
27 Feb
Presentation Refresher/Business
HA #6
Schedule and
5 Mar
Midterm Exam (Chapters 1-6)
12 &
19 Mar
Spring Break!
26 Mar
Managing Project Risk
2 Apr
Managing Project Stakeholders and
Managing Project Quality
Turn in
HA #7
9 Apr
Leading the Project Team
Managing Organizational Change,
Resistance, and Conflict
HA #8
Earned Value
HA #9
16 Apr
Project Completion
HA #10
23 Apr
Team Project Presentations
HA #11
30 Apr
Final Examination (Chapters 1-12)
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Cell Phones/Communications Devices: The use of your laptop/tablet/electronic device/cell phone is
not authorized in class. Students must shut off cell phones/communication devices while in the
classroom. Disruptions from cell phone/communication devices is not authorized, and students should
be courteous of others in class. You are not to leave the classroom to use your cell phone unless it is an
emergency and the instructor has been previously notified. If you leave the class room to answer a call,
you will be prohibited from re-entering the classroom.
Remote Classes: While the format is similar to a residence class, the logistics are different with an
online class session. Please keep these in mind:
 Ensure you have the technology or wifi access to attend class, and receive and submit your work
 Turn your phone ringer off, and ensure that your camera (if you have one) is turned on
 Find a low-traffic area to occupy that will minimize distractions (this does not mean Zooming in
from bed in your PJs)
 Click this URL to start our Thursday class in Zoom: https://vcu.zoom.us/j/687660566
 When you join the class, your microphone default will be muted
 Class will be the same link each Thursday, so you may want to create a shortcut on your desktop
 Please test the Zoom link prior to 7:00 to ensure that you can connect, and let me know if you
have any questions or concerns
We will use our Zoom time similarly to our in-class format: we will review the quiz, conduct a team
presentations and peer reviews of the weekly team assignment, followed by my highlighting pertinent
concepts in the chapter. Next, you will be assigned by team to a Breakout Room to collaborate on the
upcoming team assignment, followed by an in-class Stand To. And I will answer or clarify any questions
you may have. I will open up our Zoom session at 6:50 p.m. so that you can be ready to start promptly
at 7:00. And, yes, I will be taking roll call because I’m a meanie pants.
Tips for Students as Online Learners: https://dcvcu.edu/learningonline/
Behavioral Expectations:
1. Be professional (avoid vulgar language or cussing, hogging the floor/microphone, blaming or
shaming, personal attacks).
2. Come to class on time, and stay for the duration of the class.
3. Be prepared by reading the chapter prior to class.
4. Engage in classroom discussion - bring your questions, answers, ideas, and humor.
5. One person speaks at a time.
6. Remain focused on coursework during class.
7. Complete quality team assignments on schedule.
8. Support your team.
9. Respect the confidentiality of the classroom.
10. Role model academic integrity.
Course Evaluation: You will receive an email from the Office of the Vice Provost for Learning Innovation
and Student Success near the end of the course requesting you complete a course evaluation. Your
feedback, especially as text comments, helps improve the instruction future students will receive. To
submit an evaluation:
Visit http://go.vcu.edu/eval
Login with eID and password
Available evaluations will be listed on the Dashboard
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What are your thoughts about our course textbook?
Did the class format support your learning goals?
Did I communicate and interact with you, individually and collectively, in a way that generates
respect, enthusiasm, and a high level of engagement?
Did the course design help you to understand the importance of project management, the
various functions of project management, the basics of project management deliverables and
tools, and the behavioral aspects of project management such as team building, roles, peer
review, leveraging strengths, and ethical behavior?
What did you like most about this course? What did you appreciate the most?
What did you learn that you think will be motes useful to you in your professional/personal life?
Academic integrity Policy: I will trust you until you give me a reason to not trust you. You are a RAM,
and you represent the highest caliber of student and rising professional. Academic work is based on
honesty. Our class will follow the standards of academic integrity as stated in the VCU Honor Code.
Presenting work as your own that you have not created is regarded by the faculty and administration as
a serious offense. Some examples of academic integrity offenses include copying the work of another,
using unauthorized notes or other aids during an examination, or turning in an assignment that has been
written, in whole or in part, by someone else. You will be guilty of plagiarism, intentional or not, if you
copy material from books, magazines, or other sources without identifying and acknowledging those
sources, or if you paraphrase ideas from sources without referencing them. Submitted work is
considered pledged. Any violation of the standards of academic integrity will result in action under the
academic integrity standards of VCU. Refer to the VCU Honor Code for more information located at
http://www.students.vcu.edu/rg/policies/honor.html. If you have any questions about what
constitutes academic misconduct, please ask me and we will sort it out.
Syllabus Updates: Please review this syllabus monthly for updates.
VCU School of Business Mission: The VCU School of Business has the mission to be a dynamic hub of
business education and research, fueled by creativity and a commitment to preparing students to lead in
a complex world. The vision is to drive the future of business through the power of creativity. The
strategic pillars through which the School will achieve this vision are Experiential Learning, ProblemSolving Curricula, Impactful Research, and Creative Culture.
Statements from the Provost Office:
 Campus emergency information
 Class registration required for attendance
 Honor System: upholding academic integrity
 Important dates
 Managing stress
 Mandatory responsibility of faculty members to report incidents of sexual misconduct
 Military short-term training or deployment
 Student email standard
 Student financial responsibility
 Students representing the university - excused absences
 Students with disabilities
 Withdrawal from classes
 Faculty communication about students
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Campus Emergency Information:
Sign up to receive at alert.vcu.edu/signup/; it is essential to keep your information up-to-date
within VCU Alert and to keep your permanent address and emergency contact information
current in eServices
VCU uses a variety of communication methods to alert the campus community about
emergency situations and safety threats. Learn more about types of alerts
at alert.vcu.edu/know/typesofalerts.php
Know the emergency phone number for the VCU Police (828-1234), and report suspicious
activities and objects
Class Registration Required for Attendance: Students may attend only those classes for which they
have registered. Faculty may not add students to class rosters or Blackboard. If students are attending
a class for which they have not registered, they must stop attending.
Honor System: The VCU Honor System policy describes the responsibilities of students, faculty and
administration in upholding academic integrity. According to this policy, "Members of the academic
community are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic
honesty, ethics and integrity at all times." Students are expected to read the policy in full and learn
about requirements here: https://conduct.students.vcu.edu/vcu-honor-system/
Important Dates for the semester are listed in the VCU Academic Calendar
at: https://academiccalendars.vcu.edu/
Managing Stress: You may experience situations or challenges that can interfere with learning and
interpersonal functioning including stress, anxiety, depression, alcohol and/or other drug use, concern
for a friend or family member, loss, sleep difficulties, feeling hopeless or relationship problems. There
are numerous campus resources available to students including:
University Counseling Services (804-828-6200 MPC Campus, 804-828-3964 MCV Campus)
University Student Health Services (MPC 804 828-8828, MCV Campus 804 828-9220)
Wellness Resource Center (804-828-9355).
24-hour emergency mental health support is available by calling 828-1234 and asking to speak
to the on-call therapist or using the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-784-2433)
Mandatory Responsibility of Faculty Members to Report Incidents of Sexual Misconduct:
Employees, including faculty, department chairs and deans, are required to report any incidents
of sexual assault, sexual exploitation and partner or relationship violence to the university's Title
IX Coordinator
Confidential offices which can provide support at VCU are located through the University
Counseling Services (804) 828-6200
For more information about Title IX, please visit please visit https://equity.vcu.edu/
Military Short-term Training or Deployment: If military students receive orders for short-term training
or for deployment/mobilization, they should inform and present their orders to Military Student
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Services and to their professor(s). For further information on policies and procedures contact Military
Student Services at 828-5993 or access the corresponding policies.
Student Email Standard: Email is considered an official method for communication at VCU. You are
expected to frequently check their official VCU email (the university recommends daily) in order to
remain informed of university-related communications. You are responsible for the consequences of
not reading, in a timely fashion, university-related communications sent to your official VCU student
email account. Mail sent to the VCU email address may include notification of university-related
actions, including disciplinary action. You must read this standard in its entirety
at: https://ts.vcu.edu/media/technology-services/content-assets/university-resources/tsgroups/information-security/StudentEmailStandard.pdf
Student Financial Responsibility: You assume the responsibility of full payment of tuition and fees
generated from your registration, and charges for housing and dining services, as well as other
applicable miscellaneous charges. You are ultimately responsible for any unpaid balance on your
account as a result of the University Financial Aid Office or their third-party sponsor canceling or
reducing your award(s).
Students Representing the University – Excused Absences: Students who represent the university
(athletes and others) do not choose their schedules. Student athletes should provide their schedules to
their instructors at the beginning of the semester. The Intercollegiate Athletic Council strongly
encourages faculty to treat missed classes or exams (because of a scheduling conflict) as excused
absences and urges faculty to work with students to make up the work or exam.
Students with Disabilities: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, require that VCU provide "academic adjustments" or "reasonable
accommodations" to any student who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a
major life activity. To receive accommodations, you must register with the Office of Student
Accessibility and Educational Opportunity on the Monroe Park Campus (828-2253), or the Division for
Academic Success on the MCV campus (828-9782). Please also visit the Student Accessibility and
Educational Opportunity website via https://saeo.vcu.edu/ and/or the Division for Academic Success
website via https://das.vcu.edu for additional information.
Once you have completed the registration process, you should schedule a meeting with your
instructor(s) and provide your instructor(s) with an official accommodation letter. Students should
follow this procedure for each course in the academic semester.
Withdrawal From Class: Before withdrawing from classes, you should consult with your instructor as
well as other appropriate university offices. Withdrawing from classes may negatively impact your
financial aid award semester charges. To discuss financial aid and your bill, visit the Student Services
Center at 1015 Floyd Avenue (Harris Hall) and/or contact your financial aid counselor regarding the
impact on your financial aid.
Faculty Communication About Students: VCU instructional faculty, administrators and staff maintain
confidentiality of your student records and discloses information in accordance with the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This means that VCU officials may disclose your student
record information without your consent in certain situations. To support university operations, for
example, VCU officials share information about you with other educational officials as necessary to
perform their job duties. FERPA permits this disclosure to school officials who have a legitimate
educational interest in your student information. In addition, VCU officials have an obligation to report
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information shared about you depending on the content of that information, for example, in compliance
with VCU’s policy on the duty to report. Unless FERPA permits a certain disclosure, VCU generally
requires consent from you to disclose information from your education record to another individual.
You may find additional information on the VCU FERPA website: http://rar.vcu.edu/records/familyeducational-rights-and-privacy-act/.
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