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Make a Pencil's Lead Potentiometer (Experimentations)
by Patented on August 19, 2009
Table of Contents
Make a Pencil's Lead Potentiometer (Experimentations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intro: Make a Pencil's Lead Potentiometer (Experimentations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 1: Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 2: Draw the Variable Resistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 3: Testing with the Multi-Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 4: Testing With LED - Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 5: Testing With LED - The Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 6: Experiments! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Related Instructables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Hey I'm Nick, I come from Quebec in Canada, I'm passionated by a lots of things, Such as every things electronics or mechanic! I like to understand how
stuff works and I also like to discover new things by myself!
Enjoy my Instructables! ^^
Intro: Make a Pencil's Lead Potentiometer (Experimentations)
Here is a really simple experiment in witch you will make a Kind of potentiometer (Variable Resistor) out of a sheet of paper and a graphite pencil (Lead Pencil)...
Impossible you think? Check it out!
So first , What is a Potentiometer?
Its not very complicated, to make it short, it's a kind of resistors ( Limit the current flow) but its adjustable, so you can raise or lower the limit of the current flow.
I recently seen a video of MAKE Magazine (MAKE : Present The Resistor ) on Youtube in witch they were doing something similar to this and thats where I got the idea
to make an Instructables about how to make this simple Variable Resistor.So I have no credit for the idea, I just did an Instructables, to share it with you!
The Idea is to draw a band (with a Graphite pencil) on a sheet of paper ,the band of graphite will act as the Variable Resistor (Potentiometer) because the graphite
conduct electricity but poorly.
Step 1: Material
Here is what you will need to do your simple Variable Resistor and to test it:
Variable Resistor:
Sheet of paper
Pencil [You need a very soft one like 2B+ (Less may not work properly)]
To Test the Variable Resistor:
an LED
Alligator clips (2)
Source of power (9v battery is good)
Image Notes
1. Range of good pencil number to use
Image Notes
1. I use a 6B
Step 2: Draw the Variable Resistor
On the sheet of paper , you will need to draw a band about a centimetre wide and 5cm long and full it up with Graphite pencil. ( You can also try with longer band! ).
Step 3: Testing with the Multi-Meter
To test your Variable Resistor with a Multi-Meter, you need to set it to the Ohm section(To test the resistance of the Graphite pencil), It work well with 2000k and anything
in K .Put one electrode on each extremity of the band and look the resistance on your Multi-Meter, then get the electrode closer and closer and see what happen... Check
the video!
Image Notes
1. 2000k
2. Ohm Section
Step 4: Testing With LED - Assembly
You can also test the Variable Resistor with an LED. Here is how to do it: First connect your 2 alligator clips to the 9V (one on each pole), then connect the Negative clip
to the negative lead of the LED, and finally, bend the positive lead of the LED(Anode, the longest) so its easy to move on the paper and it gives good contact. ( If you
don't have any alligator clips, you can replace them by normal wire, simply twist around the components to make the contact, or solder ) *Tips : If you don't know witch
lead of the LED is - or + , test out with a button cell !
Image Notes
1. Bend the longer lead to get good contact with the lead band
Image Notes
1. Longest lead bent (Anode)
Image Notes
1. Button cell test
Step 5: Testing With LED - The Test
Now that you have your assembly, touch one end of the band with the other alligator clip and the LED lead on the other end of the band and slowly make the 2
connection closer and closer, see what happen... (*IMPORTANT* Avoid touching the LED lead directly on the battery pole or you can burn it up! You can also add a
resistor in the circuit to avoid any damage of this kind) Check the Video! I made the Video a bit darker so can so the LED glowing! Explanation: The reason why the
LED is glowing is because the current from the Positive pole of the battery ( Black clip) flow through the Lead or Graphite band and complete the circuit to
the LED, result; the LED is glowing. Now the reason why the LED get brighter when you get the black clip nearest is because the Lead have some resistance
[(Doesn't conduct electricity perfectly)(Measured in Ohm)]. So the closer you get to the LED, the less resistance the Lead provide you so more current go to
the LED and make it brighter!
Step 6: Experiments!
Try wider or longer lead band or try other patterns and see what happen..! Try with other conductors like metals or anything else you know! Try with other kind of pencil
(2H, 2B...) Try colouring lighter or darker for different result! Experiment, Experiment, Experiment ! and have some fun!!
Hope you enjoy !
Image Notes
1. You can try Different : -Type of pencil -Pattern -Darker or Lighter
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50 comments Add Comment
robot1398 says:
view all 90 comments
Dec 28, 2010. 8:33 PM REPLY
very nice!!!!!!
nutsandbolts_64 says:
Jun 11, 2010. 7:55 PM REPLY
Question: Would this work with the graphite replacements for mechanical pencils?
cardboarddude says:
Dec 5, 2009. 11:42 AM REPLY
I tried this except i used a motor instead of a led but it doesnt work and I am sure that the motor works HELP!
fruitkid101 says:
Apr 23, 2010. 11:29 PM REPLY
You need to check how many volts your motor needs to run. It isn't working because doesn't have enough power
matroska says:
Jan 21, 2010. 11:32 AM REPLY
A simple note to clarify, there's no such things as pencils leads actually made out of lead. Today it's only a mix of graphite and other stuff depending on the
oscarthompson says:
Nov 15, 2009. 12:41 PM REPLY
wait a minute... Wouldn't this only work with 'lead' pencils? Stationery store sell pencils with other type of cores...
agent harmsy says:
Jan 11, 2010. 3:20 AM REPLY
No, because the 'other' cores are graphite, which is also conductive :P
dava_2 says:
Nov 15, 2009. 11:59 AM REPLY
Nice, Very Nice!
MrLouque says:
Nov 11, 2009. 8:11 AM REPLY
Thats pretty sweet, good work
catfish23 says:
Nov 11, 2009. 6:59 AM REPLY
Excellent project, i will try it with some spare electronics parts.
chosenone3 says:
Oct 11, 2009. 1:14 PM REPLY
I've done almost same thing with white glue and the thing from batteries (black stuff) when it dries it has good resistance and when you apply water it
becomes flexible ;]
ben50001 says:
Nov 5, 2009. 7:57 AM
(removed by author or community request)
Patented says:
Nov 5, 2009. 1:26 PM REPLY
I dont care..
Patented says:
Oct 11, 2009. 4:56 PM REPLY
chosenone3 says:
Oct 12, 2009. 11:48 AM REPLY
well its almost the same thing it acts as a resistor but you have to play with amounts of "charcoal"(?) and white glue to get desired results.
Patented says:
Oct 12, 2009. 3:15 PM REPLY
Oh ok I get it!
But its not dangerous this black charcoal thing inside the batteries ?
chosenone3 says:
Oct 12, 2009. 11:59 PM REPLY
I don't think it is but if it is you can use activated charcoal I think.
marinermcv says:
Oct 1, 2009. 8:37 AM REPLY
GBT-11 Meter! Great model, Mine is nearly 6-Years Old A fuse here battery there has kept it going. McV
afatflatcat says:
Sep 27, 2009. 9:22 AM REPLY
Christ on a bike. All this Paper Motor talk has me confused...
xitis says:
Sep 22, 2009. 3:33 AM REPLY
doesn't work with me...
Patented says:
Sep 22, 2009. 4:46 AM REPLY
Are you sure your LED is working? did you try to switch the lead polarity on the battery? Check it out and send me back the result !
xitis says:
Sep 22, 2009. 5:36 AM REPLY
the LED is working fine...i tried it on direct lead and it is working but somehow it is not working on paper...
Patented says:
Sep 22, 2009. 1:27 PM REPLY
Ok than whats the pencil your using?
Patented says:
Sep 22, 2009. 4:47 AM REPLY
And are you sure you put enough graphite on the sheet( it need to be very dark , work better with the pencil i mention.
macrumpton says:
Sep 5, 2009. 11:29 AM REPLY
if you draw a coil with a pencil and run a current through it does it create a magnetic field? Would it be possible to make an electric motor by drawing the
killrsheep says:
Sep 6, 2009. 7:53 PM REPLY
only if you can draw a 3D coil.... and even if you somehow accomplish that (i would imagine it involves a lot of graphite and tons of thin strips of paper)
graphite has a massively different resistance than copper does so my wild guess is that magnetic fields generated by a graphite coil are very very very
veeeeeery low so in short... no, but it does get you thinking....
macrumpton says:
Sep 7, 2009. 8:07 AM REPLY
I imagined you would make the coil 3d by rolling or folding the paper after the pattern has been drawn. Perhaps the conductivity could be improved
using the drawn graphite coil as an electrode (or anode I forget) to deposit a more conductive material, say copper onto it with an electroplating
BOOM5601 says:
Sep 16, 2009. 9:44 AM REPLY
I like the idea.
killrsheep says:
Sep 7, 2009. 6:01 PM REPLY
well yeah! that would be better but then it wouldn be considered a graphite coil...i was thinking last night of how could one accomplish a "graphite
paper motor" and a lot of problems arised... say we make a dc motor with a colector on the rotor and some magnets for the stator.... i dont think
we could fit enough graphite paper windings on the rotor to acomplish any significant torque (not even to move a rotor with zero load so say we
make a... farfetched out of my mind "inverse dc motor" so we make a magnet rotor and we wind the stator (wich is a bigger pies so we might...
just migt get enough windings) and say we would have to make another shaft to use as a collector for the stator to make a dc alternating current
(jut in case we dont want to use any complex electronics.... after all we are making a very.... davinci-esque motor) and then comes the complex
way wich is usin some sort of AC low voltage supply... wich is a bit crazier... a lot crazier!... theres a "simple motor design" somewhere around
here, it just involves some "magnet wire" (im not sure of the technical english term) a D battery, a rubber band, a magnet and some nail polish i
think....... maybe you could make one of those out of graphite... keep in mind tho that even the design that uses the magnet wire on that
instructable produces just enough torque to move the "rotor"
macrumpton says:
Sep 8, 2009. 5:55 PM REPLY
I think for simplicity's sake a permanent magnet on the shaft and stationary coils is the way to go. An ac power source like a wall wart (one
with ac output or you could remove the rectifier diodes) would make it so you did not need any kind of switching mechanism to change
polarity of the magnetic field. It might even be possible to have no permanent magnet and have another coil on the shaft with the dc power
coming in from the two ends of the shaft. I am having a hard time visualizing what shape the coil(s) need to be. Keep in mind the coils can be
printed on both sides of the paper.
killrsheep says:
Sep 8, 2009. 7:06 PM REPLY
of course it would be possible... theoretically, but still... let me see if i can explain the way i see it... We need a LOT of windings, on a strip
of paper with a very very "impractical" small width, and since we need lots of windings we need to overlap more than twice (wich is what
you get if you draw on both sides), that can be accomplished by overlapping layers of paper, but a new problem arises, you have to
protect and isolate the coils from erasin or shorting each other or most likely both, wich requires some sort of insulation coating... now
back to the "why we would need small widths... a rotor coil doesnt go around the shaft... it goes length-wise, inserted in some slots in the
core , i really dont see how can we manage to insert a ring of insulated paper (wich by now turns out to be bulkier and more expensive
than insulated copper wire) in a core with at the very least three slots and also achieving a small air gap between the rotor and stator it
seems a bit easier to wind the stator, since its bigger, but i still dont know if it would create enough magnetic field... we "are" using a
resistive path i really didnt go into it before because it is fun to imagine further than that, but id think there is a noticeable impact on
magnetic field when using a resistive path
killrsheep says:
Sep 7, 2009. 6:09 PM REPLY
then again... a solenoid is also an "electric motor" a linear one, and i think the coil design is quite a lot easier (im basically against the
conventional electric motor bcuz you would need to wind the paper around a laminated core with a few slots on it ... wich just seems quite
impossible to me) i think the coil is just a cilindrical coil so it seems like the ideal way to make some sort of solenoid... maybe a needle for the
shaft... its lightweight and ferromagnetic so.... i think its worth a try
macrumpton says:
Sep 8, 2009. 5:42 PM REPLY
You could make the solenoid drive a crank and flywheel to get rotary motion.
killrsheep says:
Sep 8, 2009. 7:13 PM REPLY
yeah that seems like a better way to go, id try to make a very long coil with a very lightweight shaft.... the logic behind that is that i
doubt a small scale solenoid would produce much force to move a mechanism, and a linear coil can be made in just about any size
with no problems also the shaft so, yeah id try that, make a huge coil and a large lightweight shaft Hey, here's a thought! just so we
stop guessing around... make the electromagnet experiment with a paper graphite coil... y'know the experiment where you use a nail,
some insulated wire and a battery to make an electromagnet, only this time use a graphite coil... thats one easy way to compare the
magnetic field's achieved by both means (wire and graphite)
macrumpton says:
Sep 8, 2009. 8:18 PM REPLY
Good Idea! I will try to do that tomorrow.
cowscankill says:
Aug 27, 2009. 6:00 AM REPLY
Interesting.. It could be fitted in a small rotating cylinder, kind of like a light dimmer. That would be useful, but does it create heat with too much current? Will
the paper catch fire? :P I saw some light dimmers that were pretty expensive just for me to play with electronics, but this could be helpful for small motor
gadgets an doohickeys.
macrumpton says:
Sep 8, 2009. 6:04 PM REPLY
or make a circular track on a disk.
sageserver says:
Aug 27, 2009. 1:11 PM REPLY
light dimmers dont use resistance to dim the lights they use 3 transistors inside them and they work becuase of the ac current thats put into it.
Patented says:
Aug 27, 2009. 6:37 AM REPLY
Hey, that seem a very good idea to me! (make a permanent potentiometer)And it would be very helpful and cheap to do! I am going to give it a try, and I
give you news!
cowscankill says:
Aug 27, 2009. 1:53 PM REPLY
Ok :D Make an instructable if you can!
Patented says:
Aug 27, 2009. 3:04 PM REPLY
I will for sure!.. If it works!!
cowscankill says:
Aug 27, 2009. 5:46 PM REPLY
Good luck! :D
BOOM5601 says:
Aug 28, 2009. 12:25 AM REPLY
The only problem would be that pencil leads contain clay, and this could create heat.
cowscankill says:
Aug 28, 2009. 5:30 AM REPLY
That's why I asked if the paper would catch fire :P
BOOM5601 says:
Aug 28, 2009. 8:50 AM REPLY
Time bombs ;)
cowscankill says:
Aug 28, 2009. 1:09 PM REPLY
killrsheep says:
Sep 8, 2009. 7:22 PM REPLY
it should work much like tracks on a pcb rite?..... i mean the wider it is the most current it can handle, i think the "pick ups "
have to be wider too
thinkdunson says:
Sep 3, 2009. 3:51 PM REPLY
a variable resistor is actually called a rheostat. but good instructable.
froggyman says:
Sep 3, 2009. 8:12 PM REPLY
or a potentiometer
thinkdunson says:
Sep 3, 2009. 9:17 PM REPLY
a rheostat has two terminals, while a potentiometer has three… a rheostat is a variable resistor, while a potentiometer is a variable voltage divider. a
potentiometer can be used as a rheostat by ignoring one leg, or shorting it to the wiper terminal (in order to prevent an open circuit if the wiper fails).
here, the first sentence on this wikipedia page should convince you.
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