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Payroll Audit Review: Bronze Industries

You are an audit senior of Scarlet & Co and are in the process of reviewing the systems
testing completed on the payroll cycle of Bronze Industries Co (Bronze), as well as
preparing the audit programmes for the final audit.
Bronze operates several chemical processing factories across the country, it
manufactures 24 hours a day, seven days a week and employees work a standard
shift of eight hours and are paid for hours worked at an hourly rate. Factory employees
are paid weekly, with approximately 80% being paid by bank transfer and 20% in cash;
the different payment methods are due to employee preferences and Bronze has no
plans to change these methods. The administration and sales teams are paid monthly
by bank transfer.
Factory staff are each issued a sequentially numbered clock card which details their
employee number and name. Employees swipe their cards at the beginning and end
of the eight-hour shift and this process is not supervised. During the shift employees
are entitled to a 30-minute paid break and employees do not need to clock out to
access the dining area. Clock card data links into the payroll system, which
automatically calculates gross and net pay along with any statutory deductions. The
payroll supervisor for each payment run checks on a sample basis some of these
calculations to ensure the system is operating effectively.
Bronze has a human resources department which is responsible for setting up new
permanent employees and leavers. Appointments of temporary staff are made by
factory production supervisors. Occasionally overtime is required of factory staff,
usually to fill gaps caused by staff holidays. Overtime reports which detail the amount
of overtime worked are sent out quarterly by the payroll department to production
supervisors for their review.
To encourage staff to attend work on time for all shifts Bronze pays a discretionary
bonus every six months to factory staff; the production supervisors determine the
amounts to be paid. This is communicated in writing by the production supervisors to
the payroll department and the bonus is input by a clerk into the system.
For employees paid by bank transfer, the payroll manager reviews the list of the
payments and agrees to the payroll records prior to authorising the bank payment. If
any changes are required, the payroll manager amends the records.
For employees paid in cash, the pay packets are prepared in the payroll department
and a clerk distributes them to employees; as she knows most of these individuals,
she does not require proof of identity.
(a) Identify and explain FIVE internal control STRENGTHS in Bronze
Industries Co’s payroll system. (5 marks)
This will ensure/ this will
Factory staff are each issued a sequentially This will ensure that the payroll
numbers clock card which details their employee clerk completely updated ALL
number and name.
employee working hours into
the payroll system/ no missing
employee working hours in the
system/ It will be easier to trace
if there is omission on the
payroll system.
Hence, the wages payment
made is only for hours actually
Clock card data links into the payroll system, which This will eliminate/prevent the
automatically calculates gross and net pay along risk of human error by the
with any statutory deductions.
calculation of net pay so that
employee will get the correct
amount of pay.
Thus, the amount is accurate
and no one will receive wrong
The payroll supervisor for each payment run This will ensure that if there is
checks on a sample basis some of these any error in the payroll system,
calculations to endure the system is operating the error can be detected and
corrected on timely basis.
Thus, the end calculation is
Bronze has a human resources department which There is separate function of
is responsible for setting up new permanent HR and payroll department.
employees and leavers.
This will avoid the risk of
inserted into the payroll system
and caused increase in payroll
This will ensure that the
payment is made for bona fide
Thus, will reduce risk of higher
unnecessary expenses.
Discretionary bonus is communicated in writing by As it is in writing rather than
the production supervisors to the payroll verbal this will avoid the risk of
payroll department wrongly key
Board minute meeting is > writing > verbal
in the amount of bonus as there
is reference available.
Hence risk of error will be
For employees paid by bank transfer the payroll This will ensure that Bronze
manager reviews the list of the payment and agrees only make payment to genuine
to the payroll records.
staff and any fictitious staff in
the payroll list can be detected.
If there is any error in the list of
account number, it can be
detected before making any
b) Identify and explain SIX internal control DEFICIENCIES in Bronze Industries
Co’s payroll system and provide a RECOMMENDATION to address each of these
deficiencies. (12 marks)
Employees swipe their cards at the The process of clock in and clock
beginning and end of the eight-hour shift out must be supervised by the
and this process is not supervised.
security guards/personnel.
When employees are not supervised,
there is risk that the employees are
swiping cards on behalf of their colleague
who is absent.
If it is not possible, install a CCTV
sat the clock in machine to monitor
the staff/to deter the staff from
clock in on behalf of others.
Thus, Bronze will incur extra cost to pay Install thumb print machine instead
for their wages.
of using clock in card
Employees are entitled to a 30-minute Employees should be allocated set
paid break and do not need to clock out break times and there should be a
to access the dining area.
supervisor/head of department
present to ensure that employees
The risk is that employees could be taking only take the breaks they are
excessive breaks.
entitled to.
Hence, there might be delay in production @ Although employees are not
process resulting in a decrease in required to clock out, they still need
productivity and increased payroll costs. to be supervised during the break
to ensure none of the employees
are taking excessive breaks
Although there is a human resources Appointments of temporary staff
department, appointments of temporary should be made by the factory
staff are made by factory production production
There is risk that the employees
appointed by production supervisor is not This is to ensure Bronze only
competent/not independent as they may appoint
appoint their friends despite being competent and legal to work at the
incompetent for the job/not allowed to company.
work due to national legislation
Hence, the company could pay wages for
poor work by their temporary employee.
The supervisor could appoint unsuitable
employees and may not carry out all the
required procedures for new recruits.
This could result in these temporary
employees not receiving the correct pay
and relevant statutory deductions.
Overtime reports which detail the amount
of overtime worked are sent out quarterly
by payroll department to production
supervisor for their review.
Any overtime required should be
reviewed by the production
supervisor MONTHLY, prior to the
the payment of salary/wages
There is the risk that these reports are
reviewed after the payment have been OT – production supervisor review
made which could result in unauthorised – pass to payroll department on a
overtime or amounts being paid monthly basis
incorrectly/ unauthorised OT paid/OT
claimed for hours not worked
Hence, Bronze's payroll cost increase.
The production supervisor is the one who
determine the bonus amount to be paid in
encouraging the staffs to attend on time
for all shift.
The bonus should be determined
by a more senior staff which is the
production director, not production
amount of
discretionary bonus decided by the
There is risk that the production director should be approved by
supervisors might act in their own board of directors
interest/bias towards some of the staff
such as increasing the discretionary Discretionary bonus must not be
bonus to certain employees only.
set by PS only. It must be
determined by PD and get the
Hence increasing the cost of payroll/ this board
goodwill/staff discretionary bonus
PS may determine amount to be
There is risk that the bonus is given to the paid but it must be reviewed for
worker that do not deserve it based on the reasonableness and approved by
work done. Hence increasing the cost of the board of directors
The bonus is communicated in writing by Input by the clerk must be
the production supervisors to the payroll reviewed
department and the bonus is input by a personnel. This will ensure that
clerk into the system.
bonus amount in the system
matches the agreed amount.
There is no indication of anyone
reviewing the clerk’s input work. There is A senior staff of payroll department
risk that he unintentionally makes should review the clerk’s work
mistake by entering wrong amount of the before
new bonus.
department for making payment.
Therefore, if there is any error in the
bonus amount, it will not be corrected and
staff may get higher or lower bonus than
as per agreed. This might cause staff
After reviewing the work done, the
senior staff should sign a relevant
Payroll manager performs too much task
on their own which are:
- Reviews the list of payments
- Agrees to the payroll records
- Authorising the bank payment
- If there are any changes required,
the payroll manager amends the
There is no segregation of duties for the
payroll manager.
The task performed by the payroll
manager should be split to few
other individuals such as another
senior payroll staff.
The amendments should be
authorised by payroll/HR director
before payment.
Therefore, this will increase the risk of
payroll manager involve in fraudulent @ Authorising the bank payment
should be done by personnel in the
finance department instead of
payroll manager.
For employees paid in cash, the pay There should be at least two
packets are prepared in payroll persons, a clerk and a senior staff
department and a clerk distributes them from other department, during
to employees.
distribution of pay packets to
There is a risk that the clerk responsible theft/misappropriation of cash.
misappropriate the cash in the pay The process of wages distribution
packet/There is risk of cash theft as she SHOULD BE DONE BY 2
is the only one who distributes the pay PEOPLE FROM THE PAYROLL
Hence, the wages received by employee
is insufficient and cause dissatisfaction of
As the payroll clerk knows most of these
individuals, she does not require proof of
One person will ensure the internal
controls are carried out by the first
The payroll clerk needs to ask for
proof of identification prior to giving
out the pay packet.
There is risk that without identity checks
wages could be paid to incorrect
employees /give out wrong pay
packet/accidentally distribute the wages
to wrong person/accidentally hand out
pay packets twice to the same person.
The staff who received the pay
packet should sign on control
name list.
Employee is prohibited to collect
the pay packets on behalf of
If there are absent employees
during payday, the uncollected pay
packets should be stored in a safe.
(c) Describe substantive ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES you should perform to
confirm Bronze Industries Co’s payroll expense. (3 marks)
1. Compare payroll amount for current year against prior year and investigate any
significant difference
2. Compare payroll amount for the current year against budgeted amount and
investigate any significant difference
3. Perform proof in total by comparing expected amount with the actual payroll
amount in FS and investigate any significant differences.