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Accreditation Remarks: Adaptability & Excellence

As for her closing remarks, Dr. Campiseno thanked the accreditors for their
candidness and she reiterated the fact the JRMSU family is bent on doing the
necessary adjustments and solutions to achieve excellence in education
based on the recommendations from the accreditors.
CSU President Anthony M. Penaso spoke about Darwin’s theory of adaptation, also known as
survival theory or survival of the fittest; the ability to adapt to changes in its environment and adjust
accordingly over time. He said, “The pandemic can never stop us from striving for quality and
excellence and CSU has no place for stagnation.” He stressed the relevance of adaptability,
flexibility, and persistence; that CSU must stretch its academic muscle to sustain its quality and high
performance as Center of Excellence and Center of Development; and in producing quality
graduates who make waves in the licensure examinations. He emphasized the importance of
working as one, that everyone is counted on, and everyone is appreciated. On a light note, today’s
first remote accreditation is the first ever in the history of CSU that we have attributed to Dr. Penaso
who himself is the first summa cum laude of CMU. He is known to have marked positive
Dr. Elizabeth A. Amurao, gave her closing remarks and expressed her gratitude to the accreditors for taking time to
be with TSU in this institutional survey visit despite their hectic schedules.
Dr. Amurao congratulated everyone for surviving the Institutional Accreditation process. "The dedication and
cooperation of the members of the administrative council is commendable. The commitment of everyone is most
manifested among the new focal persons, the new local counterparts. Boxes and boxes of documents were brought to
Room 105 for evaluation aside from the documents already prepared beforehand. Congratulations, you survived the
process and I am sure that the experience you gained in this exercise has equipped and made you even wiser in the
next visits to come," she remarked.
The results of the accreditation survey visit are expected to be released on December 14, 2017.
It pleases me greatly to show you how much we have changed from the first-round of institutional
accreditation, thanks to AACCUP’s recommendations. This is the reason why we have pushed hard
for the accreditation to take place. We all see this process, first, as a reunion of friends and
colleagues in the Philippine network of academes. Secondly, the AACCUP accreditation is a
gathering of leaders in promoting academic excellence who help each other out in ensuring that we
will give the best educational experience to the generation who will inherit this country.
In other words, we are all partners here, and that it is in this partnership that we can carry out
transformation of a greater scale.
I thank you all, once again, for joining us in creating history for VSU. My heartfelt gratitude to the
faculty and staff who spent sleepless nights for the realization of this activity. May we find the next
days truly rewarding and beneficial for us and our country.
Thank you.
Atty. Rebanal, in her welcome remarks, said, “ It is my pleasure to be in front of the esteemed
accreditors It has been an invigorating process to review seriously, what LU is doing right now; how
are we doing it and how we may do it better. The accreditation process will enable our educational
community, our educators, ours administrators, the members of the faculty, our students, the
parents, to critically assess our programs, to analyze our weaknesses, to thereby converting it to
strength, and ultimately prose actions, on areas that need improvement. 2019 marks the 13t year of
LU’s existence. In its 13th year, LU has changed the lives of our students, via academic and
extracurricular programs Lu has long started to be known on the community.”
She added, “If we really want to maintain that respect, maintain the recognition, and, if we really
want to progress towards the standards of excellence; continuous evaluation of our programs is
indeed necessary. That’s why we are very grateful and appreciative of this accreditation process.
We are thankful to all the members of ALCUCOA accreditors, for spending time and your effort to be
with us, to give us feedback, to give us insight on how we are to improve our system at LU. We
welcome the accreditation team as our ardent partners of our educational community. We certainly
know that your insights, your inputs and suggestions, your recommendation, because we certainly
know, that your insights, suggestions and would lead us to a better LAGUNA UNIVERSITY. “