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Muslim Family Role in Adolescent Pregnancy: A Review

Islamic Social Institutions
RKUD 3080
Semester 1 2020/2021
Section 1
Review on the Role of the Muslim Family in Dealing with Adolescent Out-of-Wedlock
Lecturer: Dr. Amilah Bt. Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh
Prepared By: Nurul Sahira Binti Mohd Azhari (1819476)
The title of the article which will be reviewed is The Role of The Muslim Family in Dealing
with Adolescent Out-of-Wedlock Pregnancy. This article has been published in December, 2014
and it is a section of Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. It is six pages long which
occupies page 101 until page 106. The objectives of the article are to identify the family aspect as
a cause which leads to out-of-wedlock pregnancy among youngsters and to analyse the
responsibility of the Muslim family in dealing with the crisis of teenagers’ out-of-wedlock
pregnancy. All the authors involve in this research are from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia who
is Salasiah Hanin Hamjah, Rosmawati Mohamad Rasit, Mohd. Al-Adib Samuri, Fariza Md. Sham,
Zainab Ismail and Zuliza Mohd Kusrin. This research has been designed as quantitative type
using the survey study mechanism which involves 50 respondents who have been selected in two
youngster shelter homes in Malaysia which are Raudhatus Sakinah and PERKID as sample study.
The respondents have been chosen by using the mechanism of convenience sampling. The data
has been collected using questionnaire form which being analysed by the researchers
descriptively with the assistance of software SPSS 20.0. The items in the form includes parents
engrossment with work leaves little attention and oversight, parents place a lot of trust in my
activities outside of home, degree of communication between parents and themselves is low on
problem sharing, parents are being nonchalant towards the mingling with males, parents do not
value or cultivate religious education in life, domestic mess led to a decision to leave home and
socialize and exposure to free sex behaviour by other family members, crave for their parents to
be commendable role models, implement sufficient religious discipline to them, keep an eye on
their activities, parents should take advisory and counselling assistance from family and religious
professionals in educating children.
Selection of the Article
Out of wedlock pregnancy refers to being pregnant before marriage which signifies that there
has been sexual intercourse between couples who are not married yet particularly youngsters in
this case. One of the reasons for selecting this article is because of the issue on pregnancy out of
wedlock specifically among teenagers in Malaysia is unquestionably concerning according to a
research that has been conducted. Based on the research, it is being shown that 25 per cent or
about 4,500 cases involve pregnancy out of wedlock out of an average of 18,000 teenage girls in
Malaysia get pregnant each year. According to the 2015 statistics of Ministry of Health, experts
from UM Specialist Centre (UMSC) said that they conclude that teenage pregnancy is on the
inflation even the latest figures have not been released. However, there are still many cases are
likely unreported, said UMSC obstetrician and gynaecologist, Associate Prof Dr Aizura Syafinaz
Ahmad Adlan. Based on these statements, without any doubts, this matter has to be observed and
it also has its own significant to be addressed because it is affecting and involving the society in
this country. This issue becomes a serious social disease and it become worse as years passed
because pregnancy out of wedlock also brings a lot of other problems such as baby dumping,
relationship breaking between the children and their family and mental issues.
Another consideration for choosing the article is because it points out connection between
adolescent pregnancy out of wedlock and family especially Muslim family. It is an undisputable
fact that Muslim family takes the largest divisions of the community in this state as majority of
the citizens are Muslims. No one in this universe is able to turn down the irrefutable fact which is
family is the single most valuable significance in a person's lifetime because children count on
their family to support their needs since their first stages of life. Other than that, family also is the
first established relationship in children’s life. The first exceptional models and educators for
children in how to experience the world around them and how to act are also the family. Families
play the part as an influential role by guiding and nurturing children during their early moments
of life. Passionate encouragement and support from the parents in constructing the progress and
development of the children resulting to the children blossom and flourishment. However, every
parent recognizes that it's troublesome every now and then to do this necessary task without any
assistance, help, and supplementary capabilities. The family also has their own part whenever
things gone wrong in their family or to any of the family members, in this case, the issues on out
of wedlock pregnancy by the children. Therefore, it is really important to focus on the role of the
family in dealing with this specific concern, so it can be taken seriously as it is already stated in
this article.
Summary of the Article
According to the article, one of the factors which most agreed among the respondents is level of
communication between them and their parents is low in terms of problem-sharing. The next most
agreed factor among the respondents is a high level of trust that their parents have in them for
activities outside of the home and little attention and oversight from parents because of their
preoccupation with work. Further, there are also some respondents admitted that they leave home
and socialize because of the domestic crisis, the neglect of their parents to emphasize or inculcate
religious education in their life, the lack of worry from their parents regarding their mixing with
men, the exposure to free sex by family members and their parents kicked them out of home
when they got pregnant.
There is no doubt that their responds indicate that they will be able to refrain themselves from
being drawn into deep-rooted social illness with the presence of a conversation within the family
which is remarkably significant. The article mentioned that the finding is on the same page with a
study that the absence of proximity between the youngsters and their parents is one of the
circumstances which lead to out-of-wedlock pregnancy. The finding point out that one of the
causes for out-of-wedlock pregnancy is parent. Adolescents do not turn over or share things that
trouble them because of the weak relationships with parents.
The article also highlighted that the research results also disclose that youngsters feel that they
are being ignored hence they demand attention and care from their parents who are too engrossed
with job. Being exceptionally engaged with work has demanded parents to count on their children
concerning their actions outside of the home without recognizing that the independence that has
been given has jeopardised the well being of adolescents and endanger them to the social disease
of unrestricted mingling without being supervised by the parents.
In addition, the article also stated that the results also revealed that domestic mess affects the
youngsters to reach a resolution to leave home and socialize. This choice is made by the
adolescents themselves since they can no longer deal with how severe the domestic troubles have
become at their home, so they speculate that they may stay away from the mess by being outside
of the home and mingle freely since there is no parental supervision.
Another aspect which contributes to out-of-wedlock pregnancy among adolescents which has
been pointed out is the absence of sufficient religious teaching that should be provided by parents.
In addition to that, the parents were being nonchalant regarding the mingling of their daughters
with males without any restrictions. In this circumstance, the youngsters are inclined increasingly
to indulge in their desires to the degree of committing fornication and ending up pregnant out-of–
wedlock. The matter which leads them to carry out such behaviour is because of their
unconcerned parents and there is no exposure concerning the message which conveys the
restriction against unrestricted mingling between males and females.
The article also stated that there are also adolescents who are being exposed to unrestricted sex
practice by family members such as their own sisters, brothers, mother or father. This statement
apparently points out that shortcoming of competent religious discipline in the family will bring
violation of religious rules such as uncontrolled mingling, free sex, fornication and disregard of
the obligation to impart ethical qualities in children.
Other than that, the article also stated the recommendations from the respondents for their
respective families based on their encounter of unrestricted mingling which contributing to out-of
wedlock pregnancy. Majority of them crave for their parents to be commendable role models.
This concern was emphasized in a study which revealed that parents should be committed to be
exceptional models to their children. If children are only educated with love without parents
display this loving demeanour in all situations of lifestyle, the consequence would be equivalent
to the crab telling its young to walk straight while the crab itself only walking sideways. This
issue was also accentuated in a study concerning the mechanism of cultivating children by parents
who should act as admirable role models. This is far-reaching because the individuality and
identity of children in the future relies much on ethical discipline from the parents particularly at
In addition, the article discovers that one of the duties that a Muslim family can carry out to
overpower this social disease is to implement sufficient religious discipline to children. Most of
the respondents also resolutely acknowledged that their parents must provide enough religious
education for them. The article mentioned that religious discipline from an early age will be a
substantial restraint against indecent behaviours such as fornication. Islam rigidly rules out
fornication because it is a major sin which is cursed by Allah. It is also a disreputable action with
unfavourable after-effects which dismantle social institutions. In order to guide the children to
differentiate between advantageous and destructive stuffs, implementation of religious education
is uncommonly significant.
The article also stated emphasized on religious education for children. It has been mentioned
that a child will obtain contentment in this world and hereafter and will flourish valuable
characters when they used to such traits but it will disappear and be miserable when it is
abandoned to itself and accustomed to degrading characteristics. This perspective undoubtedly
demonstrates that religious discipline in familiarizing children with ethical manner portrays a
positive function towards instilling and maintaining righteous demeanour and benevolent
encouragement such as assisting one another, tolerance, patience, truthfulness and obedience to
Allah which has been pointed out in a study. The significance of religious education for children
is also has been recognized by Western scholars who declared that religion is a noteworthy
component in adolescence. Religion may also be a stronghold against the crime, HIV infection,
AIDs, out-of-wedlock pregnancy and spread of substance abuse.
Further, another role of the Muslim family in overcoming adolescent pregnancy is to keep an
eye on children’s activities. This issue must be taken critically by parents for them to recognize
children’s movements while they are not present at home. Parents also required in identifying
their children’s acquaintances because friends gravitate to determine the future and conduct of
children. A study discovered that the influence of acquaintances cannot be taken mildly in
constructing the manner and thinking of youth.
A number of respondents also advocate that the family institution, exceptionally parents should
take advisory and counselling assistance from family and religious professionals in educating
children. This view is on the same page with a study that revealed that the counselling procedure
is necessary to overcome the issue of pregnant unwedded youngsters through the capability of
family intervention. This approach is being practiced to pregnant unmarried adolescents by
alleviating unreasonable emotional response of parents and concentrating on how utmost to hand
over physical and emotional support to the affected youngsters. The family may become more
tolerant to explore possible alternatives and settle the trouble when the crisis is cleared up.
Critical Analysis of the Article
Presentation of the materials in the article has been done clearly, with accuracy and in order
since the data which has been collected through the survey study is descriptively analysed. In
particular, the results that came from the survey have been organised and presented accurately,
have been analysed and discussed according with proper procedure and technique. Other than that,
the materials are also reliable because there are evidences from various sources and earlier studies
which have been conducted to support and back up the results. The information and indications
from other studies which have been explained in the article are evidences in enhancing and
strengthening the acquired results from the survey. In addition, those statements which have been
presented are specific and credible to be considered as strong supports, so the results from the
survey are neither baseless nor groundless. The statements and explanations in the article are also
valid enough because there is no controversy about it and the sources which come from journals
and books are credible. A credible source is materials or elements which do not contain any
biases, inclinations or prejudices and also backed up and supported by evidences and proofs. In
the first place, credible sources are a significant and important matter which cannot be taken
lightly since the quality of the information mentioned is also determined by the sources.
Additionally, since the intended audiences are Muslim families in Malaysia, the contents and
the usage of languages are clear-cut for the crowds to grasp the essence in the article. There are
no usages of bombastic words or difficult phrases that can make subject matter are difficult to be
understood and comprehended by whoever is reading the article. Furthermore, the contents in the
article has been organised neatly because the results has been explained one by one in each
paragraph followed by the facts which emphasised the truth of the result. The way of the contents
has been organised are really effective for the audiences to comprehend and appreciate the
messages which meant to be delivered throughout the article. Accordingly, the article also has its
own appeal and interest to the particular crowds who has been mentioned earlier because of the
reasons and justifications which has been stated before.
It has been established that parents are one the cause of out of wedlock pregnancy among
adolescents as stated in the results gathered from the youngsters themselves. The factors are
absence of proximity between the youngsters and their parents, the parents who are too engrossed
with their career that make teenagers to feel overlooked and crave for attention, domestic
problems that lead youngsters to make the decision to leave home and socialize and absence of
competent religious teaching which should be provided by parents who are nonchalance towards
the matter of daughters mingling with males without any restrictions.
There is no doubt that all the issues which have been specified in the article are valid matters
which trigger and lead the youngsters to end up with a pregnancy before marriage. They have
answered the questionnaire based on their personal experiences which indicates that the issues
which have been stated in the article are really happening in this country. Most of the times, the
troubles that happen to the youngsters are rooted from the home, in other word, family because
they spend most of their time and moments with their respective family. A person is influenced
by their surroundings, so to put it in another way, the teenagers behave certain ways because of
their surrounding which are mostly the circumstances of their family. Most agreed cause among
the youngsters which leads them to involve in out of wedlock pregnancy is the absence of
proximity between them and their parents in problems sharing. There is nothing to differ because
a problem sharing and strong connection between parents and children is indeed plays a big role
in regulating and to monitor the life of the children better. Problems sharing that exist between
them will make parents know and recognise their children more, so they can provide exceptional
advices and sort out the best solutions together.
Next most agreed factor which is worth to be highlighted is the parents who are too engrossed
with their career that make teenagers feel overlooked hence they crave for attention. There is no
contradiction to the statement because it really happens; they assume that they will get their
parents’ attentions only if they create a mess, in this case, being pregnant before the marriage.
This situation happens because of parents who neglect their children and not paying attention to
them because of their works without realising that their children involve in troubles.
As a matter of fact, the article also pointed out the responsibility of the Muslim family in
handling the crisis of unmarried pregnant youngsters. The roles which should be played by the
Muslim family that have been stated in the article are the parents should be excellent examples to
their children, the sufficient religious teaching should be provided to the children, the value of
techniques in cultivating a child, the significance of religious teaching for children, the
importance in monitoring the movement of the children, the significance of the parents to be
concern in the matter of their children’s acquaintances and the way of family intervention.
A thing to remember is that all roles that have been mentioned are simply the responsibilities
which should be carried out by the family to make sure the institution of the family is strong.
Hence, there is no disagreement or opposing point that can be presented regarding the roles that
have been stated since there are truthfulness and authenticity in those statements. Unfortunately,
not every family take note of these matters and just brush it away, so they let their children by
themselves without realising these issues will create many problems to them. A key point in the
article is providing competent religious teaching for the children which is a main role of the
Muslim family in dealing with this trouble since it is really meaningful in life. Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: I have left behind me two things, if you cling to
them you will never go astray. They are the book of Allah and my Sunnah. Therefore, it is true
that parents must educate their children with Islamic teachings which are based on the Quran and
the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) because they will never go astray.
Salasiah Hanin Hamjah, Rosmawati Mohamad Rasit, Mohd. Al-Adib Samuri, Fariza Md. Sham,
Zainab Ismail & Zuliza Mohd Kusrin. (2014). The Role of the Muslim
Family in Dealing
with Adolescent Out-of-Wedlock Pregnancy. Mediterranean
Journal of Social Science,
5(29), 101-106. https://doi.org/10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n29p101