AGENDA: Finish mondial program introduction meeting to Misungwi district in Mwanza region Location: Misungwi district conference hall Date: 09 march 2021 Objective of the meeting To introduce FINISH Mondial program define targets and deliverables for 2021 The meeting was held at misungwi district hall on 9th march 2021 and started at 10:00am by district health officer welcoming all participants of the meeting from different department of the district to introduce and also welcoming Eng Kazingoma to introduce member from finish mondial program. A total number of 44 participants were attended at the meeting AGENDA of the meeting I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. registration and introduction objective of the meeting existing situation of the selected wards introduction of finish mondial program targets of the program General discussion way forward closing Existing situation of the selected wards DHO of misungwi started by pointing all selected wards which was 12wards and 54 villages will direct benefit with the ptroject. Introduction of finish mondial Mr. Christopher Ndangala finish mondial coordinator started by introducing finish mondial approach as( Financial inclusion improves sanitation and health) as public private partinership between communities, , government, entrepreneurs and financies(diamond model approach) with its four domain (financial inclusion,private sector and demand creation).also he continue by elaborating sanitation ladder by pointing safely managed toilet with all criteria as improved toilet with cheap value .some of the villages were practicing Open Defecation he insisted at the end of the project all villages will get certificate of ODF He mentioned Equity bank for supporting sanitation services and grassroots financial institution on the technology technology suggested is VIP&VIDP and at each ward the program will construct one sample toilet so as to motivate toilet construction he defned FINISH mondial as Targets of the program Name of Indicator Target for 2021 # CHWs trained 165 # of Local Fundi (Masonry) Trained 48 # of government staffs trained 15 # of GFI (taasisi za kijamii za fedha) 32 # of Policy Makers Engaged 35 # of people reached with the new/improved sanitation facilities) # of Household Visited by CHWs and Project Staffs # of new constructed/renovated improved toilets 18,750 3,000 4,000 General discussion ward councilor from mbarika was thanked for the project to come to them then he was requisting quick reaction on signing of MOU in order to project to start also ward concilor of mabuki was asked on the procedure of getting loans Objective of the meeting eng Kazingoma briefly started by showing existing scoping report conducted in September 2019 in Ilemela MC, Mwanza CC, Misungwi, Sengerema and Magu DC. the report shows Below 50% had Improved toilets facilities and motives of Hygiene:18.2% with functional hand washing points and running water and in Sanitation financing: Slow uptakes of financial loans and sanitation enterprises due to limited knowledge and Limited innovative skills and practice in also sanitation economy or circular economy from sanitation value chain and lastly Low Government priorities on sanitation investments, creates challenges towards improved sanitation Then he showed finish mondial objectives To create demand for improved sanitation facilities through improved behaviour change interventions To improve quality of sanitation service provision through increased availability and affordability of sanitation products and services (supply chain) at village level To promote and strengthen sanitation business and markets, leading to efficient and effective delivery of inclusive and sustainable sanitation services To increase financing mechanisms in sanitation sector through public private partnership To increase knowledge and practice in FSM-CE way forward signing of Memorandum of understanding (MOU) Training of local (FUNDI) masons training to community health workers engagement to grassroots financial institution Closing Lastly district medical officer(DMO) thanked Amref and Hach for the finish mondial project and insisted to all leader to own the project and postponed the meeting at 11:00am