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BCG Matrix Formulas: Relative Market Share & Growth Rate

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BCG Matrix Formulas
BCG Matrix, Metrics
There are relatively few calculations required in order to construct e ective BCG matrix.
Probably the most di cult decision is to de ne the market – as there are often numerous
ways of de ning the market, as is further discussed below.
In terms of constructing the BCG matrix after the market de nition, there are two calculations
required, namely relative market share and market growth rate.
Relative market share formula
Relative market share is the rm’s or brands market share is an index of its largest
competitor. In this way, relative market share becomes a measure of competitive strength.
The formula for calculating relative market share is as follows:
Relative market share = rm’s market share/largest competitor’s market share
For example, if a rm has a market share of 20% and their largest competitor has a 40%
market share, then the rm’s relative market share would be 0.5 (that is, 20%/40%).
As another example, if a rm was the market leader and had a market share of 30% and their
next largest competitor had a market share of 20%, then their relative market share would be
1.5 (30%/20%) – or one and a half times the share of their next largest competitor.
Important note: Given the construction of the relative market share metric, there can only
ever be ONE brand or rm that would have a relative market share greater than one – with the
vast majority of brands or rms in the marketplace having a relative market share of less than
one. This point gives rise to the most e ective way of classifying between cash cows and dogs
and between stars and question marks – as is discussed below in the section on what level of
relative market share to use when graphing the BCG matrix.
Unit market share versus dollar market
It is possible to calculate relative market share – the bottom or horizontal axis of the BCG
matrix – by using dollar market share instead of unit market share.
Traditionally, relative market share has been calculated using unit market share. This is
because the underlying principle was that a high relative market share delivered pro tability
through the experience curve bene ts – which gave the rm a cost leadership advantage.
Therefore, cash cows were businesses that had relatively high unit margins and were able to
compete on price and generate signi cantly more pro ts than less e cient players with a
small market share.
The model was also developed primarily for the purpose of industrial based conglomerates, in
an era where price and promotion were more prevalent and the rate of technology change was
slow – resulting in more stable industries.
However, in more recent times, speed of technology change has dramatically increased and
there also signi cant di erences in price points between o erings. For example, Apple in the
smart phone market primarily competes at the premium end and do not o er budget based
BCG Matrix Formulas - THE Marketing Study Guide
mobile phones. As a consequence, it would be probably more appropriate for an organization
such as Apple to use dollar market share if they were to utilize a BCG matrix.
Market growth rate
Calculating the market growth rate for the BCG matrix, a simple year on year growth rate is
typically utilized. This would be calculated by:
Market growth rate = total market unit sales in current year/total market unit sales in
previous year
As an example, if total unit sales in this year was 11 million – across all brand/ rms – and in
the previous year total unit sales was 10 million, then the year on year market growth rate is
equal to 10% (that is, 11m/10m).
Annual calculation required
Because a year on year growth rate is being utilized, it becomes necessary to recalculate this
metric for the purposes of the BCG matrix each year. This is important because it also allows
the tracking of the portfolio over time.
As highlighted at the start of this article, to e ectively calculate relative market share and
market growth rate, the rm needs to make a strategic decision about what market it is in?
While this may sound a silly question at rst, it gets back to a “where to compete?” strategic
question. As an example, Burger King may see themselves as competing in the fast food
market only – whereas McDonald’s may see themselves competing in the broader market of
fast food, diners and restaurants. Therefore, their calculations of relative market share and
market growth rate will defend as a consequence and generate di erent outcomes on the BCG
Further Resources
Visit All About the BCG Matrix (a related website)
Excel template for calculating relative market shares
Market share in the BCG Matrix
Market concentration
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