11/02/2020 %Buyers Analysis %Buyers All | Category: | Quarter Y01 Q4 | Brand | Ginko Drink Volume Ambrosia × Retrieved data — %Buyers : Ginko Drink : Joka : Oct-Dec '01 Sample: All=2080, Price=384, Functional=562, Health=520, Connoisseur=614. %Buyers for Ginko Drink, Joka, Oct-Dec '01 ⇕ %Buyers 24 %Buyers 18 12 6 0 All Connoisseur Functional Health Price Segments ⇅ Segment %Buyer Buyers (%) Volume (%) Value (%) Population (%) All 21.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Connoisseur 24.0 32.5 34.6 34.4 29.5 Functional 20.0 24.8 24.0 24.1 27.0 Health 22.3 25.6 24.0 24.1 25.0 Price 20.2 17.1 17.3 17.4 18.5 Sample: All=2080, Price=384, Functional=562, Health=520, Connoisseur=614. %Buyer: % of homes buying - Ginko Drink. Buyer(%), Volume(%), Value(%), Population (%): Break-Up in terms of buyers, volume, value and Population. https://www.ashokcharan.com/modules/consumer-analytic.php?demo=BY 1/1