Leadership Qualities: Pope Francis Example

Group 3
• P-atient
• o-ptimistic
• p-ositive attitude
• e-nthusiastic
• F-aithful
• r-espectful to others
• a-bility to delegate
• n-ice
• c-ourage
• i-ntegrity
• s-ense of humor
He articulates a clear vision
•This is something that the Pope
did from the moment of his
election. Humility would define
him and his papacy, and he made
it as clear as crystal.
His Entire Life is an Example
• Pope Francis lives very modestly. But that
is only the beginning of the Pope Francis
leadership memoir. He also does many
things that he wants other members of
the clergy to do in order to signal to the
world that his vision is a more pastoral,
more open and loving Church.
He Does what Feels Right, Not What
Others Want to Hear
• This is a stand-out trait given today's 24-hour,
cable news, TMZ- YouTube news cycle. Think of
the politicians of today. The vast majority of
leaders pander to cameras and constituencies.
Not so with Pope Francis. I guess you can say that
he panders to one person: Jesus Christ.
Everything he does is an attempt to give the
underdogs of our society a leg up. His entire focus
is on opening the church door wider so that he
and the members of the clergy he leads can heal
He Executes with Precision
• The best leaders know that nothing is done well
unless the leader executes in a timely and
effective manner. This is another area in which
the pope shines. Since the outset of his papacy he
has made few wrong moves. He has signaled to
the LGBT community that they are welcome; he
did the same thing with divorcees and spouses of
divorcees. He has transformed a cold and scolding
church into a warm and welcoming one.