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Joint Trial Statement Guide for Pro Se Litigants

Joint Trial Statement – Pro Bono Legal Self Help
Pro Bono Legal Self Help
Helping Pro Se Litigants
Joint Trial Statement
Joint Trial Statement
The Expert was Deceived by the Ponzi:
The Legal Matter
related to proving that the Expert was Deceived by the Ponzi is simple to
understand but there are many di erent parties and di erent levels of Mens Rea.
The premise in the Joint Trial Statement is basically a simple translation of
code from one Expert to the next until you nd the Expert that has the most
signi cant contribution and was clearly deceived because they are not a state bar
It is stated that a Lay Person cannot understand what the PONZI is
doing in the Caterpillar Court. However, when the matter is presented to the
Expert, there is no explaination as to how the alleged “harmless error of
omission” shall be used.
Caterpillar Court Rules:
You need to nd the Local
Rules and also be very familiar with the Rules of Civil Procedure and the Evidence
It is recommended that you complete a Joint Trial Statement prior to
ling. However, if you need to take a shortcut, you can le the General
Statement with a Notice of Intention in order to preserve your right to sue and to
provide the Opposing Counsel with an opportunity to either Respond or to Object.
Meet and Confer Letter Process:
Providing a series of
Letters that meet the standard of a Pleading or a Motion where you can provide
the Opposing Counsel with your Memorandum and Points of Authorities as they
are developed.
Anything that you Establish Cause of Action to in the Meeting
Minutes, would be admissible because you can take a Request for Judicial Notice
to and admit all of the Meeting Minutes.
However, be advised that the Opposing
Counsel will attempt to state that the Meeting Minutes were not properly served.
You need to have a Proof of Service that stands up to the most critical Caterpillar
Joint Trial Statement – Pro Bono Legal Self Help
Court. In a Color of Law Violation, the assumption is that the Pro Se Litigant is
not of Sui Juris Capacity.
As such, the extreme Abuse of Process that is so
blatant that it almost becomes a Comedy of Errors. The Color of Law almost
becomes completely Biased with Extreme Prejudice like it is a modern day
Cruci xion.
Pro Se Litigants are Not Favored:
In many cases,
a Pro Se Litigant is looked at as if they are non existent and are summarily
ignored without consideration or any Discretion.
The assumption should be
that the Caterpillar Court will be completely Biased toward the Opposing Counsel
and completely in favor of their Cause of Action and will deny you any of the
Material Evidence that would allow you to Establish a Cause of Action for your
Petition. In fact, a majority of Pro Se Litigants will not have a Cause of Action at
all. They may not even have a valid response or know the Local Rules and the
Rules of Civil Procedure and especially the Evidence Code. So the court will
engage in Extrinsic Fraud and Fraud Upon the Court easily against the Baby Lamb
with the Broken Leg.
In time, through the Abuse of Process within a Color of
Law Violation the Caterpillar Court just takes a bit more every time you enter the
Caterpillar Court and there is yet another action being addressed against you.
is noteworthy, that if you had a Petition and it was su
cient, it would be delayed
on the basis that the Expert or Fiduciary or Guardian Ad Litem or any other Court
Appointed individual that is viewed by the Caterpillar Court as an Authority and
immediately granted 100% Immunity for their actions and are allowed to make
Material Misrepresentations at an Ex Parte Hearing that you were never even
served with Notice.
In many cases the alleged Expert Witness would provide
only US Mail to an address that you do not reside at or a Prior Address. You may
hear about the hearing in a Voicemail that is sent at midnight the day of the
hearing at 8:30 a.m sharp.
So this is what you should expect.
Preparing Your Memorandum:
If you learn
to write proper Memorandum and Points of Authorities would put you in a
leadership position and the Caterpillar Court and the Wolf-pack would most
likely be careful to play games with the Abuse of Process. If you are able to
prepare your Memorandum through the Meeting Minutes, you will have provided
the opposing side with an opportunity and an obligation to respond to the
Meeting Minutes.
If you are careful in the process, you will be able to avoid
Joint Trial Statement – Pro Bono Legal Self Help
sanctions for not meeting the court process because the Opposing Counsel may
not have properly responded to the Meet and Confer Letters.
Joint Trial Statement:
The Joint Trial Statement allows the parties to
prepare a single statement to the court that allows the Trial Court to accurately
establish what is needed to proceed in the trial.
The JTS is much like a script
that provides the parties and the judge a working model for how the Trial will
Separate Trial Statement:
In many cases, the Joint Trial Statement is
required to establish unity as to the matters at hand. However, when an
Attorney of Record is competing with a Pro Se Litigant, there is absolutely no
It is highly unlikely that the Attorney of Record will allow the Pro
Se Litigant any input into the Joint Trial Statement hoping that the court will
overlook the Pro Se Litigant’s Cause of Action and possibly not admit their
evidence or their witnesses.
Typically, the Attorney of Record will provide the
court with an alleged Joint Trial Statement with almost none of the inputs from
the Pro Se Litigant leaving the court to make a decision on any of the inputs that
the Pro Se Litigant has included and were intentionally excluded by the Attorney
of Record.
Rules for Pro Se Litigants
Preparing a Separate Trial Statement:
Take in the alleged Joint Trial
Statement that opposing counsel provides in Google Docs by stripping out all of
the words directly. This means that you will use a PDF Editor that allows you to
convert the PDF to text.
Recreate the opposing counsel’s document in a text
Input your inputs and provide the court with a Joint Trial Statement.
Do not expect opposing counsel to assist you in this process by merely providing
you with the (*.doc) le.
That would be too easy.
likely be highly uncooperative at this point.
Opposing counsel will most
That is par for the course.
Pitfalls of Pro Se Litigation
Withholding of Critical Information Until Trial:
When competing as a
Pro Se Litigant, keep in mind that it is all about admissible evidence and Facts in
Typically when there are Motions to Strike, Motions for Summary
Judgment, Order to Show Cause during the Law and Motion Phase, it is all about
the Attorney of Record attempting to admit evidence and to exclude your
Now in the Trial Phase the key strategic issue is to attempt to exclude
your evidence via Motion in Limine and to admit critical evidence that was
previously withheld at Trial.
Motion in Limine
Joint Trial Statement – Pro Bono Legal Self Help
Star Witness with Compelling Oral Testimony:
The simplest way to
include such evidence that was adamantly withheld is to have a star witness that
was listed very early on but never made a written declaration.
At trial the star
witness, who is usually an authority gure in the matter, that will testify orally to
facts that will cause a verdict in their favor.
The evidence was withheld during
discovery and never addressed during Meet and Confer process.
As such, the
Pro Se Litigant was deprived of the opportunity to object or even know that said
information even existed until it is presented orally during the witness
testimony. Usually there is a piece of evidence that is included that merely
alludes to the fact, but his not clear until the oral testimony at Trial.
At that
point the Attorney of Record will openly disclose that the information was not
only clearly disclosed, but was disclosed by the star witness.
In many cases,
the Pro Se Litigant can predict what this information will be and can provide a
Motion in Limine in advance predicting the scenario.
Facts in
Witness List:
It is highly likely that the Attorney of Record is planning a
surprise attack at the Trial.
In this manner, the star witness is someone of
authority that will present testimary evidence at trial in oral format. As such,
the opposing counsel failed to provide a written statement in discovery and
objected to said evidence on the basis that it was not available at the time.
However, said evidence is most likely related to the Gravamen of the Complaint.
List of Exhibits:
Motion in Limine:
Statement of Uncontested Facts:
Statement of Contested Matters:
Separate Trial Statement:
Duty to Meet and Confer:
Notice to Cure and Attempts to Resolve Matters:
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