I, Enterprise Manager When I think about myself to be as an Enterprising Manager, I cherish to have the below listed principles and qualities. 1. Leadership Qualities Managers are to be the leaders. It is the most important principle for me to possess leadership qualities. With these pair of words, I mean I will have to have the courage of taking responsibilities of my team and co-workers work. I will have to show my co-workers the path when it is hard to find. I will have to take the initiatives sometimes when it is necessary. I will have to accept the failure as it is the ultimate outcome sometimes. I will have to lead by examples sometimes. I will prefer people for my team who possesses more leadership qualities. 2. Nourishing and Cherishing Creativity I will try to make my co-workers and myself as creative as possible. There is no alternative to be creative to survive in present tough business fraternity. I will put creativity on the first place to bring out any solution to a problem. I will prefer creative people when I choose or select my coworkers or team mates. Having creative persons in my team will allow me to get out of the box solutions which will us help to boost our business. I will encourage my team mates to try innovative and creative ideas. I will provide them the assurance that nobody will be held responsible if he/she fails during trying something unique. 3. Remunerating and Praising Properly Motivations and inspirations bring great outcome. I will make sure that my team mates get honest and proper remuneration they deserve. I will also make sure that every effort from them gets praised. These things will motivate and inspire my co-workers towards the goal. It will make them happy, and people bring out their best when they are happy. Every person works so that he/she gets the value. We can measure this value in economic and appraisal scale. When we can provide proper value to a person, we can unleash his/her real qualities. 4. Making Environment Work Friendly I will make the environment work friendly for my colleagues. Friendly working environment is very crucial for high performance. We do not perform well when we are being put in an unfriendly atmosphere. Having a good co-operation with team mates and managers helps people to reach the target smoothly. Every person should feel mentally relaxed and recharged when they are at their work place to perform well. I have personally experienced how hard it can be to work in a hostile environment. 5. High Degree of Flexibility Everybody expects some flexibility from his/her manager or team leader. Nowadays, people love to enjoy flexibility at their workplace. The focal point is always high performance. If any employee can complete his/her task working 7 hours a day in place of 8, why cannot he/she go home little bit early? If anyone can complete his/her project 1 or 2 days early, why cannot he/she get a day off? In this modern era, we have to be flexible to be a good manager or leader. I will also keep a balance between allowing flexibility and unnecessary excuses. 6. Allowing Enough Time to Perform Every task will ask for a certain amount of time to be performed. I will allow my co-workers enough time for every task to fulfill. To get better outcome, it is always necessary that we give it a good time. Unnecessary pressure about time always creates mistakes. I will evaluate properly about the time needed for each task before handing it over to my colleagues. I will also discuss with them about the duration allowed for the particular task. I will not impose anything without having any discussion. 7. Treating Equally I will treat all my co-workers equally. I will not do any partiality while taking any decision related to work. I will not be biased to any of my team mates according to gender, nationality or ethnicity. Only performance and previous work history with our business will be the reason behind any decision. I will distribute the duties accordingly among my co-workers so that we can get the best result. I will be honest to everyone about deserving remuneration and applause. Being treated equally will also make my team mates relieved. They will find it easier to put their best. 8. Emphasizing on Both Way Communication I will make sure that the communication works both up and down way with my co-workers. I will encourage my team mates to come to me with valuable inputs. I will not only order them something and let them work like machines. I would like them to give me feedback time to time when necessary so that we can do the corrections needed. One way communication is never healthy for a business. It does not help to rectify a mistake during an ongoing task. Most of the work process rectifications and we understand it better during the process. Only proper communication can help us to find out the exact solution. 9. Adaptability To be adaptable to any change is one of the biggest quality and principle to a manager and leader. I will be adaptable to all sort of technical, organizational, cultural changes. I will also help my team mates to be adaptable to any kind of necessary changes. Adaptability to changes will enable us to enjoy all kinds of facilities of new technologies and structural changes in business. Necessary trainings and workshops will take place to help my co-workers more flexible to adapt changes. 10. Sharing & Caring Mentality I will be sharing the import information with my team mates frequently. It will help them to update themselves. At the same time I will also encourage them to share the available information and resources among the team. I will be caring for my co-workers as well. I will oversee that they are not in any kind of trouble which hamper performance. My team mates will also care for each other. My team will hold a family mentality towards their colleagues. Conclusion: I have reached to a decision to add these principles for me as an Enterprise Manager under the light of my previous work experiences along with the studies of the materials we were provided during this course. I also have studied Henri Fayol’s “14 Principles of Management” to match my ideas with it. During this essay, I considered myself as an Enterprise Manager. I really found this qualities and principles very Important for me.