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Homework Set #2: PLC Review Questions & Problems

Homework Set #2
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Chapter 2 Review Questions
3a. A rack is referred to as a remote rack when it is located away
from the processor module.
3b. In order to minimize the amount of wiring required.
6. Bit leve laddressing specifies a discrete device that is connected to
a specific terminal. Word level addressing soecifies an analof device
connected to a module that uses aword of information.
15. the backplane supplies current and voltage for the modules from
the power supply.
21. Transistor.
27. Voltage sensing, Current sensing.
40. Allow transfer of control to the second processor in the event of a
processor fault.
Chapter 2 Problems
4a. I1: 1.2/05
4B. O0: 2.0/03
5.if the input supply is still connected to the circuit, the device
connected to the output will get supply. No disconnection.