Uploaded by CARLA CUISON

Math A

Content Standard
• Reading and Writing 1- to – 9 digit numbers.
Performance Standard
● Is able to recognize and represent whole numbers up to 10, 000, 000 in various form and context.
• Uses divisibility rules 4, 8, 11, 12 to find common factors.
• Read numbers correctly
• Write numbers in standard from and in words accurately and work cooperatively in a group
• Understanding the place value of numbers to express and write whole numbers in different
( standard, word and Expended )
• Read the number of combinations and writes.
• Express and compare the base the ten million between numbers correctly identifying place value.
• Write the following in words and in numerals.
• In what situation to think deeper about a subject without them knowing that they are doing it.
• values of numbers are determined by the order in which they are written.
• What is Difference value to right whole numbers.
• Why is rounding off whole numbers important
• How is a number expressed or represented in defferent forms?
• How does one read write large whole numbers?
• nine hundred thirty- one = 931
• 10+ 10+ 10+ 2+2=__ 30+ 4= __
• 3 hundreds + 7 tens + 8 ones= __ 3×100+ 7×10+ 8= __
• ( 1st= first) ( 1= one)
•( 9-1) (8-10s) ( 7-100s) ( 6- 1000s) ( 5- 10,000s) ( 4- 100,000s) ( 3-1,000,000s) ( 2- 10,000,000s )
( 1 – 100,000,000s)
• 16 / 4 × 4= 16 divisible by 4
• 924 / 9 -2 + 4 = 7+ 4 = 11 without a remainder.
What can you see on the board? Picture of Numbers. Very good last time we talk about place value . How
about divisible by 4, 8, 11, 12 How is it written in words? Divisible means can be divided exactly without a
remainder divisible of 4 a number is divisible by 4 if the last two digits is a multiple of 4 or if the numbers
and in two zeros.
• divisibility rule for 8 a number is divisible by 8 if the last three digits is a multiple of 8 or if a number
ends in three zeros.
• divisibility rule 11 for a number is divisible by 11 if it is divisible.
• divisibility rules 12 a number is divisible by 12 if it is divisible by both 3 and 4 because a number is
divisible by 12.
• After teaching the student divisibility, I will give their activity so that they can answer it. After they
answer, I will call the students to answer on the board what they did and then I will see who got the
correct answer. theirs.
• after their activity i will count 10 groups and i will choose who will be their Leaders they should all i
will answer which of them will get ten points they will be the winner
• What I have made divisible will help the child so that they can better understand it and they will
know their ability and I wonder if they really understand it.
Carla Cuison P.