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Discrete Structures Exam: Probability, Sets, Graphs

Let A and B be any two arbitrary events then which one of the following is true ?
P( A intersection B) = P(A). P(B)
P(A union B) = P(A) + P(B)
P(AB) = P(A intersection B). P(B)
P(A union B) >= P(A) + P(B)
If X and Y be the sets. Then the set ( X - Y) union (Y- X) union (X intersection Y ) is
equal to?
X union Y
Xc union Yc
X intersection Y
Xc intersection Yc
If G is an undirected planer graph on n vertices with e edges then ?
None of these
Which of the following statement is false ?
G is connected and is circuitless
G is connected and has n edges
G is minimally connected graph
G is circuitless and has n-1 edges
Probability that two randomly selected cards from a set of two red and two black
cards are of same color is ?
None of these
The number of circuits that can be created by adding an edge between any two
vertices in a tree is ?
Exactly one
At least two
In a tree between every pair of vertices there is ?
Exactly one path
A self loop
Two circuits
n number of paths
The minimum number of cards to be dealt from an arbitrarily shuffled deck of 52
cards to guarantee that three cards are from some same suit is ?
Context free languages are closed under ?
union, intersection
Intersection , complement
union , kleene star
Complement , kleene star
Let R be a symmetric and transitive relation on a set A. Then ?
R is reflexive and hence a partial order
R is reflexive and hence an equivalence relation
R is not reflexive and hence not an equivalence relation
None of above
A graph is a collection of.... ?
Row and columns
Vertices and edges
None of these
The degree of any vertex of graph is .... ?
The number of edges incident with vertex
Number of vertex in a graph
Number of vertices adjacent to that vertex
Number of edges in a graph
If for some positive integer k, degree of vertex d(v)=k for every vertex v of the graph
G, then G is called... ?
K graph
K-regular graph
Empty graph
All of above
A graph with no edges is known as empty graph. Empty graph is also known as... ?
Trivial graph
Regular graph
Bipartite graph
None of these
Length of the walk of a graph is .... ?
The number of vertices in walk W
The number of edges in walk W
Total number of edges in a graph
Total number of vertices in a graph
If the origin and terminus of a walk are same, the walk is known as... ?
None of these
A graph G is called a ..... if it is a connected acyclic graph ?
Cyclic graph
Regular graph
Not a graph
Eccentricity of a vertex denoted by e(v) is defined by.... ?
max { d(u,v): u belongs to v, u does not equal to v : where d(u,v) is the distance between
min { d(u,v): u belongs to v, u does not equal to v }
Both A and B
None of these
Radius of a graph, denoted by rad(G) is defined by.... ?
max {e(v): v belongs to V }
min { e(v): v belongs to V}
max { d(u,v): u belongs to v, u does not equal to v }
min { d(u,v): u belongs to v, u does not equal to v }
The complete graph K, has... different spanning trees?
A tour of G is a closed walk of graph G which includes every edge G at least once. A
..... tour of G is a tour which includes every edge of G exactly once ?
Which of the following is not a type of graph ?
Choose the most appropriate definition of plane graph ?
A graph drawn in a plane in such a way that any pair of edges meet only at their end
A graph drawn in a plane in such a way that if the vertex set of graph can be partitioned
into two non - empty disjoint subset X and Y in such a way that each edge of G has one
end in X and one end in Y.
A simple graph which is Isomorphic to Hamiltonian graph
None of these
A continuous non - intersecting curve in the plane whose origin and terminus
coincide ?
All of these
Polyhedral is.... ?
A simple connected graph
A plane graph
A graph in which the degree of every vertex and every face is atleast 3
All of above
A path in graph G, which contains every vertex of G once and only once ?
Hamiltonian Path
Eular trail
Hamiltonian tour
A minimal spanning tree of a graph G is.... ?
A spanning sub graph
A tree
Minimum weights
All of above
A tree having a main node, which has no predecessor is.... ?
Spanning tree
Rooted tree
Weighted tree
None of these
Diameter of a graph is denoted by diam(G) is defined by.... ?
max (e(v) : v belongs to V)
max( d(u,v) )
Both A and B
None of these
A vertex of a graph is called even or odd depending upon ?
Total number of edges in a graph is even or odd
Total number of vertices in a graph is even or odd
Its degree is even or odd
None of these
Let A and B be any two arbitrary events then which one of the following is true ?
P( A intersection B) = P(A). P(B)
P(A union B) = P(A) + P(B)
P(AB) = P(A intersection B). P(B)
P(A union B) >= P(A) + P(B)
If X and Y be the sets. Then the set ( X - Y) union (Y- X) union (X intersection Y ) is
equal to?
X union Y
Xc union Yc
X intersection Y
Xc intersection Yc
If G is an undirected planer graph on n vertices with e edges then ?
None of these
Which of the following statement is false ?
G is connected and is circuitless
G is connected and has n edges
G is minimally connected graph
G is circuitless and has n-1 edges
Probability that two randomly selected cards from a set of two red and two black
cards are of same color is ?
None of these
The number of circuits that can be created by adding an edge between any two
vertices in a tree is ?
Exactly one
At least two
In a tree between every pair of vertices there is ?
Exactly one path
A self loop
Two circuits
n number of paths
The minimum number of cards to be dealt from an arbitrarily shuffled deck of 52
cards to guarantee that three cards are from some same suit is ?
Context free languages are closed under ?
union, intersection
Intersection , complement
union , kleene star
Complement , kleene star
Let R be a symmetric and transitive relation on a set A. Then ?
R is reflexive and hence a partial order
R is reflexive and hence an equivalence relation
R is not reflexive and hence not an equivalence relation
None of above
How many bytes are required to encode 2000 bits of data:
A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. 10
A collection of graph is:
A. row and coloumn
B. Equation
C. vertices and columns
D. None of above
The number of edges in a complete graph with „n‟ vertices is equal to:
A. 2n-1
B. n(n-1)
C. n^2
D. n(n-1)/2
Error correcting code is a _____:
A. hamming code
B. gray code
C. error deducting code
D. none of above
5. The symbol II is ASCII stands for:
A. international information
B. information interchange
C. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
D. none of above
6. What is domain of function f(x)= x1/2:
A. [0, ∞)
B. (2, ∞)
C. (-∞, 1)
D. none of above
7. ordered collection of objects is:
A. Relation
B. set
C. proposition
D. Function
8. A function is a Domain of:
A. it is set of natural numbers for which a function is defined
B. the maximal set of numbers for which a function is defined
C. the maximal set of numbers which a function can take values
D. none of above
9. Range of a function is :
A. the maximal set of numbers for which a function is defined
B. the maximal set of numbers which a function can take values
C. it is set of natural numbers for which a function is defined
D. none of above
10. In an undirected graph the number of nodes with odd degree must be:
A. odd
B. prime
C. even
D. zero
11. What is the cardinality of the set of odd positive integers less than 10?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 3
D. 20
2. The Gray code of a number whose binary representation is 1000 is:
A. 0100
B. 1100
C. 0111
D. 0110
1. The function q ∨ r is equal to the function:
A. ((p ∨ r) ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r)
B. (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r)
C. (p ∨ q) ∧ ∼(p ∨ r)
D. (p ∨ (r ∨ q)) ∧ ∼(∼q ∧ ∼r)
2. The truth table for (p ∨ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) is the same as the truth table for:
A. p ∨ q
B. (p ∨ q) ∧ r
C. (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∧ r)
D. (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r)
3. How many have all the vowels together in word MISAPPREHENSION:
A. 15!/2!2!2!2!2!
B. 10!/2!2!2! × 6!/2!2!
C. 13!/2!2!2!2!
D. None of the above
4. The Boolean function [∼(∼p∧q)∧∼(∼p∧∼q)]∨(p∧r) is equal to the Boolean
A. q
B. p ∧ r
C. p
D. None of the above
5. In how many ways can a hungry student choose 3 toppings for his prize from a
list of 10 delicious possibilities?
A. 123
B. 220
C. 130
D. 120
6. Which of the following statements is FALSE:
A. (P ∧ Q) ∨ (∼P ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ ∼Q) is equal to ∼Q ∧ ∼P
B. (P ∧ Q) ∨ (∼P ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ ∼Q) is equal to Q ∨ P
C. (P ∧ Q) ∨ (∼P ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ ∼Q) is equal to Q ∨ (P ∧ ∼Q)
D. (P ∧ Q) ∨ (∼P ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ ∼Q) is equal to [(P ∨ ∼P) ∧ Q] ∨ (P ∧ ∼Q)
7. In any, undirected graph the sum of degrees of all the nodes
A. Must be even
B. Are twice the number of edges
C. Must be odd
D. Need not be even
8. The walk of a graph length is:
A. The number of vertices in walk W
B. Total number of vertices in a graph
C. Total number of edges in a graph
D. The number of edges in walk W
9. Definition of a plane graph is:
A. A graph, drawn in a plane in such a way that any pair of edges meet only at their end
B. A graph, drawn in a plane in such a way that if the vertex set of the graph can be
partitioned into two non – empty disjoint subset X and Y in such a way that each edge of
G has one end in X and one end in Y
C. A simple graph which is Isomorphic to Hamiltonian graph
D. None of the above
10. A continuous non-intersecting curve in the plane whose origin and terminus
coincide :
A. Jordan
B. Planer
C. Hamiltonian
D. All of these
o V is an isolated vertex in a graph, then the degree of v is:
A. 2
B. 1
C. 0
D. 3
12. Hasse diagrams are drawn
A. Partially ordered sets
B. Lattices
C. Boolean algebra
D. None of these
Default values in programming are
o global variables
o functions calls
o constants
o all of the above
We use return statement to return
o numeric value
o a value calling function
o single value
o none
Which statement is true about inline functions?
o it is not a user-defined function
o with this function , the size of program becomes small
o prototype is omitted
o none
The local variables are known as
o external variables
o static variables
o dynamic variables
o automatic variables
When a program is terminated which variable isdestroyed?
o auto variables
o global variables
o register
o local variables
Data shared among the functions is done with the help of
o register variable
o static variables
o local variables
o global variables
Which functions are the part of ” math.h” file?
o log
o log()
o tan
o tan(10)
Which one is not included in “conio.h” file?
o kbhit(10)
o getche()
o gotoxy()
o none
Which fuction is used by the programmars to convert lowercase letters to uppercase
o isupper()
o toascii()
o tolower()
o toupper()
The sequential search in C++ is caleed to be
o binary search
o table search
o linear search
o none of these
An array has a starting address that is known as
o original address
o base address
o memory address
o all of the above
Each index is ——-,when the multidimensional array is being accessed
o separated by commas
o surronded by brackets
o separated by colon
o none