Uploaded by Peter Lark

Renaissance Art History Assignment

World History
Renaissance Art History Assignment
1. Select a work of art or architecture from the Italian Renaissance. (you may not
choose the Mona Lisa)
2. Artists to choose from would include: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo
(Buonarroti), Raphael (Sanzio), Sandro Botticelli, Ghiberti, Brunelleschi, Titian,
Filippo Lippi, Verrocchio, Masaccio
3. Research your work and find the following information:
4. Print picture(s) of the work – large enough for the class to see or have it available
on iPad to be left on desk
5. Information: (write neatly on blank paper in your own words, DO NOT COPY
and PASTE from wikipedia)
a. Artist’s name and a detailed bio on the artist
i. Where from?
ii. When lived?
iii. Other interests or achievements
iv. Personal Life, etc.
b. Date & Location that work was completed (then and today if applicable)
c. A short story about the work
i. Why created? Hidden meanings, Unique characteristics, etc.
d. State the renaissance techniques used in the work – be specific and include
which areas of the work show these techniques (Explain how this is a
good example of Renaissance art)
6. Grading:
a. Total Value = 30 pts
i. Picture(s), Date and Location = 5 pts
ii. Artist’s Info – 10 pts
iii. Short Story of the work + Renaissance Techniques – 10 pts
iv. Info is correct, neat, proper spelling, grammar, punctuation – 5 pts
World History
Art History Review
1. Look at 4 pieces of art that are different from your own.
2. Answer three questions about each one:
a. What is the title, artist, and time period?
b. What makes this a renaissance work? (what characteristics of
the renaissance does it have?)
c. What is an observation you have that strikes you about each
work? (What about this work is unique, Why do you like or dislike
it? )
3. Turn in when finished for a completion grade.
Title, Artist,
Traits of the
and Time Period Renaissance